Full Moon in Sagittarius July 2 The Moon reaches its fullest at 02.19 UT on July 2. The Moon reaches exact opposition to the Sun at 15 degrees of the sidereal sign Sagittarius, with the Sun placed in Gemini alongside Mars. This creates a need to balance our selfish interests within a larger worldview and philosophical perspective. The full Moon is placed in Purva Ashadha; a lunar sign which represents the human spirit's ability to rise above suppression, but this is often arrived at through fighting. With the Sun and Mars currently placed in the opposite lunar sign Ardra, representing a volatile mix of aggression and idealism, we can also see this full Moon phase expressed in the resilience of those previously suppressed by fear from recent attacks. Mercury in Gemini July 5 - July 20 Mercury moves through sidereal Gemini in July and feels right at home in its own sign, creating a better communicative environment. This is a mentally stimulating transit. The Sun and Mars' transit here also point to an increase of mental stimulation which is the natural course of this time of year as we get out and about, enjoying the festivities of the summer. A downside of this transit is an over-emphasis on information and unnecessary debate which can lead to a loss of direction. This is further enhanced by the combustion of Mars in Gemini and all of these planets 'squaring' the nodes; offering many options but little in the way of a clear direction. Venus in Leo July 5 - Aug. 11 (Retrograde July 25 - Sept. 6) Venus enters Leo on July 5 as it crosses over the sensitive juncture between the water sign Cancer and the fire sign Leo. This juncture represents a 'pothole' in the zodiac which influences transiting planets by creating a bumpy ride. Both Venus and Jupiter move through this juncture together in July, so we are given ample opportunity to feel the turbulent effect on these two benevolent planets. Both represent finances which are about to be unraveled for many. More specifically, Venus represents our values, comforts, sensuality, sexuality and relations. This transit may throw something up for you to deal with in relation to these in the coming weeks and months. We experience three passes of Venus over this juncture known in Vedic astrology as Gandanta. Venus is also influenced by a narrowing of focus from Saturn which brings a more objective view to the areas mentioned but can also dry up the significations of Venus. Wedding ceremonies and important purchases would be best delayed until Venus has resumed its direct motion and cleared this juncture again by October. However, I wouldn't wait too long for that ceremony, or purchase, as Venus then moves into its sign of debilitation, Virgo by November. In fact, it may be best to delay any important decisions regarding the above until December. In short, take care of your relationships and finances at this juncture. Save for a rainy day and think twice before you make any important decisions regarding a significant other. Ultimately, these transits will strengthen what's important and remove that which no longer serves you both. Ireland's horoscope experiences this as a review of the constitution around marriage and family. We will see a re-structuring of marriage in a country which has already voted on allowing same-sex couples to marry - the first country to ever do so. Although a Venus retrograde period is not the best time to actually get married, it certainly is an opportune time to plan, prepare and redefine what your relationship is. Jupiter in Leo July 13 2015 - Aug. 10 2016 The transit of Jupiter to Leo is one of the key shifts in 2015 and moving forward into next year as it transits the sign until August 2016. While Jupiter was exalted in the sign Cancer it led to high ideals and expectations from life. Now in Leo, Jupiter dons the cloak of ritual in order to test these ideals and expectations in a more determined and expressive fashion. It is time to get expressive about your ideal life. This is helped by Saturn's focus on the sign, which adds a hard work ethos to your big ideas. It's time to make your dreams become a reality in the area of your life you experience the sign Leo. In a general sense, the sign Leo represents creativity, children and romance. The negative effects of Jupiter in Leo are a grandiose sense of self which is overbearing and pompous. Religions of the world display this pomp and show all too often. If this has a firm ground in something meaningful and relevant to all concerned then this is not necessarily a bad thing. However, if the ideals are too lofty, the subsequent rituals performed (whether you see them as religious or not) may fall short and lack any real depth. Another possible negative result of this transit is the firm belief in action which is self-motivated, regardless of the outcome for others; believing you are all great and powerful; taking on much more than you can handle on your own. Jupiter is not alone during its transit in Leo. It is also joined by Rahu, the Moon's north node, by January 2016 and for its remaining transit in Leo until August 2016. It is retrograde for the first four months of 2016; moving alongside Rahu during this time; coming to exact conjunction with Rahu in June 2016. The sign Leo, and this areas of life represented by Jupiter, are up for a lot of change and growth as a result in the coming year. In a general sense, leadership is up for some major changes, along with changes and innovations in creativity, self-expression, finances and religion. Jupiter represents a strong belief, a sense of connection and coherence, a positive growth and optimism. The areas of life you experience the signs Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius and Aries, will feel the benefit