While there are many advantages to having Ketu transiting Scorpio, as it reveals things that were previously hidden, there are many problems it can bring up. The cover ups, the denials, the revelations, the uncertainties, the cyber-attacks, the scary realities, the need to find someone to blame - all of these could be attributed to Ketu in Scorpio.
Together with Rahu in Taurus, the nodes have shown many problems the world has had to deal with throughout history. There have been attacks, bombings, threats of war, and actual wars, blocks to supply chains and scarcity issues, diseases, including viruses and epidemics. But there have also been revelations which have given us insights into hidden realms, exposing problems, getting to the underlying cause, so we can heal them.
The mapping of the Genome was completed during Ketu’s previous transit to Scorpio, for example, in 2003. We have already seen many advancements in health this year, and more understanding of viruses than ever before, insights that will help us better deal with viruses in the future. More revelations about the origins of the current, and other, viruses are more possible, as Ketu represents the infinitesimally small, while its transit in Scorpio brings things out of hiding. The development of a HIV vaccine is one such example. Ketu in Scorpio has a laser beam-like precision. The recent development at Griffith University of a Covid-19 treatment which can seek out and lock onto the viral RNA is another example.
Sometimes, Ketu in Scorpio uncovers more than we can deal with. It does so, so we can heal. It can also, however, show a denial of what we would prefer were not real, our worst fears come true precisely because of the denial. We can easily see its role in the spread of the virus, for example, as many still deny the existence of any problem at all.
If you do not believe there is a virus, it spreads quicker!
If you have ever caught a virus, you will probably have caught it because you did not know the person you were intimate with had it. And they probably didn’t know they had it either. Scorpio represents intimacy, and all the fears that surround being intimate, as well as the diseases that come from being intimate. And intimacy does not have to mean sexual intimacy, although that too is covered in the sign.
As is the case with the current virus, the 1918 Spanish flu spread because of cover ups and denials. India's current wave is a good example, but there is a certain level of denial that is occurring all around the world, even while bodies pile high.
The main problem with a virus is that we cannot see it, of course. The nodes are not visible. Ketu in Scorpio is even more elusive and unpredictable, more hidden, and scarier, as a result. And if we cannot see something, we don’t trust it. Ketu is seen as exalted in Scorpio, a sign it is also said to rule, which basically means it has more strength to do more harm, more ability to confound.
I previously predicted mutant strains would begin to become a problem once Ketu entered Scorpio, but really, the biggest problem with Ketu in Scorpio is that we hate uncertainty and would take any theory over not knowing - any day of the week!
Ketu in Scorpio can show a loss of control. We hate that, too. In the context of a virus, we can see how this can get out of hand, spreading like wildfire. Misinformation can spread as quickly if left unchecked.
Ketu in Scorpio does not stand alone, of course. This has to be coupled with Rahu in Taurus, adding further complexity and nuance to the problem, blowing things up into major epidemics and pandemics. Rahu in Taurus shows the fear of lack, lack of resources, lack of safety, of security, and yet further uncertainty.
Other transits have either added to, or are adding to, the problem. Jupiter in Capricorn shows a loss of meaning and a lack of faith in those who would guide us. And Jupiter is not done with Capricorn. It will return here from Sep 14 until Nov 20. This heightens our sense of uncertainty and a lack of faith.
Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn are continuing to challenge borders and personal boundaries. While Saturn's upcoming retrograde may bring ways out of restriction, it also shows the need to retrace our steps, further challenging us to take a step back and slow down any release from restriction – with an eye on the bigger picture.
Mars is currently challenging the restrictions of Saturn, and this will only intensify in the summer of 2021. Saturn and Mars come into an opposition in June and July, which will become more frustrating for those wishing to do what they want, when they want to, while restrictions remain in place. Saturn will have plenty of opportunity to push back against the push for freedom, creating further tensions during continued restrictions. But hopefully, it will calm and contain things, too.
