Mercury in Virgo Aug. 29th - Sept. 20th Mercury moves into its sign of exaltation on August 29th. The strength of Mercury is the ability to see a clear option and to follow through with appropriate action. Virgo is Mercury's earth-dominant sign and one which is conducive to practical day-to-day concerns. This begins the autumn on a very practical and pragmatic note, allowing us to make the most of our diary and schedule books and take on board the need to implement new strategies for the change in seasons. This may mean planning new exercise routines and eating habits, as well as daily routines and schedules to make sure we can carry out our plans effectively. The subsequent strength of Mars and weakness of Venus will make sure we are more focused on what we want to achieve for ourselves, instead of always trying to please others. Be aware that the north node of the Moon (Rahu) is currently setting up home in Virgo and Mercury joins Rahu by exact degree on September 17th. This brings an added emphasis to our practical concerns but may make us too obsessive about getting it all just right. By overdoing it you make actually become counter-productive, as you take on too much. It's alright to be a bit messy sometimes when making improvements as long as you are making the effort. This can be seen in relation to your exercise regime or your eating habits in general if you do not know the particular area of your life you experience the sign Virgo. Venus in Leo Aug. 31st - Sept. 25th Venus moves into the dramatic sign Leo by the end of August, joining the Sun in its own sign. Venus' impulse of love and harmony is not conducive to the solar expression of a Self beyond the confines of a romantic relationship. The intensity of the Sun does not lead to an easy relating style, as the power of our Higher Self does not like to squeeze itself into the responsibilities of a relationship. For those who like the pomp and show Venus in Leo will supply plenty of drama. However, with Mars and the Sun strong in their transits, Venus is a little lost in the glare. In other words, refinement may be hard to come by as we find ourselves needing to aggrandize ourselves in the eyes of another. Mars in Scorpio Sept. 4th - Oct. 18th Mars moves into strength on September 4th. When Mars is strong we are more able to get out of outworn comfort zones and tackle our weaknesses. This is not only due to its position in its own sign, Scorpio, but also because it no longer receives the restrictive influence of Saturn, and is instead boosted by the expansive Jupiter. Actions are guided by wisdom which further increase the ability to confidently take more positive actions. This transit is conducive to finding inner strength through various means as we move into the autumn season. You may wish to better yourself physically and emotionally through new diets and exercise regimes for the change of season. Mercury's transit to Virgo this month also adds efficiency. If Scorpio is your rising sign you will feel the relief and vitality of your ruling planet moving through your first house, after a long period of it in your 12th house this year. Jupiter looks on with support from Cancer. Be aware, however, of a need to push yourself or others too hard and, in doing so, making some enemies along the way (Mars also represents enemies for Scorpio). Those who opposed your plans may not have been obvious to you while Mars was in your 12th house, but now it all comes out for you to see the obstacles in your way and tackle them head on. It would be better to allow for those who don't feel as robust as you do, especially if you are in a position of power over someone. If Aries is your rising sign then you benefit from your ruling planet in strength. However, it is placed in a position to create some change which may or may not feel good. Thankfully Mars represents an aspect of our being which is not concerned with feeling good, but rather doing what needs to be done in order to better ourselves. If you are signed up for a new class, or have the intention of getting up earlier to exercise before you start your day, this transit of Mars will help you in our endeavors to get out of bed and on your merry way. Mars has played a key role in the transits of 2014 and this continues as Mars now comes into a friendly relationship with Jupiter and Ketu, the south node of the Moon. Ketu is co-ruler of Scorpio alongside Mars and now all these three are coming into the water-dominant signs it leads to a powerful transformation of deep-seated emotional issues. Another possibility globally is that of some water-related tragedies being unleashed by Mother Nature as she expresses herself through the water signs. Full Moon in Aquarius Sept. 9th Harvest Moon The Moon reaches its fullest at 00.38 UT (01.38 GMT) on September 9th. This occurs at 22 degrees of Aquarius in the lunar sign Purva Bhadra. This lunar sign is ruled by Jupiter which is currently placed in exaltation, as well as the ruler of Aquarius, Saturn being placed in its sign of exaltation. Therefore the balance of hope and realism is particularly highlighted by this full Moon phase. Mars influences this full Moon from a place of strength in Scorpio so we may be feeling more like taking action in relation to the area of life we experience the sign Aquarius. Sun in Virgo Sept. 17th - Oct. 16th The Sun enters Virgo during the early morning of September 17th (GMT). The Sun in Virgo represents the harvest season, although we will have already experienced the harvest Moon before this transit begins. The Sun moves from a position of self-assured power into a position of having to deal with the details of our lives. While the Sun is in Virgo we harvest of course, but we also take stock of our lives in many other ways at this time of year. We may do this through scheduling, attending classes to improve ourselves or following routines which assist us in creating