3° 20' to 16° 40’ Scorpio
Anurādhā - The Devoted One
Anurādhā means 'another Radha' or ‘after Radha’, referring to Krishna's devoted lover and the loyalty reflected in the sign. It is the most loyal and devoted of signs. It is ruled by the god of friendship, showing great love and co-operation. One of its symbols is a lotus flower, highlighting the depth of feeling which allows a flowering to occur.
When the Moon transits Anurādhā, it's a good day for devotion, making agreements and marriage.
When the Moon transits Anurādhā, it's a good day for devotion, making agreements and marriage.
Vedic God: Mitra, the god of friendship.
Greek God: Urania.
Quality: Soft.
Symbols: Lotus flower, staff or magician's wand.
Principle Star: Beta-, Delta- and Pi- Scorpionis.
Planetary Associations: Mars, Ketu (South Node) and Saturn.
Motivation: Dharma (Purpose).
Temperament: Divine.
Āyurvedic Doṣa: Pitta.
Animal (Sexuality): Female Deer.
Sounds: Na, Nee, Nu and Nay.
Colour: Red Brown.
Greek God: Urania.
Quality: Soft.
Symbols: Lotus flower, staff or magician's wand.
Principle Star: Beta-, Delta- and Pi- Scorpionis.
Planetary Associations: Mars, Ketu (South Node) and Saturn.
Motivation: Dharma (Purpose).
Temperament: Divine.
Āyurvedic Doṣa: Pitta.
Animal (Sexuality): Female Deer.
Sounds: Na, Nee, Nu and Nay.
Colour: Red Brown.