The new Moon in Pisces on Apr 1 is the New Year in the Vedic calendar, a time of growth and new beginnings. Yet new beginnings, no matter how hopeful, have within them many endings. This New Year has a lot of chaos and uncertainty. There are likely many breakdowns before a breakthrough - but there are breakthroughs. This New Moon sees a tight Mars-Saturn conjunction, with Mars exalted in Capricorn, but Saturn 'ruling the roost'. There is a close Jupiter-Neptune conjunction at the end of Aquarius. This may create havoc with the astrological weather, especially as they ingress into Pisces in the coming days. There are so many transitions this month. All planets are on one side of the nodes. This signature is therefore embedded in the New Year. Mars conjoins Saturn by exact degree on Apr 5. This is ‘red flag day’, as two very powerfully placed ‘malefics’ join forces. We may be thankful for Saturn restraining Mars' youthful energy. This doesn't last long, however, as Mars quickly moves into into Aquarius, by Apr 7, into a sign that shows more volatility. Rahu (mean node) is about to move into Aries a few days later, with Mars in Rahu’s sign Aquarius. This exchange between Mars and Rahu creates a powerful surge of energy we cannot contain. It's probably going to be very up and down. Mercury enters Aries by Apr 8, adding more voices to the need for freedom. Rahu enters Aries and Ketu enters Libra on Apr 12. This is followed by Jupiter moving into Pisces on Apr 13, which is joined by Neptune on Apr 18. This will move the story forward in a big way. Yet any new story shows the potential for confusion with a new narrative. The Jupiter conjunct Neptune in Pisces offers more hope, but we must be mindful this is out of touch with reality. Saturn’s aspect will not allow us to tune out completely, but who would blame anyone for wanting a break from reality at this point?! The Jupiter-Neptune combination in Pisces lasts for most of the year and will likely lead to some awe-inspiring works of art that help us cope with other events that bring shock and awe. The Sun enters Aries on Apr 13, as it does every year, but this year we are thankful for more energy and vitality, leading us into more positive new beginnings. The Sun joins Uranus and Rahu in Aries, which means the next new Moon by Apr 30 is an eclipse, the first in Aries. This points to changes to how we go about finding freedom, offering innovative and unlikely cooperation as Mars and Rahu exchange signs. With Mercury conjunct Rahu on Apr 24, and Jupiter conjunct Neptune in Pisces, we may not be entirely clear about these developments, but at least something new is happening. Mercury enters Taurus later on the day, leaving the nodal axis behind, breaking the spell somewhat, through some down-to-earth conversations, and the basics. Venus breaks away from Mars for the first time since the beginning of the year, moving into Pisces, its sign of exaltation, on Apr 27. It joins Neptune by exact degree as it does so, before joining Jupiter on Apr 30. Let the party begin! As if that weren’t enough change to deal with in one month, Saturn enters Aquarius on Apr 28, for a brief stay in a sign it does some of its best, and most innovative, work in. This means more progress, however slow, in April and throughout the summer months. This also means it lifts its restrictions from Libra, and social life, just in time for some enjoyable transits in May. Finally, Pluto stations retrograde on Apr 29. Whatever revelry takes place in the summer, there are things continuing the change in the world around us, and deep within us. Venus in Aquarius Mar 31 - Apr 27 Venus meets up with Jupiter and Neptune in Aquarius The exact conjunction occurs as they all enter Pisces later in the month. If necessity is the mother of invention (Capricorn to Aquarius), invention is the father of creative thinking (Aquarius to Pisces). Venus is moving away from Mars - finally, joining forces with more benevolent planets. And while compromise and negotiation may be on the table, the issue now becomes lies and deceit, as Venus and Jupiter join Neptune by exact degree. Granted, it may be a case of deceiving ourselves. Neptune's influence on the two most benevolent planets, Venus and Jupiter, reflects a time when the best of what is possible is also confusing as hell. And yet, Venus in Aquarius seeks to find other solutions to finding peace. Be mindful that whatever is negotiated at this time is likely to be a little fantastical or dubious. But who cares when there is more peace, I guess. We may have to wait until Venus moves into Pisces by the end of April for more peace, however. Venus in Aquarius can show dealing with boundary issues in relationships. Rahu, the sign's co-ruler, wants to break through boundaries, to engage with people we would usually not. Saturn shows where we must draw a line. Rahu doesn't know where that line is. This usually means our relationships experience something that seems inappropriate. During a Venus transit in Aquarius, it is absolutely appropriate. Be mindful of your 'money and your honey' as you test your own boundaries, whether financially or romantically. New Moon in Pisces (Revatī) Apr 1 - Lunar New Year This New Moon is an important new start. The Sun and Moon are in Tropical Aries, Sidereal Pisces. This is a New Year in the Vedic calendar. Each New Lunar year is connected to the transits of Jupiter and Saturn, called Sāṃvatsara, or 'Jovian Year'. The upcoming New Year is called Śubhakṛta, the 36th Jovian year. Śubha means ‘‘auspicious’’. That's good news! Yes, but when you look at the chart for the year ahead there