better habits. The presence of the north node, Rahu in Virgo during the Sun' transit suggests we may overdo it in terms of our scheduling and may need to leave room for unforeseen developments and self-doubts. Mercury in Libra Sept. 20th - Oct. 15th (Retrograde Oct. 4th - 25th) Mercury moves into Libra, and out its position of exaltation in Virgo, by September 20th. It also leaves some of the influence of erratic north node behind, though it is still placed in the same lunar sign (Chitra) as the north node until September 29th - by which time it will cross over Octobers solar eclipse degree (6 degrees of Libra). The north node's influence on Mercury is to create exaggerations in our thinking and a possible deceptive undertone. It can also lead to greater insights and revelations, but there can be faulty thinking as we try to cover too much. Be aware of this from mid-September and again as Mercury retrogrades back over the north node's position in Virgo by October 21st. While Mercury is placed in Libra it will move retrograde, giving us ample opportunity to pay attention to this area of our life. In a general sense Libra represents our ability to negotiate, but looking to the sign Libra in your horoscope will show where you need to make these negotiations. Mercury in Libra is usually up to the task. However, because Venus is placed in combustion and debilitation for most of this transit, we need to be aware of a possible underlying weakness in our interactions this autumn, although Venus' exchange of signs with Mercury adds a more intricate interaction. Saturn's exaltation in Libra alongside Mercury will keep things more practical and grounded in reality as we temper our selfish pursuits with others' concerns. The Equinox Sept. 23rd The equinox occurs on September 23rd at 02.29 UT. This marks a transition in the seasons and the Sun's direction. Day and Night are equal (though not exactly) on both the northern and southern hemispheres, although the northern hemisphere experiences this as autumn and the southern hemisphere experiences spring. The balance of Day and Night can also lead to a balancing of our own internal clocks and routines. This year we have the added benefit of a strong Saturn, Jupiter and Mars helping us take a good look at our lives and the direction we are heading in. New Moon in Virgo Sept. 24th The Moon reaches 7 degrees of Virgo, joining the Sun's position in the sign, on September 24th at 06.14 UT (07.14 GMT). This new Moon is placed in the lunar sign Uttara Phalguni which is itself ruled by the Sun and represents the duties we are required to fulfill in order to maintain a sense of comfort and joy in life. This begins the lunar month of Asvina which includes the lunar eclipse of October 8th as the Moon reaches its fullest. Though this new Moon is not a solar eclipse (that occurs on the next new Moon on October 23rd) it is still being influenced by the presence of the nodes of the Moon. The result may be a sense of things beginning to shift beneath our feet. Allow this new Moon to start a new story in your mind - one which leads to a new you this autumn. Venus in Virgo Sept. 25th - Oct. 18th
Venus moves into debilitation on September 25th. It is also in a state of combustion from September 17th until December 4th which further weakens the significations of Venus. Some of these significations include love, relationships and their resulting pleasures, art, celebrity, entertainment, tact and diplomacy. This will be a testing time for our relations, but one which separates the men from the boys, or in this case the women from the girls! By the time Venus reemerges from its state of combustion in early December in the sign Scorpio, we experience Venus as the 'evening star' once again. This is a more subdued and romantic Venus, unlike the intense glare of the Sun and Venus' deep combustion by October 24th. The intensity of the Sun is ultimately purifying for your relationships, although we may need to store up some extra juice in order to sustain these through the autumn and winter. Venus represents the reproductive fluid, the most refined substance in the body which, if conserved, can be used to rejuvenate us. However, if it is overused through sexual pleasure it leaves us feelings empty. Likewise if we do not indulge in any sort of pleasure at all, then this can also lead to us feeling empty. The inclusion of Rahu, the Moon's north node, suggest we may tip the balance to overindulging, especially by mid-October. Virgo is not a good position for Venus for many reasons. One reason is that our pleasures can be curtailed because of other concerns such as work and health-related issues. It may also be the case that we are too exacting in how we wish to experience pleasure and happiness which can lead to a stifling of such pursuits. Mercury being placed in Venus' sign creates and exchange of signs and of impulses between these two stimulating planets and adds a more intricate balance of love and agreements. While Venus is in Virgo we try to put in place all of the perceived requirements in order to enjoy life, but in doing so we only serve to constrict our enjoyment of life through such detailed analysis. Pleasure and work do not combine well. Each have their place in the scheme of things. We can, however, learn to enjoy our work which is one positive expression of Venus in Virgo. For those with Libra rising this is a challenging transit with your ruling planet in debilitation and in combustion in the 12th house of loss. This may feel like you are being hung out to dry. You will be feeling like yourself again come October 19th, but until then you must allow for feeling out of sorts. We all feel the lack of refinement as the harsh winds of autumn pick up. Nourish your body with massage oils and your relationships with loving words in order to keep those you care for (including yourself) feeling loved and appreciated. OM TAT SAT |