Jaggi Vasudev (Sadhguru), founder of the Isha Foundation, was recently asked by an audience member about his thoughts on astrology. The querent asked about the usefulness of astrology as a kind of sign post up ahead in an 'accident prone zone'. Sadhguru's answer to this was that no government had any business using the term 'accident prone zone'. He went on to say, 'They must tell me what is the grade of the road, what is the degree of the turn, and I will decide how the hell I should drive'.
There are powerful conjunctions occurring in 2019 and 2020, between Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and Ketu. These represent a complete reform of global structures in the years that follow. As these occur in sidereal Sagittarius and Capricorn, involving the rulers of these signs, we can expect to see big shake ups in laws, policies, religious institutions, as well as social-political-economic structures around the globe. They also show big changes in environmental issues and weather patterns, leading to many more reforms.
There is much fear about these conjunctions, of course. Many astrologers are predicting doomsday-type scenarios. We cannot bury our heads in the sand, of course, as we look to the best of what these changes can eventually bring for our planet.
While it may be helpful to look back at the last time we experienced these conjunctions on the planet, there is always the tendency to catastrophize when looking at how humanity has previously dealt with these powerful conjunctions.
With that in mind, I wish to draw your attention to Jupiter's transits throughout the conjunctions of 2019/2020; to give us some sense of the best of what humanity is capable of during these times of great change on the planet.
Jupiter's Transit in 2018/2019
Jupiter is moving very fast through sidereal Scorpio in 2018 and 2019, reaching the very beginning of Sagittarius by March 30, 2019, having just entered Scorpio on October 11, 2018.
In 2019, Jupiter will station at 0 degrees Sagittarius and remain here from March 30 until April 22, before returning to Scorpio until November 3. As Jupiter returns to Scorpio in 2019, Ketu joins Saturn and Pluto in sidereal Sagittarius, initiating a breakdown phase, ideally experienced as a period of willing transformation on the planet. As we know from history, however, change is never brought about on a global scale with such willingness, leading to much resistance to what is inevitable. We are likely to see this resistance playing out around the world with governments and the public rebelling against the necessary changes.
Once Jupiter moves into Scorpio in October 2018, it grants us a deeper connection to our inner intelligence, which is often left high and dry as we attempt to understand others' points of view in Libra. We commit to a path and devote ourselves to what we have chosen. Our gut starts to speak louder than others’ voices and we get a better sense of what is appropriate for us as individuals.
Jupiter transits the lunar sign, Vishakha from August 2 to October 27, 2018. It then moves all the way through Scorpio in less than 6 months, moving through Anuradha until December 27, and then through Jyestha until March 29, 2019.
At the Vishakha stage, we are more focused, choosing a path that we know is right for us, while at the Anuradha stage we devote ourselves to our path. At the Jyestha stage, however, we can get a little obsessive!
On the Brink
As Jupiter transits Scorpio it brings healing to an area of our lives that has experience much fear and grief in recent times. We have seen a great deal of fear building around the world since the conjunction of Saturn and Mars in Scorpio in 2016.
Saturn's transit over the sensitive juncture between Scorpio and Sagittarius, known as gandanta, meaning ‘undoing’ or ‘drowning’, and its current transit in Sagittarius, has shaped much of this fear in recent times, with Pluto's transit in Sagittarius since 2005 showing a slow, but complete overhaul of belief systems.
This juncture known as gandanta, between the 'watery' Scorpio and the 'fiery' Sagittarius (48' either side of 0 degrees Sagittarius), is the one of the most difficult divisions to navigate, requiring huge reserves of will and focus to avoid the many pitfalls. Planets here behave as if they have slipped between the pavement.
This section of the zodiac sees the transition from water to fire (two inimical elements), as well as a transition from a sharp to a fierce lunar division - from Jyestha to Mula.
Jyestha, the last and fierce lunar sign in Scorpio, represents an elder, having gained skills through time and dedication. It also brings a sense of being overlooked - as elders often are - creating bitterness and a need for revenge if one does not see everyone's role from a higher perspective. Indra, the King of the gods, is said to rule over this domain, representing one's ability to control desires and trans-mutate psycho-sexual energy. This type of control can, however, just as easily turn into obsession.
If you have ever felt bitterness for being overlooked or passed over for someone younger, better, more successful, you are challenging this sign. But as those with Scorpio prominent are all too aware, they are their own worst enemies - the negative thoughts directed at someone else are the poisons you drink yourself.
After Jyestha we come to the sharp lunar sign Mula, at the beginning of Sagittarius, ruled by the goddess of death, Niritti, as we begin to remove those poisons. This starts with a purge of negativity which may seem as if things are actually getting worse. Ultimately, this stage represents a need to destroy our attachments to the earthly plane altogether; where destruction can be taken to extremes.
Think of the scenario when someone kills a lover in revenge. This basic impulse can also be used to destroy our ignorance, to lift us out of obsession and revenge, removing blocks to our spiritual progress. This is the highest expression of the sign Mula, symbolized by a bunch of roots, as negative thinking is uprooted and destroyed by the goddess of death.
