Kala Amrita Yoga Sept. 17 2017 – Jan. 13 2018 All of the visible planets pile up on one side of the nodal axis from September to January 2018, except when the Moon breaks this combination: Sept. 29 - Oct. 14, Oct. 26 - Nov. 11, Nov. 22 - Dec. 8, Dec. 20 - Jan. 5. This creates a divisive environment, where people pile up on one side of an argument, for example. This has a huge impact on global and personal affairs, creating a shaky ground on which to relate. It is, however, an opportune time for spiritual growth. The signs involved at the extreme ends of this axis are Cancer and Capricorn, representing our inner security and our outer responsibilities. We may react against what we must do, or are told to do, because we feel a certain way about something. The north node end of the axis is where we tend to gravitate towards, unless one is more influenced by the south node more specifically. Therefore, we tend to express how we feel about something, regardless of the consequences. There is an upside to this configuration which can lead us to liberation. The influence of Ketu, which leads this yoga, instills in us a spiritual aspiration. Even though we may struggle with something, there is a real need to break free from any restraints. This is Ketu’s influence now transiting Capricorn. This becomes a little tricky as Saturn exchanges with Ketu, transiting through the last degrees of Scorpio until October 26. Once Saturn moves into Sagittarius, we go beyond and aspire for a greater connection to something beyond our limited form on earth. Full Moon in Pisces Oct. 5 The Moon reaches its fullest in Pisces on October 5, in the lunar sign Revati, the last sign which completes the zodiac journey, before beginning the journey again in Aries. A combust Mercury sits opposite this full Moon in Virgo, where we can get bogged down in the details. Mercury’s transit in Virgo is a busy period. It can excite us, on the one hand, but overwhelm us, if we get too focused on all of the details. This full Moon brings with it the possibility of balancing our finite everyday lives (as we become more and more aware of the shortening days) with something beyond and infinite. The contrast between these two angles of approach is worked with more effectively thanks to the Moon and Mercury’s exchange of signs during the full Moon. Mercury transits the Moon’s lunar sign Hasta, while the Moon transits Mercury’s sign Revati. The symbolism of these two signs offer up the balance that is required between developing skills and the mental comfort of concentrating on a task (Hasta), while the slippery nature of Revati, symbolized by a fish, shows a need to swim in a an ocean of possibilities. Jupiter transits opposite Uranus during this full Moon phase, making for exciting times and many new possibilities to negotiate, while Mars and Venus are in a lovers' tryst in Leo, making for a passionate full Moon phase. Venus in Virgo Oct. 9 – Nov. 2 Venus entering Virgo is a period where we experience a downturn in the year. This is a literal downturn in a sense that we experience autumn (appropriately named the fall). Venus represents the nice things in life, the happiness we experience due to sensual pleasures and relationships. Virgo is a meticulous sign, not conducive to relationships which are inherently messy. Virgo is also representative of our digestion, which rebels against indulgence in any form. We can get critical of others and feel unappreciated while Venus is in Virgo, so be aware of that possibility. We can also feel like life’s details and routines are taking over from all of the spontaneous fun. All of those new regimes and diet plans get a little stale. It can be a little dry in autumn, both figuratively and literally. Keep warm, well-nourished and moisturized, massaging relationships that need just as much tender loving care as our physical bodies. Mars in Virgo Oct. 13 – Nov. 29 Mars enters Virgo mid-month, closely behind Venus. This means we must watch for being hyper critical while both 'gender planets' transit Virgo. Mars in Virgo is frustrated at having to deal with any details. We want to act, but there are forms to sign first, and lots of negotiation to boot! Having a debilitated Venus alongside Mars is not an ideal relating influence. Venus is not happy in Virgo anyway, but then it has to deal with critical Mars. Thankfully, Mercury is about to move into Venus’ sign Libra, exchanging signs to offer some flexibility in our interactions. Despite this, all kinds of relationships will be tested. Mercury in Libra Oct. 14 – Nov. 1 Mercury in Libra is diplomatic, while Venus in Virgo is critical. Both exchanging signs will have a wide variety of influences on individual lives, but this generally plays out between the need to be right and the need to please. Which side of the equation would you like to be on? Would you prefer to be right or to be happy?! As always Libra offers us an opportunity to find balance. Sun in Libra Oct. 16 – Nov. 15 The Sun entering Libra draws our lives inward as we withdraw into the autumn. This can literally begin to happen as we hold postures against the cold winds that constrict movement. The Sun’s debilitation in Libra dims the lights so that we no longer feel the heat of the sun bringing with it more possibility and aliveness. Instead, we must prepare for the cold and dark months of the year with uncertainty. The only way to overcome this is to connect with our soul’s purpose, while giving others their time in our spotlight, shining a light for those in darker places. Jupiter is in combustion because of the Sun’s transit in Libra, from October 12 to November 9; until the Sun reaches the end of the sign. Jupiter’s combustion represents a challenging time in relation to doing the right thing. Jupiter moves into the lunar sign Swati on October 13 until December 16, and the winds of change pick up at this time, making it even harder to hold our own and stall firm. ![]() New Moon in Libra Oct. 19 Diwali The Moon joins a debilitated Sun in Libra on October 19 and this is a New Year of sorts in the Hindu calendar. The returning darkness, initiated by a weak Sun and dark Moon, instills in us a need to find our light; our true source of light that is not merely a physical light and heat from our sun. We must face the darkness with a sense of hope, even when we can see no hope on the horizon. In the words of the great songstress Kate Bush, we can say to ourselves, ‘I just know that something good is going to happen’! Jupiter’s presence in Libra brings with it hope, even on the darkest of days, and Uranus opposite in Aries promotes exciting and sometimes shocking new beginnings for this new Moon phase. Saturn in Sagittarius Oct. 26 2017 – Jan. 24 2020
Saturn leaves Scorpio, and all of the fears and scandals it has dredged up in the last 3 years, on October 26. This is a big change for October and for the next couple of years. Saturn's transit through Scorpio for most of the last 3 years has been intense. Fear has increased, while wars ragged and boundaries were stressed. Saturn is still in a precarious situation, especially between October 15 and November 4, as it transits a sensitive juncture between Scorpio and Sagittarius. Saturn entering this juncture for the third time this year puts added strain on structures around the world. Each of us experiences this breaking down in some area of our life, so that we can get to the root cause of the problem, uprooting us in the process. Problems arise when we identify with form. All forms are passing, withering away, dying. What comes next? Sagittarius is the natural next step in dealing with our fears. Hope is the keyword for the natural 9th house of the zodiac and this eternally optimistic sign. But Saturn’s presence here requires realism, not ‘pie in the sky’ thinking. You can read more about the transit of Saturn in Sagittarius in an article I wrote here OM TAT SAT
8/10/2017 03:13:04 am
Gary O'Toole
9/10/2017 03:54:59 pm
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