Mars and Rahu in Taurus Mars is not as comfortable with Taurus as it is with it's own sign, Aries. Fire and earth do not mix well - well, unless you do so deliberately and carefully, I guess. Mars can feel a little stifled in Taurus, stuck in the mud, when it really just wants to move forward quickly. Rahu is another problem for Mars, as it is said to block it. Energy will likely fluctuate in a big way over the next few weeks, as and when energy is blocked and builds to uncomfortable levels. Think, volcano eruptions. Be mindful of your own energy leaks and how it may fluctuate. Generally, this is going to be challenging around the world, with the possibility of more explosive events. Aviation, travel, luxury destinations, including hotels etc., as well as the economy, are all going to feel it fluctuate more so because of Taurus. This could even lead to explosions in such places, and tensions with people cooped up in quarantine hotels, I imagine. As soon as Mars moved into Taurus, we saw the 777 planes being grounded after an explosion of one engine. We're likely to see further grounding, or the sense of being brought down to earth with a bang. The nodes are in strong positions in Taurus and Scorpio. The only question to ask is: strong for what?! Rahu in Taurus reflects all the shady and crazy stock markets dealings recently. What is happening is not real on some level. People are suffering in poverty while Bitcoin soars, for example. You cannot eat figures on a computer screen. Rahu in Taurus may be innovative in terms of solving economic problems, but it can just as easily create more problems than it solves. Mars' conjunction with Rahu will likely cause many more problems economically. Mars joining Rahu may show some extremes in the markets, especially by the end of March and beginning of April, as Jupiter moves out of Capricorn. Although we may see this as a welcome departure for Jupiter, it is actually Jupiter in Capricorn, in a trine aspect to Rahu in Taurus, which has fueled much of the market hype, even while the economy has sunk into a depression. This is the juxtaposition of Jupiter in Capricorn conjunct Saturn, in a trine to Rahu in Taurus. On the one hand, Jupiter will move out of debilitation, as soon as it enters Aquarius, but on the other, it no longer receives a trinal aspect from Rahu, or gives one back, while the mitigating factors of Saturn in Capricorn no longer support it. It does, at least, offer more innovative approaches the the current problems we face. I think this may be expressed as an economic adjustment, perhaps a big one, while the after effects of recent restrictions continue to be felt in the economy. There are more possibilities with Jupiter in Aquarius, of course. I will go into those in next month's forecast. Here's an article I wrote recently about Mars and Rahu in Taurus. Jupiter enters Dhaniṣṭhā Mar 4 Dhaniṣṭhā means ‘wealthy’ and represents wealth in all aspects – not just monetary. Lucky that, because by the time Jupiter has made it to the end of Capricorn, where this Moon sign begins, the economy is shot to pieces! Dhaniṣṭhā is ruled by the elemental demigods; the polestar, sky, wind, water, earth, pre-dawn, fire, and the Moon; all representing nature and the cosmos. This represents the truest expression of wealth, when one is abundant in all aspects of life. When the economy is challenged, we have no choice but to look to something beyond the material. This Moon sign represents a transition to that something. Jupiter may herald some new way to look at life, bringing more elements together to create solutions to problems. Although Jupiter is weak in Capricorn, this will likely bring some new hope through some new insights and innovations that arrive by April. Dhaniṣṭhā is symbolized by a drum and flute, reflecting a link to music and sound, and the natural rhythm of life. And while Saturn's transit in Capricorn has meant we have lost our rhythm in many respects, Jupiter brings more of the elements that are required to tune in again. Jupiter also leaves its combustion as it enters Dhaniṣṭhā, so there is light at the end of the tunnel, and forms beginning to appear in our mind's eye, as Jupiter reappears in our morning skies. Kala Sarpa Yoga (sort of) Mar 6 -21 As the Moon moves past Ketu, the south node in Scorpio, it forms a less potent, but no less relevant, form of the Kala Sarpa Yoga or 'serpent of time' combination. This further highlights the uncertainty we feel, and the imbalances we are experiencing between what is (Taurus) and what we fear to be the case (Scorpio). This will be the last time we experience this combination this intensely, as and when the Moon moves back over Ketu next month, Mars is breaking the spell as it moves into Gemini, removing much of the uncertainty and fear that continues to hang in the air in March. The spell of Kala Sarpa is with us for a while, the serpent has its grip on us still, which means a fear of something we cannot see. It may just be the virus, but it may be some other fear or uncertainty you are personally dealing with. This is the last month we feel it this intensely. Mercury