27 star signs
What are nakṣatras?
You may be familiar with the 12 Sun signs, Aries, Taurus, Gemini etc., but have you heard of the 27 star signs, or 'Moon signs'?
These are the nakṣatras or lunar mansions of Jyotiṣa (Indian or 'Vedic' astrology). The Sun relates to our circumstances and physical resources, while the Moon relates to our mental nature and emotional resources; our conditioning and instinctual reactions.
The Sun and Moon are used to see many things, for timing and interpretation, while the 27 star signs give deeper insights into the Sun signs, further dividing the Sun signs into smaller portions. The Moon can be seen to transit one of the 27 segments of the zodiac belt in approximately one day, taking just over 27 days to travel through the entire zodiac.
Each lunar division highlights the day's mood and is conducive to certain activities, and each has its own mythology and associated symbols. Knowing the sign the Moon is currently transiting, or will transit in the future, helps you plan the best activities each day.
These are the nakṣatras or lunar mansions of Jyotiṣa (Indian or 'Vedic' astrology). The Sun relates to our circumstances and physical resources, while the Moon relates to our mental nature and emotional resources; our conditioning and instinctual reactions.
The Sun and Moon are used to see many things, for timing and interpretation, while the 27 star signs give deeper insights into the Sun signs, further dividing the Sun signs into smaller portions. The Moon can be seen to transit one of the 27 segments of the zodiac belt in approximately one day, taking just over 27 days to travel through the entire zodiac.
Each lunar division highlights the day's mood and is conducive to certain activities, and each has its own mythology and associated symbols. Knowing the sign the Moon is currently transiting, or will transit in the future, helps you plan the best activities each day.
12 Sun Signs
The Sun signs divides the 360° circle of the zodiac into 12 sections of 30°, while the lunar divisions divide the zodiac into 27 sections of 13 degrees and 20 minutes (13° 20'). The names of the star signs are given in Sanskrit. Some star signs are contained fully within one Sun sign, while some star signs bridge two Sun signs. Both come to an end at three different places in the zodiac: the end of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.
The Sun transits one 30° sign a month, changing signs from mid-month according to sidereal (fixed star) calculations, which is different to tropical calculations, more commonly used by Western astrologers. The Sun's transit through each sign according to sidereal calculations are more closely aligned with the actual constellations we can see in the Night sky.
The Sun transits one 30° sign a month, changing signs from mid-month according to sidereal (fixed star) calculations, which is different to tropical calculations, more commonly used by Western astrologers. The Sun's transit through each sign according to sidereal calculations are more closely aligned with the actual constellations we can see in the Night sky.
