In 2019, Jupiter stations at 0 degrees of sidereal Sagittarius, remaining at this degree from March 29 until April 23. This section is known as gandanta (undoing), representing a gap in the zodiac between Scorpio and Sagittarius; as we prepare for the worst (Scorpio) and hope for the best (Sagittarius). As this occurs, the south node, Ketu joins Pluto and then Saturn at the other end of Sagittarius, initiating a breakdown of order.
The subsequent conjunctions in 2019 and 2020; between Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and Ketu represent the beginning of a complete overhaul of global structures in the years that follow. With these occurring in Sagittarius and Capricorn, involving the rulers of these signs, we can expect to see big shake-ups in social-political-economic structures around the globe, as a result.
There is much fear about these conjunctions, with many astrologers predicting doomsday-type scenarios. And while we cannot bury our heads in the sand, we can look at the best of what these changes eventually bring to our planet, as we take a leap of faith and wake up to a new reality.
Ideally, the 2019/2020 conjunctions are experienced as a period of willing transformation. We know from history, however, that change is never brought about on a global scale with such willingness, leading to much resistance to what is inevitable. We are likely to see governments and the public rebelling against the necessary changes.
In 2017, Saturn transited this gap, as the planet of established order began to show major cracks in the system. Its current transit in Sagittarius challenges our perception of truth. The beginning of sidereal Sagittarius is where we find the lunar mansion, Mula, the domain of the goddess of destruction, Niritti; a ‘sharp and dreadful’ sign; one which has, at the very least, made us aware of all the untruths.
This destabilizing juncture between Scorpio and Sagittarius is the one of the most difficult divisions of the zodiac to navigate, requiring a skilled approach to avoid the many pitfalls. Planets here behave as if they have slipped between the pavement. And while Saturn represents form and structure, Jupiter represents order and expansion, as we build on the foundations already laid down or, in many cases, torn apart.
Jupiter’s station is not a time to lose hope, but to remove all that stands in the way of it.
We must make sure our foundations are sound before building and know the difference between what is real and unreal.
Interestingly, YouTube was founded in 2005 when Pluto moved into sidereal Sagittarius, where anyone with an opinion and a webcam can publish their thoughts on any given subject. Other voices clamouring for our attention have obscured our truth. Jupiter's return to Sagittarius in 2019/2020 will allow us to listen to the voice within, our intuition, exposing those who lie or distract us from what is real.
There is much fear about these conjunctions, with many astrologers predicting doomsday-type scenarios. And while we cannot bury our heads in the sand, we can look at the best of what these changes eventually bring to our planet, as we take a leap of faith and wake up to a new reality.
Ideally, the 2019/2020 conjunctions are experienced as a period of willing transformation. We know from history, however, that change is never brought about on a global scale with such willingness, leading to much resistance to what is inevitable. We are likely to see governments and the public rebelling against the necessary changes.
In 2017, Saturn transited this gap, as the planet of established order began to show major cracks in the system. Its current transit in Sagittarius challenges our perception of truth. The beginning of sidereal Sagittarius is where we find the lunar mansion, Mula, the domain of the goddess of destruction, Niritti; a ‘sharp and dreadful’ sign; one which has, at the very least, made us aware of all the untruths.
This destabilizing juncture between Scorpio and Sagittarius is the one of the most difficult divisions of the zodiac to navigate, requiring a skilled approach to avoid the many pitfalls. Planets here behave as if they have slipped between the pavement. And while Saturn represents form and structure, Jupiter represents order and expansion, as we build on the foundations already laid down or, in many cases, torn apart.
Jupiter’s station is not a time to lose hope, but to remove all that stands in the way of it.
We must make sure our foundations are sound before building and know the difference between what is real and unreal.
Interestingly, YouTube was founded in 2005 when Pluto moved into sidereal Sagittarius, where anyone with an opinion and a webcam can publish their thoughts on any given subject. Other voices clamouring for our attention have obscured our truth. Jupiter's return to Sagittarius in 2019/2020 will allow us to listen to the voice within, our intuition, exposing those who lie or distract us from what is real.
Closing the Gap
Jupiter transits bring healing to an area of our lives that has experienced much fear and grief in recent years due to Saturn's transit. This has especially been the case since the conjunction of Saturn and Mars in Scorpio in 2016, just as Jupiter joined Rahu (north node of the Moon) in Leo. Jupiter’s conjunction with Rahu showed a lack of judgement and poor advice, while Saturn and Mars fuelled a fear-based response.
We are likely to try and hold on to false beliefs that bring comfort when things seem to come undone. This is the biggest challenge the world faces in 2019, and in the coming years, as we cling to ways of being that are simply out of date. Our journey from the fear of loss to the development of a renewed faith in something real becomes a very complicated step when Jupiter stations at this gap in March/April of 2019, and the knock-on effect this will have on any sense of order and coherence.
Jupiter, the planet of meaningful purpose, halts between what we wish to achieve on a material level on the planet, as it hovers on the brink of a new spiritual aspiration, and further into 2020, where the work of putting these new ideas to work begins.
Jupiter will return to Sagittarius on November 4, 2019 until March 29, 2020, after spending much of 2019 in Scorpio, before briefly entering Capricorn on March 30, 2020; returning for a third time to Sagittarius on July 1, 2020.
Jupiter, the planet of meaningful purpose, halts between what we wish to achieve on a material level on the planet, as it hovers on the brink of a new spiritual aspiration, and further into 2020, where the work of putting these new ideas to work begins.
Jupiter will return to Sagittarius on November 4, 2019 until March 29, 2020, after spending much of 2019 in Scorpio, before briefly entering Capricorn on March 30, 2020; returning for a third time to Sagittarius on July 1, 2020.
In 2020, Jupiter returns to Capricorn, from November 20 to April 5, 2021, re-entering the sign on September 14, 2021, after a summer spent in Aquarius. With Jupiter entering and reentering Sagittarius and Capricorn on three occasions in the coming years - its own sign and its place of debilitation.
We are likely to see major ups and downs in relation to our new vision.
Jupiter’s transit through Sagittarius is a time connect with truth in more meaningful ways, and a period to at least begin to heal these parts, reaching out over the chasm that has opened between 'us and them'.
We are likely to see major ups and downs in relation to our new vision.
Jupiter’s transit through Sagittarius is a time connect with truth in more meaningful ways, and a period to at least begin to heal these parts, reaching out over the chasm that has opened between 'us and them'.
This require great courage, so as not to slip back into fear-based responses to the challenges we are now faced with as a species on the planet.
By 2020, the old social-political-economic models begin to break down as Saturn and Pluto enter sidereal Capricorn, and we discover new ways to move forward in the following decades.
We may struggle with what emerges initially as powerful planetary conjunctions re-calibrate systems around the globe, and we are asked to respond to these changes intelligently.
By 2020, the old social-political-economic models begin to break down as Saturn and Pluto enter sidereal Capricorn, and we discover new ways to move forward in the following decades.
We may struggle with what emerges initially as powerful planetary conjunctions re-calibrate systems around the globe, and we are asked to respond to these changes intelligently.