Are you a snake, frog or swan?
We all come to astrology with our own experiences. We all have a default, what is known in Āyurveda as a doṣa. This is our path of least resistance. This is how we are wired. And while the astrology chart goes way beyond the evaluation of doṣic or constitutional types, it is helpful to understand them to be able to approach each type according to how they take in information in an astrology reading.
Certain types ‘get it’ quicker than others, but these same types don’t always hold onto the insights. They're better at disassociating. Certain types are so good at managing their lives but are sometimes blind to the pitfalls of not letting things be. Other types may take longer to get it, but once they do they can hold onto it for a lifetime. That can be good or bad, depending on what it is.
Certain types ‘get it’ quicker than others, but these same types don’t always hold onto the insights. They're better at disassociating. Certain types are so good at managing their lives but are sometimes blind to the pitfalls of not letting things be. Other types may take longer to get it, but once they do they can hold onto it for a lifetime. That can be good or bad, depending on what it is.
Wind Types (Fright)
Those who are more influenced by Saturn, Rahu and the new Moon, think and speak quickly. They can absorb things quickly but may have difficulty retaining the information. They usually have good short-term memories but may forget things over longer periods. They tend to disassociate from that is happening, especially if it is difficult. They may get bored if they are not sufficiently stimulated, yet they may be overwhelmed if you stimulate them too much. The nature of Saturn is to detach, while Rahu’s nature is to obsess. They can swing between both.
Wind keeps them light and dry, always on the move, projecting them forward, while often forgetting the past. Avoidance and disassociation can lead to even more things to be frightened about, as the more they put something off, the more anxiety they feel around it.
Sometimes, wind can get blocked which can result in thoughts and feelings becoming stuck, as in a 'mental loop'. The extreme expressions of imbalanced wind can get very extreme indeed. They may lose contact with the ground of reality altogether. Most of the time, wind types feel excitement. Whether they identify it as excitement or anxiety makes a world of difference.
When I see a wind type for a reading, I know they need to feel safe in order to explore themselves. I also know they need a more spiritual grounding if they have lost their footing in the 'real world'.
While I may be able to talk a little faster for them, and may need to, I must be aware that ultimately they need to slow down, even if they come to me in a hyper state. Yes, I can meet them where they are at, but the goal for a wind type is to gradually slow down and retain the information, to fully digest the insights. These should not just be things to think about, which a wind type may indeed do; they should be things to live by and incorporate consistently into their lives. This is the best of the ingenuity of Rahu, grounded in the reality of Saturn.
Physically, they are usually either very tall or very short. Their pulse is likened to a snake – quick and slithering. There is something irregular about their bodies, and this irregularity is seen in everything relating to the unpredictable nature of the wind. This may be expressed as an irregular trunk-to-leg proportion, for example.
The story of Rahu, the north node of the Moon, and serpent in Vedic myth, is telling of their nature; that of gobbling up as much life experience as possible. Yet they often overreach and spread themselves too thinly. Rahu doesn't have a body to digest and assimilate the experience, leaving wind types feeling ungrounded. Some wind types are more attuned to Saturn, which can indeed ground them in what is real. Yet oftentimes, this grounding can become stifling and depressing for a type that prefers to move. If they cannot move on, it can become particularly stifling for this type.
The extremes of detachment can be seen in the use of drugs and substances - even practices that would otherwise be deemed healthy, to avoid real issues. There’s a fine line between using – anything – to deal with one’s issues, and using that same thing – even a healthy practice – to disassociate from what is going on.
Wind types need help with grounding their experience, in their bodies, in the reality of the present moment. If Saturn influences them more at any given time, they may be lost in the past, depressed about what did or did not happen. If Rahu has a stronger hold of them, they may be lost in an imaginary future.
Either way, they could do with being present while listening to any predictions about the future in an astrology reading. And if that seems like a contradiction, it's worth investigating how you can indeed do both simultaneously.
Wind types need to tune into the ground of being, so they can come to the realization that everything is, just as it should be; that all that every was, is or will be, already exists on some level. This realization helps them relax into being, something they need more than any type.
Once they fill themselves up with this knowing, the fullness they experience replaces any sense of lack or need for extremes. Yet this fullness is not heavy. It's a lightness that is the most satisfying experience of all.
Wind Types (Fright)
Those who are more influenced by Saturn, Rahu and the new Moon, think and speak quickly. They can absorb things quickly but may have difficulty retaining the information. They usually have good short-term memories but may forget things over longer periods. They tend to disassociate from that is happening, especially if it is difficult. They may get bored if they are not sufficiently stimulated, yet they may be overwhelmed if you stimulate them too much. The nature of Saturn is to detach, while Rahu’s nature is to obsess. They can swing between both.
