Sidereal Transits Full Moon in Pisces (Uttara Bhādrapadā) Oct 1 Mars re-enters Pisces Oct 4 Pluto stations Direct Oct 4 Mercury opposes Uranus Oct 8 Mars opposes Sun Oct 13 Mercury stations retrograde Oct 14 New Moon in Virgo (Citrā) Oct 16 Sun enters Libra Oct 17 Venus opposes Neptune Oct 19 Mercury opposes Uranus Oct 20 Venus enters Virgo Oct 23 Mercury conjunct Sun Oct 25 Sun opposes Uranus Oct 31 Full Moon in Aries (Bharaṇī) Oct 31 Venus in Leo Sep 27 - Oct 23 Venus in Leo is out of the way of the malefics, as Mars, Saturn and the north node no longer aspect as strongly. Not only that, but Jupiter aspects Venus in Leo from its placement in Sagittarius. Although Jupiter is also dealing with Pluto, this is an easier aspect. This is, it seems, one last blow out for 2020, before Venus moves into its sign of debilitation, the sign Virgo, by Oct 23, and things take a downward turn. Venus rules finances and relationships (think Taurus and Libra), while it is now hosting the north node, Rahu in Taurus, exaggerating all that Venus is about, in our relations, and in our bank accounts. This may exaggerate in all kinds of ways, both good and bad. Venus in Leo is proud and dramatic. There is a need to feel appreciated, and it's gotta be a big gesture, too. Venus in Leo is more playful, with a fondness for creativity, sexaulity and fun; the sign Leo itself representing all of these things. Venus shows a need to enjoy ourselves more, as well as a time to share these enjoyments with others. While this may be in conflict with other considerations, we must find space for Venus too. With it, life would be unbearable. This area of life - whatever the sign Leo falls under by house position in your horoscope - should indeed enjoy this transit, without the cruel planets impacting. This can attract things into our lives that are more pleasurable, and we may feel more expressive in this regard. Those with Leo prominent, either rising or Moon sign, will likely be more expressive as well, possibly even show off a bit! Enjoy it, but make sure you don't over do it. Well, you could if you wish, but be aware that too much heat, quite literally dries things up. In the case of Venus, too much passion and indulgence can lead to a blow out which leaves us feeling spent later in the month, as soon as Venus enters Virgo. Saturn stations Direct Sep 29 Saturn appears not to move for a week on either side of its station, so we're feeling the full effects of Saturn not going anywhere right now. Saturn's slow turnaround may feel like a vice grip for many of us, but especially those who have any planets at 1 degree of Capricorn, Cancer, Libra or Pisces. Saturn's station literally grinds things to a halt, getting us to pay attention to whatever it has a hold of. At least this places Saturn in direct motion and we can move forward with long term plans, albeit very, very slowly. From the time Saturn begins this whole process, to the time it finishes it, clearing the degree at which it began to retrograde, it can take up to 9 months. Interestingly, this is the term for pregnancy, as if we are going through labour pains while forming something in our lives. Saturn is the planet of form, of structure, and of time. It takes time to make something. This happens every year. Saturn retrogrades every year. We're always going through the process of forming and reforming our lives as Saturn moves around the zodiac. Whatever the area of your life the sign Capricorn represents, shows the area you are more focused right now, as well as Saturn's aspects which take in Cancer, Libra and Pisces. Whatever areas of life you experience these are up for some major scrutiny right now. It's time to draw a line under some things which need to be emphasized, and to strike a line through things which no longer work. If there's one thing Saturn can help us with, is to draw lines! Full Moon in Pisces (Uttara Bhādrapadā) Oct 1 The month begins and ends with a full Moon, bookmarking the month with two extremes of emotion, and two opportunities to get the balance right - only after losing it, of course. While the full Moon closing the month on Halloween is dramatic and potentially more extreme, the full Moon in Pisces that begins the month allows us to balance all the practical needs of Virgo with something altogether more profound in Pisces. As strong as Virgo's influence is right now, it has its limitations, ie the Mercurial realms of the intellect can only go so far. Pisces, on the other hand, goes so much further, and deeper than the mind can go, which is one reason Mercury can get lost here. The Moon is more able to feel into the undercurrents, the paradoxes and depth of feelings, many of which feel contradictory and confusing. The lunar mansion is Uttara Bhādrapadā which is ruled by the serpent of the deep. This is symbolic of the sign's depth, of course, as well as the ability to include everything in our awareness, to hold a space for it all, including the 'good' and 'bad', and all the apparent contradictions. And there are a lot of those to negotiate at present. This full Moon may require some seclusion and self care, as there is more to process at this time. Mars re-enters Pisces Oct 4 Mars is hanging around the juncture between explosive Aries and the more subdued Pisces throughout October. It may feel like going from burning to drowning, from anger to despondency. Mars would prefer the former, of course, while we may have our individual preferences. Mars re-enters the last section of the zodiac, where new beginnings usually lead from endings. Mars returning here means it may feel like the other