are complications. One of the main signatures of this New Moon and New Year is the Mars-Saturn conjunction. You won't have missed it. It's called Yama yoga in Vedic astrology. Yama is the 'deity of death', a combination that is not the easiest for sure. Yet it could also be translated as discipline, as anyone who practices yoga is familiar with. Pranayama, for example, is the discipline of the breath. But there is a nuance here that is important to highlight; that is, the more disciplined we can be, the more freedom we have. Another signature of the New Year chart is the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction, a confusing combination. The word confusion literally means 'to fuse with', so perhaps an appropriate term. There is likely to be more and more propaganda and questionable information coming out of dubious places in the coming year. Yet another signature is the Kālsarpa Yoga, with all visible planets lining up in just three signs on one side of the lunar nodes. Having planets in just three signs is called Shula yoga, a troublesome combination that can lead to more fighting. So, there is likely a lot of aggression and confusion, frustration and uncertainty in year to come. Yet we cannot ignore the fact that the Jovian year is a more auspicious one, and will hopefully dissuade any kind of major calamity. I note that the last time a Śubhakṛta year occurred was in 1962 - 1963. This was when the 'Cuban Missile Crisis' occurred. Go figure. The good news was that calamity was averted by level-headed negotiations at the time. We can hope the same is true this year. On a more positive note, the last time Jupiter and Neptune came together in Pisces was during the Crimean War. Why is that positive? Well, a treaty was signed and ended the war just as they came together at the very end of Aquarius, as they will do in April. So, that looks good for negotiations this month, despite the other transits which provoke at every turn. The chart pictured is for my location in Ireland, but the ascendant will move around depending on your location. This will change the line up of planets to different places, for good or ill. Mars in Aquarius Apr 7 - May 17 As soon as Mars leaves its exaltation degree, it moves into Aquarius and a more uncertain territory. Although we may bemoan Mars' exist from its sign of exaltation in Capricorn, we may be thankful for it moving away from the restrictions of Saturn. Yet the recent Mars-Saturn conjunction will probably spike Covid cases, and we probably won't see the numbers for some weeks - as Mars transits Aquarius. Boundary issues become more important. Mars likes to have things so-so, and Aquarius is never so. Aquarius tests our boundaries through some new act or innovative approach. Actions that have never been performed before are not only uncertain, they are hard to get our groove on. Mars likes the restraint of Capricorn, no matter how much it may complain about it! In other words, our actions benefit from being more focused. Aquarius is a focus sign, as it's fixed, but sometimes, it can lose perspective and find it hard to act. We don't know what actions to take when everything is up for change. We loose our routines, our energy coming in fits and starts. Add Rahu's ingress into Aries and exchange with Mars and we have the potential for some volatility that must be considered in anything we do. Whatever you do, go slow with this transit. Trying something new requires it. Mars in Aquarius is volatile and unpredictable. It may be a bit impulsive and reactionary, requiring more restraint than may be available. Find it wherever you can. Otherwise, you may end up jumping headlong into something you later regret. And while there are obvious pitfalls, Mars and Rahu's exchange at least shows the possibility of negotiating with what is essentially a selfish drive and push for freedom. Many will take this push to the extremes, of course. But you don't have to be one of them. Count to ten. If you deem it necessary all the same, then take responsibility for what you are doing. And if you don't know what the hell to do, take your time and wait for these transits to pass. There are other, more auspicious, transits coming soon, by the end of April, These help us navigate our way through the volatility with grace and poise. Yet we must be mindful of Mars in the coming months, as it engages strongly with Rahu in Aquarius, is hemmed in between Saturn and Rahu in Pisces, and then conjoins Rahu and Uranus in Aries. It then finishes the year in retrograde motion, acting like Rahu in many ways. Our energy is about to go through a lot of ups and downs in the coming year. The ride is about to get very bumpy. Buckle up! Mercury in Aries Apr 8 - 24 Mercury conjoins Uranus on Apr 18 as it transits through Aries. It will meet with Rahu before it leaves the sign on Apr 24, guaranteeing our nerves are in shreds by May! Perhaps it would be best not to watch the news for the next few weeks. Stay informed, certainly, and stay safe, but stay level-headed as best you can. We are heading into a period of huge turmoil on our planet and we must question how well can we serve the greater good. There will likely be many breakdowns before breakthroughs come. I guess you cannot have one without the other. Watching endless loops on TV of fear and dread, or 'doom scrolling' on our phones, won't help anyone. If you can help, help. If you cannot, help yourself. Mercury in Aries, with Uranus and Rahu, is more self-orientated, so don't feel bad about looking out for numero uno! Mercury with Uranus and Rahu in Mars' sign can reflect a frazzled mind. Find