Mercury stations direct on Feb 4, and a heightened anticipation hangs densely in the air as it joins with Pluto, with the Sun conjuncts Saturn. This may feel 'heavier' than a typical Mercury direct station, but we could use the time to focus our energy, to plan our next move. The configuration with all planets on one side of the lunar nodes builds in intensity in February and March. This reflects a more volatile period, more so because of Mars’ ongoing conjunction with Venus, and its entry into Capricorn by Feb 26, joining Pluto (Mar 3) and Saturn (Apr 5). It's all coming to a head, it seems. Venus enters Capricorn with Mars, by Feb 27. Venus and Mars are conjunct for much of the month, exact Feb 14. They are within one degree of each other from Feb 11 to Mar 12. This reflects a very passionate stance in Sagittarius in February, a strong need to express ourselves and our hope for something better. But it may just as easily express itself as fighting and disagreements. If you're not prepared to fight for something important to you, you're probably going to end up fighting with someone for no apparent reason. Venus-Mars Conjunction Feb 11 - Mar 12 This is an unusually long conjunction due to Venus' direct station by Jan 29. As Venus slowly turns around, it is met by Mars. They move along together for most of February and March. The period between Feb 11 and Mar 12 is particularly striking, as both jostle for space at the same degree. Planets at the same degree are said to be in a 'planetary war'. And while I would usually ease up on the kind of language that would strike fear, it does seem inevitable now that Russia will strike in Ukraine, so war is indeed an appropriate word. Of course, Russia invaded Ukraine 8 years ago, when Venus was retrograde in the same place in the zodiac, in Sagittarius. Sagittarius is a fiery sign. It can show the start of wars, as it shows our beliefs, what we are willing to fight for. The lunar mansions in Sagittarius tell a very different story than the 'big jolly giant' Jupiter and its benevolent influence. First, we have Mūla, the 'root' lunar mansion at the beginning of the sign, ruled by the goddess of death, Niritti. Then we have the goddess of the waters, who can sometimes go overboard with enthusiasm. Apas rules Pūrvāṣaḍhā, where Venus and Mars first meet. And then, there's Uttarāṣāḍhā, ruled by the universal gods. Uttarāṣāḍhā represents the need for austerity, often due to fighting a war. And while the last two years saw the world fighting a different kind of enemy, and all the austerity required, now that it is becoming endemic, we are more likely to see fighting for other reasons. Choose your battles wisely. Ask yourself, is it worth fighting over. Is it an issue that's been hanging around for a long time? Or has an issue just reared its head that could just as quickly blow over? New Moon in Capricorn (Śravaṇa) Feb 1 - Navarātri The month begins with a New Moon. This New Moon begins the celebration of Navarātri, the '9 night' of the goddess. More specifically, it begins Magha Navarātri. This New Moon is called mounī āmāvasyā, the 'silent New Moon'. Everything begins with silence. Everything begins with a silent prayer, whether you acknowledge it as a prayer or not. Set an intention for what you wish to begin. This year, as is the case at the beginning of any year, the Sun transits Saturn's signs, Capricorn and Aquarius. This is the only time in the zodiac where one planet rules two sequential signs. Mid January to mid-March is the long haul! Whatever you are beginning requires patience. This particular New Moon is a frosty start. The Moon joins the Sun and Saturn, which are both coming into an exact conjunction (Saturn combustion), while Mercury stations direct closely conjunct Pluto. The bigger and longer term themes of structural overhauls is coming to a head in many ways for this New Moon and the following lunar month. And with all visible planets lining up in just 3 signs (Shula Yoga), on one side of the lunar nodes, it shows a period of uncertainty and imbalance. Mars and Venus coming together adds heat, boiling away any sense of sweetness, leaving a bitter taste. Yet the bitter taste purifies. While this leads to the possibility of burning some bridges, as tact and diplomacy evaporates under these heated configurations, some bridges may need to be burned. This 'Silent New Moon' is in Śravaṇa, the 'star sign of listening'. Yet Saturn's presence here for the past year has shown how difficult that can be. Now that Saturn is about to move on from Śravaṇa, we may hear something important for the first time. More importantly, this is a time to listen within. This 'silent Moon' may personally assuage much of the conflict other transits suggest, including the elusive Kala Sarpa