sidereal Degrees of lunar mansions
1. Aśvinī: 0° 00’ – 13° 20’ Aries
2. Bharaṇī: 13° 20’ – 26° 40’ Aries
3. Kṛttikā: 26° 40’ Aries – 10° 00’ Taurus
4. Rohiṇī: 10° 00’ – 23° 20’ Taurus
5. Mṛgaśirṣā: 23° 20’ Taurus – 6° 40’ Gemini
6. Ārdrā: 6° 40’ – 20° Gemini
7. Punarvasu: 20° 00’ Gemini – 3° 20’ Cancer
8. Puṣya: 3° 20 ‘– 16° 40’ Cancer
9. Āśleṣā: 16° 40’ – 30° 00’ Cancer
10. Maghā: 0° 00’ – 13° 20’ Leo
11. Pūrva Phālgunī: 13° 20 ‘– 26° 40’ Leo
12. Uttara Phālgunī: 26° 40’ Leo – 10° 00’ Virgo
13. Hasta: 10° 00’ – 23° 20’ Virgo
14. Citrā: 23° 20’ Virgo – 6° 40’ Libra
15. Svātī: 6° 40’ – 20° 00’ Libra
16. Viśākhā: 20° 00’ Libra – 3° 20’ Scorpio
17. Anurādhā: 3° 20’ – 16° 40’ Scorpio
18. Jyeṣṭhā: 16° 40’ – 30° 00’ Scorpio
19. Mūla: 0° 00’ – 13° 20’ Sagittarius
20. Pūrvāṣāḍha: 13° 20’ – 26° 40’ Sagittarius
21. Uttarāṣāḍha: 26° 40‘Sagittarius – 10° 00’ Capricorn
22. Śravaṇa: 10° 00’ – 23° 20’ Capricorn
23. Dhaniṣṭhā: 23° 20’ Capricorn – 6° 40’ Aquarius
24. Śatabhiṣāj: 6° 40’ – 20° 00’ Aquarius
25. Pūrva Bhādrapada: 20° 00’ Aquarius – 3° 20’ Pisces
26. Uttara Bhādrapada: 3° 20’ – 16° 40’ Pisces
27. Revatī: 16° 40’ – 30° 00’ Pisces
2. Bharaṇī: 13° 20’ – 26° 40’ Aries
3. Kṛttikā: 26° 40’ Aries – 10° 00’ Taurus
4. Rohiṇī: 10° 00’ – 23° 20’ Taurus
5. Mṛgaśirṣā: 23° 20’ Taurus – 6° 40’ Gemini
6. Ārdrā: 6° 40’ – 20° Gemini
7. Punarvasu: 20° 00’ Gemini – 3° 20’ Cancer
8. Puṣya: 3° 20 ‘– 16° 40’ Cancer
9. Āśleṣā: 16° 40’ – 30° 00’ Cancer
10. Maghā: 0° 00’ – 13° 20’ Leo
11. Pūrva Phālgunī: 13° 20 ‘– 26° 40’ Leo
12. Uttara Phālgunī: 26° 40’ Leo – 10° 00’ Virgo
13. Hasta: 10° 00’ – 23° 20’ Virgo
14. Citrā: 23° 20’ Virgo – 6° 40’ Libra
15. Svātī: 6° 40’ – 20° 00’ Libra
16. Viśākhā: 20° 00’ Libra – 3° 20’ Scorpio
17. Anurādhā: 3° 20’ – 16° 40’ Scorpio
18. Jyeṣṭhā: 16° 40’ – 30° 00’ Scorpio
19. Mūla: 0° 00’ – 13° 20’ Sagittarius
20. Pūrvāṣāḍha: 13° 20’ – 26° 40’ Sagittarius
21. Uttarāṣāḍha: 26° 40‘Sagittarius – 10° 00’ Capricorn
22. Śravaṇa: 10° 00’ – 23° 20’ Capricorn
23. Dhaniṣṭhā: 23° 20’ Capricorn – 6° 40’ Aquarius
24. Śatabhiṣāj: 6° 40’ – 20° 00’ Aquarius
25. Pūrva Bhādrapada: 20° 00’ Aquarius – 3° 20’ Pisces
26. Uttara Bhādrapada: 3° 20’ – 16° 40’ Pisces
27. Revatī: 16° 40’ – 30° 00’ Pisces
Aries is the natural first sign of the zodiac, representing new beginnings and taking the initiative. You are ruled by Mars and can get things started and are pioneering in whatever field you choose - if there is nothing holding you back. Delays can be very frustrating for you, but you have plenty of energy to do all you wish to achieve. 'Act First, Think Later' is your motto.
The 3 lunar divisions of Aries are Aśvinī, Bharaṇī and Kṛttikā. Aśvinī brings a flavour of Ketu, the Moon's south node, which intensifies the Mars impulse, making it sharper, quicker and fiercer, as well as adding an interest in alternative methods in gaining strength. Bharaṇī brings a Venusian flavour to Mars which intensifies passions and creativity, but is also destructive, as creativity must always be. Kṛttikā brings a sharpness with an influence from the Sun, adding heat and purity, which can be used to dispel negativity.