Wind keeps them light and dry, always on the move, projecting them forward, while often forgetting the past. Avoidance and disassociation can lead to even more things to be frightened about, as the more they put something off, the more anxiety they feel around it.
Sometimes, wind can get blocked which can result in thoughts and feelings becoming stuck, as in a 'mental loop'. The extreme expressions of imbalanced wind can get very extreme indeed. They may lose contact with the ground of reality altogether. Most of the time, wind types feel excitement. Whether they identify it as excitement or anxiety makes a world of difference.
When I see a wind type for a reading, I know they need to feel safe in order to explore themselves. I also know they need a more spiritual grounding if they have lost their footing in the 'real world'.
While I may be able to talk a little faster for them, and may need to, I must be aware that ultimately they need to slow down, even if they come to me in a hyper state. Yes, I can meet them where they are at, but the goal for a wind type is to gradually slow down and retain the information, to fully digest the insights. These should not just be things to think about, which a wind type may indeed do; they should be things to live by and incorporate consistently into their lives. This is the best of the ingenuity of Rahu, grounded in the reality of Saturn.
Physically, they are usually either very tall or very short. Their pulse is likened to a snake – quick and slithering. There is something irregular about their bodies, and this irregularity is seen in everything relating to the unpredictable nature of the wind. This may be expressed as an irregular trunk-to-leg proportion, for example.
The story of Rahu, the north node of the Moon, and serpent in Vedic myth, is telling of their nature; that of gobbling up as much life experience as possible. Yet they often overreach and spread themselves too thinly. Rahu doesn't have a body to digest and assimilate the experience, leaving wind types feeling ungrounded. Some wind types are more attuned to Saturn, which can indeed ground them in what is real. Yet oftentimes, this grounding can become stifling and depressing for a type that prefers to move. If they cannot move on, it can become particularly stifling for this type.
The extremes of detachment can be seen in the use of drugs and substances - even practices that would otherwise be deemed healthy, to avoid real issues. There’s a fine line between using – anything – to deal with one’s issues, and using that same thing – even a healthy practice – to disassociate from what is going on.
Wind types need help with grounding their experience, in their bodies, in the reality of the present moment. If Saturn influences them more at any given time, they may be lost in the past, depressed about what did or did not happen. If Rahu has a stronger hold of them, they may be lost in an imaginary future.
Either way, they could do with being present while listening to any predictions about the future in an astrology reading. And if that seems like a contradiction, it's worth investigating how you can indeed do both simultaneously.
Wind types need to tune into the ground of being, so they can come to the realization that everything is, just as it should be; that all that every was, is or will be, already exists on some level. This realization helps them relax into being, something they need more than any type.
Once they fill themselves up with this knowing, the fullness they experience replaces any sense of lack or need for extremes. Yet this fullness is not heavy. It's a lightness that is the most satisfying experience of all.
Fire Types (Fight)
Fire types can come for a reading with the aim of controlling the outcome, grabbing as much information as possible from the session so they can use the information. They tend to manage the consultation as they do their lives. They are adept at managing energy, as they turn every challenge into something that needs to be tackled to the ground into submission.
This has its obvious pitfalls. Yet this may not be obvious to them at all. This is especially the case if they do not allow certain things to be as they are, certain things that cannot - or should not - be changed. They may create a lot of stress attempting to change things that cannot be, thus failing to integrate the experience fully - as it is.
While I'm all for someone improving their life and make these suggestions myself, if this is not backed with some sense of acceptance of what is in the first place, it can feel as if they are bucking a current, making things harder than necessary.
Step one is acceptance. Step two is to change something if they can, even if that means just changing their perspective. Step three is knowing the difference. This is what the Serenity Prayer tells us.
Physically, they are medium in stature and have medium-size features. In terms of proportion, they are seen to fall in between both air and water types. Their pulse is likened to a frog – bounding and forceful.
When fire types are in balance, they are the most perceptive, as the fire that burns in their belly burns bright in their mind's eye. Fire types are more predominantly influenced by the Sun, Mars and Ketu, the south node of the Moon - the ‘fiery planets’.
'Sun types' are usually more balanced and perceptive, but also more allowing; that is, if the Sun is balanced in their birth chart. Mars and Ketu often express an imbalance of fire, creating blocks to true perception. Mars and Ketu can show a need to control things, a knee-jerk reaction to hearing something they are not willing to accept, thus impeding their progress - ironically, the progress they so wish for.
Mars represents anger. Ketu can initially be felt as anger but eventually can lead to disillusionment when all seems lost. Ketu, the Moon's south node and eclipse is a shadow after all. This can either accentuate blocks in perception or create intense burning desire for liberation. Often, it is both.