All of this can lead to the blame game, of course, an attempt to have something or someone to target with all our fears and frustrations. We may either blame some hidden entity or group which appears to have a hidden agenda or blame ourselves, as if we should have known better. Ketu shows the possibility of revealing our blind spots, but it could just as easily blind us.
The uncertainty of the pandemic, together with the denial by some, is actually adding to the loss of control and uncertainty, for everyone.
If we were all on the same page, no matter how hard it was to face, we could all tackle it together. But Ketu in Scorpio, and Rahu in Taurus, divide and conquer through fear – either a fear of lack of resources because of our greed (Rahu in Taurus), or just plain old, gut wrenching fear (Ketu in Scorpio).
They do so very subtlety, of course, but more powerfully exert their hold because of this, working away in the shadows, as our own shadows and primal fears, hidden away where we cannot see them clearly. There is the possibility of seeing into the hidden dynamics as the eclipses bring revelations, as we gain deeper insights into what is going on in secret. But we could also lose perspective and get it completely wrong.
There is a total lunar eclipse conjunct Ketu in Scorpio on May 26, 2021 which may reveal something important, but if it does not, the total solar eclipse in Scorpio on Dec 4, 2021 certainly will.
Together with Rahu in Taurus, the nodes have shown many problems the world has had to deal with throughout history. There have been attacks, bombings, threats of war, and actual wars, blocks to supply chains and scarcity issues, diseases, including viruses and epidemics. But there have also been revelations which have given us insights into hidden realms, exposing problems, getting to the underlying cause, so we can heal them.
The mapping of the Genome was completed during Ketu’s previous transit to Scorpio, for example, in 2003. We have already seen many advancements in health this year, and more understanding of viruses than ever before, insights that will help us better deal with viruses in the future. More revelations about the origins of the current, and other, viruses are more possible, as Ketu represents the infinitesimally small, while its transit in Scorpio brings things out of hiding. The development of a HIV vaccine is one such example. Ketu in Scorpio has a laser beam-like precision. The recent development at Griffith University of a Covid-19 treatment which can seek out and lock onto the viral RNA is another example.
Sometimes, Ketu in Scorpio uncovers more than we can deal with. It does so, so we can heal. It can also, however, show a denial of what we would prefer were not real, our worst fears come true precisely because of the denial. We can easily see its role in the spread of the virus, for example, as many still deny the existence of any problem at all.
If you do not believe there is a virus, it spreads quicker!
If you have ever caught a virus, you will probably have caught it because you did not know the person you were intimate with had it. And they probably didn’t know they had it either. Scorpio represents intimacy, and all the fears that surround being intimate, as well as the diseases that come from being intimate. And intimacy does not have to mean sexual intimacy, although that too is covered in the sign.
As is the case with the current virus, the 1918 Spanish flu spread because of cover ups and denials. India's current wave is a good example, but there is a certain level of denial that is occurring all around the world, even while bodies pile high.
The main problem with a virus is that we cannot see it, of course. The nodes are not visible. Ketu in Scorpio is even more elusive and unpredictable, more hidden, and scarier, as a result. And if we cannot see something, we don’t trust it. Ketu is seen as exalted in Scorpio, a sign it is also said to rule, which basically means it has more strength to do more harm, more ability to confound.
I previously predicted mutant strains would begin to become a problem once Ketu entered Scorpio, but really, the biggest problem with Ketu in Scorpio is that we hate uncertainty and would take any theory over not knowing - any day of the week!
Ketu in Scorpio can show a loss of control. We hate that, too. In the context of a virus, we can see how this can get out of hand, spreading like wildfire. Misinformation can spread as quickly if left unchecked.
Ketu in Scorpio does not stand alone, of course. This has to be coupled with Rahu in Taurus, adding further complexity and nuance to the problem, blowing things up into major epidemics and pandemics. Rahu in Taurus shows the fear of lack, lack of resources, lack of safety, of security, and yet further uncertainty.
