Joe Biden was born at 8.30 a.m. (A Rodden Rating) on 20th November 1942 in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Below is his North and South Indian style birth chart using sidereal calculations.
Although Joe Biden's time of birth is not an AA rating, and so may not be exact, it will not alter his planetary cycles very much if the time is off by a few minutes. And it will not alter at all the sign-based cycles given. That is because the progressed signs used in Chara are based on the rising sign at birth. This is regardless of whether the very beginning of very end of the sign was rising during this birth. The rising degree was 10 degrees of Scorpio at 8.30 am on the morning of his birth. It is unlikely to change signs, even if we adjust the time by two hours later or 50 minutes earlier. In other words, we can be pretty certain his rising sign is Scorpio and use the sign-based cycles. The planetary cycles may change a little, but not a lot, based on an adjusted time. The first thing to check is his planetary cycles.
He experienced a Jupiter-Rahu cycle during the election in November 2020. This was more than likely Jupiter-Rahu-Jupiter. Jupiter is in his 9th house of good fortune and good luck. Although exalted in Cancer, it is retrograde. This creates a mixed-bag of results for his Jupiter cycle. Rahu is in the prominent 10th house, the powerful Leo, while the Sun, the ruler of Leo, is in Scorpio, his rising sign. This is a powerful combination and one which saw him come into power.
His 10th divisional chart, used to see career, has Rahu in the 1st house. Rahu's cycle triggered his career in a big way. This reflects the changes you was going through, and his win thanks to Rahu. Rahu happens to be the planet with the second highest degree in his natal chart. This links it with powerful allies in politics and political success. This was his 3rd attempt at becoming president. Although Rahu gave him success, there is always a price to pay for Rahu. Whatever success he has achieved, Rahu can show personal challenges.
Rahu is the last sub-cycle in his long Jupiter period. This is one of the more challenging transitional phases in the planetary cycles. He has lived long enough to have experienced 18 years of Rahu, previous to Jupiter's current major cycle. He has been here before many times, in fact. This was a case of third time lucky for gaining the most powerful seat in U.S. politics. This way his last stab at it. Although he succeeded where he did not before, he knows it is coming to an end. On some level, he is aware of Saturn's upcoming cycle, which begins in September 2021. This is when he will likely step back from public life or is forced to for some reason.
This is not only because he is entering a Saturn cycle, which can show a need to work hard, but because he is experiencing a Saturn stage of life. Now that he is approaching 80 years of age, Saturn is more likely to get him to step back. When we add this to the upcoming Saturn cycle, which aspects his rising sign, it will likely mean a pulling back from public life and work to some degree. Saturn is placed in the 10th house from his 10th house, which is an obstruction to his career.
Although Rahu gave him the power he so craved for years, it is all too little and too late, in a way. He has declared as much in speeches where he has spoken about his role as a bridge to who is coming up behind him.
To see whether he would win the election, there were a few key ingredients to look over. First, the planetary cycle primes him for power, with Rahu triggered alongside Jupiter. Counting from Jupiter to Rahu and the same again, we arrive at his 11th house of gains. Jupiter was transiting Sagittarius at the time of the election, in a powerful position at the very end of the sign, and in his 2nd house. The 2nd house relates to resources and his vision, as well as his speech. This expressed itself as him stating a case for healing and recovery for the nation. We must place his chart in context of what was going on at the time. His comforting words (Jupiter in 2nd) would have been sweet music to many voters ears. Jupiter is the most comforting influence. This would have shown his ability to instill hope in voters’ minds. Here are the sign-based cycles.
The sign Sagittarius was active on a major level, with either Virgo or Leo active on the 2nd level. One could make an argument for taking a year off this calculation, a year added for his Pisces cycle due to Jupiter's exaltation. A year has been added on for his current Sagittarius cycle. This is because Jupiter is exalted. Yet Jupiter is retrograde, cancelling some of its benevolence. Some astrologers, including K.N. Rao, did not use this added year at all. I have found not adding or subtracting a year for debilitated planets seems to fit in real-life case studies.
Taking out the added year, he would likely have been experiencing a Sagittarius-Leo cycle after the election. This points to coming into power, with Leo being his 10th, housing Rahu. Sagittarius has its complications, of course. The fact that Jupiter is exalted, yet retrograde, placed in the 8th house from Sagittarius, suggests some controversy. This was the case when his son (Jupiter rules his 5th house) was involved in a scandal before the election. A combination of Jupiter and Rahu could show deceit.
Here is the chart for the day of the election itself, and the third piece to consider, that of the transits on the day of the election. The chart is cast for the opening of the polls at 7.00 am on November 3, 2020, in Washington, DC.