The 3 lunar divisions of Aries are Aśvinī, Bharaṇī and Kṛttikā. Aśvinī brings a flavour of Ketu, the Moon's south node, which intensifies the Mars impulse, making it sharper, quicker and fiercer, as well as adding an interest in alternative methods in gaining strength. Bharaṇī brings a Venusian flavour to Mars which intensifies passions and creativity, but is also destructive, as creativity must always be. Kṛttikā brings a sharpness with an influence from the Sun, adding heat and purity, which can be used to dispel negativity.
Taurus is the natural second sign of the zodiac, relating to possessions and food; the things in life that instill a sense of comfort and security. This would also include a family that provided nourishment and clothing growing up, as well as a sense of belonging. Taurus is the most sensual sign, representing a need to luxuriate in life's pleasures and the arts.
The 3 lunar divisions of Taurus are Kṛttikā, Rohiṇī and Mṛgaśirṣā. Kṛttikā brings a flavour of the Sun to Taurus which creates a bittersweet relational environment. Rohiṇī brings a flavour of the Moon which creates a nourishing and sensual environment, creating many enjoyable moments. Mṛgaśīrṣā brings a flavour of Mars, adding passion, inquisitiveness and playfulness in whatever your chosen art.
The 3 lunar divisions of Taurus are Kṛttikā, Rohiṇī and Mṛgaśirṣā. Kṛttikā brings a flavour of the Sun to Taurus which creates a bittersweet relational environment. Rohiṇī brings a flavour of the Moon which creates a nourishing and sensual environment, creating many enjoyable moments. Mṛgaśīrṣā brings a flavour of Mars, adding passion, inquisitiveness and playfulness in whatever your chosen art.
Gemini is the natural third sign of the zodiac, relating to communication, information, interaction and playfulness. Your sign represents the duality between masculinity and femininity, as well as the dance between ideas and a play on words and ideas. Gemini is the most mentally stimulated sign, representing a need to work things out intellectually, so doing things that counteract a very busy mind help to keep the ideas coming.
The 3 lunar divisions of Gemini are Mṛgaśirṣā, Ārdrā and Punarvasu. Mṛgaśirṣā adds a flavour of Mars to Gemini, increasing passions for intellectual stimulation and a ceaseless curiosity. Ārdrā adds a flavour of Rahu, the Moon's north node, intensifying mental stimulation, for better or worse, shifting you in and out of the eye of emotional storms. Punarvasu adds a flavour of Jupiter to Gemini, which increases powers of discernment, sifting through the many choices available to an overstimulated mind.
The 3 lunar divisions of Gemini are Mṛgaśirṣā, Ārdrā and Punarvasu. Mṛgaśirṣā adds a flavour of Mars to Gemini, increasing passions for intellectual stimulation and a ceaseless curiosity. Ārdrā adds a flavour of Rahu, the Moon's north node, intensifying mental stimulation, for better or worse, shifting you in and out of the eye of emotional storms. Punarvasu adds a flavour of Jupiter to Gemini, which increases powers of discernment, sifting through the many choices available to an overstimulated mind.
Cancer is the natural fourth sign of the zodiac, dealing with the home and the mother; issues relating to peace and well-being. The Moon is the fastest-moving 'heavenly body', representing our ever-changing mind and emotions. You may be feeling swayed by moment-to-moment considerations more than other signs and you tend to be sentimental. The mind and emotions are always in flux, as you move with the ebb and flow of life. Once the stormy waters of the mind are calmed, it can reflect your true nature, in the stillness of your being.
The 3 lunar divisions of Cancer are Punarvasu, Puṣya and Āśleṣā. Punarvasu adds a flavour of Jupiter to Cancer, increasing compassion and nourishment. Puṣya adds a flavour of Saturn to Cancer which brings a strong sense of responsibility, and a hard coating which points to a soft inner nature that needs protecting. Āśleṣā brings a flavour of Mercury's intellectualism to the emotional nature of the Moon, mixing things up in an ever-changing mental loop.