Other transits have either added to, or are adding to, the problem. Jupiter in Capricorn shows a loss of meaning and a lack of faith in those who would guide us. And Jupiter is not done with Capricorn. It will return here from Sep 14 until Nov 20. This heightens our sense of uncertainty and a lack of faith.
Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn are continuing to challenge borders and personal boundaries. While Saturn's upcoming retrograde may bring ways out of restriction, it also shows the need to retrace our steps, further challenging us to take a step back and slow down any release from restriction – with an eye on the bigger picture.
Mars is currently challenging the restrictions of Saturn, and this will only intensify in the summer of 2021. Saturn and Mars come into an opposition in June and July, which will become more frustrating for those wishing to do what they want, when they want to, while restrictions remain in place. Saturn will have plenty of opportunity to push back against the push for freedom, creating further tensions during continued restrictions. But hopefully, it will calm and contain things, too.
All of this can lead to the blame game, of course, an attempt to have something or someone to target with all our fears and frustrations. We may either blame some hidden entity or group which appears to have a hidden agenda or blame ourselves, as if we should have known better. Ketu shows the possibility of revealing our blind spots, but it could just as easily blind us.
The uncertainty of the pandemic, together with the denial by some, is actually adding to the loss of control and uncertainty, for everyone.
If we were all on the same page, no matter how hard it was to face, we could all tackle it together. But Ketu in Scorpio, and Rahu in Taurus, divide and conquer through fear – either a fear of lack of resources because of our greed (Rahu in Taurus), or just plain old, gut wrenching fear (Ketu in Scorpio).
They do so very subtlety, of course, but more powerfully exert their hold because of this, working away in the shadows, as our own shadows and primal fears, hidden away where we cannot see them clearly. There is the possibility of seeing into the hidden dynamics as the eclipses bring revelations, as we gain deeper insights into what is going on in secret. But we could also lose perspective and get it completely wrong.
There is a total lunar eclipse conjunct Ketu in Scorpio on May 26, 2021 which may reveal something important, but if it does not, the total solar eclipse in Scorpio on Dec 4, 2021 certainly will.
Ketu in Anurādhā
Scorpio is all about control, especially the latter part of the sign, the lunar mansion Jyeṣṭhā. But why would we wish to control anyone or anything? Because it is important to us, of course - or because we are obsessed with it! The kind of devotion that can so easily lead to obsession is reflected in the heart of the Scorpion, in the lunar mansion Anurādhā. But we must ask ourselves: what are we devoting our time and energy to?
Ketu has been transiting Jyeṣṭhā since Sep 2020, which shows the possibility of a loss of control, and an intense need to regain it - at any cost. Ketu will enter Anurādhā lunar mansion by Jun 2, and until Feb 8, 2022. This shows the need to look within, to get to the heart of the problem.
Ketu in Anurādhā reflects the depths of our fears, but it may just as easily show a neglect of what we must look at, i.e., the truth. There is a possibility of opening our hearts, not avoiding how we are feeling, despite our fears.
Anurādhā is associated with Saturn, and Saturn and Ketu have very different approaches, although they both bring us to the truth eventually.
Saturn may be about what is real, but it also shows where we can get it so wrong. Saturn shows what we are committed to, which may or may not be right. It does this by showing us results we can see all around us. Ketu, on the other hand, can reject what may be more obvious to everyone else. Ketu is a shadow, after all. It usually shows what we are blind to. But it also shows another possibility, that of turning to what is real in a spiritual sense and is why Ketu's upcoming transit in Anurādhā is a great time to commit to something more, something deeper, within.
The world is full of uncertainty. Unless and until we are able to rest in the heart, we are lost in the mind's inability to deal with problems. While the mind wants answers, and a timeframe, the heart is tuned into what is timeless. We can tune into our hearts for guidance, without impulsively reacting or emotionally numbing ourselves. Otherwise, the mind’s inability to grasp the truth of a complex situation leaves us wanting.