ways to de-frazzle it. If you cannot look out for yourself, you cannot help anyone else anyway. Aries teaches us this lesson more than anything. Now, let me point out another possibility on the other extreme end; that is, being so selfish as to completely disregard others' needs, or even their safety. A balanced approach is obviously more ideal. Yet we cannot ignore our selfish needs as Mercury enters Aries, just as we cannot ignore the shadow side and potential egomania Rahu could bring into our lives in some form or other for the next year and a half. If we simply point the finger at others who are more obviously expressing this tendency, we are missing out on an important aspect of our own being, our shadow self. The more we can talk about it (Mercury), the more we can tap into the power available from the depths of our unseen self. Rahu-Ketu in Aries-Libra (Mean nodes) Apr 12, 2022 - Oct 30, 2023 The lunar nodes shift signs and we feel this as a shift in perceptions, we alter our thinking, what we think about and how we think about it. As Rahu leaves Taurus behind, it removes the obsessive thoughts about resources - and some of the blocks. And although it is said to continue to aspect the sign, casting a shadow over resources for another year and a half, we are on to other big themes in Aries. As it does so, Ketu shifts from the depths of our fears in Scorpio, to the more balanced Libra. And although Ketu in Libra points to challenges in compromise, increasing war-like indications - many finding liberation in the separation of body and spirit - at least Ketu in Libra can help us discern what is true and what is false. Rahu moves us forward, despite the fact that it always retrogrades through the signs. It moves us forward in Aries more than any other sign, a sign of initiatives, regardless of what others have to say about it, many times. This has the potential for more extremes in impulsive actions, without any thought of the other. Yet it could show a beauty in speed and decisiveness that inspires others. I know which side of it I would like to experience, but you will find your own way to more balance; between yourself and another, between your will and the will of the Divine. The nodes' transit through Aries and Libra is more subtle than suggested, and there is too much to even write about here in even a general sense. There is certainly much more nuance based on each person's chart. But one way we can look at it in more detail is to look at their transit through the lunar mansions. Rahu in Kṛttikā Oct 6, 2021 - Jun 14, 2022 Kṛttikā relates to energy. It bridges Aries and Taurus, with 10 degrees in the beginning of Taurus, and only 3 degrees and 20 minutes in Aries. So, it's really more about energy as a resource, such as electricity. In Aries, Rahu's transit shows some blocks, maybe even blackouts due to wars. The Aries division of Kṛttikā is even sharper, and hotter, while Rahu's transit exaggerates and distorts things, including energy. Yet there is one development I've been following that I think shows the best of Rahu; that is, innovation. That is the breakthroughs that are currently being made in nuclear fusion. Rahu's transit in Aries, the most pioneering sign, should bring things even further. Rahu in Bharaṇī Jun 14, 2022 - Feb 21, 2023 Rahu transits Bharaṇī from mid-summer and for the rest of the year, a star sign that is ruled by Yama, the 'lord of death'. Yet Yama could be called the 'god of discipline'. One possibility of Rahu's transit in Bharaṇī is to be able to discipline ourselves and the energy of Rahu. But if we do not know what Rahu is, how can we? What are we trying to discipline? Is it greed? Yes. Is it disorder and chaos? Yet, absolutely. Everyone could do with less of those. But Rahu also rules something specific in each person's chart, so it's good to know what exactly you could with restraining, so you can find your freedom. This is the crucial point about this lunar mansion. It's all about making something happen by being disciplined. Rahu is all or nothing about all of this, of course. This means we are likely to see many ups and downs with being able to focus on anything. We may swing wildly between hyper-focus and an inability to focus on anything. Rahu in Aśvinī Feb 21, 2023 - Oct 30, 2023 Rahu becomes even more volatile and impulsive as it transits Aśvinī, a sign that is associated with Rahu's opposite, Ketu. This can exaggerate and distort the impulsivity of Aries all the more. This may mean more impulsive actions, followed by breakdowns and an inability to do anything at all. Rahu will be joined by Jupiter while it transits Aśvinī in 2023, so there is at least some discernment possible, although we could see the opposite side of that, as Jupiter itself is overshadowed by the shadowy impulse to just do it. As always, and for Rahu's transit through all these lunar mansions, Mars plays a big role in who it all pans out. Keep an eye on Mars throughout to see how it will modify Rahu's impulse to act. By the time Jupiter and Rahu come together in May 2023, Mars in Cancer will square the nodes, while Saturn aspects these planets in Aries. This has the potential for more conflicting impulses, and more conflict. Things will be brought forward one way or another. Ketu in Viśākhā Feb 8, 2022 - Oct 18, 2022 Ketu in Viśākha is like the part of the story where we come to a fork in the road and don't know which way to go. The thing is, we eventually see that either path would have taken us to where we get to, although this doesn't usually become clear until the end of the story. Ketu in Viśākha is capable of great