of having Jupiter resident for the next year. This is especially the case for those with the sign Leo as their rising. They have, up until this point, been experiencing Jupiter in the house of loss, with Saturn detracting from their usual steady self-confidence. Now that Jupiter enters their sign a fresh confidence is born. Although this is kept in check by Saturn and Rahu, there is at least a new sense of possibility now that Jupiter has entered the sign. New Moon in Gemini July 16 The Moon reaches the same degree as the Sun at 29 degrees of sidereal Gemini, just as both prepare to move into the sign Cancer. The new Moon phase is a time of the month to draw inwards and pause for reflection. This is particularly relevant during the many changes which are taking place in the planetary alignments this month. Take some time to reflect and re-calibrate as the Moon wanes into mid-July. Mars and Mercury are exactly conjunct during the new Moon and placed within the same lunar sign (Punarvasu) as the Sun and Moon. This brings a sense of purpose and belief in something higher than our worldly existence which has thus far offered much heart ache and mental tension from the previous lunar sign Ardra. Now the emphasis shifts to the sign Cancer and a need to connect with something deep within ourselves to reach a place of peace and calm after the storms. Sun in Cancer July 16 - Aug. 15 The Sun reaches sidereal Cancer by July 16. After the party is over in Gemini, we must pay more attention to the home environment and to our inner lives which may have been neglected of late. Perhaps we need to take the party home with us! Our lives are a constant ebb and flow; of moving out into the world and moving back to our center. Issues around home and family become more important and run alongside our need to connect with others in a caring environment as the Sun enters Cancer. This may be your actual home, or family unit, or it may take the form of a community you belong to and feel safe within. Mercury in Cancer July 20 - Aug. 4 Mercury moves out of the extreme environment of Gemini and mental stimulation is overtaken by a need to rest the mind on something deeper within. However, as we know, the mind needs time to digest all that input and gets muddled up in Cancer by the end of July. Although our communications may become a little sloppy at this time, there isn't enough time to stop and think too much about it as Mercury speeds its way through Cancer and the two subsequent signs in August. We get ahead of ourselves (pardon the pun!) with Mercury's speedy transits after it joins the Sun on July 23 and moves beyond the Sun after that and until its retrograde phase in the autumn. For now, in the ever-changing emotions of Cancer, it becomes a little harder to clearly communicate when emotions fog our thinking. Mars in Cancer July 30 - Sept. 15 Mars steps out of the fires of combustion and is plunged into debilitation for the latter part of the summer. It may be time to cool off after the recent burnout of Mars' combustion. However, this is not an excuse to do nothing. Mars always needs an outlet of some kind and if it isn't given one you may end up feeling a little out of sorts and frustrated. Our actions, however, become unfocused and our direction unclear while Mars is placed in Cancer. Our motivation is at an all time low, as we take pause for the remaining summer months. Try to experience the negative effects of this transit, which include an overreaction and overcompensation, in a way which allows you to release and convert it into a more mature response. In other words, count to ten! Those with Aries or Scorpio prominent, especially as rising signs, will feel the need to slow down and not take on too much. If you ignore this need you will only end up frustrated when things don't go as smoothly, or as quickly, as you may wish. Preserve your energy for times when a more controlled and appropriate response is possible. If control seems harder to grasp perhaps it would be better to simply go with the flow. Full Moon in Capricorn July 31 This full Moon is the second of this calendar month, making it a 'blue moon'. The full Moon is at 10.42 UT on July 31 at 13 degrees of Capricorn - opposite to the sign Cancer, where the Sun is currently placed. These signs represent our inner and outer worlds which express themselves in a work/ life balance. This would be a good time to check in with how well you are balancing work commitments with family life. Saturn Stations Direct Aug. 2
Saturn stations direct at 4 degrees of Scorpio on August 2, but I am writing about it in July because this actually begins at the end of July and continues into the beginning of August. This is because Saturn stations (stands still) for a period of 10 days in total; 5 days before and after the actual date it stations direct (Aug. 2). So, it may be a good time to pay attention and slow down with the slowing of Saturn throughout the month of July. If you have any planets or important degrees at 4 degrees of Scorpio you will feel the pressure of Saturn and would do well to work with this transit more consciously, inviting limitation into this area(s) of your life more deliberately. Those with the sign rising need to pay particular attention to what their bodies need. We must face the cold realities of Saturn's transit to Scorpio without the buffer of Jupiter's influence at this time. Instead, Saturn influences our optimism and expansion (Jupiter), keeping these firmly in check. This reality check is also experienced by the signs Capricorn, Taurus and Leo. Work hard, enlisting all of the resources at your disposal to build and re-build these areas of your life. But do so slowly during the summer, making the necessary adjustments. OM TAT SAT |