way around, i.e. endings leading from new beginnings. Mars' return to a sign it has already left means we have some unfinished business to tend to, some things we must end, before we can venture forward in earnest. This whole process won't work itself out until the New Year - at least with respect to what Mars rules. Mars retrograde in Pisces is a little like swimming underwater - backwards! We must keep an eye on the bigger picture throughout, especially as Saturn casts a strong aspect to Mars all the while, but it's a wide enough orb not to restrict too much, thankfully. Mars retrogrades until Nov 14, so there is no rush. And Jupiter, the planets which rules Pisces, is about to meet up with Mars' counterpart, Pluto, revealing more things in the depths, giving us a new perspective as we flip things back and over in our mind's eye. Just be mindful of losing your bearings as you do so - not knowing what is up and what is down! Mars is opposite the Sun by exact degree on Oct 13, which is the midpoint in its retrograde cycle. Just like any retrograde phase, the midpoint offers some insights but it is not the time to set out on moving forward with these; rather, a time to receive the insights and to allow them to become clearer in your vision as the retrograde continues. It won't be until after Nov 14 that Mars begins to move forward and that we can then move forward with any plans around these insights. And it won't be until the New Year that Mars moves past the point at which it began to move back, requiring a lot of patience in any plans we are making through the end of this year. Patience is certainly needed while Mars retrogrades in Pisces until mid-November. The heat of Mars mixed with the watery depths of Pisces can both subdue us and yet stir something even deeper within. This will likely be expressed in more extreme weather events which have a far reaching impact. Pisces is the most empathic sign, connecting us all to one another. The events of October will certainly do that, I imagine. Mars, however, may disrupt the connection before we can find it again. Pluto stations Direct Oct 4 Pluto stations at the degree it met with Saturn in January this year, as Jupiter makes its way towards Pluto for their third and final conjunction on Nov 12. This station marks a turning point in regards to all the big events of the year, instilling in us a need to move forward despite the fear. Pluto may be the 'lord of the underworld' or the 'god of death', but without death we wouldn't fully live. Without endings and clearing out, we would suffocate under the weight of what we accumulate, including outworn beliefs. This is a major consideration, as Pluto is now turning around in Sagittarius. Pluto represents the need to change, to transform the beliefs we hold about this area of life, i.e. the house position of the sign Sagittarius in your birth chart. Its station direct marks a time to move on, and go beyond personal opinions as Pluto slowly makes its way back to Capricorn. The whole month of October sees Jupiter come closer together with Pluto at the end of Sagittarius, for one last time, so there are some last vestiges of faulty beliefs which need to be dredged up and removed - if we are to move on untethered. Pluto's last station in Sagittarius marks big changes in our society and world at large, especially as Pluto re-enters Capricorn by Dec 31, and for the next two decades, beginning even greater change to our world; change that was merely hinted at earlier this year when Pluto initially moved into the sign. Pluto's return to Sagittarius by Jun 30 reflected a need to get back to what beliefs form the bedrock of what we are doing, but most likely through beliefs which no longer serve us. Once we've figured out what those are, we can move on with the work of changing things in relation to these beliefs. This marks a change for us all individually; in relation to the signs Sagittarius and Capricorn. This shows where you have been and continue to make bigger shifts. Look back on the past 15 years of your life, since 2005, as Pluto transited Sagittarius, to see what changes it brought about for you here. Then, look forward to the next 20 years of change that is due in the sign Capricorn. Without change, we would stagnate. With change, we can continue to thrive. We have one last Jupiter-Pluto conjunction to experience, in November, bringing with it more revelations and insights. Hopefully this will be expressed in more insights into the current virus, as well as health issues in general, while other changes and revelations are on the cards in institutions of education, religion and law. More on the all-important last Jupiter-Pluto conjunction next month... Mercury retrograde Oct 14 - Nov 4 Mercury retrogrades are usually just a petty annoyance; a time to slow down and reflect on life a little more, more or less. However, when we have a Mercury retrograde occur in the midst of such hugely significant transits, there is a huge potential for this to cause more disturbance than usual. Those petty annoyances, such as missed calls or misinterpreted words or emails, can take on a whole other dimension when the stakes are so high. And the stakes are indeed very high at this time. I don't wish to seem overly dramatic, but when I see these kinds of transits, I cannot help but think we are now at that pivotal point I keep referring to in 2020. A pivotal point in a pivotal year. Please be mindful of this potential in October and November. Keep your sense of humour close by, your eye on the bigger picture, as well as tons of patience at your disposal! Mercury