26° 40' Aries to 10° 00’ Taurus
Kṛttikā - The Sharp One
Kṛttikā means ‘to cut’ and shows a critical nature. Its symbols are a knife and blade. Cutting away imperfections is the best way to use its sharpness. Its ruling deity is the god of fire. Fire can either warm or burn, and this sign can do both, while blades can be used to heal or to kill. This sign is very protective, using its sharpness to stand up for individuals who need help.
When the Moon transits Kṛttikā, it's a good day for purification, including the use of fire rituals, and getting to the truth of the matter.
When the Moon transits Kṛttikā, it's a good day for purification, including the use of fire rituals, and getting to the truth of the matter.
Vedic God: Agni, the god of fire.
Greek God: Hestia.
Quality: Mixed (Soft and Sharp).
Symbols: Cutting things such as a blade, a sword, an arrow and fire.
Principle Stars: The Pleiades.
Planetary Associations: Mars, Venus and Sun.
Motivation: Kama (Pleasure).
Temperament: Demonic.
Āyurvedic Doṣa: Kapha.
Animal (Sexuality): Female Goat.
Sounds: Aa, Ee, U and Aye.
Colour: White.
Greek God: Hestia.
Quality: Mixed (Soft and Sharp).
Symbols: Cutting things such as a blade, a sword, an arrow and fire.
Principle Stars: The Pleiades.
Planetary Associations: Mars, Venus and Sun.
Motivation: Kama (Pleasure).
Temperament: Demonic.
Āyurvedic Doṣa: Kapha.
Animal (Sexuality): Female Goat.
Sounds: Aa, Ee, U and Aye.
Colour: White.