August begins as July ends - with a bang! Mars joins Rahu and Uranus by exact degree, on Aug 1. This trio continues to wreak havoc. It won’t be until Aug 10 that Mars leaves the fiery Aries behind for the steadier Taurus. Even then, Rahu continues to provoke Mars, itself being provoked by Uranus. Mars stays in Taurus until next March. Yes, you read that right! Mars usually stays in a sign for a couple of months, but because of it's retrograde at the end of the year, it will spend many months in a sign that's all about the basics. Expect delays and reversals, frustrations and rebuttals. Expect food shortages, energy and resources to be a bone of contention through next year. Venus enters Cancer on Aug 6, opposing Pluto on Aug 9, and Saturn on Aug 28. This may challenge us to keep the peace, because, well, that's all we want at this stage. The Sun opposes Saturn by Aug 14, before moving into a stronger position in Leo by Aug 16, away from the restrictions of Saturn and into an aspect from Rahu in Aries. Freedom beckons, whatever the cost. Pushing through these boundaries means more protests, and things that test our own boundaries and confidence, until the Sun reaches Leo. Venus moves into Leo by the end of the month, crossing the sensitive degrees between Cancer and Leo on Aug 31, adding further volatility to already unstable markets. Uranus stations retrograde in Aries on Aug 24. This shows a need to reassess the changes that have taken place, and the damage that has occurred, so we can make adjustments. By retrograding so soon after meeting with Rahu, Uranus will hang out in close proximity to the 'shadow planet' until the end of the year, as Rahu continues to influence Mars in Taurus. This is likely expressed through fears for safety for many, probably because of food shortages, energy supply problems and economic challenges. Rahu and Uranus continue to square Saturn in Capricorn. Expect there to be a lot of conflict in the world, and in ourselves; between our need to do what we want and what we probably should do. Saturn in Capricorn brings back further restrictions, ones that impact social life. This is due to Saturn's aspect to Libra, with Ketu now transiting here. Economic and social challenges are likely to continue into the New Year as a result. The outbreak of yet another virus is one expression of the threat still posed to Libra and our social lives. At least Mercury is settling us down into some routine in Virgo, from Aug 20. This is a powerful position for intellectual and practical skills. Yet whatever plans are made now must be reviewed in September, with Mercury stationing retrograde. Mercury is in Virgo until Oct 26, so that is certainly good news for getting our lives in order. However, its retrograde from Sep 10 to Oct 2 is probably going to bring a lot of disorder for us to straighten out first. There is a tale of two months in August, which is often the case each month as the Sun shifts signs by mid-month. The first half is all about the Mars-Rahu-Uranus conjunction, and planets' opposition to Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. This is conflicted and volatile. Once the Sun moves into Leo and Mercury moves into Virgo, the second half brings more strength and confidence, while the nodes will have left the Taurus-Scorpio 9th division. This can ease tension and any 'doomscrolling'. Venus in Cancer Aug 6 - 31 Venus moves into an opposition to Pluto as it enters Cancer (Aug 9) and then opposes Saturn later in the month (Aug 28). This adds to the sense of opposition and of threat, to our sense of security and peace of mind. Pluto and Saturn's transit in Capricorn continues to shake up the world order, making us all feel unsafe. Though Venus in Cancer is usually a time to enjoy a holiday and some downtime at home, to connect to what brings happiness, Pluto and Saturn's influence brings a certain level of anxiety. It's important not to avoid these feelings, but to be real about the potential threat. Mars continues to aspect Cancer, although a wider orb for Venus as it enters the sign. Yet still, there is always the possibility of overreacting to any perceived threat. Protect what you can and should. Leave the rest. Venus in Cancer is at least influenced by Jupiter in Pisces, which brings a more positive potential. This allows us to take a step back and find more hope in stillness. When we can enjoy our environment in the present, we can hope for something better in the future, although Jupiter's retrograde in Pisces is asking us to look back to find that hope again, to reconnect with what used to fill us with inspiration. Mars in Taurus Aug 10 - Oct 15 + Nov 13 - Mar 13, 2023 Mars spends a lot longer in