joins the Sun on Oct 25, which marks the midpoint of the retrograde cycle. Just as with Mars' midpoint in the retrograde cycle, on Oct 14, this is not necessary the time to move on insights you receive now, but it certainly is a time to stay open for them, and to subsequently plan your life around any new insights gained. Mercury will not station direct until Nov 4, and it will not move beyond the point at which it began to move back until Nov 20, leaving the section of the zodiac it move back and over, to enter new territory. It's at this point that a lot will be worked out. Thinking about the most obvious example, the US elections, I imagine the end of November will offer some way forward, as Mercury leaves its shadow and Mars stations direct. New Moon in Virgo (Citrā) Oct 16 There is a second new Moon in Virgo this year. The new Moon in September occured at the first degree of the sign, while this one is at the last degree, in the lunar mansion Citrā. Whereas the new Moon at the beginning of Virgo was within a period of great strength in the planetary line up, this new Moon is slipping into a weaker time period, and a less certain one as the Sun enters its sign of debilitation in the hours following the new Moon. When we add a Mercury retrograde into the mix, there is much uncertainty around this new Moon and new lunar month. Citrā is ruled by the Divine architect which is all about designing the perfect life and sharing our lives with others. Citrā bridges Virgo and Libra, showing the need to perfect something before we wish to share it. The most obvious example is in the arts, where an artist works on a piece before performing it or sharing it with the public. But we all have something we work on and share - we all have our art. The new Moon in Citrā begins a new month of seeking to design the perfect (fill in the blank) whatever. Whatever the sign Virgo represents for you personally is where you have been more focused of late. Sometimes, we can get too focused and bogged down in the details at the Virgo stage, of course, and this can ironically decrease the very thing we initially set out to achieve: happiness. By overreaching and micromanaging, we may end up spent and feeling less happy, which is reflected in Venus' upcoming transit in Virgo. Sun in Libra Oct 17 - Nov 16 The Sun enters Libra, its sign of debilitation, on Oct 17, as it does every year. The symbol for Libra (pictured) can be seen to represent the setting Sun, the fall. The Sun is our connection to our Higher Self, which filters into a healthy sense of self and self-esteem. If we rely on others for that, we can be left wanting, which is what Libra is all about. Libra represents relationship, to everyone and to everything. The Sun is weak here because we may set our needs aside to please another, or we may look to please another to gain recognition. We may compare and contrast in order to find our sense of self and self-esteem. Social media, anyone?! If we solely rely on others to have a strong sense of self, we are left wanting. This year, the Sun' debilitation is strongly aspected by Saturn in Capricorn. This challenges the Sun and all that it rules, either generally in governments around the world, or more personally with regards to what the sign Leo represents for each of us. A better expression of the Sun in Libra would be to find ourselves in the other, to find our connection to our Higher Self also, and then connect with another through that Self. This is a more authentic sense of Self AND a more authentic connection, anyway. If not, we can easily fall prey to either a lack of self esteem or overcompensate, where we may seem confident and self-assured, but we're actually masking a lack of confidence. The Sun could be said to represent a healthy ego, which balances both extremes. Someone with a healthy ego could be seen to be invisible in many ways, or at least they may not have the need to be seen. Likewise, someone with a very strong Sun may be criticized by others, to bring them down a peg or two, while those with a weak Sun may be praised, as others sense their lack and wish to uplift them. Either of these extremes can create a strong egoic nature, and actually block the soul's emergence in the process. “Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it's thinking of yourself less.” ― CS Lewis I've noted over the years that people feel this transit as a 'darker' time of year than even actual darkest time of year in the middle of winter. I guess this is because the anticipation of the darker months - for those of us on the northern hemisphere - is actually worse than the actual darkness. In other words, the negative anticipation is always more challenging. The Saturnine time of year, i.e. the winter months, is when we can lose one very important factor in relation to the Sun; that is, our rhythm. When we lose our rhythm, we build up more negative tendencies, as indicated by Saturn. Things don't run as smoothly, our minds get stuck in loops and binds. Saturn is exalted in Libra, where the Sun is debilitated, after all. The balance that we can experience in Libra is eventually lost, and we must learn to let it go. The Days and Nights cannot remain in harmony. The darkness must increase in the natural world and we must find a way to experience it in a more positive way, through routines and practices which allow for the downtime, returning to the darkness of the underworld, before we reemerge in spring reborn. But what do we do as a culture? The very opposite! We start getting geared up for Christmas, and start jamming as much as we can into our