Watch the New YouTubeListen to the podcastSaturn re-enters Mula June 5 - November 27 Saturn's return to Mula, meaning 'root', continues to uproot false beliefs as it continues to retrograde until September 6. This is accentuated by the concurrent conjunction between Mars and the south node, Ketu, in Saturn's sign, Capricorn. Fires, earthquakes, volcanoes, wars, fighting, competitiveness, extreme weather events and everyday aggressive attitudes will be obvious all summer, as established structures continue to be uprooted. Some experience this more intensity than others, of course. It all depends on the individual and country of residence. Although many things are destroyed in the process, represented by the goddess of death, Niritti; who is said to rule over this domain - Mula gets us to plant new ideas, by removing any hindrance to our future selves, as we rebuild strength in the process.
So, what is being uprooted?
Well, that depends on what Mula and Saturn represent individually and collectively. Mula represents our roots in the cosmic sense, and its position in sidereal Sagittarius represents our core beliefs as a species, while Saturn represents form, structures and the established order. Therefore, we start asking big questions about what or who we should believe while Saturn is in Sagittarius. The example chart given is for Ireland. Saturn rules the 3rd and 4th houses, of neighbouring countries and housing; two of the most pressing issues the country is facing in recent years: its place in Europe since the Brexit vote, as Ireland feels the uncertainty of having its neighbouring country leave the EU, while the country deals with an ever increasing housing crisis. Notice the Moon's position at 8 degrees of Sagittarius. This is in the lunar mansion, Mula (0° to 13° 20' sidereal Sagittarius). The Moon rules the country's laws and beliefs, as the 9th house lord, and this is the exact degree Saturn stations in September. This tests Ireland's values and beliefs, as abortion laws are reformed. Saturn's station at this degree in September will bring more pressure to bear on this issue. Jupiter is poorly placed in one sense, although it finds strength in pushkara and the lunar mansion, Abhijit, meaning 'victorious'. There are many strengths and challenges, as the country changes its values (Jupiter rules the 2nd house) around children (Jupiter also rules the 5th house), with the main issue being that of women's health - a Moon signification. Mars and Ketu's current transit to Jupiter in the Irish chart pushes health issues (Mars rules 1st and 6th houses) to the forefront, while changing the philosophy of the Irish people. With Saturn in Sagittarius, it's time to find out what beliefs must be removed so we can plant new ones and build from there. What beliefs do you wish to plant for your future self? Saturn requires objectivity, which is tricky in a sign that is more subjective. We may dig our heels in a say, 'I am right', but with Jupiter currently in Libra, we might check and ask others, 'Am I?'
Mars Conjunct Ketu June 8 (True Nodes) June 13 (Mean Nodes)
Mars' first conjunction with the south node occurs in the first week of June. But this will be felt intensely all summer - from the end of May, during the full Moon in Scorpio, right through September's conjunction and beyond. This brings up issues from the past that we need to deal with now. Anger can be experienced as we purge old hurts. Mars and Ketu both rule Scorpio but express its themes of strength and vulnerability in different ways. Mars externalizes, more obviously expressed through Aries. This can be a 'good' or 'bad' thing, depending. Ketu is hidden, often obliterating something to give us a sense of our connection to the Divine. Mars brings a desire to achieve, and in Capricorn it focuses us on getting to a peak performance. But Ketu brings a need to relinquish something, where we experience a sense of disappointment and disillusionment. This conjunction can be frustrating and confusing. We want to achieve something but feel critical and disappointed with the end results. This can, at least, free us of our illusions! Ketu represents the past, as well as current losses. When we experience loss, it brings with it a sense of the impermanence of life, as we step back in awe at humankind's - and nature's - destructive capabilities. 'Ketu brings us back to the void from which we all arise. This represents an experience of connection, and where are unified power - our true power - comes from. But for us to experience this connection we must remove all of those illusions of a separate self. Think of all those things which make you feel separate to others. It may be a job, a title, whatever. These must be relinquished in order to experience a profound connection to the space that we all share, and in which everything is arising and falling continually. Unfortunately, most of us are going to focus on the loss of those things and not focus and what it is freeing us up to experience, i.e., the void. The emptiness is a peaceful and profound experience. The emptying process is painful'. From Ketu: The Headless Way
Venus in Cancer June 9 - July 5
Venus in Gemini for the first week of June is exchanging signs with Mercury. This is social, exciting and potentially exhausting, with Venus opposite Pluto and Saturn. Venus enters Cancer from June 9, and we all need a good holiday! Venus is conjunct Rahu - exact on June 19 - once it enters Cancer, so be aware of overdoing that too! This is not only due to Rahu's conjunction, but Mars' opposition, leading to intense passions; a 'work hard, play hard' situation.