Taurus this time around. This is due to its retrograde from Oct 30 this year until Jan 13 next year. Mars will briefly move into Gemini, from Oct 15 until Nov 13, where it will station retrograde. For the most part, Mars is in Taurus for its retrograde phase, moving into its 'shadow', the point to which it will return by mid-Jan, from the beginning of September. This means, whatever is done in September and October will have to be redone in November, December and January. I will write more about Mars' retrograde and what it's good for (everything is good for something) in subsequent reports, but suffice to say that August is a period to begin to look at ahead at what you are likely to be looking back over again. Whatever happens, remember that it has already happened, in a way. The future already exists on some level. Whatever area of your life you experience the sign Taurus, by house position from your ascendant or Moon, you are looking at these to find strength again, and within. This may mean because the outer things are weakened, of course, sending you on a journey to reclaim your power. This has obvious connotations with power supplies around the world, and the impact this has on the economy and supply chains. There is likely to be a lot of setbacks and frustrations that lead to all kinds of strife. Personally, there is likely to be a turning inward after a sense of frustration with outer events. Mars retrogrades can be tricky to deal with - just like any retrograde planet - but Mars has a particularly tricky quality already. Mars is explosive and rash. When retrograde, it's unable to express its power so easily, though it has an especially large amount of it. Take it from someone who was born with Mars retrograde! If you don't state your case by point A, you're likely to explode or just walk away from something important by point Z. Stating your case is important, but so is keeping it in perspective. Yet because Mars retrograde can feel more intense, more urgent, we may lose all perspective and overreact. Repeat the following if feeling frustrated: It's all happening perfectly. Rahu complicates Mars in Taurus, as does Ketu in Libra; Venus' other sign. Saturn's aspect to Libra further complicates Venus-related issues for the rest of 2022, including the economic outlook and our social lives and sense of fairness. Many things are likely to seem unfair. Yet everything is, just as it must be - just as it was always going to be. Yet that doesn't mean you shouldn't live without a sense of agency and do stuff. Indeed, if you sit on this powerful Mars, you're likely to make things worse. If you're angry or frustrated, you don't have to say a word, and the words or arguments you have are probably nothing to do with the real issues; that is, power and control. The more you try to control this twisted energy, the more likely you will get yourself into all kinds of binds. You could do something to shake off any build up of stress and tension through some physical activity, but be aware that when Mars is in Taurus aspected by Rahu in Aries, which is itself conjunct a retrograde Uranus, the energy is harder to manage. This can test even the most patient and sweet of us; the Taureans amongst us, and the Taurus part of us. Mars in Taurus is like a bull in a China shop. Or maybe that's another bull market. Either way, think about what bull you're prodding and why. And think about why you get frustrated or angry about anything in the first place. There's an important message here. You may not be able to control what happens in the world around you. You cannot stop a blackout or however it may express itself, but you may be able to control how you respond. And even if you cannot control how you respond, you can at least look at how you did respond and respond differently to that. In other words, you can make allowances and ease up on yourself. Mars' retrograde is where you may indeed beat yourself up, when the energy isn't allowed an external outlet. Find other ways to channel the inward force, so you can make the most of this powerful time. These explosives need to be handled carefully. Your relationships need to be handled carefully, as do your finances and resources; anything you value, really. But you are not what you own, or even what you value. If you feel your values threatened in some way, remind yourself you are so much more. In doing so, you tap into your true source of power, which is always found within, anyway. Full Moon in Capricorn (Dhaniṣṭhā) Aug 11/12 The Moon reaches its fullest late on Aug 11 and into the early hours of the morning of Aug 12 (BST). The Full Moon phase is a culmination point, an extreme end of the lunar cycle. This