The 3 lunar divisions of Cancer are Punarvasu, Puṣya and Āśleṣā. Punarvasu adds a flavour of Jupiter to Cancer, increasing compassion and nourishment. Puṣya adds a flavour of Saturn to Cancer which brings a strong sense of responsibility, and a hard coating which points to a soft inner nature that needs protecting. Āśleṣā brings a flavour of Mercury's intellectualism to the emotional nature of the Moon, mixing things up in an ever-changing mental loop.
Leo is the natural fifth sign of the zodiac, which represents creativity, expression and play. Embodying the Sun, you can shine your warmth and generosity on others, yet you are an embodiment of the Sun, not the Sun itself! You are a spark from our great luminary and can shine your light and inspiration for others. There is power in you which needs an outlet for others to benefit from too.
The 3 lunar divisions of Leo are Maghā, Pūrva Phālguṇī and Uttara Phālguṇī. Maghā brings a flavour of Ketu, the Moon's south node to Leo, intensifying the Sun's power and dominance, showing more leadership qualities. Pūrva Phālguṇī adds a flavour of Venus to powerful Leo, bringing a need to indulge in one's acquisitions, creating a passionate and creative cocktail to enjoy. Uttaraphalgunī increases the Sun's influence at the end of Leo, showing a need to share your many gifts.
The 3 lunar divisions of Leo are Maghā, Pūrva Phālguṇī and Uttara Phālguṇī. Maghā brings a flavour of Ketu, the Moon's south node to Leo, intensifying the Sun's power and dominance, showing more leadership qualities. Pūrva Phālguṇī adds a flavour of Venus to powerful Leo, bringing a need to indulge in one's acquisitions, creating a passionate and creative cocktail to enjoy. Uttaraphalgunī increases the Sun's influence at the end of Leo, showing a need to share your many gifts.
Virgo is the natural sixth sign of the zodiac, dealing with the elimination of disease, debts, and service to others. You are ruled by Mercury and your task is that of sorting out what does not work and eliminate problems - to make things work better. You can take things apart and are very precise to arrive at the best possible way of doing things. Your perfectionist tendencies are all about eliminating problems.
The 3 lunar divisions of Virgo are Uttara Phālguṇī, Hasta and Citrā. Uttaraphalgunī adds a flavour of the Sun to Virgo, showing a need care for others, in body and soul. Hasta adds a flavour of the Moon to Virgo, granting skills in healing yourself and others. Citrā brings a flavour of Mars to Virgo, putting all you have learned into a logical argument, designing a better life for yourself and in serving the greater good.
The 3 lunar divisions of Virgo are Uttara Phālguṇī, Hasta and Citrā. Uttaraphalgunī adds a flavour of the Sun to Virgo, showing a need care for others, in body and soul. Hasta adds a flavour of the Moon to Virgo, granting skills in healing yourself and others. Citrā brings a flavour of Mars to Virgo, putting all you have learned into a logical argument, designing a better life for yourself and in serving the greater good.
Libra is the natural seventh sign of the zodiac, representing how we relate to one another. The seventh house is our doorway into the world, experienced through our interactions. Libra is all about harmony and balance, which you continually strive to obtain, whether in relationships, your work or your surroundings. Your sign shows a need to express yourself through art, or a life which is, at the very least, lived in an aesthetically pleasing environment.
The 3 lunar divisions of Libra are Citrā, Svātī and Viśākhā. Citrā brings the passionate flavour of Mars to Libra, so your beauty and art can be expressed for the world to appreciate. Svātī brings a flavour of Rāhu, the Moon's north node, intensifying passions, expressive arts, as well as the invaluable darker side of love and art. Viśākhā brings a flavour of Jupiter to Libra, showing a meaningful search for love and art, often in expressive through well thought out words.