Mercury in Gemini June 10 - 25
Mercury speeds through its own sign, Gemini, opposite Saturn, leaving its state of combustion on June 18, opposing Pluto on June 23. Although Mercury is strong in Gemini, leading to many positive possibilities, Saturn and Pluto's influence reduces mental energy which requires more focus. Otherwise, it is likely we become mentally exhausted in June. Although a social time of year, if this is not balance with some down time, it can lead to overstimulation. Likewise, if all we are concerned about is mental stimulation, without more meaningful pursuits, we can be left feeling 'wired' and tired.
New Moon in Taurus June 13
We already experienced a new Moon in Taurus in May, in the lunar mansion, Krittika, and now have another new Moon in Taurus in June; this time at the end of sidereal Taurus, at 20.43 UT on June 13. Here, the new Moon is in the lunar mansion, Mrigashira. Although a soft and sensitive new Moon, Mars is conjunct Ketu bringing up more abrasiveness in this time period. This new Moon does allow us a reset during the lead up to the Solstice, as Mars' conjunction with Ketu brings with it a need to re-calibrate.
Sun in Gemini June 15 - July 15
The Sun in Gemini is a festive and social period of the year - every year. This year, however, we have Saturn opposite the Sun - exact on June 27 - which requires us to focus our energy while out and about. This is further highlighted by Mars' station in Saturn's sign, and we all need to pause by the end of June. By conserving energy now, we can cope better with the intense changes on the horizon, as the Sun moves towards being eclipsed at the end of sidereal Gemini by July 13 - opening the 'eclipse window' through mid-August; a period that promises to be one of the most intense in recent times.
Jupiter re-enters Swati June 18 - August 2
Jupiter is having a strong influence on Saturn and Pluto in Sagittarius, restructuring our beliefs about how we should interact with one another, while we form new ideas on what is true for use individually. The previous transit of Jupiter in Swati lunar sign saw the 'MeToo' movement take off, as Jupiter shone a spotlight of issues of inequality, while Saturn dug up the truth in Sagittarius. We return to this theme again for the summer of 2018 because of Saturn and Jupiter's return to Mula and Swati. Jupiter is not well placed in sidereal Libra, because it makes us look for guidance outside of ourselves, and we must ask how we should interact. We might ask: 'How should I behave in this instance?' Jupiter is our inner voice that we can sometimes loose in the interaction. Jupiter's return to Swati brings more changes, of course (Swati represents wind); in how we interact with one another and in our environment in general. We may lose our sense of knowing how we should behave, which is understandable when Saturn and Pluto's transit in Sagittarius create further destabilization. This brings with it more intense changes in the summer of 2018, but we can recognize that change must occur with the help our inner guidance. Jupiter's presence can create indecisiveness if we are too focused on what others have to say - 'indecisiveness' being one of the key words associated with the sign Libra. With focus, this transit can create new and exciting ways of relating, while the downside brings more instability and even more extreme weather and social events, bringing changes to our physical and social environments.