can brings thing to a head, releasing these things in the subsequent waning cycle. The Moon joins Saturn in Capricorn, which means the Sun in Cancer opposes Saturn. This can show an opposition to system that feel restrictive. Any restrictions are but a mirror of the conflict within our being, reflected on the world stage. Sun-Saturn oppositions can show challenges with authority figures, leading to a lack of confidence in those who govern. This can even show an identity crisis if the significations for such are primed in one's birth chart. The best use of this time is to discipline yourself, to restrain yourself. Otherwise, you may feel this as feeling restrained or restricted by some external force you may have a hard time with. Try not to scatter your energy; instead, focus it on one task at a time. Dhaniṣṭhā means ‘wealthy’ and represents wealth in all aspects. It is ruled by the elemental demigods; the polestar, sky, wind, water, earth, pre-dawn, fire, and the Moon; all representing nature and the cosmos. This represents the truest expression of wealth when one is abundant in all aspects of life. And when financial matters are restricted in any way, we are reminded that there are many forms of wealth, not just monetary. Dhaniṣṭhā is symbolized by a drum and flute, reflecting a link to music and sound, and the rhythm of life. The Full Moon in Dhaniṣṭhā is a good time for music and dance, to find your rhythm again. Yet it may just as easily be the case that you're thrown off your rhythm as the Sun opposes Saturn in this lunar mansion. Sun in Leo Aug 16 - Sep 15 Once the Sun has opposed Saturn, it then moves into Leo, crossing the divide between Cancer and Leo, a juncture in the zodiac known as gandanta. This Sanskrit word is often translated as 'ending of a knot'. Something must come undone for a time, so we can unravel it and start over. Things may seem more out of control as the Sun transitions from Cancer to Leo, but the Sun is moving into a place of strength, and out of a restricted opposition to Saturn in Capricorn. This can show more confidence; in our leaders; in our own abilities. Sun in Leo is a time of year to feel fired up about the things that we feel pride in. We all have our unique talents and wish to be admired for them. Sun in Leo is a time to rediscover these, and to share them with others. Look to the house position of Leo in your birth chart and shine your light. Instead of Saturn's restraint on the Sun, we now have Rahu and Mars aspecting, fueling an intense desire to express our unique gifts. This may be through creative endeavours, or whatever talent or skill you have you can share with the world. Mercury in Virgo Aug 20 - Oct 26 It's time to get practical, to plan and schedule your life. Mercury is now moving ahead of the Sun, out of an aspect from Rahu and Mars, and into its sign of exaltation. Virgo is not only Mercury's sign of exaltation, it rules the sign and can do its best, most efficient, work here. This means we are all likely to be on full scheduling mode in the coming weeks, eager to get our lives in order. This is a time to take stock and manage ourselves and our lives better. Virgo is all about betterment. The pitfall of this is attempting to micro-manage, overshooting the mark and getting all stressed about the details. Keep the bigger picture in mind at all times. Jupiter and Neptune are opposite in Pisces asking us to keep things in perspective. Yet they are also retrograde at this time, which means, when Mercury also retrogrades in September, we are going to have to rethink what we have planned and ask ourselves if it is too idealistic. Until then, Mercury in Virgo opposing Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces is a time to dream big and think outside the box as we plan the details. Those details are likely to become very confused indeed in September, so use the end of August and beginning of September to do so more effectively. The more you can factor these things into your plans, the more open-minded you can be, the more you are likely to acheive what you set out to do. Uranus stations Retrograde Aug 24 Once Uranus stations retrograde by the end of August, all the slower moving planets are moving backwards from our perspective until the end of the year. It won't be until October that Saturn and Pluto station direct, with Jupiter following suit in November, and Neptune in December. Uranus is the last to retrograde and then turn direct. It will station direct in January 2023. We don't always sense the 'outer planets', Uranus, Neptune and Pluto when they retrograde. Heck, we don't usually sense them in any which way. These planets are not visible, so they only sometimes make it