Another scenario, however, is that we hold on for dear life when we feel we are coming undone. This is the biggest challenge the world faces in the coming years, as we cling to beliefs that are simply not truthful. Our journey from the fear of loss to the development of a renewed faith becomes a very complicated step when planets station at this gap. This is what Jupiter is doing for much of 2019.
Jupiter, the planet of meaningful purpose, halts between what we wish to achieve on a material level on the planet, the control we wish to maintain, as it hovers on the brink of a new spiritual aspiration, and further into Capricorn in 2020, where the work of putting these new aspirations to work truly begins.
Generally, Jupiter represents children, advisers, teachers, counselors and priests, as well as laws, policies, traditions, hope and prosperity, including financial abundance. Jupiter shows us the difference between belief and faith. Beliefs are tested throughout Jupiter's transits from 2019 to 2021, as we build a strong faith in what remains.
Jupiter also represents some very specific things for each person, and these are about to go through some major changes due its station in 2019, while its conjunctions with Saturn and Pluto into 2020 show a complete reset.
Jupiter will return to Sagittarius from November 4, 2019 until March 29, 2020, (travelling swiftly once again), before briefly transiting Capricorn from March 30 to July 1, 2020; returning for a third time to Sagittarius on July 1, 2020.
In 2020, Jupiter re-enters Capricorn on November 20, and until April 5, 2021, before re-entering Capricorn on September 14, 2021 - entering this sign for a third time just as it did in Sagittarius.
With Jupiter entering and re-entering Sagittarius and Capricorn so many times in the coming years - its own sign and its place of debilitation - there is a much needed clearing up all the false beliefs and untruths. This is a wake-up call for the planet. This is also due to Saturn’s current transit in Sagittarius, from 2017 until 2020, as well as the long-term transit of Pluto in Sagittarius, from 2005 until 2020, as Jupiter brings some insight and healing to the chasm that has opened up between truth and falsehood.
The divisions of 'us' and 'them' has never seemed wider.
Saturn’s presence in Sagittarius has challenged us to speak the truth since it first entered here in 2017. Its returns to Mula in 2018 leave many feeling uprooted, often quite literally, as Mars transits Capricorn alongside Ketu. Ketu, the south node, is associated with the sign Mula and the goddess of death and destruction.
Jupiter's conjunctions with Pluto, Saturn and Ketu changes our planet in ways that seem inconceivable in 2018. But if I were to tell you how the world would be in 2018, even just a few years ago, I'm sure you would have had a problem picturing it!
Jupiter’s transit to Sagittarius is a time connect with truth in more meaningful ways, and a period to at least begin to heal these parts and reach out beyond the chasm that has opened up, with a renewed faith and realism, born from a complete surrender. Surrender is not an option in these years, as many of us are dragged, kicking and screaming, into the changes that must occur.
These changes require great courage, so as not to slip back into a fear-based responses to the challenges we are now faced with as a species on this planet.
By 2020, old ways begin to break down, as we discover new ways to move forward in the following years. We may struggle with what emerges initially, as powerful planetary conjunctions re-calibrate structures and belief systems around the globe, and we are each asked to change our lives in response to changes.
Mass upheavals on the planet are likely, but people will eventually wake to a new truth, as new voices rise up - faintly at first, but eventually, becoming loud and clear.
On the Brink
As Jupiter transits Scorpio it brings healing to an area of our lives that has experience much fear and grief in recent times. We have seen a great deal of fear building around the world since the conjunction of Saturn and Mars in Scorpio in 2016.
Saturn's transit over the sensitive juncture between Scorpio and Sagittarius, known as gandanta, meaning ‘undoing’ or ‘drowning’, and its current transit in Sagittarius, has shaped much of this fear in recent times, with Pluto's transit in Sagittarius since 2005 showing a slow, but complete overhaul of belief systems.
This juncture known as gandanta, between the 'watery' Scorpio and the 'fiery' Sagittarius (48' either side of 0 degrees Sagittarius), is the one of the most difficult divisions to navigate, requiring huge reserves of will and focus to avoid the many pitfalls. Planets here behave as if they have slipped between the pavement.
This section of the zodiac sees the transition from water to fire (two inimical elements), as well as a transition from a sharp to a fierce lunar division - from Jyestha to Mula.
Jyestha, the last and fierce lunar sign in Scorpio, represents an elder, having gained skills through time and dedication. It also brings a sense of being overlooked - as elders often are - creating bitterness and a need for revenge if one does not see everyone's role from a higher perspective. Indra, the King of the gods, is said to rule over this domain, representing one's ability to control desires and trans-mutate psycho-sexual energy. This type of control can, however, just as easily turn into obsession.
If you have ever felt bitterness for being overlooked or passed over for someone younger, better, more successful, you are challenging this sign. But as those with Scorpio prominent are all too aware, they are their own worst enemies - the negative thoughts directed at someone else are the poisons you drink yourself.