When I see a fiery client come for a reading, I know they may wish to control the conversation and make allowances for this. I do not push the reading into areas they are not willing to go, allowing them to bring it there themselves. I allow them to control the reading more, while offering suggestions. I am happy to make the reading an exercise in overcoming adversity or challenge because I know they love a challenge. But I also know they need to feel they are doing something productive with their time.
More importantly, they benefit from being more open and allowing, opening themselves up to new possibilities that can be of great benefit to them.
Fire Types (Fight)
Fire types can come for a reading with the aim of controlling the outcome, grabbing as much information as possible from the session so they can use the information. They tend to manage the consultation as they do their lives. They are adept at managing energy, as they turn every challenge into something that needs to be tackled to the ground into submission.
This has its obvious pitfalls. Yet this may not be obvious to them at all. This is especially the case if they do not allow certain things to be as they are, certain things that cannot - or should not - be changed. They may create a lot of stress attempting to change things that cannot be, thus failing to integrate the experience fully - as it is.
While I'm all for someone improving their life and make these suggestions myself, if this is not backed with some sense of acceptance of what is in the first place, it can feel as if they are bucking a current, making things harder than necessary.
Step one is acceptance. Step two is to change something if they can, even if that means just changing their perspective. Step three is knowing the difference. This is what the Serenity Prayer tells us.
Physically, they are medium in stature and have medium-size features. In terms of proportion, they are seen to fall in between both air and water types. Their pulse is likened to a frog – bounding and forceful.
When fire types are in balance, they are the most perceptive, as the fire that burns in their belly burns bright in their mind's eye. Fire types are more predominantly influenced by the Sun, Mars and Ketu, the south node of the Moon - the ‘fiery planets’.
'Sun types' are usually more balanced and perceptive, but also more allowing; that is, if the Sun is balanced in their birth chart. Mars and Ketu often express an imbalance of fire, creating blocks to true perception. Mars and Ketu can show a need to control things, a knee-jerk reaction to hearing something they are not willing to accept, thus impeding their progress - ironically, the progress they so wish for.
Mars represents anger. Ketu can initially be felt as anger but eventually can lead to disillusionment when all seems lost. Ketu, the Moon's south node and eclipse is a shadow after all. This can either accentuate blocks in perception or create intense burning desire for liberation. Often, it is both.
When I see a fiery client come for a reading, I know they may wish to control the conversation and make allowances for this. I do not push the reading into areas they are not willing to go, allowing them to bring it there themselves. I allow them to control the reading more, while offering suggestions. I am happy to make the reading an exercise in overcoming adversity or challenge because I know they love a challenge. But I also know they need to feel they are doing something productive with their time.
More importantly, they benefit from being more open and allowing, opening themselves up to new possibilities that can be of great benefit to them.
Water Types (Freeze)
The water types are the most easy-going usually, with a sense of calm that is so often expressed in a warm, inviting nature. These are the Venus, Jupiter, Mercury and full Moon types. They bring a sense of comfort with them wherever they go; that is, unless this comfort becomes all-consuming, even suffocating, as they attach themselves to people and things.
This has obvious pitfalls if that same person or thing is no longer good for them or is removed from their lives, leaving them with a sense of yearning and loss. This can make them feel numb and retreat into their shell for protection. I've seen many a water type slip into despondency over the years.
Physically, they are usually short and stocky or tall and sturdy. They have the biggest frames and features of any of the three types and have thick, oily skin and hair, and usually big blue or brown eyes. Their pulse is likened to a swan – slow and graceful.
When water types are balanced, they are loving and devoted, calm and serene. When out of balance, they can be attached and needy, unable to move on when the time asks for it.
If I see a water type come for a reading, I know I need to slow down when I'm speaking, so as not to overwhelm them. They are the best type at holding information, which is what makes them attached in the first place, but it takes time for this to occur. If I speak too fast, or give too much information, they may feel overwhelmed and unable to integrate the knowledge.
I think of them as ice that needs to be thawed, slowly. If they are more imbalanced and not able to move on, I know this is going to take some encouragement (fire), and detachment (air), to be able to move on.
I'm learning more and more how to speak to water types, how to encourage them into movement, gradually. As this is not my type (I'm a mix of air and fire), it has taken me some time, learning that less is more; that less empowers them more.
I do this for water types by approaching an issue slowly, by slowly working up to an issue and repeating it, as a more consistent probing over a longer period have a bigger impact than skirting from one issue to another. And while I let them know the reading is being recorded, and to take in whatever they feel they need at the time, they may not listen back to the recording for some time, so it's helpful to stay on important points for longer.
There may be many issues they have to deal with, but may be overwhelmed if they feel they need to deal with them all at once.
They may need to start slowly; delving deeper over a longer period; staying with a point for longer so that it sticks. Once they get it, they really get it.