into our conscious awareness. This usually occurs then they meet with a visible planet. We've been very focused on Pluto in recent years, because of its conjunction with Saturn. This has brought Pluto themes of death and change into the systems with thought were unchangeable, only to realize that nothing can stay the same. We've been more focused on Neptune in relation to Jupiter, fueling an inflationary cycle in the economy and most likely an idealism that may find it hard to land on solid ground. Uranus in Aries has made it into our awareness in recent years as many shocking and disturbing events, including war more recently. It's current conjunction with Mars and Rahu is both releveling and obscuring, exciting and disturbing. Mars tends to push things into our awareness quite abruptly, as can Rahu. Yet Rahu can oftentimes obscure the truth behind motivations. As Uranus stations retrograde, it will continue to do so in close proximity to Rahu. This is likely to swing widely between revelations and obscurations in the coming months. Some things that happen are likely to perplex us. Uranus and Rahu both move retrograde (the mean nodes always move retrograde) until January 2023. During this time, we will be making the internal changes that are needed as the world around us changes. The world around us and within us is always changing, of course, but where Uranus transits it often brings sudden changes we are not always prepared for. Get on board now. During Uranus retrograde, we are asked to look within and see what needs to change. We must include our primal fears (Rahu) that are often misplaced in a modern context. Even when they are not, we can overreact and become irrational. Look to the sign Aries to see where you could do with making adjustments in the coming months, where you have been making adjustments since 2016, when Uranus first entered the sign. New Moon in Leo (Maghā) Aug 27 The energy wanes into the end of August for a New Moon in Leo and the lunar mansion Maghā. Maghā means 'magnificent' and 'mighty', which shows a sense of power and entitlement. Its symbols are a royal throne and crown. It is ruled by the ancestors, those who grant us our inherited gifts and resources. This gives a certain status and pride in family and lineage. It is associated with other-worldly spirits, as well as rituals which invoke powers from beyond the grave. The New Moon in Maghā is a good time for tuning into our ancestors. It's a time for strategy. It's usually a time for taking action, however, the New Moon day itself is not the day to take action. It is a good day to plan for it. It's a time to set an intention. The Sun's strength in its own sign brings more confidence in making plans. And with the influence of Maghā for the month ahead, we can plan with the backing of those that have gone before us. It may be a good time to call on your ancestors to help you in whatever you are doing, with respect to the house position Leo in your birth chart. It may be a creative endeavour (Aries), or new plan for your home (Taurus), a new enterprise (Gemini), or family or financial planning (Cancer); whether its a personal new beginning (Leo) or ending (Virgo), an ambitious goal (Libra) or new direction in your career (Scorpio), a new travel or study plan (Sagittarius), or plans to change an intimate relationship (Capricorn), or to start a new relationship (Aquarius), or to make an effort to improve your life (Pisces). Whatever you are planning, Mars and Rahu is help you drive it forward, with Mars on the accelerator and Rahu dancing between the accelerator and break, bringing you forward in leaps and bounds, before slowing down and taking in the new territory. Venus enters Leo Aug 31 As Venus prepares to enter Leo, it opposes Saturn in Capricorn. Together with Venus' transition through the sensitive juncture between Cancer and Leo, this can show a challenging time economically, and for relations, both on the global stage and in our personal lives. This may not be the best time for diplomacy. Planets' transits to these 'gaps in the zodiac' usually show something coming undone, so it can be remade in a new way. Venus in Leo will move into an aspect from Mars in Taurus, fueling a passionate desire, while Rahu's aspect from Aries further exaggerates and distorts these desires. Venus in Leo is proud and regal, and, let's be honest, a little bit of a show off. Venus in Leo is always one last blowout before things take a downturn in Virgo in September. Make the most of this, as pride (Leo), always comes before a fall (Virgo). More on Venus' transit in Leo and Virgo next month ... - As always, I wish you the very best of what the month has to offer. Om Tat Sat