Mercury Retrograde in Libra & Virgo Oct. 4th - Oct. 25th Mercury stations retrograde on October 4th and we need to be mindful of how we communicate with one another as we are asked to review our lives. Observe precaution with regards to new endeavors, whether through travel, business, or day-to-day concerns, as this period is asking us to look back, not jump ahead. We need this time to assimilate all that has occurred in the last few months. Take the time to do so. The first and last week of the month in particular needs our patience, as Mercury halts its motion to prepare to move in the opposite direction. How we communicate becomes even more important when we take the sign Libra in account. Mercury does well in Venus' sign; the air-dominance of Libra being conducive to more intellectual and abstract thinking during Mercury's retrograde period. It does very well in its own sign, Virgo where it is placed in exaltation. It will move back into Virgo by October 16th as it reaches the same degree of the Sun, and placed in deep combustion. This marks a key shift by the middle of the month with the Sun and Mercury swapping signs and Mars and Venus moving signs a few days later. Overall, this retrograde period represents a need to review our negotiations and routines, as well as the areas the signs Libra and Virgo represent for each of us individually. Mercury rules the signs Gemini and Virgo and these two areas of life always come under scrutiny when Mercury is retrograde. The addition of the sign it retrogrades in (if it is not doing so in either Gemini or Virgo) comes into the spotlight. So, for example, an individual with the sign Aries rising experiences a review of their self-interests (3rd house Gemini) and health and work regimes (6th house Virgo) during a retrograde period. In October these concerns are brought into their relationships as it transits Libra (7th house), before concentrating on these particular routines as it moves back into Virgo (6th house) by October 16th. This period is conducive to getting clear about the facts and negotiating our way to better communicative styles. Speak less and listen more. However, the inclusion of the north node of the Moon adds a need to exaggerate verbally and possibly confuse yourself and others in the process. Mercury comes into exact conjunction with this exaggerated impulse by October 21st and again on October 29th as it begins to move direct. Expect upheavals and confusion around these days, especially when the eclipses are taken into account. The lunar eclipse in Pisces is opposite to the degree at which Mercury stations direct on October 25th, and only adds to the confusion. There may be insights but we may just as easily experience stress brought about by deceit, or by facts finally coming to light once Mercury stations at the end of the month. The full lunar eclipse on October 8th and the partial solar eclipse on October 23rd only add to a sense of uncertainty. In fact, the only thing we may be certain of during October is uncertainty! Full Moon in Pisces Oct. 8th Full Lunar Eclipse The last lunar eclipse of 2014 occurs in the sign Pisces. This is an intense full lunar eclipse for many reasons. The Moon joins the south node, Ketu in the water sign Pisces, as it comes into an almost exact trine (120 degrees) to Jupiter and Mars. Jupiter is placed in Cancer and Mars in Scorpio. The eclipse begins at 19 degrees of Pisces and reaches 21 degrees at its maximum, with Mars at 22 degrees of Scorpio and Jupiter at 23 degrees of Cancer. 'Trinal' relationships between planets are positive and helpful. However, this does not reduce the full lunar eclipses' intensity in a water-dominant sign. Full Moons are themselves a more exaggerated period as we experience a fullness in ourselves and may overdo it. Be aware of the possibility of emotions running high for this eclipse and take precautions and some time out in order to remain open and receptive to the changes taking place. There may be extreme weather patterns as a result of this eclipse and we need to keep a loose hold of events and leave lots of room for the unexpected. Sun in Libra Oct. 17th - Nov. 16th The Sun enters its sign of debilitation, Libra on October 17th and we come into a dark period of the year. Though this is not the darkest period of the Sun's path for those on the northern hemisphere in an observable sense, the Sun's position in its weakest sign is a time to experience a weaker sense of self as we get lost in relationships. September offered up many new possibilities and self-assured actions, however, now we must now move through a period of self doubt and self reflection with Mercury retrograde and the Sun weak and eclipsed in Libra. We may feel less than confident in our ability to proceed at this point. We may feel doubtful in our ability to stay optimistic and upbeat as the days grow darker. In a spiritual sense this darkness leads us to the light. In other words, when there is weakness in our lives we find out where are true source of power comes from. This source of power is spirit. True confidence in the world only comes from a connection to spirit, which is always beyond our doubts and limitations in physical form. For those limited in a body with Leo rising this may be a challenging period, as your ruler is in debilitation and eclipsed. The Sun is with the north node on October 13th and comes together with Saturn as it moves into Scorpio by November 17th. October offers us the opportunity to question our motives, but we get over it and on with our lives, and with a stronger sense of self than we would have if we had not been questioned or challenged in the first place. Mars in Sagittarius Oct. 18th - Nov. 27th Mars moves to Jupiter's