The 3 lunar divisions of Libra are Citrā, Svātī and Viśākhā. Citrā brings the passionate flavour of Mars to Libra, so your beauty and art can be expressed for the world to appreciate. Svātī brings a flavour of Rāhu, the Moon's north node, intensifying passions, expressive arts, as well as the invaluable darker side of love and art. Viśākhā brings a flavour of Jupiter to Libra, showing a meaningful search for love and art, often in expressive through well thought out words.
Scorpio is the natural eighth sign of the zodiac, dealing with transformation and sexuality. Here with find strength, plummeting down through some stormy emotional waters at times. It is through this process that you build strength and stamina. The intensity at which you delve deep may not always be expressed by your outer demeanor, but you have the determination to see things through. Secret knowledge has a large part to play in dealing with any of your vulnerabilities.
The 3 lunar divisions of Scorpio are Viśākhā, Anurādhā and Jyeṣṭhā. Viśākhā brings a flavour of Jupiter to Scorpio, focusing you on deeper aspects of your being, showing an intense individual who is always looking for meaning. Anurādhā brings a flavour of Saturn to Scorpio, which makes others grateful for the guidance and dedication you bring from the depths of your being. Jyeṣṭhā brings a flavour of Mercury to Scorpio, resulting in a need to express deep insights with child-like enthusiasm, bringing practical lessons in overcoming your vulnerability.
The 3 lunar divisions of Scorpio are Viśākhā, Anurādhā and Jyeṣṭhā. Viśākhā brings a flavour of Jupiter to Scorpio, focusing you on deeper aspects of your being, showing an intense individual who is always looking for meaning. Anurādhā brings a flavour of Saturn to Scorpio, which makes others grateful for the guidance and dedication you bring from the depths of your being. Jyeṣṭhā brings a flavour of Mercury to Scorpio, resulting in a need to express deep insights with child-like enthusiasm, bringing practical lessons in overcoming your vulnerability.
Sagittarius is the natural ninth sign of the zodiac which represents the beliefs and guiding principles we live by. Your sign is traditional, aspiring and idealistic. You aspire to reach higher states of awareness. You acknowledge your higher ideals through a connection to a higher source organizing everything in the universe. This may find expression through some type of philosophy or by simply devoting your yourself to a teacher or tradition that reflects your intuitions.
The 3 lunar divisions of Sagittarius are Mūla, Pūrvāṣāḍha and Uttarāṣāḍha. Mūla brings a flavour of Ketu, the Moon's south node, to Sagittarius, intensifying the need for knowledge, uprooting anything that stands in the way of finding out the truth. Pūrvāṣāḍhā adds a flavour of Venus to Sagittarius, showing a need to rise above animal instincts, in principles and a culture that expresses the very best of the human spirit. Uttarāṣāḍhā brings a flavour of the Sun to Sagittarius, increasing confidence in oneself and your purpose in life.
The 3 lunar divisions of Sagittarius are Mūla, Pūrvāṣāḍha and Uttarāṣāḍha. Mūla brings a flavour of Ketu, the Moon's south node, to Sagittarius, intensifying the need for knowledge, uprooting anything that stands in the way of finding out the truth. Pūrvāṣāḍhā adds a flavour of Venus to Sagittarius, showing a need to rise above animal instincts, in principles and a culture that expresses the very best of the human spirit. Uttarāṣāḍhā brings a flavour of the Sun to Sagittarius, increasing confidence in oneself and your purpose in life.
Capricorn is the natural tenth sign of the zodiac which relates to the work we do in order to pay back our debts. You are the hard worker of the zodiac. Your impulse is put your ideals to the test in a practical manner. You knuckle down and get on with what needs to be done. Hard work can certainly be facilitated; however, the hard work should have no rewards other than being witness to the work itself.
The 3 lunar divisions of Capricorn are Uttarāṣāḍha, Śravaṇa and Dhaniṣṭhā. Uttarāṣāḍhā brings a flavour of the Sun to Capricorn, focusing you on the application of knowledge gained, sharing your meaningful insights in a down-to-earth manner. Śravaṇa brings a flavour of the Moon to Capricorn, instilling in you a need to let others shine, to place others firmly on your strong shoulders. Dhaniṣṭhā brings a flavour of Mars to Capricorn, granting you the power to externalize your wishes in the real world.
