June is all about retrogrades, and the eclipse. This basically means revelations and changes are on the cards, followed by a big review. Mercury, Saturn and Pluto have already stationed retrograde, while Jupiter follows suit in June. Mars enters Cancer on Jun 2, which is not only in a weak position, but also an opposition to Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. This begins a tense summer period, with strong reactions to any restrictions boiling over into frustrations, I imagine. There is an annular solar eclipse on Jun 10 in Taurus, conjunct Mercury retrograde, bringing with it some insights, but also some confusion around the facts. This will likely revolve around the treatment plan for the virus, placed in the lunar mansion, Mrigashirsha, which is ruled by Soma, representing the cure for what ails us. The Sun moves into Gemini on Jun 15. Jupiter stations retrograde near the Solstice, on Jun 20, asking us to revaluate the direction our life is taking, the beginning of a process until October that will help us get clear about what is important. Venus enters Cancer and Mercury stations direct, on Jun 22, bringing a sense of anticipation which requires an adjustment at this peak time of year. The full Moon has a big say in the trajectory of the pandemic, as the Moon is full at the exact same degree as the Dec 2019 new Moon and solar eclipse, an eclipse which showed the beginning of the viral outbreak. This full Moon has something important to relay. New Moons begin things, while full Moons show some sort of peak experience, but also a resolution. Perhaps this full Moon will bring an insight into the origins of the virus, as well as insights into the cure, maybe even the beginning of the end of the pandemic. Venus in Gemini May 28 - Jun 22 Venus is out of bounds from May 23 to Jun 18. This makes Venus behave more erratically and unpredictably, which, predictably, shows us all behaving likewise. As this is occuring in Gemini, a sign that likes to play, we can assume that many will be breaking out of the restraints of Saturn and enjoying themselves in every which way, despite the restrictions. Gemini is called Mithuna in Sanskrit which literally translates as 'intercourse'. And while it doesn't necessarily mean intercourse in a literal sense, it can show the need to interact more with others. It does probably mean more people having more intercourse, too! Venus in Gemini is complicated by the fact that Mercury is stationing at the same time it enters the sign, before moving back into Taurus on Jun 2, just as Mars enters Cancer. So, while more interaction is needed, more patience is required. As Mercury retrogrades back through Venus' sign, and as Venus moves through Mercury's, we can see the possibility of more engagements, more possibilities that we were not expecting perhaps, and more time on our hands because of delays while travelling, to enjoy some unexpected detours. This may also express itself as frustration due to an inability to fully engage or travel freely, of course. This is compounded by Mars' transit into Cancer, opposite Saturn and Pluto. June is one of the more complicated months of the year, but there are still some things to enjoy. Sun conjunct Rahu Jun 1 Although Rahu, the north lunar node, does not create a solar eclipse until the Moon reaches the Sun on Jun 10, the Sun's conjunction with Rahu may bring with it some insights, some revelation. This is complex, of course, and more complicated by the fact that the Sun, Rahu, Mars and Saturn are all together in the same 9th division, that is, the Gemini division. This points to some progress, especially in relation to supply chains and treatments for the virus, but also many setbacks, as Mercury retrogrades. While the June eclipse itself is placed in Mrigarshirsha, representing the cure, the Sun and Rahu's conjunction takes places in Rohini, representing luxury, and all the complications around not being able to enjoy them freely. On the other side of that, the theme of cures and treatment allowing us to enjoy ourselves is another prominent one, I imagine. Solar eclipses bring a major reset in our thinking. After the intensity of the previous total lunar eclipse in Scorpio, on May 26, which shows things coming to a head in many ways, the new Moon and solar eclipse on Jun 10 is an opportunity to find some resolution, after a period of intense thrashing about mentally and emotionally. Mercury in Taurus Jun 2 - Jul 7 Mercury's slow retrograde through Taurus will likely be felt as frustrations due to the lack of clarity in relation to resources and a treatment plan. Mercury is slower in its transit than usual, which means we will require even more patience at the slow pace and turn around. Mercury stations direct on Jun 22, just as Jupiter has stationed in Aquarius and the Moon reaches Ketu in Scorpio once again, opposite Mercury and Rahu in Taurus. Venus moves into Cancer on the same day as these stations, joining Mars, which is coming into an exact opposition to Saturn in Capricorn. With all of these stations and oppositions, there are many things to be frustrated with at this point, which is why it would be best to slow down and wait for things to turn around in its own good time. Mercury in Taurus is exchanging with Venus in Gemini, which means they are powerfully impacting each other. This is good news for some areas of life, despite the complexities, while more challenging for