Yoga and the Venus-Mars conjunction. Indeed, if we're not listening in February, we're probably arguing! Sun-Saturn Conjunction Feb 4 Sun-Saturn conjunctions are always more than a bit tense. The Sun is our light. Saturn is our darkness. It can sometimes feel like we're living through a Star Wars movie! The struggle with Sun and Saturn in Capricorn, within structures and systems, is real, folks! Personally, we can always do something with the energy. We can focus all our energy and intention on something important, whether we feel like it or not. Otherwise, we are likely to feel 'scattered to the four winds'. Those with Leo rising or Moon sign take note. In the world around us, certain leaders are likely to feel the pressure of this conjunction. Saturn is by far stronger in its own sign Capricorn. Yet is is combust, burnt up by the Sun. Although the Sun is not at all strong here, it's the Sun! Those with Capricorn prominent may feel this as a feeling of being burnt out. But it may also lead to a stronger sense of what is important. Leo's are going feel this intensely. Hang in there! Focus. Don't take on too much. If you feel pressure to get a lot done, especially in your work environment or in your daily routines, ask yourself how important all these tasks really are. Maybe put them off, or add them to a list for later. Mercury stations Direct Feb 4 Mercury's station close to Pluto in Capricorn, as the Sun conjuncts Saturn, is a time of change, a time of heightened anticipation, mixed with a little dread. Nothing like a little sense of dread to get you motivated! Pluto's conjunction with Mercury's station can bring to mind certain things we may have not seen thus far. We may prefer to leave some of these things where they are, but there they are. At least we can now move, we can now at least plan on moving, and deal with the issues that have been revealed. Mercury's station feels more productive. All of those things that just didn't seem to go anywhere during the retrograde can now begin to move forward. In fact, all the planets are now in direct motion, and until the end of April, when Pluto is the first to break this trend. The saboteur (Pluto) is the first to, well, sabotage! But at least we can make conscious what it is that is holding us back with its conjunction to Mercury. Ketu in Viśākhā Feb 8 - Oct 18 You cannot have it both ways. Can you? No, maybe you can! Oh no, sorry, you cannot! Welcome to Viśākhā Ketu! It's time to focus on the goal and not waver. It's time to focus on who you really are, so you can make the best decision. Viśākhā is the lunar mansion that ties closest to the symbolism of Libra, i.e., the scales. It's about weighing up the pros and cons, deciding on one. Yet, as we know from Librans, many times we focus on the choices and cannot decide! Librans may seem to be swayed by others' opinions more than any other sign. But the choice, the consideration, is just the process to getting to what must be decided upon. Once we decide on something, we dedicate ourselves to it. That leads to the following lunar mansion, Anurādhā, the 'star sign of devotion'. On some level, we have already decided on what is the most important thing. Ketu has already transited Anurādhā. As it moves retrograde through the signs, it enters Viśākhā. So, although the decision may already have been made on some level, we may doubt it with the presence of the shadow of Ketu. Viśākhā is split between Libra and Scorpio, between compromise and a dedication to a single cause. By the time we end up deciding on something, we're usually exhausted! Hence, we can see the Moon's debilitation in the latter part of the sign, in Scorpio. Viśākhā is ruled by two Vedic gods, Indra and Agni, the chief god and the god of fire. Some opine that it's actually just one god, the god of sacrificial fire, but that's yet another indication of the split. Whether it's two opinions, two options, whatever, Viśākhā gets us to focus. But it does so by reminding us how unfocused we are. Viśākhā is both soft and sharp, just like Kṛttikā, the lunar mansion ruled by Agni, and which also happens to be split between a Mars (Aries) and Venus (Taurus) sign. This split between Mars and Venus is emphasised with Ketu, at a time when Mars and Venus are thrashing it out in February and March. Also, Rahu is currently transiting Kṛttikā, so there is a lot of fiery energy, a lot of fiery indications that are possible in the coming weeks. Historically, this has meant lots of bombings and blackouts. The last time Ketu was in Viśākhā was between July 2003 and March 2004. Some interesting things happened at the time that we can relate to Ketu in Viśākhā. Apart from a lot of bombings, including of hotels (Rahu in Taurus), Concorde has its last flight and Facebook was