Water Types (Freeze)
The water types are the most easy-going usually, with a sense of calm that is so often expressed in a warm, inviting nature. These are the Venus, Jupiter, Mercury and full Moon types. They bring a sense of comfort with them wherever they go; that is, unless this comfort becomes all-consuming, even suffocating, as they attach themselves to people and things.
This has obvious pitfalls if that same person or thing is no longer good for them or is removed from their lives, leaving them with a sense of yearning and loss. This can make them feel numb and retreat into their shell for protection. I've seen many a water type slip into despondency over the years.
Physically, they are usually short and stocky or tall and sturdy. They have the biggest frames and features of any of the three types and have thick, oily skin and hair, and usually big blue or brown eyes. Their pulse is likened to a swan – slow and graceful.
When water types are balanced, they are loving and devoted, calm and serene. When out of balance, they can be attached and needy, unable to move on when the time asks for it.
If I see a water type come for a reading, I know I need to slow down when I'm speaking, so as not to overwhelm them. They are the best type at holding information, which is what makes them attached in the first place, but it takes time for this to occur. If I speak too fast, or give too much information, they may feel overwhelmed and unable to integrate the knowledge.
I think of them as ice that needs to be thawed, slowly. If they are more imbalanced and not able to move on, I know this is going to take some encouragement (fire), and detachment (air), to be able to move on.
I'm learning more and more how to speak to water types, how to encourage them into movement, gradually. As this is not my type (I'm a mix of air and fire), it has taken me some time, learning that less is more; that less empowers them more.
I do this for water types by approaching an issue slowly, by slowly working up to an issue and repeating it, as a more consistent probing over a longer period have a bigger impact than skirting from one issue to another. And while I let them know the reading is being recorded, and to take in whatever they feel they need at the time, they may not listen back to the recording for some time, so it's helpful to stay on important points for longer.
There may be many issues they have to deal with, but may be overwhelmed if they feel they need to deal with them all at once.
They may need to start slowly; delving deeper over a longer period; staying with a point for longer so that it sticks. Once they get it, they really get it.
Mixed Types
While you may see yourself as one of the above types, you are more likely a mix of at least two. Most of us are ‘dual types’, although some are an equal mix of all three. In that case, all of the above must be addressed in different ways, and at different times, according to the stage of life and cycles of astrology. Your age and how your chart has been activated according to these three doṣas - in each daśā - must all be considered.
A mix of wind and fire can be quite volatile, blending Saturn and Mars, or Rahu and Mars, for example. This would mean having to negotiate fear and anger. If something doesn't scare them, it makes them angry. These types need to be given lots of love and support in a reading - and in life. This may mean approaching them with more patience and loving kindness, to make them feel loved and cared for.
A mix of fire and water, although the healthiest type in many ways, can show up as more controlling behaviour, as a blend of a fire type's wish to control and a water type's nature to accumulate. If they are threatened by loss, they may hold on even tighter. They may need to develop more adaptability towards life's inevitable changes. This may mean approaching their reading with alternative points of view and perspectives, to help them see a situation they are getting bogged down in in a new light.
A mix of wind and water may show up as someone being dominated by others or life circumstances, as fire is lacking and may show up as a lack of willingness to engage with action that can help them through a challenging period. This may mean approaching their reading with more encouragement to help them make the changes they need to; and to reinforce these ideas through consistent motivational language.
Om Tat Sat
Mixed Types
While you may see yourself as one of the above types, you are more likely a mix of at least two. Most of us are ‘dual types’, although some are an equal mix of all three. In that case, all of the above must be addressed in different ways, and at different times, according to the stage of life and cycles of astrology. Your age and how your chart has been activated according to these three doṣas - in each daśā - must all be considered.
A mix of wind and fire can be quite volatile, blending Saturn and Mars, or Rahu and Mars, for example. This would mean having to negotiate fear and anger. If something doesn't scare them, it makes them angry. These types need to be given lots of love and support in a reading - and in life. This may mean approaching them with more patience and loving kindness, to make them feel loved and cared for.
A mix of fire and water, although the healthiest type in many ways, can show up as more controlling behaviour, as a blend of a fire type's wish to control and a water type's nature to accumulate. If they are threatened by loss, they may hold on even tighter. They may need to develop more adaptability towards life's inevitable changes. This may mean approaching their reading with alternative points of view and perspectives, to help them see a situation they are getting bogged down in in a new light.
A mix of wind and water may show up as someone being dominated by others or life circumstances, as fire is lacking and may show up as a lack of willingness to engage with action that can help them through a challenging period. This may mean approaching their reading with more encouragement to help them make the changes they need to; and to reinforce these ideas through consistent motivational language.
Om Tat Sat