precision, in ridding us of the illusion of choice in the first place, to see that we have already chosen on some level. Yet we must be mindful of making choices recklessly, just because we don't know what to do. Look to Jupiter for clarity as always. It's position in Pisces by house position will grant you the much needed discernment. This will be reflected in the people and things the sign points you towards. Ketu in Svatī Oct 18, 2022 - Jun 26, 2023 Ketu moves into a lunar mansion that is associated with its opposite, Rahu, in the cycles of astrology. This can be a complicated time, as the past pushing things forward in a big way, while the future ends up pushing us back later on. This is more likely to occur as Rahu moves into Asvini by February 2023, as both will be in each others signs in a way. The image of the ouroboros is apt, the serpent devouring its own tail. We must complete something at this point. Yet we must sever ties, too. Ketu in Citrā Jun 26, 2023 - Mar 4, 2024 Ketu in Citrā represents the possibility of precision that we have not see before. I am thinking of the potentials in design, as an example of what this may produce, while Rahu in Aśvinī shows the leaps and bounds that could be made in making new energy and creating new drugs and treatments. As always, there are caveats and prices to pay for both Rahu and Ketu. Ketu keeps reminding us of our past mistakes, where Rahu was 9 years previous, so that we can make amends or simply make improvements. But we are just as likely to want to throw it away and start from scratch. This is one of the more unfortunate expressions of Ketu. We can, instead, take what we have learned doesn't work, and re-work it, redesign it and all the while tap into what lies beyond anything we may build in this life. Jupiter in Pisces Apr 13, 2022 - Apr , 2023 Okay, this is the one we've been waiting for. But before we get carried away with what may be quite profound for some, I must point out some of the potential pitfalls. You see, Jupiter in Pisces alone is prone to going overboard, of tuning out of anything deemed 'too real', so we can experience absolute freedom. The more obvious example of this are through taking drugs or substances to tune out for a while. Even mediation, that would at other times be appropriate, can take on a sort of 'spiritual bypassing'. We may think we are tuning in, when we are actually coping out. Add a Neptune conjunction, exact Apr 12, and there is even more potential for tripping out. We may experience a 'bad trip', or rely on something that is vague or even untrue. It may be a bit like taking an ecstasy pill (I wouldn't know!), of feeling loved up and then having the come down and withdrawal. I noted that this summer there are plans for a Love Parade in Berlin, even though the event has been cancelled after some deaths in 2010 - the last time Jupiter transited Pisces. I guess a pandemic has changed all those plans! But here's another thing that happened the last time Jupiter was in Pisces: WHO declared an end to the H1N1 Global Pandemic. Other things of note during Jupiter's last transit in Pisces was the bailouts for several EU countries, including Greece, Ireland and Portugal. Add this to current events and Ukraine is likely to receive a large sum to rebuild. Yet another thing that happened last time was Instagram! This is pure Jupiter in Pisces territory, showing our best self, with all the filters on ;) Yet another, important, thing that happened was Wikileaks. We're likely to see some things being leaked again. Which leads me to actual leaks, floods, tsunamis and volcanoes. There were lots of them the last time as well, including an earthquake in Japan that killed over 15,000 people. Oh yes, and there was a little thing called the Arab Spring Protests! When Jupiter is strong, people are more hopeful that they can affect change. And indeed they can! I'm sure there will be many other events this summer that follow these trends. And because Jupiter is joined Neptune this time (not like Uranus last time), we are likely to be at least a little confused about what is happening. And yet, we know that on some level these experiences are more true than anything else. At the same time, I've heard one spiritual teacher refer to a type of 'unearned enlightenment'. Is this the 'new enlightenment'? Maybe. Is this the summer of love? It's more likely the summer of love and hate, when we consider other transits. Okay, so I've got some of the more negative indications out of the way, without even mentioning the propaganda, false flags and fake news. Let's get to the good stuff! This is the first time in a few years that Jupiter is in any way in a strong position. While 2019 saw it in its other sign Sagittarius, it had too much on its plate back then to be effective in any great auspicious way. Actually, it was effective, just not in the ways we would have preferred. It's conjunctions with Pluto, Saturn and Ketu saw the beginning of a pandemic, which just goes to show that you don't always want Jupiter expanding on a theme! In Pisces, Jupiter has an aspect from Saturn for much of the year. Yet this could be a good container for Jupiter. In other words, we cannot drop out completely. It's actually when Saturn enters Aquarius by the end of April and until the middle of July, that we may see a massive flood, both literally and figuratively. It may be a huge flood of emotion, an outpouring due to some catastrophic event, either an actual flood, or a nuclear threat. We've already seen the biggest migration of people since WW2, in just a few weeks. We cannot forget that many people on the