sign, Sagittarius on October 18th. Jupiter is currently exalted in Cancer so this is good news for a continued sense of courageous action as we move into the winter months. However, Saturn is also exalted and now moving to the last degree of Libra and into a state of weakness, as it casts its glance to Mars in Sagittarius for the last couple of weeks of November. This puts pressure on Scorpio as Mars and Saturn are either side of the sign until November 2nd. This is a temporary blip in our sense of courage as we move into the winter months and may be a preview of what's to come once Saturn enters Mars' sign. This temporary lack of power is emphasized by the debilitation of our light, the Sun, in October/November. Whenever the Sun and Mars are placed in a weak position, or have restrictive influences, we may experience this as self doubt. This is especially true if there is a lack of these inspirational lights in our own lives from birth i.e., a weak Sun or Mars in our horoscopes. Keep the faith during Mars' transit to the more philosophical sign Sagittarius, as Mars continues in strength into the winter when it moves into its sign of exaltation, Capricorn by the end of November. Saturn may be influencing Mars at this point, but we can benefit form more discipline in our lives at this time. Venus in Libra Oct. 19th - Nov. 11th Venus moves out of its weakest sign and into it own sign, Libra on October 19th. As always, planets require a some time to settle into their new environment until any strength is obtained. This should be allowed for. Venus is particularly weakened when it moves as it has become completely burnt up by the Sun. The Sun and Venus are but one degree apart by the time Venus moves to Libra. Therefore, we can surmise that peace and harmony will be tested at this juncture. This is particularly pronounced since Venus has spent the last few weeks in debilitation, despite some other helpful indications. The impurities of our relations cannot withstand the intensity of the Sun. If we have any imbalances in how we relate these will be glaringly obvious at this point. Ultimately this period brings a new way of relating as old ways that are seen to be inappropriate are discarded. Venus in Libra gives us the ability to forgo our own concerns for others in our lives, and why the Sun's is placed in weakness and Saturn is placed in strength in Libra. This allows us to think of others before making any necessary changes with the solar eclipse in Libra. New Moon in Libra Oct. 23rd Partial Solar Eclipse The solar eclipse of October is placed in the sign Libra, even though the Sun has already moved past the north node in Virgo. The Sun's distance from the nodes makes it a partial eclipse. This eclipse occurs at its maximum at 6 degrees of Libra, as the Sun moves towards its exact degree of debilitation at 10 degrees. If you have your birthday a few days before or after October 23rd then this is one for you to watch more carefully, although the changes have already begun in your life. Depending on what the Sun represents in your horoscope, it will show an area up for change and growth. There may be some growing pains. If you have any other planets around 6 degrees of Libra or Aries then look to the significations of that planet in your horoscope to see what may be up for some changes, or consult a reputable Vedic astrologer for these insights. Insights are indeed up for grabs and new possibilities are abound. The only caution would be to consider postponing any new endeavors, unless they are of a spiritual nature, on this day. The eclipsed Sun is debilitated so we must feel the doubt on our journey and accept certain limitations if we are to move forward with certainty once this period is over. Diwali, the 'festival of lights', is celebrated in India and cultures around the world mark the 'darkest day' in some way or other. In Ireland this time of year is known as Samhain and in Mexico, Dia de los Muertos or 'the day of the dead'. We come to the darkest day in a spiritual sense by being entwined in the material world. We eventually see that it is spirit which can lead us forward and connect us with something powerful in ourselves in order to be of service to others. Saturn Sandi Saturn moves to the last degree of Libra by October 24th. When a planet is about to move signs it is known as sandi in Vedic astrology. The planet, as well as its significations, are temporarily weakened. This occurs for every planet, although Saturn moves slowly and experiences this for longer. This weakness is despite the fact that Saturn is exalted in Libra, as anytime a planet moves to the last degree, or first degree of the sign it has just entered, it is weak. This is the case when Saturn moves into the first degree of Scorpio on November 2nd and until November 11th, making Saturn weak from October 24th until November 11th. The weakness of Saturn is a lack of structure and discipline in our lives. This lack of discipline will test our resolve during the end of October and into November, as we experience a weakness of the Sun alongside Saturn's weakness as it leaves it place of exaltation. Mars, although well placed in Sagittarius by this time, is receiving an aspect from Saturn until November 2nd. Our saving grace comes from an exalted Jupiter which has more of an impact on our actions once Saturn has moved signs by November 2nd. Jupiter offers us hope and opportunity moving forward. We need to remind ourselves of why we are on this journey of self-improvement if we are to remain steadfast in our goals. Perhaps we can do this by reminding ourselves that we do not simply improve ourselves for just ourselves, but for those in our lives that benefit from all our hard work. OM TAT SAT |