re-enters Aquarius Mar 11 Once Mercury returns to Aquarius, there is a sense that we can plan around the innovative ideas that were reviewed in the last few weeks. Mercury will move beyond the point it began its retrograde by Mar 13 and this will be a time when we feel as if life is moving forward in many respects. This also happens to be the new Moon, which marks a new beginning in many respects. This leaves just Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto (that's all, eh!) behind in Capricorn. Jupiter will be the next to move, by Apr 5, leaving just Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. These transitions offer a way forward, a way which may be spoken about initially, whether through governments coming up with an 'exit plan' or whatever. But it may just be talk at this stage, until Jupiter moves in April. Interestingly, the Irish government have recently declared Apr 5 as the date when they will ease restrictions, just as Jupiter moves into Aquarius. The chart I use for Ireland is currently experiencing a Jupiter cycle, which just so happens to be placed in Capricorn. New Moon in Aquarius (Pūrvā Bhādrapadā) Mar 13 The new Moon (chart given above) occurs as Mercury leaves it shadow phase in Aquarius, bringing with it some new start, some innovation or new plan to get us all thinking outside the box. It also represents a lot of confusion, however, as Venus comes together with Neptune, close the Sun and Moon. Any new plans at this stage may be a little fanciful. This new Moon occurs at the very end of Aquarius, just as we experienced the previous two months' new Moons at the end of Sagittarius and Capricorn. Once again, this highlights the new lunar months as a time of endings as much as it is a new beginning. The next new Moon is in Pisces is the most important one for the New Year, before the Sun moves into Aries, its sign of exaltation, starting the year off in earnest. For now, this new Moon in Aquarius marks the Sun's transition into the last sign of the zodiac, the sign Pisces, and the beginning of the end of where we're at now. Pūrvā means 'former', bhādrapadā means 'auspicious steps'. Pūrvā Bhādrapadā is ruled by a fierce form of Śiva, likened to a lightning bolt, which is symbolic of its visionary nature. It is symbolized by a man with two faces, a sword, and the front legs of a funeral cot; all symbolizing a cutting away; of big themes of life and death; making distinctions between what is real and what is false. The new Moon in Pūrvā Bhādrapadā is a good day for purification and a new philosophy. Sun in Pisces Mar 14 - Apr 13 The Sun's ingress into Pisces every year brings with it a sense of saying goodbye to the old and getting ready for the new. This year, we have Saturn's continued aspect to Pisces which puts pressure on the Sun and our sense of vitality and confidence, restraining it somewhat. This may express itself in a lack of confidence in leaders and more pressure on governments to make changes. The Sun in Pisces is like diving into the vast ocean of possibility, despite Saturn's restrictive gaze. This could be channeled through being open to something new, while focusing on what is possible. While theoretically anything is possible, Saturn teaches us that only certain things are probable. Saturn's is a reality check for us all, of course, and it's continued aspect to Pisces requires us to see things as they are, not the ideal that Pisces would like to convey. As Saturn leaves combustion, the masses may make their presence known all the more, but so will the imposed restrictions. There comes a time when we need to draw healthy boundaries for ourselves as individuals. That time is likely expressed in Saturn's reappearance in March after the past few weeks in combustion. Now that Saturn reappears and casts its gaze to the Sun, we may see more and more people rise up against government restrictions. Venus in Pisces Mar 16 - Apr 10 Venus moves into Pisces in a deep state of combustion; too close to the Sun to be visible, in a process of transformation. Venus is in exact combustion Mar 25 - 28. When we cannot see Venus, we may struggle to enjoy life and feel unappreciated. Relationships and the economy may be challenged and we may lack an accord, despite the, or perhaps because of, the ideals of Pisces. Venus in Pisces is usually a time of year to enjoy life just as it is, whatever is. However, it's combustion reflects an intense inner desire, a burning need for something better. And while that something better is not visible - outwardly, at any rate - we must look within and use the intensity to purify our hearts. Venus in Pisces is all about love for the divine, no matter the form. Pisces is formless potential. But because Saturn aspects Venus in Pisces I am reminded of the whirling Dervish and the Pakistan Sufis ecstatic dance, the Dhamal (pictured), where we are given a form to transcend, a dance to go within and experience ecstatic states of bliss. This also reminds me of religious ecstasy, the euphoric states of the expanded interior, and how little we get to experience it in our modern buckled up times - unless