Venus resumes direct motion on September 6. Venus stations on September 6, hanging brightly in the early morning before sunrise. With our guiding light visible once again, and preparing to move forward, we can begin to see how we can move forward with what we hold dear closely held to our chests. These may be relationships or anything we value. Insights have been gained and some illusions may have been lost along the way, but the time has come to pick up your valuables and move on. You can read an article I wrote about this particular Venus retrograde by clicking here. Partial solar eclipse in Leo September 13 The partial solar eclipse of September 13 occurs at 26 degrees of sidereal Leo. Click on the link above to calculate timings for your location. As always, eclipses bring change, as represented by the nodes of the Moon and their ability to bring to light certain things which have hitherto remained subconscious. The change happens psychologically at first, and then you cannot ignore the need to make changes to your environment in some way. This is particularly the case for those with planets at or around 26 degrees of Leo, or in the opposite sign Aquarius. If your birthday is around September 13, then this is a time to be aware of the need for change. Pay attention to the area of your life the sign Leo represents and the area of your life being affected by having planets placed therein. Take the time to tune in to the insights which are ripe for the picking and spend the day in quiet contemplation, if possible. Although the day itself may not indicate any particular event, it is worth noting the subsequent transits of planets to the eclipse degree for those indications. Mars crosses the eclipse degree on October 29 and we can expect an event at that point. Use this particular new Moon day to plant a seed; a new way of being in the world with your new found awareness. Ask yourself the question: What do I really want? And wait for the answer. Mars enters Leo on September 15. Mars leaves its sign of debilitation and enters a sign it is more comfortable with on September 15. Mars has been frustrated while in Cancer and this weakness showed up in more ways than can be expressed here. As Mars moves, we must use the release of energy wisely as it comes together with Jupiter, and is influenced by Saturn which is placed in its sign, Scorpio. When Jupiter and Saturn affect our output of energy, we must be aware of the expansion and contraction of these influences which can create a type of push/pull feeling; as if by peristalsis we are delivered to where we need to be. It can be painful, but we get there in the end. Hesitation gets mixed up with wise moves. Uncertainty is never far from the surface in September due to the eclipses and the physic disturbances they can bring about, especially as Mars crosses over to Leo by mid-month and is then held back somewhat by Saturn's stern gaze. Although we want to plunge head first into expressing what we want, we are also cautious about stating our case because of the uncertainty. Take the time to organize and reorganize your life thanks to Mercury's strength in Virgo, and act on a plan of action with a considered approach, taking in the bigger picture at all times. Mercury is retrograde in Virgo from September 17 until October 9. Mercury entered its sign of exaltation, Virgo on August 23. Mercury functions well in this sign of the zodiac and this time of year is best for planning and scheduling and efficient timeline. However, this year Mercury also transits retrograde in Virgo so we have to keep the cables loose and our sense of humor fully charged. Added to the mix is Rahu, adding a frenetic energy to our minds and our schedules which can create a lot of mental tension. We have a need to be productive and yet we must remain open to new ways of doing things. Allow for the unexpected. Mercury and Rahu come together on August 29 and again as Mercury moves back towards Rahu by October 8. These are key periods to watch for mental ingenuity, coupled with excessive thinking. Keep your mind grounded in the reality of your day-to-day life and don't get too caught up in your imagination if your imaginings are of an unsavory nature. If, on the other hand, your imagination runs riot with joy and abundance, then go for it! New exercise are diet plans are in order as Mercury moves through Virgo and the Sun joins it from the time it begins its retrograde period on September 17. The Sun enters Virgo on September 17. Pride comes before a fall, as the saying goes. In astrological language, this would represent Leo coming before Virgo. The grandiose and pompous show of the summer fun of Leo must lead way to withdrawal, as the nights begin to creep in on the northern hemisphere and a chill in the air signifies a time to retreat. This year Mercury retrograde insists on withdrawal. The Sun in Virgo represents harvest season, as we reap the rewards of our hard work and take stock for the coming season. The days and nights are of near equal length by the equinox on September 23. This is a time to find balance in our lives, especially if we have overindulged in the summer months. As always, this is an opportune time to take up a fast and exercise routines which allow any toxic accumulation to be discarded, whether physical, mental or emotional. Full lunar eclipse in Pisces on September 28. Harvest Moon. A full lunar eclipse can be viewed on September 28. Click on the link above for timings at your location. Traditionally, the eclipse was not viewed. It is always better viewed internally, as a process of change. In other words, the day could be spent in meditation or contemplation which allows the external noise to take a back seat to an inner search for insight. The full Moon phase is itself an emotionally charged period. When we take into account the Moon's proximity to Earth at this time - what is known as a 'Supermoon' - along with the experience of a full lunar eclipse in the water sign Pisces, this is indeed an intensely charged period. The eclipse occurs in sidereal Pisces (8-10 degrees) so look for any planets, or important degrees, in your own horoscope at these degrees to see what is being triggered. The waxing phase of September's Moon can trigger many emotional issues, as well as extreme weather conditions. Eclipses represent the need to listen to changes which must be brought about, one way or another. Virgo and Pisces represent a balance we need to achieve between the business of the day and our need to let it all go. And, although the solar eclipse is placed in the sign Leo, highlighting our need to look closely at how power is handled, the nodes of the Moon's positions in the Virgo/Pisces axis reminds us of the practical use, and relinquishing, of this sense of power. Sometimes we can get a balance of doing and being by paying attention to the details of our lives before letting it go through meditation, but more often we achieve this balance by paying attention to the details during the day and letting it all go by falling asleep at night. OM TAT SAT Comments are closed.