planet are suffering at this time. Indeed, it may be exactly for that reason that we feel more connected to one another and thinking about love and peace more than ever. As mentioned earlier, the Crimean War ended when Jupiter and Neptune conjoined in the same part of the zodiac they are meeting again. That's an important indication for peace moving forward. Whatever area of your life you experience Pisces, this is where you are going to expand. And while Jupiter in Pisces is at times a little vague on the details, I think Saturn's aspect can help reign it in and make something happen. There is no time for 'pie in the sky' ideals at this time. But it is a time to dream big and anchor those dreams in something you can make happen. Sun in Aries Apr 13 - May 13 The Sun finally leaves the influence of Saturn behind and enters its sign of exaltation in Aries. This is yet more positive news. But it's not without its complications, i.e., an eclipse by the end of the month. The Sun and Venus are exalted by the end of April and are then joined by an exalted Moon in May. I'll write more about this important time of the year, but suffice to say for now it's a time to recharge our batteries. The end of April and beginning of May is the sweet spot in the year. And just as we may struggle at times, we know that feeling of having overcome a challenge, reaching a state of flow and ease. That feeling is coming with these strong transits. Sun in Aries is great news for all of us, but particularly good news for Leo ascendants. They have felt the Sun's long journey with Saturn and the restraint needed. Now that it's out of Saturn's way and feeling powerful, Leo ascendant individuals can fuel up again. This usually comes in the form of travel for Leo, as Aries is the 9th sign. But even if you cannot travel at this time, study or higher thinking and believing in what is possible will do the trick. For us all, the Sun's return to strength is good news. When everyone has access to more confidence and power there is more chance of making good decisions and taking more positive actions. This is truly the start of 2022. Happy New Year everyone! Full Moon in Libra (Citrā) Apr 16 The Full Moon in Libra and 'the brilliant one' Citrā, is a time to shine, but to remember that 'all that glitters is not gold'. This lesson is apt for this lunar mansion and because Ketu has just entered Libra. The next time we have a Full Moon, it's a lunar eclipse in the next sign Scorpio, but still close enough to Ketu to create a total eclipse. Ketu reminds us we are more than whatever glitzy and glam image we portray. The first Full Moon after the Equinox is used for timing Easter. Easter Sunday is observed the day after this, on Apr 17. I think the themes of Easter, that of death and rebirth are not only apt for this time of year, but also due to the transits at this time, this year. With the Sun in exaltation in Aries, conjoined Mercury, Rahu and Uranus, and the Moon conjoined Ketu in Libra, we must start again from the ashes of what has been. And we must find balance between our needs and those of others. This may be a challenge for this Full Moon and the following year and a half, as the lunar nodes distort the impulse to look out for ourselves. If we can recognize that our integrity can help others live better lives, to be better versions of themselves, we can assuage any potential pitfalls such as criticizing others for who they are or what they do. Let's all be a beacon of light for all those lost souls, starting with our own. Neptune in Pisces Apr 18 - Sep 12, 2022 + Feb 18, 2023 - Feb 4, 2037 Neptune is previewing its 15-year long transit in Pisces this summer, from April to September. This means Neptune is finishing up its transit in Aquarius, which began back in 2009. Since 2009, Neptune in Aquarius has brought with it many confusing issues and topics of debate. These issues are around humanitarian causes in Aquarius, including things like the treatment of disease, the best way to solve the environmental crisis, the gender issue, and many more. Neptune blurs the lines, whether in gender or social norms, or in science. While Aquarius progresses things, Neptune creates confusion about how we should progress. 'Wokeness' is a Neptune in Aquarius issue, not knowing what to say, and to whom. Neptune is now making its move into Pisces, where confusion about already confusing issues reigns supreme. And while Neptune may be suited to the idealism of Pisces, it can also be an ideal that not everyone is on board with. What happened the last time Neptune entered Pisces? The American Civil War, for one! Abraham Lincoln was elected U.S. President as it entered the sign. This highlights one thing that is not often spoken about Pisces in astrology circles; that is; division. Yes, Pisces represents our connection to one another, but that itself shows the possibility of its opposite. The symbol of Pisces is two fish swimming in opposite directions, after all. Just like Jupiter, Neptune in a strong position has its upsides and downsides. The downsides are a complete and utter fog of confusion that doesn't lift for another 15 years. Okay, there I said it! The upsides are a connection to one another we have not had for many a year. Neptune in Pisces could represent anything from someone feeling blissed out in yoga with the universe and everything, to someone slipping something into your drink! It all depends on the individual expression. Neptune is said to rule Pisces in modern astrology and the logic is sound enough, although Pisces already has a ruler from tradition: Jupiter. Actually, some Indian astrologers