Mars transits Cancer from July 30 until September 15.
The transit of the planet of action into this changeable and emotive environment can stir up arguments, bringing out our inner spoiled child. Imagine a warrior coming home from battle (and we all have our battlefields), spending time at home with Mom! He doesn't function well in this environment and can act out due to the frustration of not being in battle. We would do better to re-direct the energy into letting off some steam in healthy ways. Use this transit to release some pent up anger in a more productive manner. And because good manners are in short supply due to Venus' current retrograde transit and subsequent combustion, it may be wise to think big and act small at this juncture. An opportune time for some time out. Catharsis may be in order through some dynamic exercise or some form of therapy which deals with your childish and reactive ego. When things don't go your way, go with the flow whichever way and allow the energy to flow. Saturn stations direct on August 2. Saturn is slow for the month of August as it prepares to turnaround in the sign Scorpio. Things can finally turn around in our lives as we are slowly shown how to move on with long term plans. Lessons have been learned about where our weaknesses lie but we have also gained strength from knowing these. Set clear boundaries for yourself now that Saturn prepares to move forward. Venus conjunct Jupiter on August 4. Venus and Jupiter come into Saturn's stern gaze as they come together in the sign Leo. Although Saturn's influence on Venus can give more objectivity, there is still an overindulgent impulse because of Jupiter and the dramatic and exaggerated sign Leo. There is an achievable balance here when all is considered. You may wish to read an article I wrote about Jupiter's transit in Leo. Venus re-enters Cancer (Retrograde) on August 12. Venus crosses the sensitive juncture between the fire sign Leo and the water sign Cancer, marking a sensitive point in our relations and value systems. Venus and Jupiter both experience combustion during August, (Jupiter from August 12 to September 10, Venus from August 10 to August 22) as they come too close to the Sun to be visible. When both guiding planets are invisible we can feel like we are without guidance if we only look outside ourselves for such help. Look within. I wrote about Venus's retrograde transit which may help. Mercury moves into Leo on August 4. It remains in Leo until August 23 when it then enters Virgo for a long stay in its sign of exaltation. Mercury transits Virgo from August 23 to October 29 due to its retrograde transit from September 17 until October 9. But before we get ahead of ourselves, let us stay with the current Leo transit. Prior to any rational response later in the month there is still some drama and stressed thinking to experience due to Saturn's influence on the configuration of planets in Leo, including Mercury. Those strongly influenced by Leo are prone to exaggeration, but feel restricted in the first week of August. Once Mercury moves into Virgo we have more of an efficient communicative environment and can leave the drama behind somewhat and get on with the business of the day. We have a new Moon in Cancer on August 14, with a gathering of planets in Cancer. This generates mixed emotions, but it also represents a turning point in the month. This begins to really take effect when the Sun enters Leo on August 17. The emotional landscape of Cancer leads way to a more dynamic and confident sense of self in Leo - that is, if one is tuned in to a higher sense of purpose and not tuned into a childish, egotistic response to uncertainty. And as Mars continues its transit through Cancer, we cannot be certain of anything in August. Mercury transits the north node, Rahu on August 29. Rahu transits the Sun's lunar sign, Uttara Phalguni as Mercury joins it, exaggerating our sense of self and our thinking. Be mindful of what you are giving your attention to. The conjunction of Mercury and Rahu coincides with the full Moon in Aquarius on August 29 in Rahu's lunar sign, Satabhisak which creates a powerful mental charge around the end of the month. Responses will vary from person-to-person, but we can all be mindful (or perhaps our minds are full!) as the month draws to a close. Once the exaggeration dissipates we can prepare to clear the physical, mental and emotional bodies with appropriate physical and mental/emotional detoxes. Mars and Venus conjunct on August 31. As a frustrated Mars joins a reluctant Venus, and Mercury and Rahu join together, there is a lot the ego has to say. Try and think of others despite all of the internal noise of these transits. The Mars/Venus conjunction creates a lot of passion which needs a healthy outlet through physical exercise or intense union with another, as long as both parties are willing and able. OM TAT SAT
1/8/2015 12:24:12 am
Thanks for the forecast Gary ! It helps a lot in preparing myself for the rest of the month. You think Libra will fare better in 2016 when it's no longer hemmed between Rahu and Saturn ? Can relief be expected then ? 1/8/2015 01:52:10 am
Hello Raj,
4/8/2015 06:59:58 am
I'm also Libra moon and experiencing the terrible effects of both Saturn's 7.5 yrs period and the hemming...But I know these are Karmic debts that need to paid off ! 5/8/2015 08:16:57 am
I am happy to hear the forecasts have given you hope, Tanu. Comments are closed.