others, precisely because of the complexities. For Taurus, Leo, Virgo and Aquarius rising signs, this is more helpful. For all others, it's more complex and possibly even challenging. That's because of the houses, the areas of life, involved in the exchange, requiring tact and patience, a give and take. Mars in Cancer Jun 2 - Jul 20 Mars is debilitated in Cancer. Therefore, our energy is somewhat sunk at this stage. This is further accentuated by Saturn's opposition, although this kind of restraint is also what mitigates any sense of feeling spent. In other words, the more we can restrain ourselves, without overreacting or overcompensating for a sense of lack, the more we can manage our energy during this transit. Otherwise, we are likely to feel at a loss; a loss of energy, and a loss of direction and motivation. As soon as Mars enters Cancer it opposes Pluto, exact on Jun 5. This brings up unseen blocks and complexity, some hidden aspects and a saboteur who would wish to stir the pot! This may be expressed in more violent and underhanded ways in its more extreme expressions, or in more manipulative ways in more managed. The more temperate expression may be to use these manipulations to entrain our will power and energy, to direct it towards healing. Then, Mars opposes Saturn, exact on Jul 1. This can offer us a sense of much needed restraint, in areas of the world, and in our lives, which are out of control. Saturn gives Mars the much needed containment. However, it does show the possibility of many setbacks and frustrations. There is no denying Mars' transit in Cancer is complicated. Mars generally doesn't do well here because our willfulness is put aside due to how we are feeling. But how we are feeling is a constantly changing phenomenon, which doesn't lend itself to taking decisive actions. Ketu in Anurādhā Jun 2 - Feb 8, 2022 Scorpio is all about control, especially the latter part of the sign, the lunar mansion Jyeṣṭhā. But why we wish to control anyone or anything is because it is important to us, because we are devoted to it. This is reflected in the heart of the Scorpion, in the lunar mansion Anurādhā. Ketu has been transiting Jyeṣṭhā since Sep 2020, which shows the possibility of the loss of control, and the need to regain it - at any cost. Ketu in Anurādhā shows the need to look within, to what we are devoting our time and energy to, to get to the heart of the problem. Ketu in Anurādhā is in the heart of the Scorpion, which can just as easily show a neglect of what we once committed to, as Ketu shows a negation on some level. There is a possibility of rising above our fears and opening our hearts, to devote ourselves to a cause, not to avoid how we are feeling, despite our fears. Anurādhā is associated with Saturn, and Saturn and Ketu have very different approaches. Saturn is all about what or who we are in a practical, ‘real’ sense, what we are committed to, and shows us this in the results we can see all around us. Ketu, on the other hand, can reject what may be more obvious to everyone else. Ketu is a shadow, after all. It usually shows what we are blind to. But it also shows another possibility, that of turning to what is real in a spiritual sense and is why Ketu's upcoming transit in Anurādhā is a great time to commit to something more, something deeper, within. New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse in Taurus Jun 10 This annular eclipse occurs at 25 degrees of Taurus, in Mṛgaśīrṣā. This sign is ruled by Soma, which represents a cure. Therefore, we are likely to see some developments in treatments for the virus at this stage. There are likely complications, of course, as eclipses obscure some things while they reveal others. This is especially the case as Mercury retrograde is very closely conjunct the Moon and eclipsed Sun, which can add to a confused mind and mental outlook. Despite this, I think this eclipse, and the subsequent one in Scorpio in December, will move things forward a great deal. This one in Taurus will move things forward in terms of treatments, while the one in Scorpio in December will move things forward in terms of dealing with our fears and our sense of lack. This new Moon and eclipse is a resolution to the fears that have reared their head in recent times. It is only by facing these fears that we can overcome them. As Rahu makes its presence felt, there may be some shocks and surprises, but there is also an opportunity to open ourselves to new possibilities. One way we can navigate the eclipse is to look to Jupiter for guidance. See where Jupiter is placed by house position in your own chart and you may have some guidance that will help. Jupiter is the antidote to Rahu' disorder, bringing cohesion and clarity when there is doubt and fear. Here's how Jupiter can help each rising and/or Moon sign: Aries: Earnings, friends and associates can help with any lack of resources, as you remove your debts. Taurus: Your work or actions you take now can help you see things more clearly, about yourself and how you relate to others. Gemini: Guidance from someone or something more meaningful can help you to deal with your problems while learning to switch off. Cancer: Faith in your process and inevitable changes can help you think about the long term goals based on what you love. Leo: A relationship can help you see things as they are, so you can make the necessary changes at work and at home. Virgo: Daily routines can give you