Ketu can remove the cover, to allow us to see deeper into the hidden dynamics, but it can also unleash something we are not ready for. This can bring up all kinds of revelations, some which we very much welcome, some we do not.
Throughout history, Ketu's revelations have been challenging. There are many examples showing how this can play out in events around the world. Just a quick snapshot of the last time Ketu was in Scorpio in 2002/2003 shows a similar theme, of wanting to remove a problem, as was the case during the Iraq war.
The problem is, we end up creating more problems than we solve. Mars is ruler of Scorpio and does not always know when to quit. Ketu is also said to rule Scorpio, taking Mars' impulse and adding a good dose of impulsivity and irrationality into the mix.
Below are a just a few headlines about the Iraq invasion which I picked up from infoplease.com. These occurred during the last time Ketu was in Anurādhā. They reflect the need to rid the world of problems, but the making of many more; problems which are being addressed again thanks to Ketu’s return to Scorpio, with American troops being pulled out of Afghanistan.
There were many other terrorist attacks at that time, in different parts of the world, which I did not include in the list, but I included the SARS virus for obvious reasons; as a reminder that the war these days is on Covid.
Scorpio is all about control, especially the latter part of the sign, the lunar mansion Jyeṣṭhā. But why would we wish to control anyone or anything? Because it is important to us, of course - or because we are obsessed with it! The kind of devotion that can so easily lead to obsession is reflected in the heart of the Scorpion, in the lunar mansion Anurādhā. But we must ask ourselves: what are we devoting our time and energy to?
Ketu has been transiting Jyeṣṭhā since Sep 2020, which shows the possibility of a loss of control, and an intense need to regain it - at any cost. Ketu will enter Anurādhā lunar mansion by Jun 2, and until Feb 8, 2022. This shows the need to look within, to get to the heart of the problem.
Ketu in Anurādhā reflects the depths of our fears, but it may just as easily show a neglect of what we must look at, i.e., the truth. There is a possibility of opening our hearts, not avoiding how we are feeling, despite our fears.
Anurādhā is associated with Saturn, and Saturn and Ketu have very different approaches, although they both bring us to the truth eventually.
Saturn may be about what is real, but it also shows where we can get it so wrong. Saturn shows what we are committed to, which may or may not be right. It does this by showing us results we can see all around us. Ketu, on the other hand, can reject what may be more obvious to everyone else. Ketu is a shadow, after all. It usually shows what we are blind to. But it also shows another possibility, that of turning to what is real in a spiritual sense and is why Ketu's upcoming transit in Anurādhā is a great time to commit to something more, something deeper, within.
The world is full of uncertainty. Unless and until we are able to rest in the heart, we are lost in the mind's inability to deal with problems. While the mind wants answers, and a timeframe, the heart is tuned into what is timeless. We can tune into our hearts for guidance, without impulsively reacting or emotionally numbing ourselves. Otherwise, the mind’s inability to grasp the truth of a complex situation leaves us wanting.
Ketu can remove the cover, to allow us to see deeper into the hidden dynamics, but it can also unleash something we are not ready for. This can bring up all kinds of revelations, some which we very much welcome, some we do not.
Throughout history, Ketu's revelations have been challenging. There are many examples showing how this can play out in events around the world. Just a quick snapshot of the last time Ketu was in Scorpio in 2002/2003 shows a similar theme, of wanting to remove a problem, as was the case during the Iraq war.
The problem is, we end up creating more problems than we solve. Mars is ruler of Scorpio and does not always know when to quit. Ketu is also said to rule Scorpio, taking Mars' impulse and adding a good dose of impulsivity and irrationality into the mix.
Below are a just a few headlines about the Iraq invasion which I picked up from infoplease.com. These occurred during the last time Ketu was in Anurādhā. They reflect the need to rid the world of problems, but the making of many more; problems which are being addressed again thanks to Ketu’s return to Scorpio, with American troops being pulled out of Afghanistan.