give Ketu co-ruler ship of Pisces, so we can once again see a correlation with the lunar node and Neptune. Both can represent enlightenment or utter confusion. It's never in-between. You cannot be a little enlightened. But I guess you can be a little drunk! Neptune was discovered in 1846, before it conjoined Jupiter at the end of Aquarius on Mar 17, 1856, as it will do again this month. Why is that so significant? Well, the Crimean War ended a couple of weeks later, on Mar 30, 1856. That may be wishful thinking, a downside to this conjunction, but it is too much of a coincidence to ignore the possibility. No hope, No fear? No Jupiter. No Neptune?! The problem with Jupiter is when it's blown out of all proportion. We may hope for something that is actually not possible. This is certainly possible at it conjoins Neptune in Pisces. On it's own, Jupiter would connect us to the truth of who we really are. With Neptune, we are likely to be way off base many times. In tuning out of reality, we prevent ourselves from actualising what is possible. We squander an opportunity for growth. If we don't take our rose-tinted glasses off, we may never realise the full potential of what is presented in real time, preferring instead to trip out in fantasy. We waste so much time on hoping and praying for something that we know deep down will not happen. And in doing so, we waste our precious stores; stores that could be used to see what is possible through to completion. Sometimes, we may do this as a strategy to avoid reality, instead of making reality our friend. Jupiter in Pisces is certainly about completion, but it may be about complete abandonment, feeling abandoned or abandoning someone or something. Add Rahu's concurrent transit in Aries and there is a potential for complete selfishness and wild abandon that doesn't take anyone else into account. The other side of that (and there is always another side to Pisces) is that we can feel more connected to our fellow-man than ever before. I know what side I would like to be on. How about you? Mercury in Taurus Apr 24 - Jul 2 Mercury enters Taurus, moving through three different signs in one month. It conjoins Rahu before it enters Taurus. As it does so, it breaks the spell of the Kālsarpa yoga that we have been living with for some months now. It may be that things get so bizarre that they somehow make sense, or that we find something out now that we take some time to process. Either way, the spell is broken. Mercury's transit in Taurus bring with it a need to get real and practical, to at least talk about something real we wish to build. There are many bridges that need to be built also, many things that need rebuilding. Mercury in Taurus is propped up by Venus in Pisces, its exaltation sign, a few days after it enters the sign. This bodes well for more peace and agreement. Having all the 'benefics' in strong positions is a better indication that may heal many a rift. At the very least, it may bring people together for talks about what really matters. And what really matters to most people are the basics: food, shelter and support. If we don't have them, we find it hard to cope. When we have these, we can look for more meaning beyond. We can also look for more meaning even when we don't have them, of course. And, indeed, when people are denied these, it's the only thing that can get them through. Feeling connected to something bigger than us as individuals will be an important consideration moving forward, as Venus joins Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces, while Mercury moves into Taurus. Mercury will spend a longer-than-usual time in Taurus because it stations retrograde next month. Mercury will retrograde from May 10. This means we have plenty of time to focus on the basics over the coming months, to make sure we get what we need. And if we don't figure out what that is before it retrogrades, we will be sure to by the time it stations direct in Taurus in June. By the end of June, Venus will join Mercury in Taurus, too. So, there is ample opportunity to enjoy what we have worked out. Venus in Pisces Apr 27 - May 23 Things are most certainly looking up for the end of April, as Venus enters its exaltation sign Pisces. Venus' transit in Pisces is one of the 'sweet spots' in the year, along with its transit in Taurus in June/July. Is peace on earth more possible at this time? Yes, more peace is possible, even if we cannot ignore Mars. There is no time, ever, that war is not visited upon some place on the planet. Someone, somewhere, is always at war. There is, and always will be, Mars. Even in more enlightened eras, in yugas or ages of truth and righteousness, there were wars. The difference is that wars were just and righteous. Venus conjoins Neptune (Apr 27) and Jupiter (Apr 30) as it enters its sign of exaltation. It's conjunction with Neptune may be very confusing, or very enjoyable, or both! Lines get blurred between fantasy and reality as planets get involved with Neptune. Venus is probably more suited to this than any other. Film and photography, relationships and sexuality, all become idealized. An image projected on a screen or in our mind's eye may not be real, but it can be very enjoyable. Venus may benefit from the illusion, i.e., relationships may benefit from fantasy now and then, but we cannot keep this kind of thing up. Eventually, truth wins out. And because Jupiter is playing host to Venus, it doesn't matter how strong Venus is, Jupiter is calling the shots. In other words, we must be truthful with ourselves, whether it is in our relationships or with regards to our bank