insights into the changes you are going through on a profound level, altering what you believe is achievable. Libra: Creativity can spark some insight as you go through a transformation around what you value. Scorpio: What makes you happy can be a guide when you are unsure of who you are and how to relate. Sagittarius: Communicating what would make you happy can help you to deal with any uncertainty. Capricorn: Focusing on what you value can help with seeing the bigger picture and your long term plan. Aquarius: Personal insights can help you make important decisions about what would be the right next step in your career. Pisces: Surrender and retreat can help you communicate what you would like to see happen based on what you believe is no longer possible. Click here for local timings of the eclipse: https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/solar/2021-june-10 Sun in Gemini Jun 15 - Jul 15 The Sun enters Gemini soon after it's eclipsed and moves away from its conjunction with Rahu. Although Rahu continues to influence Gemini by aspect, the influence isn't as strong as it was in Taurus. This can lessen the intense sense of uncertainty and change. Sun in Gemini is usually a more playful time of year, when we engage more with others and enjoy some festivities. These are obviously in conflict with the bigger picture, with Saturn in Capricorn in an awkward relationship to the Sun. That summer holiday may need a major adjustment, for example. Online festivals or excitable gatherings are likely the result of this tricky formation, including Mercury's retrograde in Taurus and it's slow turn around by mid-month. If you have any trips planned in June, I would pack a great deal of patience and good cheer to see you through! A better trip or social engagement may be one which allows for the unexpected, and more downtime or retreat. Jupiter Retrograde Jun 20 - Oct 18 Jupiter stations around the Solstice, in Satabhisak lunar mansion, the '100 healers'. This suggests a review of the vaccines, perhaps a review of the roll out plan, or their timeline and administration. Jupiter's retrograde points us backwards, back to Capricorn and another downturn in the autumn most likely, but also to opportunities from the past that we can make the most of. While Jupiter is particularly strong in its retrograde motion, it is not straight-forward; instead, there's a hesitation and uncertainty about what is the best route forward. Together with Saturn's retrograde in Capricorn, which is where Jupiter will end up by September, and until November, these two great giants offer us an opportunity to redo things, to go back to the drawing board to reassess the long term plan. Jupiter's retrograde is always best used as any other retrograde is; that is, for a review. Jupiter represents our beliefs, the laws and morals we live by, and whether these need to be altered to come into alignment with what is. This is especially the case with Jupiter in Capricorn and Aquarius, Saturn's signs, where there is little time for fanciful thinking, and more of a need to get real. Aquarius is especially focused on what is not real, of course. An example of a scientist proving something to be effective, for example, is as much about attempting to prove it is not, I am told. All of this leads to a lot of doubt, of course, which is opposite to Jupiter's faithful nature. This can drain our faith in what we cannot see, i.e., a better and more hopeful situation. Jupiter is opposite to Saturn's impulse to restrict and doesn't do so well in its signs. And because it is moving back into Capricorn, where it feels most restricted, we too must feel this in some way by the autumn. This is certainly a time to keep the faith, but probably the most testing time having Jupiter deal with Capricorn yet again. The best way would be to restrict ourselves, to get real and limit ourselves for a time, to focus on what is, as opposed to what we would hope for. If we can do that, we will have a better time with Jupiter this year. It won't be long before Jupiter is in a better position, especially from Apr 2022, as it enters Pisces. Until then, and especially as it now begins to retrograde back to Capricorn, we must tighten our belts without loosening our morals, as we continue to live with the restrictions. Solstice Jun 21 The Solstice occurs at 04:32 IST this year, whether this is the summer or winter Solstice where you are. This is a peak time of the year, either way. It is therefore a transition, a type of Sankranti. Although the Sun isn't changing Sidereal signs (it moves into Tropical Cancer on the Solstice), it is changing direction, moving from its northern to its southern course, or vice versa, depending on your location on the planet. Any transition of the Sun is best observed by standing still for a moment, to contemplate, to adjust, as the Sun adjusts its direction. For more of us on the planet, this means the Sun is moving from its northerly route to its southerly one, foreshadowing shorter days in the coming months. This in-breath and out-breath of the Sun is one we live our lives by more than anything else. This accession and decline is intricately interwoven into the fabric of life, so that we rarely pay it any heed. It may be a good idea to do so at this time, to take pause at this juncture. When this is combined with Mercury's stationing direct the day after, as if hanging in place, this is certainly more