Ketu was, and is, as I write this (June 2020), transiting his 1st house, where he has the Sun and Venus in his natal chart. Scorpio is one of the only signs that experiences Ketu in a very powerful way, as it rules the sign. When we add the fact that Rahu is in Magha lunar mansion, a sign associated with Ketu, we can see the theme of power more so. Rahu exaggerates and distorts, of course. Ketu delivered the goods in this case. Yet, there are other indications that he may not remain in power for much longer. And it's not only because of his advanced age, although that too we must keep in mind. When we see Ketu transiting the Sun, the ruler of his 10th house of position and authority, it is likely he will lose some power before the end of his term. This will likely happen by the time Ketu has finished its transit in Scorpio by 2022. When we add Ketu's transit to his Saturn cycle, from September 2022, which is opposite in nature to the Sun, we can see more potential for stepping back.
Rahu is still active in his planetary cycles until then, transiting his 7th house, where Saturn is in his natal chart. This highlights another complexity in Joe Biden's chart. Rahu is in a lunar mansion associated with Ketu (Magha), while Ketu is in a lunar mansion associated with Rahu (Śatabhiṣak). When he experiences Rahu, he experiences Ketu on some level, and when he experiences Ketu he experiences Rahu. Ketu's transit is powerful for him. But it will also likely show some issues and losses, especially when it transits the Sun and Venus by the end of 2021. After that, Ketu will transit his ruling planet Mars in Libra, after transiting his Mercury. This will have occurred by the autumn of 2022, by which time he will have begun his Saturn cycle. He may be out of office, or stepping back from the heavy workload, by then.
Rahu's transit to Saturn, as 4th house ruler, will likely show changes in his home environment. These changes have already begun, of course. He moved into the White House. But more changes are likely to come in his Saturn cycle in 2022. Having the nodes transiting his rising sign, and the sign opposite, shows a need to make some very personal changes. The eclipse of December 4, 2021, is almost exactly opposite Saturn, and close enough to his ascendant degree to bring further changes. As much as Ketu may obscure things, especially while transiting Scorpio, it is also likely to reveal something by the end of the year and into 2022.
Joe Biden's life is one of many losses and tragedies. He lost his first wife and a daughter in a car accident in December 1972, when he was experiencing a planetary cycle of Moon-Mars. The Moon is in his 6th house of accidents, in Aries, which Mars rules. Mars is in the 12th house of losses, in the sign Libra, which Venus rules. Venus is in Scorpio, exchanging the 1st and 12th signs with Mars. This shows his experiences of losses, which would have been more acute when both Moon and Mars activated in his chart.
Dwsisaptati sama is applicable in his birth chart. That is because his 7th house ruler is in his 1st house (Venus). We can use this cycle to see relationship matters.
Jupiter's major cycle was active from 1964. His first marriage took place in 1966. This was within a Venus sub-cycle, i.e., Jupiter-Venus. This planetary cycle runs in the order of the weekday rulers, i.e., Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and Rahu, and does not include Ketu. This is because Ketu is not about desire for relationships.
Jupiter is the planet with the lowest degrees in his chart, so it represents his partner. He lost his first wife and daughter in 1972. Jupiter rules his 5th house of children, which confirms Jupiter's weakness when retrograde in Cancer. This occurred in Venus' cycle, which reflects Venus' role in bringing losses. He remarried within the cycle of Venus, in 1977, during a Venus-Sun cycle. This shows Venus' role as 7th house ruler, a straight-forward indicator for marriage. Without using this conditional planetary cycle based on the 7th house, it may be hard to spot the potential for marriage in the typical planetary cycle. The Sun is with Venus, of course. Thus, the Sun triggers Venus also. In the Vimshottari cycle, the Sun was active from 1965.
Although he had finished his Venus cycle by the age of 22, in 1965, he was too young to get married for most of it. Venus began when he was 2 years of age. Again, this is why we must always use cycles in context. It may not be as obvious that the Sun cycle would show marriage, except for the fact that the Sun is with Venus. When we add this to the conditional cycle that applies to his chart, a cycle related to marriage, we can be more assured of it.
There is another conditional cycle that applies to his chart, based on the Sun's position in his 1st house. This is Sasti-hayani, a cycle that repeats after 60 years and one that relates to power and position. This is more so the case for Joe Biden as the Sun rules his 10th house of power and position.
This is another sign of coming into power after the election of November 2020. He was coming to the end of the Sun cycle and began Mars on November 25, 2020. While Mars is hidden away in his 12th house in his chart, the Sun is in the most prominent 1st house. Mars' current cycle in this particular planetary cycle may reflect his lack of visibility as a president, as has been the case during a pandemic.
There are many tools at the disposal of an astrologer when calculating the likelihood of an event. Yet, having more tools does not make the work any easier. It may actually confuse the issues.
The more complex you make it, the more likely it is you will get it wrong. In the beginning, use the simplest of tools, the universal planetary cycle based on the Moon’s position, and you will not go wrong. Your predictions may not always be 100% accurate using this tool alone, but you will get a good picture of the person's life. More importantly, you will get a good sense of how they feel their life is going – whatever is happening.