In 2016, the north node joined a retrograde Jupiter in Leo, as Mars joined forces with Saturn in Scorpio. The world is still reeling.
Jupiter appeared to move backwards against the backdrop of the sign Leo, transiting alongside the shadow of Rahu, the north node, and opposite to Ketu, the south node. Ketu in Aquarius, exchanged signs with Saturn in Scorpio. Saturn remained in Scorpio all year, while Mars joined it in Scorpio from the end of February until September.
These were complex transits and, although the effects of the nodes were not apparent initially, the effects of these transits will be felt for some time to come.
The node are not visible unless we experience an eclipse, and operate, for the most part, outside of our conscious awareness (Rahu and Ketu represent ultra violet and infra red on the colour spectrum, which are outside of our range of vision).
Rahu's position in Leo led to many taking advantage of their power, a key indication of the sign, with those strongly influenced by Leo manipulating outcomes in order to gain more power over others.
These transits have huge implications when it comes to how leaders have led us down our current path.
It takes the eclipses to bring to light the things which have hitherto remained under the radar. Many did not know what they were doing, as they acted out of subconscious needs brought about by the transits of the nodes.
The Eclipses
We experienced a total solar eclipse on March 8/9 2016, in the sign Aquarius, while the Sun transited alongside Ketu. We then experienced an annular solar eclipse on September 1 in Leo, bringing the power-hungry back into prominence and highlighting (as well as obscuring) their tactics.
These complex transits were reflected in some very complex situations at the time. Although there are too many to mention here, one can see the complexity of the migration issue, for example.
Our insecurities are represented by Scorpio, and Saturn was placed therein throughout 2016. Mars transited alongside Saturn for most of 2016; February 20 until September 18. Migrants fleeing war-torn regions of the world were looking for a home and security elsewhere, while those in countries greeting migrants were seeking to keep a sense of order and continuity within their own communities.
This was unveiling all the many challenges faced by trying to integrate various cultures, and the fear brought about by opening boarders: Saturn represents boarders and was weakly placed in Mars' sign.
During this whole period Jupiter was retrograde alongside Rahu. This set us on a course that brought us to where we are now.
These two major configurations - Rahu and Jupiter in Leo, Mars and Saturn in Scorpio - meant we had to experience these intense and unusual situations.
Jupiter appeared to move backwards against the backdrop of the sign Leo, transiting alongside the shadow of Rahu, the north node, and opposite to Ketu, the south node. Ketu in Aquarius, exchanged signs with Saturn in Scorpio. Saturn remained in Scorpio all year, while Mars joined it in Scorpio from the end of February until September.
These were complex transits and, although the effects of the nodes were not apparent initially, the effects of these transits will be felt for some time to come.
The node are not visible unless we experience an eclipse, and operate, for the most part, outside of our conscious awareness (Rahu and Ketu represent ultra violet and infra red on the colour spectrum, which are outside of our range of vision).
Rahu's position in Leo led to many taking advantage of their power, a key indication of the sign, with those strongly influenced by Leo manipulating outcomes in order to gain more power over others.
These transits have huge implications when it comes to how leaders have led us down our current path.
It takes the eclipses to bring to light the things which have hitherto remained under the radar. Many did not know what they were doing, as they acted out of subconscious needs brought about by the transits of the nodes.
The Eclipses
We experienced a total solar eclipse on March 8/9 2016, in the sign Aquarius, while the Sun transited alongside Ketu. We then experienced an annular solar eclipse on September 1 in Leo, bringing the power-hungry back into prominence and highlighting (as well as obscuring) their tactics.
These complex transits were reflected in some very complex situations at the time. Although there are too many to mention here, one can see the complexity of the migration issue, for example.
Our insecurities are represented by Scorpio, and Saturn was placed therein throughout 2016. Mars transited alongside Saturn for most of 2016; February 20 until September 18. Migrants fleeing war-torn regions of the world were looking for a home and security elsewhere, while those in countries greeting migrants were seeking to keep a sense of order and continuity within their own communities.
This was unveiling all the many challenges faced by trying to integrate various cultures, and the fear brought about by opening boarders: Saturn represents boarders and was weakly placed in Mars' sign.
During this whole period Jupiter was retrograde alongside Rahu. This set us on a course that brought us to where we are now.
These two major configurations - Rahu and Jupiter in Leo, Mars and Saturn in Scorpio - meant we had to experience these intense and unusual situations.
'The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom'. - William Blake
Change is the only certainty in life. Scorpio represents a deep resistance to the fact. Saturn taught us the lesson slowly while it transited the sign from the end of 2014 until the end of 2017. We needed to loosen our grip on the illusion of complete control over how things change for us.
The darker side of these transits represent the parts of ourselves we refuse to face, and project onto others, attacking those we see as weaker than ourselves - feeling attacked by others who do not own their fear and anger.
And so, the cycle of war continues.
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.
- Reinhold Niebuhr
Rahu and Jupiter in Leo
Rahu and Jupiter were together in Leo from January until August 2016. When Rahu and Jupiter get together there are many pitfalls. Rahu does things differently, ensuring change at every corner. It represents innovation, while Jupiter represents tradition. The problem with doing things differently is that we can so often get it so wrong. If we what has always been, there is a very real possibility of taking the wrong route, being misguided by others and ending up at a loss.
While Jupiter moved alongside the shadow of Rahu in Leo there were many in positions of power getting it wrong, although we should not assume everyone was being intentionally mislead.
We all go through a reevaluation while Jupiter appears to move backwards, and this is the case every year. Jupiter and Rahu in Leo accentuated our disconnection to leadership and self-expression.
A Sting in the Tail
Finally, there was the transit of Ketu through Aquarius in 2016. Ketu exchanged signs with Saturn in Scorpio.
2016 had a sting in its tail as Mars joined Ketu by the end of the year, up until which the nodes themselves hemmed in all of the visible planets, creating divisiveness and uncertainty.
No matter what the challenges the world faces in times of war, mass migration and upheaval, if we can connect with the truth of who we really are, and see our true nature beyond form, we can connect with our fellow man.
If we can see beyond our conditioned responses to a crisis, we can tap into our shared humanity, as represented by Ketu.
Finally, there was the transit of Ketu through Aquarius in 2016. Ketu exchanged signs with Saturn in Scorpio.
2016 had a sting in its tail as Mars joined Ketu by the end of the year, up until which the nodes themselves hemmed in all of the visible planets, creating divisiveness and uncertainty.
No matter what the challenges the world faces in times of war, mass migration and upheaval, if we can connect with the truth of who we really are, and see our true nature beyond form, we can connect with our fellow man.
If we can see beyond our conditioned responses to a crisis, we can tap into our shared humanity, as represented by Ketu.