advisable. There is a sense of anticipation that hangs in the air as Mercury stations and prepares to move forward once again. Coupled with the Solstice, this can be used to allow the energy to build, before making a move. Venus in Cancer Jun 22 - Jul 17 Venus opposes Pluto as soon as it enters Cancer, exact on Jun 24. Pluto always brings something hidden into the mix, perhaps a hidden dynamic that we must address in our relationships and finances as it opposes Venus. Venus in Cancer is ordinarily a time to enjoy some time at home with family, to enjoy a holiday and feel safe and secure. This year, Pluto and Saturn's opposition to Venus is bringing a sense of dread into the mix, or at least a sense of restriction and boundary. Saturn and Pluto's continued conjunction brings with it a need to adhere to these boundaries, to stay safe. Venus opposes these boundaries and wishes to enjoy the down time, the holiday. While we can leave room for both, there can certainly be a sense of having to restrain any indulgence in favour of a more sober expression. Venus in Cancer mixes the more immature feminine expressions of Venus, of needing to be validated to feel secure, with the more mature expressions of the Moon, of caring for others, as we would wish to be cared for ourselves. When this is combined with the Saturn-Pluto dynamic, we can do so while observing a safe distance. We cannot care for anyone else unless we have first set a healthy boundary for ourselves, anyway. While Venus transits Cancer, we can not only enjoy the safety and security of family and home life, we can rest in our hearts and what it is we enjoy doing. Full Moon in Sagittarius (Mula) Jun 24 There are a lot of changes that have taken place by the full Moon in June. Venus has just entered Cancer, Mercury just stationed direct, while Jupiter has begun to retrograde, as Mars opposes a retrograde Saturn. This leads to quite a complex, and climatic full Moon in Mula lunar mansion, ruled by the goddess of death, Niritti. Things are turning around in many ways. Some things may seem like they can slowly move forward, while others are set in reverse. This full Moon in Mula brings with it a Ketu theme of loss, despite it being a full Moon of plenty. Perhaps it reflects plenty of loss. Mula taps us into what we are when all is said and done, when all seems lost. It brings with it uncertainty, but it also get us to the root of the problem. The word Mula literally means 'root'. This full Moon has a huge say in the healing trajectory of the current virus, I believe. This full Moon is placed at the exact same degree as the new Moon on Dec 26, 2019, which happened to be a solar eclipse and the start of the pandemic. This means this full Moon has an important part to play. New Moons begin things, while full Moons show some sort of peak experience, and resolution. Perhaps this full Moon will bring an insight into the origins of the virus, as well as insights into the cure, or the beginning of the end of the pandemic. When we see Jupiter's current station in Shatabhisak, which rules this full Moon, we can see a need to reassess the treatment plan. Mula also represents a healing. But it often brings a healing crisis. This full Moon shines a light. Neptune Retrograde Jun 25 - Dec 1 Neptune's station is at the very last degree of Aquarius. It's as if we are on the verge of something new, some new sense of connection in Pisces, but then... Neptune must go through the last few degrees of Aquarius once again - for one last time. Well, actually, that's not exactly true. Although Neptune will enters Pisces next spring along with Jupiter, its retrograde next year will bring it back to the end of Aquarius for one last visit. Neptune and Aquarius are not particularly suited. Neptune is diffuse, nebulous, unclear, which basically means the science, the big humanitarian issues are unclear. Neptune is better suited to Pisces, which it is said to rule in modern Western astrology, as these more diffuse energies combine well. Aquarius, on the other hand, needs a certain sense of what is true, in a scientific way. It requires tests, and more tests, facts and yet more facts. But Neptune is unclear about any of them. This is one of the reasons there is so much mistrust when it comes to facts these days, or mistrust in any kind of reasoning. Aquarius doubts everything. Neptune further blurs the picture, so that we are never quite sure if what we're told is true, false, or something in the middle. Now that Neptune is retrograde in Aquarius again, we are offered an opportunity to refocus the lens, so we can see things from a different perspective. And by doing so, we may get a clearer picture. However, it may just as easily blur the image even more. The positive expression of this is to be able to think outside the box, the think more creatively, even if it's about the science and what seems like hard facts. Neptune represents those daydreams that bring a sudden flash of genius, after many hours of pouring over the evidence. With so many things changing in very real ways with other transits in June, it's good to keep this in perspective and to use this particular transit to open our minds to new possibilities and approaches that we just cannot clearly see right now. Neptune retrograde is all about refocusing, rebalancing our truth with our fantasy. - As always, I wish you all the very best of what the month has to offer. OM TAT SAT Comments are closed.