The 3 lunar divisions of Capricorn are Uttarāṣāḍha, Śravaṇa and Dhaniṣṭhā. Uttarāṣāḍhā brings a flavour of the Sun to Capricorn, focusing you on the application of knowledge gained, sharing your meaningful insights in a down-to-earth manner. Śravaṇa brings a flavour of the Moon to Capricorn, instilling in you a need to let others shine, to place others firmly on your strong shoulders. Dhaniṣṭhā brings a flavour of Mars to Capricorn, granting you the power to externalize your wishes in the real world.
Aquarius is the natural eleventh sign of the zodiac which relates to friendships, networks and aspirations. Your impulse is to take a forceful role in developing and involving yourself with groups at large, but this may lead to not paying enough attention to your own needs. You can see things very differently to everyone else and this can lend itself to great insights. Your needs can be facilitated through something unusual and thought provoking that will stimulate you into moving from fixed ideas.
The 3 lunar divisions of Aquarius are Dhaniṣṭhā, Śatabhiṣāj and Pūrva Bhādrapada. Dhaniṣṭhā brings a flavour of Mars to Aquarius, breaking you through glass ceilings, beyond what others think is possible. Śatabhiṣa intensifies Aquarius with a double dose of Rāhu, the Moon's north node, showing a need to break free from restriction, carving new paths for yourself and others which can, at times, seem confusing to others. Pūrvā Bhādrapadā brings a flavour of Jupiter to Aquarius, bringing meaning and purpose, in an ever-changing, and evolving, world.
The 3 lunar divisions of Aquarius are Dhaniṣṭhā, Śatabhiṣāj and Pūrva Bhādrapada. Dhaniṣṭhā brings a flavour of Mars to Aquarius, breaking you through glass ceilings, beyond what others think is possible. Śatabhiṣa intensifies Aquarius with a double dose of Rāhu, the Moon's north node, showing a need to break free from restriction, carving new paths for yourself and others which can, at times, seem confusing to others. Pūrvā Bhādrapadā brings a flavour of Jupiter to Aquarius, bringing meaning and purpose, in an ever-changing, and evolving, world.
Pisces is the natural 12th and last sign of the zodiac, relating to time away and liberation. Your sign is water-dominant, symbolized by the vast oceans. The expansiveness of your sign can take everyone else's feelings and considerations into account, so there is a need to address your own needs as well. As the last sign of the zodiac, Pisces shows an individual looking beyond the reaches of everyday life. This can be expressed in a daily meditation practice and by being in the moment and one with it all. You can sit in quiet awe and reverence, expressing your harmonious nature.
The 3 lunar divisions of Pisces are Pūrva Bhādrapada, Uttara Bhādrapada and Revatī. Pūrvā Bhādrapadā intensifies Jupiter's influence in Pisces, showing a need to dream bigger than anyone has dared. Uttara Bhādrapadā brings the astringent flavour of Saturn to the depths of Pisces, making real humanities greatest extremes of love and fear, and you can understand these as inseparable sides of the same coin. Revatī brings a flavour of communicative Mercury to Pisces, instilling in you the ability to say what needs to be said to calm and comfort another soul that may be feeling lost at sea.
The 3 lunar divisions of Pisces are Pūrva Bhādrapada, Uttara Bhādrapada and Revatī. Pūrvā Bhādrapadā intensifies Jupiter's influence in Pisces, showing a need to dream bigger than anyone has dared. Uttara Bhādrapadā brings the astringent flavour of Saturn to the depths of Pisces, making real humanities greatest extremes of love and fear, and you can understand these as inseparable sides of the same coin. Revatī brings a flavour of communicative Mercury to Pisces, instilling in you the ability to say what needs to be said to calm and comfort another soul that may be feeling lost at sea.