There were many other terrorist attacks at that time, in different parts of the world, which I did not include in the list, but I included the SARS virus for obvious reasons; as a reminder that the war these days is on Covid.
Here are a few things which occurred while Ketu transited Anurādhā in 2003:
Millions Gather to Protest War (Feb. 15): Marchers demonstrate in New York and other U.S. cities, in London, Melbourne, Paris, Seoul, and many other locations to rally against war in Iraq.
Weapons Inspector Orders Iraq to Destroy Missiles (Feb. 22): Hans Blix tells Iraq to dismantle Al Samoud 2 missiles, whose range exceeds limit.
U.S. Says Hussein Must Leave Iraq (Feb. 28): In a policy shift, White House says Iraq must disarm and Hussein must go into exile to avoid war.
Iraq Begins to Destroy Missiles (March 1): Reluctantly starts dismantling its Al Samoud missiles, as ordered by UN chief weapons inspector Hans Blix.
ElBaradei Discredits Evidence Against Iraq (March 7): UN weapons inspector reports to Security Council that documents that said Iraq tried to buy uranium from Niger were forged. Bush administration had used the evidence to claim Iraq was constituting its nuclear weapons program.
Mystery Illness Strikes Asia (March 15): World Health Organization calls virus, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), a ''worldwide health threat.'' U.S.-based Centres for Disease Control and Prevention says it thinks a ''previously unrecognized virus from the coronavirus family'' is the root of the illness.
U.S., Britain, and Spain Withdraw Resolution (March 17): When it becomes clear that France will veto a joint UN resolution that authorizes use of force against Iraq, countries withdraw resolution and agree to invade without the backing of the Security Council.
War in Iraq Begins (March 19): U.S. launches Operation Iraqi Freedom.
U.S. Troops Strike in Afghanistan (March 20): In the largest operation in more than a year, about 1,000 soldiers raid Kandahar, seeking out al-Qaeda members.
Baghdad Falls (April 9): U.S. forces take control of the city, but sporadic fighting continues throughout the capital. Looters pillage government buildings, museums, hospitals, and stores. Statue of Saddam Hussein symbolically toppled. National Museum of Iraq plundered of its most prized treasures.
China Admits Underreporting SARS Cases (April 20): Government reports number of victims much higher than originally stated.
U.S. Declares End to Combat in Afghanistan (May 1): Marks the formal transition from military operations to reconstruction and paves the way for international groups to participate.
Beyond the Problem
There is a total solar eclipse in Scorpio on Dec 4, 2021, after a partial lunar eclipse in Taurus on Nov 19. This solar eclipse which has already been activated by Ketu’s transit in Apr/May, more obviously showing up as another wave of the virus in India. The Indian chart of independence has Ketu in Scorpio.
By the end of December, Mars will move over this eclipse degree, at 18 degrees of Scorpio. This will likely trigger another wave, but it will also likely push things forward and reveal more to us about the virus. Mars externalizes things. The more we know, the more we can combat the virus. This is ultimately a good sign moving into 2022, although it does suggest a challenging winter period.
Ketu moves into Viśākhā by Feb 8, 2022, finishing its transit in Scorpio by Apr 12. Viśākhā means 'two-branched’, and its symbol is a decorated archway. While two-branched shows more than one option, the possibility of focusing on one is also emphasized. Viśākhā is all about developing courage and will power to achieve our desires, and although it can show immense focus, there is the possibility of compromise. It is ruled by two gods: the god of fire, Agni, and the chief of the gods, Indra, reflecting its two-sided approach, as well as its immense ambition and courage.
As Ketu transits the last section of this sign within Scorpio, it is a more directed affair, although Ketu’s impulse is to negate may remove certain choices at this stage.
Viśākhā is associated with Jupiter which may show a change in what we believe, and a change in actions we take based on new ideas and ideals.
Jupiter will move into Pisces by the time Ketu is done with Scorpio (on the same day!), which will bring relief in the form of new hope and opportunity by April 2022, offering us a way out of our current problem.