founded. I'm honing in on these in particular because they all represent themes of Ketu. Ketu represents terrorists. But it also represents computers, and computer code. It may remove some things in Libra in the coming months, but it is just as likely to streamline some things. You could argue that Facebook beginning with this transit shows the technological advances in connecting with others (Libra), but also the disconnect it has brought. The lunar nodes always show some type of dichotomy. Another thing that happened when Ketu last entered Viśākhā was that SARS was declared be to contained - on the very day Ketu entered the sign! Now, that may be wishful thinking, but it does point to another important indication about Ketu; that is, the ability to rid ourselves of something. Another thing that happened in 2003 was that Saddam Hussein was captured in his hideaway in December of that year. Ketu uproots things. Will it uproot the virus? Will Saturn's aspect to Ketu in Libra contain it? Maybe so. We're likely to see the best and worst of what Ketu has to offer as it enters Viśākhā for the rest of the year. This may include wars and fighting the virus, but also people waking up to what they need to do, based on who they really are. It may, however, show more of a disconnect due to advancements in technology. I'll meet you in the Metaverse to discuss! Who we really are is more connected to everyone else. It's just that Ketu sometimes reminds us of this by removing this barrier; literally, through taking away life itself. Will we see who we really are, or would prefer not to be, while Ketu transits the sign? Very likely. Ketu in Viśākhā may be like a laser beam-like focus on one thing, oftentimes to the detriment of the other. Or, not being able to choose at all because of the fear of losing out on one. You choose. But first, get clear about who 'you' really are. Then, naturally, the right choice is presented. Sun in Aquarius Feb 13 - Mar 13 The Sun enters Aquarius mid-month, as it does every year. This continues its long trek through Saturn's signs, before we make it to a more buoyant place in Pisces. Aquarius is a transition. The word 'trans' is used a lot these days. It closely ties with Aquarius. Transgender is one such word. Transpersonal is another. These always bring up some interesting questions, questions which don't have easy answers. And that is the nature of Aquarius, to question. The Sun in Aquarius highlights big topics such as these. It questions authority, who is an authority, and systems that have been put in place. It puts the spotlight on humanitarian issues. It contrasts with the opposite Leo, where leaders lead. Aquarius doesn't lead. It demands more of leaders. Leo commands. Aquarius questions. Full Moon in Leo (Maghā) Feb 16 The Full Moon phase beginning in Cancer is opposed Saturn, with an aspect from Mars. The whole month of February is volatile, and will likely lead to fighting. The Full Moon itself is placed in Leo, opposite Jupiter-Neptune in Aquarius. This may feel more hopeful, despite the fighting, or perhaps because of the fighting. Full Moons are always a more extreme in the month, for good or ill. Extremes in any way, during other kinds of extremes, including the Venus-Mars conjunction, are not necessarily a good thing. It may trigger something. Personally, we can use this Full Moon to fuel our passions, to tap into what inspires us, no matter what anyone else has to say about it. It may create issues in relationships, but as long as we are connected to a far more important relationship - to our Higher Self - we can relate to others more authentically. With the Moon in a square to the lunar nodes, hand on heart, connect with a conflict-free zone within. Saturn in Dhaniṣṭhā Feb 17 - Mar 14, 2023 + Oct 15 - Nov 23, 2023 Do you dance to the beat of your own drum? Are you sure you're not playing along to someone else's rhythm?! Saturn's transits bring doubt, but doubt makes us work harder at something until we get it right. Yes, we may overdo it sometimes and miss our mark, but Saturn will let us know soon enough. If we feel too much pressure, whether it's pressure we put on ourselves or that's put on us by others, we eventually learn to surrender what we must, and work on what we are meant to. Most people are not good at the Saturn thing, especially when they're young. Some never get it. Most of us develop it as we age. Saturn is the ruler of old age. As we get older, we become more refined and patient, we work within our restrictions. When young, we usually don't deal with restrictions well. With Saturn in Dhaniṣṭhā, we may try very hard and get frustrated when things don't happen quickly enough. We may feel something is off, the rhythm of life out of time. We may feel a strange sense