shortening days, increasing stress and illness along the way. If ever there were a time to address this imbalance, this would be it. Otherwise, we may see huge spike in illnesses as the Sun, which represents our vitality, wanes. A better strategy would be to find our balance while the Sun is in Libra, between our needs and those of others, between our confidence and our doubts, between our light and dark, and allow ourselves to sink - in a good way - by slowing down and planting seeds for upcoming year. There is something beautiful in the loss of light, of energy, at this time of year. As energy and light wanes, so too does our energy and light. And as we lose something, we can make the most of it, and enjoy it all the more, knowing that it is fading. It's like when we enjoy the company of someone who is dying, or something that is ending. Saying goodbye can be such a sweet experience, albeit with an astringent aftertaste. In the case of 2020, this is probably the start of a much easier goodbye to a particularly challenging year. Venus in Virgo Oct 23 - Nov 16 Venus moves into its sign of debilitation, ruling both a debilitated Sun and a retrograde Mercury. Although Venus and Mercury exchange signs and this mitigates Venus' debilitation to some degree, there is some weakness to experience all the same. There are statistically more divorces at this time of year than any other. Venus is usually hanging around Virgo in the autumn. Venus in Virgo is picky and critical. Virgo is the part of us that likes to make lists. And if there is one thing that is sure to spoil a relationship, it's making a list! Relationships are inherently messy and imperfect. Other people's imperfections shows us how imperfect we are, and how critical we can be of ourselves, too. There is no hiding our imperfections when we are truly intimate with another person. Virgo is the part of us that likes to better ourselves and seeks perfection. You can see the problem for Venus, which expresses its highest strength in Pisces and an unconditional love. Venus in Virgo can put conditions on the table, before we can love or feel loved by another. Reach for Venus in Pisces as much as you can during this transit. In other words, don't just expect to be loved, see that you are love itself! After the last blow out of the summer in Leo, Virgo brings the fall of Venus and the feeling that all is not quite right with the world. Before Venus in Virgo, we may have tried our best to avoid the problems. Virgo does not ignore problems. It's about finding all of them out and trying remove them. While that is ideal in terms of the body part Virgo represents: the intestines, it does not bode well for relationships. We may end up too exacting. Yes, of course it's a great time to improve yourself and your relationship, but we have to accept our flaws and those of others. And if we cannot even overcome our own flaws, how on earth can we expect others to change! All we can do is our best, and accept that others may not see it our way. Venus in Virgo can show a lack of accord and willingness to compromise. It can show feeling a lack of appreciation, for others and for life itself. Life may seem dry and uninteresting, boring. The feelings of love you once felt for your partner now seems less available. It's as if you have taken off your rose tinted glasses. Nothing wrong with any of these feelings, of course. We just need to be mindful of overdoing it and overreacting - a strong possibility as Mars retrogrades in the opposite sign! Certainly, if there are deep-seated problems in our relationships that we haven't been addressing then now may be a good time. But it may just be a good time to think about these things, while Mercury's retrograde is helping out in finding more balance in Libra. Once we have mulled things over, and Venus has entered Libra by mid-November, we can then see about a more balanced perspective. At that point, Mars and Mercury will be moving forward again, and Venus will be in a stronger position to deal with things more diplomatically. Incidentally, Venus in Virgo is less diplomatic and likely to add to the tension in the world alongside Mars and Mercury retrograde transits - just in time for the US election then! Full Moon in Aries (Bharaṇī) Oct 31 The second full Moon of the month sees the Moon conjoin Uranus in Aries, by exact degree. Okay, I'll try not to over react to this, but really, it's a bit of 'doozy': the technical term for 'things are about to get very interesting indeed'! This full Moon is, well, full on. Conjunct Uranus in Aries while Mars is retrograde in Pisces and Mercury retrograde opposite in Libra is a lot of intense feelings to manage. And it's Halloween! And it's placed in Bharaṇī, which is ruled by Yama, the 'god of death'. Go figure. What this may mean is that we may, they may, go overboard. The Sun is in deep debilitated in Libra and Venus is debilitated in Virgo. This supports uncertainty and volatility during a tumultuous full Moon in fiery Aries. Full Moons are at the extreme end of the lunar month and show a balancing act between the Moon and Sun positions. This will probably be expressed more obviously in the US elections, as the world waits with bated breath, as if things hang in the balance at this time. This will likely be just one of many dramas unfolding at this time, with respect to the signs Aries and Libra, the biggest balancing act in the zodiac; between me and you, us and them, this and that. Sometimes, we need to lose our balance in order to find it again. - As always, I wish you the very best of what the month has to offer. OM TAT SAT |