After Jyestha we come to the sharp lunar sign Mula, at the beginning of Sagittarius, ruled by the goddess of death, Niritti, as we begin to remove those poisons. This starts with a purge of negativity which may seem as if things are actually getting worse. Ultimately, this stage represents a need to destroy our attachments to the earthly plane altogether; where destruction can be taken to extremes.
Think of the scenario when someone kills a lover in revenge. This basic impulse can also be used to destroy our ignorance, to lift us out of obsession and revenge, removing blocks to our spiritual progress. This is the highest expression of the sign Mula, symbolized by a bunch of roots, as negative thinking is uprooted and destroyed by the goddess of death.
Another scenario, however, is that we hold on for dear life when we feel we are coming undone. This is the biggest challenge the world faces in the coming years, as we cling to beliefs that are simply not truthful. Our journey from the fear of loss to the development of a renewed faith becomes a very complicated step when planets station at this gap. This is what Jupiter is doing for much of 2019.
Jupiter, the planet of meaningful purpose, halts between what we wish to achieve on a material level on the planet, the control we wish to maintain, as it hovers on the brink of a new spiritual aspiration, and further into Capricorn in 2020, where the work of putting these new aspirations to work truly begins.
Generally, Jupiter represents children, advisers, teachers, counselors and priests, as well as laws, policies, traditions, hope and prosperity, including financial abundance. Jupiter shows us the difference between belief and faith. Beliefs are tested throughout Jupiter's transits from 2019 to 2021, as we build a strong faith in what remains.
Jupiter also represents some very specific things for each person, and these are about to go through some major changes due its station in 2019, while its conjunctions with Saturn and Pluto into 2020 show a complete reset.
Jupiter will return to Sagittarius from November 4, 2019 until March 29, 2020, (travelling swiftly once again), before briefly transiting Capricorn from March 30 to July 1, 2020; returning for a third time to Sagittarius on July 1, 2020.
In 2020, Jupiter re-enters Capricorn on November 20, and until April 5, 2021, before re-entering Capricorn on September 14, 2021 - entering this sign for a third time just as it did in Sagittarius.
With Jupiter entering and re-entering Sagittarius and Capricorn so many times in the coming years - its own sign and its place of debilitation - there is a much needed clearing up all the false beliefs and untruths. This is a wake-up call for the planet. This is also due to Saturn’s current transit in Sagittarius, from 2017 until 2020, as well as the long-term transit of Pluto in Sagittarius, from 2005 until 2020, as Jupiter brings some insight and healing to the chasm that has opened up between truth and falsehood.
The divisions of 'us' and 'them' has never seemed wider.
Saturn’s presence in Sagittarius has challenged us to speak the truth since it first entered here in 2017. Its returns to Mula in 2018 leave many feeling uprooted, often quite literally, as Mars transits Capricorn alongside Ketu. Ketu, the south node, is associated with the sign Mula and the goddess of death and destruction.
Jupiter's conjunctions with Pluto, Saturn and Ketu changes our planet in ways that seem inconceivable in 2018. But if I were to tell you how the world would be in 2018, even just a few years ago, I'm sure you would have had a problem picturing it!
Jupiter’s transit to Sagittarius is a time connect with truth in more meaningful ways, and a period to at least begin to heal these parts and reach out beyond the chasm that has opened up, with a renewed faith and realism, born from a complete surrender. Surrender is not an option in these years, as many of us are dragged, kicking and screaming, into the changes that must occur.
These changes require great courage, so as not to slip back into a fear-based responses to the challenges we are now faced with as a species on this planet.
By 2020, old ways begin to break down, as we discover new ways to move forward in the following years. We may struggle with what emerges initially, as powerful planetary conjunctions re-calibrate structures and belief systems around the globe, and we are each asked to change our lives in response to changes.
Mass upheavals on the planet are likely, but people will eventually wake to a new truth, as new voices rise up - faintly at first, but eventually, becoming loud and clear.
2019/2020 Conjunctions
Pluto/Ketu in Sagittarius – March 2019
Saturn/Ketu in Sagittarius – May 2019
Pluto/Saturn/Eclipse in Sagittarius – December 2019
Jupiter/Ketu in Sagittarius – January 2020
Mars/Ketu in Sagittarius – February 2020
Pluto/Saturn/Jupiter/Mars in Capricorn - March 2020
Pluto/Jupiter in Capricorn – March - November 2020
Saturn/Jupiter in Capricorn – December 2020
Pluto/Ketu in Sagittarius – March 2019
Saturn/Ketu in Sagittarius – May 2019
Pluto/Saturn/Eclipse in Sagittarius – December 2019
Jupiter/Ketu in Sagittarius – January 2020
Mars/Ketu in Sagittarius – February 2020
Pluto/Saturn/Jupiter/Mars in Capricorn - March 2020
Pluto/Jupiter in Capricorn – March - November 2020
Saturn/Jupiter in Capricorn – December 2020