of misalignment, although there is no such thing from a bigger perspective. Saturn is actually very strong in Dhaniṣṭhā, and even stronger in the Aquarius division. Dhaniṣṭhā is evenly split between Capricorn and Aquarius. Saturn in Aquarius is in 'root strength' or mulatrikona. Aquarius is where Saturn can do its best work. And what is Saturn's best work? Well, I think it's about doing what needs to be done with what is, while building something new. Saturn in Aquarius brings out the potential for more progress in 2022. Letting something go must be part of that process. Saturn's entry into Dhaniṣṭhā in February heralds this transition in April, from working hard (probably, too hard) at trying to keep structures going, systems and structures that are out of date, to building some new ones that work better. Saturn's entry into Dhaniṣṭhā may even be announced by governments around the world, or by some organization, especially as it enters Aquarius by Apr 28. Dhaniṣṭhā means ‘wealthy’ and represents wealth in all aspects – not just monetary. It is ruled by the elemental demigods; the polestar, sky, wind, water, earth, pre-dawn, fire, and the Moon; all representing nature and the cosmos. This represents the truest expression of wealth when one is abundant in all aspects of life. It is symbolized by a drum and flute, reflecting a link to music and sound, and the rhythm of life. The Muses are associated with this lunar mansion, the goddesses of literature, science, and the arts. Saturn may feel a bit out of tune! And yet, it is likely to show themes of getting our groove back. One important thing that happened the last time Saturn was here in the early 90's was the foundation of the European Union (EU). This is probably the most literal expression I can think of in relation to the sign's ruler, the Vasudeva, the 8 elemental demigods, with all the different countries coming together to form a union. If we add Saturn's transit to the upcoming Jupiter-Neptune transit in Pisces, I think we are likely to see a major movement that attempts to bring many disparate parts together, to build something new. Mars in Capricorn Feb 26 - Apr 7 Mars moves into its sign of exaltation and conjuncts Pluto as it does so, with the exact Mars-Pluto conjunction is on Mar 3. This can bring things to light that were buried, including hidden resentments. Mare is very powerful in Capricorn. Yet Mars is also a first-rate malefic planet, the 'planet of war'! It comes together with Saturn and is restrained somewhat. Yet, Saturn's strength alongside Mars is a challenge in keeping the peace. Meanwhile, Venus is thrown into the mix and all compromise is off the table. While these more challenging transits are not good news for the world at large, for peace, they can be very good news for certain individuals who are willing to work hard for the rewards. Those with Aries or Scorpio prominent may fair better, as Mars enters areas of focus and hard work. For most other signs, this poses a challenge. But the greater the challenge, the greater the rewards. Cancer and Capricorn in particular will not be able to avoid the issues, expressed in some confrontation or other. Mars and Saturn get a bad wrap, and for good reason. These malefics get us to improve ourselves, whether we want to or not. Without them, life would be so easeful that we would never work at anything. Without them, we would never actualise our dreams. With their help, with a sense of determination and focus, we can make our dream a reality. I'll write more about Mars in Capricorn in March and April, as this is one transit we must find a healthy expression for. If we're not working hard towards a goal in the coming weeks, it's going to 'do a job on us'! Venus in Capricorn Feb 27 - Mar 31 Venus is the last planet to move into Capricorn. This means that all the visible planets have now gathered in just two signs by the end of the month. This is not an easy configuration. Imagine if you were piled into a room with lots of others, all of whom have very different agendas. Fighting is likely to ensue. Saturn is the ruler of the sign Capricorn, so it will have the final say. Let's hope restraint is the order of the day. Otherwise, we could see Venus-related issues being particularly challenged in the coming weeks. Venus represents certain things for each of us, and general things for all of us. Generally, Venus is about things we value and our relationships. Globally, this means the economy and diplomacy. Hmm. I'll write more about Venus in Capricorn in the March report, as it continues to transit alongside Mars at the same degree. It's time to put aside all niceties, it seems, in favour of getting something done. - As always, I wish you the very best of what the month has to offer. OM TAT SAT |