you have a personal ecstatic practice, that is. Combust planets are all about tapping into the inner strengths. In the case of Venus, that means looking for something to appreciate beyond the trappings of the world. Feeding the love in our hearts so we can feel the love for everyone, to reach a higher state of appreciation for life - from within. Venus transits Pisces at springtime quite often, where there is usually a sense of peace and happiness by connecting with nature, and through the natural world to our innate sense of everything being in its rightful place. And while this is certainly challenged this year due to Saturn's continued restrictions, we can always use these restrictions to go within. As the saying goes, 'The only way out is in'. As Mars and Rahu meet in Taurus by exact degree, Venus moves into deep combustion. Venus will not return to our Night skies until May, in Taurus. This further indicates the huge transition we are about to go through, of course, an intensification and purification of what we value, which may be felt as a loss of these things for a time, until we regain a sense of outer comfort in May. For now, we must look for that within. By going within, we can free ourselves from the burden of being without. In case you missed it, here's a recent post I recently wrote on the Patreon page about Venus Combust. Full Moon in Virgo (Hasta) Mar 28 The Moon reaches the opposite degree to the Sun, just as Venus lines up by exact degree with the Sun, and Mars reaches the exact degree of Rahu. This is, yes, you guessed it, intense! I personally like the word intense and don't attach negative thoughts or feelings to it, necessarily, but whatever way you can channel the intensity, there is a need to do so if we are to avoid the pitfalls. The Virgo full Moon is all about finding balance with the Piscean impulse, that of surrender. As all signs are polarizations, in a way, the Piscean extreme is just tuning out of all the noise for a while. This full Moon is in Virgo, and the lunar mansion Hasta, meaning 'hand', is all about being skillful, of placing something in our hands. It's all about the details. Hasta is ruled by the Moon, and the Moon's two other lunar mansions, Rohiṇī and Śravaṇa are housing Rahu, Mars and Saturn. So, although there are challenges to whatever we are manifesting at this time, and a lot of fear that's possible, there is certainly an opportunity to make something happen for this full Moon. We take all the pure potential, all that is possible, the Pisces impulse, and apply it practically in Virgo. We use our hands to mould it, to play with it, to organize and manipulate it, to schedule and plan it out. Yes, we can get too caught up in the details and lost in red tape in Virgo, but without the details grounding us in a reality, we can get too caught up in the dream in Pisces for it to be of any real use. Certainly, Saturn's aspect to Pisces is asking us to get real about our dreams of something better. Pisces is the dream. Virgo is about making things better. This full Moon is not only useful, it's absolutely a necessary balancing point at this stage. And, as with any new or full Moon phase, it may feel as if things are hanging in the balance. This full Moon requires more skillful awareness to avoid the possible pitfalls of the Venus combustion, and the Mars-Rahu conjunction, to avoid passions getting out of hand (pun intended). Mercury enters Pisces Mar 31 Soon after the full Moon in Virgo, the signs ruler, Mercury moves into its sign of debilitation. Whatever details have been gathered at this stage, there comes a time to let them go for a while; at least while Mercury transits Pisces. Although there is the mitigating factor of Venus in Pisces, Venus' combustion is the other relevant story. Venus may somewhat pick up for Mercury's lack, but Mercury can also drag down Venus, which may challenge us to keep things civil and nice. When we cannot communicate effectively, nice can so easily be thrown out the window! The end of March and beginning of April may challenge effective planning and communication. The Moon steps back into Scorpio as Mercury enters the sign, just as Mars meets with Rahu in Taurus. The end of March is a complex period as a result. I think the end of March is a pivot in many ways, an extreme period which changes the conversation. As the Moon moves past Ketu into April, creating shades of the Kala Sarpa Yoga for one last time, we may be feeling a little jaded by all the uncertainty. It's in those moments of surrender and release, highlighted at this stage by transits in Pisces, that we let go and let things unfold as they must. In doing so, we can find better solutions. It's kind of like those moments in the shower when you get those breakthroughs, having struggled with them for a while. By letting go, we can gain so much more. Jupiter rules Pisces, where Mercury now transits, and will move into Aquarius in the coming days. No matter what challenges the end of March brings, stay open minded. It's all about to change. - As always, I wish you all the very best of what the month has to offer. OM TAT SAT |