May PodcastRahu in Pushya April 27 - Dec. 7 2018 (True Node)
The north node, Rahu enters one of the most auspicious lunar mansions, Pushya, remaining in this sign until the end of the year. One of the symbols of Pushya is a cow's udder, representing nourishment. What or who are we nourished by? And what are the motives?
Rahu brings intrigue, scandal and the desire for nourishment, of course. But at what cost? It's interesting to see the documentary Wild Wild Country come out during Rahu's current transit in sidereal Cancer: where it was placed when Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh's devotees began a commune in America in 1981 - and we know how that turned out! If you haven't seen the documentary, I highly recommend it as a lesson in Rahu. Now with Rahu back in Cancer, we see cult-like following increase in our awareness, as Allison Mack is implicated in a sex cult that preyed on vulnerable young women for the benefit of 'self-help' guru Keith Raniere. Rahu in Cancer highlights something called 'gaslighting': a 'form of manipulation that sows seeds of doubt, making someone question their own memory, perception, and sanity'. Hello Rahu! Rahu's obsessive impulse shows us looking for that special something to feel nourished. Just be mindful of the source, and whether or not it is wholesome. The deity of Pushya is Brihaspati, a priest and advisor to the gods, whereas Rahu is a demonic part of us. This portrays how the demonic parts of us can battle it out with our divinity. Mars in Capricorn May 2 - Nov. 6
Mars enters its sign of exaltation on May 2, and will remain in this sign for the following six months. Mars moves out of Saturn's restrictive influence and into a very strong position at the beginning of Capricorn, as the Sun continues to transit Aries until mid-May.
Read an article I wrote about Mars in Capricorn here Mars influences Aries, Cancer and Leo very strongly while it transits Capricorn. Whatever these places are in your own horoscope represent where you personally feel the need to get out of unhealthy comfort zones. And when we feel Mars heating things up, it gets us moving, changing and clearing out. What must be cleared is related to the areas of your life you experience Aries and Scorpio. Any discomfort is but a bridge to deal with things that no longer serve a purpose. Mercury in Aries May 9 - 27
Although helped out by being retrograde, Mercury's transit in Pisces was a challenge to our mental equilibrium. Now it enters the intensity of Aries, with a strong aspect from Mars, heating things up in our thinking and communications.
Mercury conjuncts Uranus on May 13, and enters combustion (close to the Sun) from May 24, further increasing heated interactions, with the possibility of sudden outbursts. Use this transit to state your case, but be mindful of the possibility of saying something you later regret. Venus in Gemini May 14 - June 9
Venus' transit through its own sign, Taurus offers some relief during the beginning of May, increasing the need to enjoy the simple pleasures in life, while Mars' strength increases energy and passion.
Once Venus enters Mercury's domain, Gemini, it is an exciting and social time of the year. Saturn's opposition in Sagittarius won't allow too much revelry without due consideration, of course, while Mercury may get us into trouble by being too direct and forceful. Sun in Taurus May 15 - June 14
The Sun enters Taurus by mid-May, moving from its exalted position for the first half of the month, to Venus' domain. This shifts the more self-centered focus to a need for communion. The Sun's strength in Taurus recognizes our connection to our Higher Self through interactions within our environment and with others.
It is at this time of year that we appreciate such comforts as the Sun highlights our need for relationship, for a sense of connection to nature, to life and love: a holy communion. New Moon in Taurus May 15
The Moon is new on Tuesday, May 15 at 12.47 UT. The Moon has just entered Taurus for this new Moon, which means the Sun is transitioning also (Sankranti).
While transitions are times of weakness, the Moon is exalted in this area of the zodiac, so there is comfort for the mind despite the dark Moon phase.This brings us back into a deeper connection. This is a new beginning by mid-month, and a focus on the resources and the people which make life more pleasurable. Mercury in Taurus May 27 - June 10
Mercury exchanges signs with Venus in Gemini. At this time, we enter into more exchanges, in more social settings.
Mercury is rooted to the earth in Taurus, in our interactions with others and our need to give and receive love. Venus is playful in Gemini, while its exchange with Taurus offers much to get excited about. Full Moon in Scorpio May 29
The Moon is full on Tuesday, May 29 at 15.19 UT. The intense full Moon in Scorpio balances our practical considerations with some deeper questions about our existence.
If we become too polarized on the Taurus end of the spectrum, we can become too rigid (fixed earth sign) about what we need to be happy, while closing ourselves off to feelings of vulnerability. In Scorpio, we open ourselves up to these feelings. We may try to control others, to try and feel more secure, of course, but we must balance this with simply enjoying what is - and who is - showing up for us, while accepting that whatever or whoever we now love will one day be gone. By accepting these feelings, we can love more deeply, more intensely. OM TAT SAT Your comments/questions are welcome.
1/5/2018 07:21:25 pm
Thanks Gary! Great to get an audio of your predictions, feels like I'm in the room with you, like a conversation over a cuppa. Keep up the good work
Gary O'Toole
2/5/2018 07:31:00 am
Thanks for tuning in Eilis! Comments are closed.