balance. Venus and Jupiter's conjunction may show a conflict between tripping out in fantasy and being real with our partner's and our resources. We may be conflicted between doing the right thing by everyone and simply enjoying everything that comes our way. While we couldn't blame anyone for wishing a little pleasure at this point, if we go to extremes we may find ourselves lacking. Complete hedonism, no matter how enjoyable it may be, often leaves us feeling empty, or so I've heard ; ) The strength of Venus in Pisces is the ability to just be happy. That's it! Just be happy. Actually, just be. When all is said and done. That's all there is. Simply be, and life will be simply wonderful. Saturn in Aquarius Apr 28 - Jul 13 Saturn initial ingress into Aquarius is but a preview of the bigger changes to come next year. We need this preview, so we can prepare for what's ahead. As strong as Saturn is in Capricorn, it's even stronger in Aquarius. The first 20 degrees of the sign are known as its mulatrikona or 'root strength'. This is where Saturn can do its best and most productive work. It's likened to Saturn being at the office. It's in full work mode. And there is a pile of paperwork waiting for Saturn! Since January 2020, Saturn's position in Capricorn has shown us the necessity, while it's transit into Aquarius will show us how to bring things forward (get it: necessity is the mother of invention). Saturn in Aquarius will take its aspect off Pisces, Cancer and Libra. This bodes well for an initial reprieve for the healthcare system (Pisces), for our sense of safety (Cancer) and social life (Libra). Yes, Saturn must return to Capricorn from mid-July until the New Year, but we get a taste of more freedom in these areas. This is especially the case as Jupiter is in Pisces, aspecting Cancer, healing many things that did not have the chance to heal in recent years. I'm guessing this could be a flood of hospital appointments to deal with appointments that were postponed. Saturn in Aquarius shows bigger changes in the coming years, a more innovative approach to systems that no longer work, or need to be completely repurposed. Now, there are some things to be mindful of with Saturn in Aquarius, but before I get into that, a reminder that Saturn is always somewhere for all of us, asking us to be more mindful and responsible of those areas of our lives. Sometimes, we are forced to be more mindful, as and when we experience problems, but mostly we are just more attentive to certain things that need our attention. Saturn in Aquarius will aspect Mars' signs, Aries and Scorpio, as well as the opposite Leo. While it actually looks after Aquarius, it's own sign, that may mean this area needs to slow down and become a lot more mindful. Mars and the Sun's signs are less likely to be so. Aries is especially a problem for the restraint and boundaries of Saturn. This is Saturn's least favourite sign. Aries is all about impulsive actions. Saturn is not interested in doing anything that is not well-thought through. This aspect could spell potential problems for any kind of reckless actions. We must be aware of this and make adjustments in the coming years. Saturn's aspect to Scorpio is not as challenging. Yes, it's still a challenge, but Saturn is strong in the 4th house from Scorpio (Sasha Yoga) and Scorpio has a dual aspect from Saturn and Jupiter for Saturn's first trip to Aquarius. This means our hidden motives can reveal great potential in the coming months, as we figure out why we do anything. Saturn's aspect to Leo may be a challenge, but one which Leo can take on board thanks to Saturn's position in its favourite 7th house. Saturn likes the 7th house because it places more emphasis on the other, to be of service to others. While this may pose some challenges for those in leadership roles who are solely thinking of themselves, for most of us it will be an opportunity for cooperation and humility. We all experience Saturn's transit in our own unique way. And while I cannot factor in all the many intricates here, I will mention these in the sign-based forecasts over the coming months. Pluto stations Retrograde Apr 29 Pluto is the first planet to break the forward momentum of the planets by the end of the month. If you are tuned into Pluto, you will probably feel this throughout the month. Mostly, however, we are not at all tuned into Pluto and experience it as something that happens outside of us only. Pluto stations at 4 degrees of Capricorn (sidereal) and slowly makes its way back a couple of degrees before its direct station in October. It does so, very slowly. The changes it brings about are more impactful because of this. And in that way, Pluto shows the most change. It is likened to Lord Shiva, or Yama, in Vedic myth, Hades in Greek myth. It slowly takes its toll, allowing us to release resistance to what is inevitable eventually. This is why modern astrologers give Pluto rulership over Scorpio. It makes sense. Scorpio possess all those traits; they are slow to change, but when they do, there is no going back. The resistance we deal with - wherever Scorpio and Pluto are in our charts - is actually part and parcel of the change itself. So, this begs the question: Is there some part of you that is having to change but is reluctant to? Yes, of course there is! We all experience this somewhere all the time! Look to the sign Capricorn to see where most change is happening now. Or perhaps it is more accurate to write that Capricorn represents where you most need to change, whether you do or not. Eventually, the choice is taken from us if we don't do it ourselves. As Pluto