Neptune Retrograde June 18 - November 24
Neptune is not usually considered in traditional Jyotish, Vedic astrology. This is because we cannot see it with our naked eye and it doesn't fit the calculations used by ancient astrologers. But we cannot ignore such an influence, as long as we are superimposing their influence carefully onto traditional methods. Without doing so, this would only blind us to the possibilities. The word 'blind' is appropriate for Neptune, of course, as it is said to blur boundaries. Neptune was discovered in 1846. This was during a period of great upheaval on the planet, when Neptune transited sidereal Aquarius. Guess where Neptune is transiting these days! Neptune has been observed many times before it was officially discovered, but not recognized as a planet. This, itself, is very telling of what Neptune represents, i.e. spiritual enlightenment. In other words, it's always there, but we just don't recognize it! If you have Neptune prominent in your horoscope, it can lead to a lack of a sense of self, especially if it is placed in the rising sign. This may be good for spiritual pursuits, but not for practical considerations. Those with Neptune prominent do not have a problem letting go when it comes to tuning into the cosmos. It may not be such a good idea to tune out completely, however, as this may obliterate any sense of self which we must strive to build if we could like to be a well-adjusted individual. Neptune stations retrograde on June 18, in the lunar sign PurvaBhadra, which is a mystical section of the lunar mansions; where we experience the deity Ajaikapada, representing a form of Siva standing on one leg in penance. This connects it to the lunar mansion, Ardra, as well as Mula at the other side of the zodiac, as all these lunar signs represent a need to move beyond form, striking to the core of who we really are, while removing all that stands in the way. While Ardra and Mula receive an inordinate amount of attention through various forms of destruction in the coming months and years, Neptune in PurvaBhadra brings with it a blurring of mystical boundaries which we can experience as a need to tune out while all around is collapsing. Although no one would blame anyone for doing so, Saturn's transit in Sagittarius is asking us to keep it real as we rebuild later.
Solstice June 21
Venus and Mars are in exact opposition during the Solstice, creating a passionate expression which needs a healthy outlet to avoid the many possible pitfalls of Mars' station. We may seek out fulfilment in ways which we have to rethink later, but as long as we are mindful of the possible overindulgence, and are aware of the reasons for these, we may at least avoid some avoidable consequences. The Solstice is always a time to be still, at any rate. It literally means 'to stand still', so we can take a hint from the natural world and do exactly that.
Mercury in Cancer June 25 - Sept. 2
Mercury enters Cancer for the long-haul from June 25. It will transit to the very end of sidereal Cancer by July 26, stationing at 29 degrees. Mercury is retrograde from July 26 until August 19, remaining in Cancer until September 2. This year, Mercury is retrograde in the water signs, Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio. This creates emotional undertones to the year; which is challenging to communicate effectively from. Emotional reactions are never far from the surface. Mercury in Cancer is particularly emotive and needy. This is due to Rahu being placed in Cancer. The total lunar eclipse on July 27/28 is particularly sensitive in the opposite sign, Capricorn, as Mercury stations retrograde in Cancer, while the Moon is hemmed in between Mars and Ketu. This can lead to all kinds of knee jerk reactions to situations that are outside of our conscious control. Mercury's retrograde transit in Cancer in July and August will see us trying to sooth our inner child while all around is in chaos. I'll write more about Mercury's retrograde transit next month. For now, we have another important retrograde to deal with ...
Mars Retrograde June 26 - August 27
When Mars transits its exaltation sign, and is retrograde, it brings with it a sense of the planet being in debilitation; frustrating our plans with unforeseen delays, and many more twists and turns to negotiate. Much of the frustration can be alleviated by your awareness of the potential downsides to this transit. Mars is strong all summer - even during its retrograde transit in July and August, as it is closer to earth than it has been since 2003 – it’s just that the proximity of Mars is a challenge to express itself clearly, and we feel out of sorts by not being able to do so. This leads to all kinds of setbacks and sudden outbursts – on the planet through natural disasters, and in our personal lives through man-made ones. The volatility of the summer and autumn is accentuated by Ketu’s position alongside Mars for all its transit in Capricorn, creating irrational behaviour, while the eclipses in July and August during Mercury's retrograde in the opposite sign, Cancer, is emotionally trying. I will be writing more about these complicated transits in future forecasts. You may wish to read an article I wrote about Mars' transit in 2018 here. By the end of June be aware of the need to slow down, finding healthy ways to vent any frustrations.
Full Moon in Sagittarius June 28
The month ends as it began - with the Moon in Sagittarius alongside Saturn. The Moon is at its fullest at 05.53 UT on June 28. This marks another period of emotional intensity. The Moon is almost exactly conjunct Saturn in the lunar mansion, Mula, while the Sun transits the lunar sign, Ardra. These lunar mansions are ruled by Rudra and Niritti, gods and goddesses of death. This is but a preview of what is to come in the years that follow, I'm afraid. Let us not be afraid of the void, of the emptiness of loss. We know that everything is transient. Although we cannot help but fear loss, Saturn's presence offers a focus, once we can move beyond fear, and even beyond hope - to find our centre. If you are beyond all grasping at an object and at a subject, OM TAT SAT Comments are closed.