Full Moon in Cancer 3 Feb. The full Moon occurs in sidereal Cancer on February 3rd at 23.09 UT/GMT. This brings the Moon together with a powerful, retrograde Jupiter and opposite to retrograde Mercury. This a good feeling full Moon, but it can also lead to idealism which may or may not match up with a practical point of view. The full Moon is always capable of bringing with it an added intensity which may lead to a less than rational way of responding. After all, the Moon represents our instinctual drives which may be at odds with our rational minds (Mercury), especially during this full Moon phase. Mercury Stations Direct 11 Feb. Mercury stations direct at 11 degrees in sidereal Capricorn, as it slowly changes its direction and begins to move forward once again - back over territory it has already reviewed. This time, however, we are more clear about what needs to be done in relation to these areas of our life. We can move forward in the latter half of February - albeit slowly at first - with new insights gained and new plans set. As always the areas in focus are those represented by the signs Gemini and Virgo i.e., communication and the practicalities of our everyday lives. More specifically, it represents the areas of the horoscope we experience these signs according to the house position. For example, if an individual has the sign Aquarius rising, the creative urge (5th house Gemini) and discussions around joint interests (8th house) are processed subconsciously (12th house) while Mercury moved backwards, although dreams may have brought insights to the forefront. We can all come out of period of uncertainty as Mercury stations direct on 11 February and perceive things clearly on pertinent issues over the coming weeks. Mars in Pisces 12 Feb. - 23 Mar. Mars leaves Saturn's sign and out of a tense relationship to the planet of limitation by 12 February. This frees up some energy in time for spring. Mars transits alongside Venus in Pisces for all of February and its conjunction with Ketu (the south node of the Moon) is a volatile mix which may stir the emotions - along with the oceans of our planet. This may lead to extreme weather conditions and extreme expressions of aggression directed at humanity. We must tap into the more benevolent impulse of Venus and reach for a common ground in order to agree to disagree during this transit. Whatever the sign Pisces represents for you personally will experience a lot of energy and a need to destroy what is no longer working, as we experience these transits and the total solar eclipse in this sign in March. Mars moves over the eclipse degree by the 19th of February, possibly triggering unsettling events around this time. And yet these events are necessary in order to snap us out of our usual patterns. If you have your birthday around 20 March, or any planets placed around 5 degrees of Pisces or Virgo, then this is a period for you to watch closely. Sun in Aquarius 13 Feb. - 13 Mar. The Sun enters Saturn's masculine, air-dominant sign by the middle of February. This represents a need to externalize the inner work we do on ourselves, in order to be of service to others. The Sun represents our vitality and is now moving out of the influence of the rulers of Aquarius, Saturn and the north node, Rahu. This is a welcome relief. However, it remains within the influence of these impulses due to its placement in their sign until March 13th. The sign Aquarius deals with both fixed ideas and the need to look at things differently. Sounds like a contradiction? Yes, this sign if full of contradictions, as it has the planet of restriction (Saturn) and the planet of unbridled freedom (Rahu) as its ruling planets. Those with this sign prominent know very well the need to change the way they think if they feel like they are becoming too rigid. And yet there is rigidity there also which is best facilitated through working with others. Once we take others opinions and concerns into account we are more likely to shift our opinions to suit the greater good. Those with the sign Aquarius rising in the horoscope will be given a boost during the Sun's transit and it will be easier to concentrate on increasing vitality now that Mars has just left the sign in peace - or at least, as much peace as is afforded those who concern themselves with the state of the world! Venus in Pisces 16 Feb. - 12 Mar. Venus moves into its sign of exaltation on February 16th - a little late for Valentine's Day - but a welcome return to more positive feelings nonetheless. Venus is at its strongest in Pisces which can lead to the ability to be happy regardless of circumstances. It may also lead to an idealistic approach to love and life which can never be lived up to. This idealistic expression may be particularly felt as Venus joins the critical eclipse point, Ketu by March 1st. We have to leave room for the unexpected in our lives while planets transit alongside the eclipse degree. While Venus is in Pisces it transits alongside both Mars and Ketu. It moves closely alongside Mars as soon as it enters the sign and as they come closer to Ketu during the end of February - coming to exact conjunction with Ketu during the beginning of March. Venus may calm a particularly volatile situation with Mars and Ketu, as and when these impulses come together we can see irrational acts on a personal and global level. Although for most it may only seem to occur on your TV screens, the sign Pisces links us all together and can bring out a feeling of connection to those who are caught up in the storm. New Moon in Aquarius 18 Feb.
The new Moon is exact at 5 degrees of Aquarius on February 18th at 23.47 UT/GMT. This new Moon phase is known as Maha Shivaratri in the Vedic calendar, which takes place on the 14th day of the waning Moon cycle on February 17th. Maha Shivaratri translates as 'the great night of Lord Shiva' which marks a key turning point in the Sun and Moon's transits for the year and a very necessary destruction of negativity in our lives. The 'dark night' of this new Moon is placed in Saturn's sign Aquarius and marks a shift form the darkness into the light as the Moon begins to wax and the Sun shifts into Pisces and the new lunar year in the month of March. We can observe this shift in our lives and honour this destruction. We can also pay homage to the darkness in our lives and its reason for being. By honouring the darkness and by acknowledging the very necessary periods of doubts and fears, we can fully embrace the return to a sense of trust and certainty once more. I have written an article for this new Moon and on the influence of Saturn in our lives i.e., the presence of darkness - without which our source of light would be unknown. You can read 'Embodying the Dark Night: A Period of Saturn' here: http://www.timelineastrology.com/embodying-the-dark-night-a-period-of-saturn.html Om Namah Shivaya Om Tat Sat Comments are closed.