stations, grinds to a halt out there in the depths of space, something within us stalls and reconsiders changes that have already occurred. We second guess. We realise there is more inner work to do before we can make more changes in our lives. There's nothing wrong with this. It's actually part of the process. Look to see where you are stalling, where you are procrastinating, and see how this shifts in the coming months. By the time Pluto has stationed direct again in October, you may not consciously have done anything to change, and yet you have. Even if you don't appear to have make any changes, it's all happening silently, as if like a beast within that has morphed into something else in hibernation or, if you prefer, the butterfly spreading its wings. But we are not quite ready to spread our wings in this part of our lives as yet. It's a slow process. The notion that a butterfly flapping its wings and the impact that can have on other parts of the world is not lost in this analogy. Rather, it tells the whole story of Pluto's transit in Capricorn, the awakening of something that has hitherto lay dormant, waiting for its time. This means that the changes we have seen in our world (Capricorn) in the past two years as Pluto entered the sign are but the beginning of major changes we will see play out in the next two decades as it transits the sign. The slow dismantling process has just begun. Pluto's retrograde is a time to review and adjust to some of these changes. New Moon in Aries (Bharaṇī) Apr 30 - Partial Solar Eclipse The month ends as it began, with a New Moon. The New Moon on Apr 1 was an important new start and New Year. This one shows a bump in the road as we venture forth, an eclipse that shows we must make adjustments to our action plan. Venus conjoins Jupiter by exact degree for the New Moon and eclipse, so there is a 'planetary war' between two benevolent planets, both in very strong positions. What does a war between powerful benevolent forces look like? Well, I guess we will find out soon enough. Wars are conflicted indications, either way. There are some more positive indications for this New Moon, including the fact that the 'benefics' flank the Moon either side. Venus and Jupiter, although in a war, are in strong positions, while Mercury is propped up by their strength, too. There is the complication of the Uranus conjunction, bringing surprising new starts in fits and starts. At least there is something new happening, I guess. But because this new start is an eclipse, we are unlikely to be too sure of ourselves or what we are doing. Hold that thought. The third lunar day after this New Moon is the time to start something new. On May 3, Akshaya Tritiya is celebrated in India as the 'undiminishing third lunar day'. This is when the Sun AND Moon are exalted and the best time to start some new auspicious endeavour. If you're got something you would like to start, use that date. If you haven't, then use the New Moon and eclipse to figure it out. The New Moon is always a time we feel the energy drain away, in preparation for this new start. When that is also an eclipse, it's like a super-charged New Moon. It may feel excitable and 'nervy'. Saturn aspects from Aquarius, which itself has joined Mars, the ruler of this New Moon. Our energy may feel all over the place and need more containment. Whatever you are doing at this time, or whatever you plan to do, make sure you are taking care of your energy levels and focusing on one thing at a time. That way, you won't fall prey to the other potential of this New Moon in Aries; that is, not being able to do anything. There's much new energy and excitement around at this time, as long as we are feeling it as such and not the other side of the coin; that is, nervousness and fear. And if you are feeling it as fear, perhaps reframe it in your own mind as excitment, and plan accordingly. It's always a good idea to look to Jupiter for the eclipse itself, to get some guidance moving forward. Jupiter is placed in the 12th from this New Moon, in the natural 12th sign Pisces. This requires us to tap into something more profound, beyond. Each sign can access this knowing based on the house position of Pisces. Generally, this means letting go of how we think things should be allows it to be. Aries: Let go of anything that stands in the way of creating a whole new you! Taurus: Help from friends may be a better way to find out what you need to finish. Gemini: Someone in charge may have a better perspective on your goals. Cancer: Seeking guidance may help you see what needs to be done now. Leo: Being open to the unexpected allows you to kept the faith. Virgo: Your partner or someone else may be in a better position to see what you cannot. Libra: Work colleagues or relatives may help with your relationship. Scorpio: Playfulness is more likely to garner results than just tackling problems head on. Sagittarius: Place your hand on your heart and listen to what inspires you the most. Capricorn: Engaging with others can help you find out what would make you happy. Aquarius: Family values are worth a revisit so you can get clear about what you want. Pisces: Know yourself and what is most important to you. For timing and visibility in your locale, click here: This eclipse opens up a two-week 'eclipse window' which closes during an intense total lunar eclipse in Scorpio on May 16. This period may bring up uncertainties. Yet all fresh starts are somewhat uncertain, as we venture into something we haven't experienced before. - I wish you all the very best of fresh starts this month! Om Tat Sat Comments are closed.