Venus in Sagittarius Oct. 30 - Dec. 5th Venus transits through Sagittarius for the whole of November and is influenced by both Jupiter and Saturn while transiting the sign. Jupiter's influence is strong due to it ruling the sign of Sagittarius and we therefore have a more philosophical and broader view influencing our relationships, finances and agreements in general. We will need to take a more philosophical approach, as both Jupiter and Venus begin their retrograde periods in the coming weeks; leading to a major reassessment in the area of finances in particular. Sagittarius is Jupiter's fire-dominant, masculine sign which means it is concerned with ideas and principles. Those who have Venus in this sign from birth are familiar with the need to reach a more idealistic platform in relating. This transit is all about taking the high road, as we view our relations with a higher mind and a more detached view thanks to Saturn's influence on Venus this month also. This may be a welcome relief form the recent intensity of Scorpio and more risky pleasurable behaviour. Mars no longer has an influence on Venus while it is placed in Sagittarius (at least until the 26th) so our pleasures can be viewed with more discernment and sobriety. The possibility of detachment is strong due to Saturn's gaze on the sign Sagittarius from its position of strength in Libra. Venus and Saturn work very well together. An example of this is a painting (Venus) which needs a frame (Saturn) or our desires (Venus) which benefit from some restraint (Saturn). New Moon and Hybrid (Annular-Total) Solar Eclipse in Libra Nov. 3rd Timing of Eclipse November 3rd UTC* First location to see partial eclipse begin; 10:05 First location to see full eclipse begin; 11:06 Maximum eclipse; 12:49 Last location to see full eclipse end; 14:28 Last location to see partial eclipse end; 15:28 * UTC and GMT are both the same at this time of year This year's new Moon in Libra is also a solar eclipse. This is a hybrid eclipse due to the fact that it begins as a annular (partial) eclipse and becomes a total solar eclipse, seen through a thin strip from Gabon to Somalia (see video illustration). Whether you are in a part of the world which can see a partial or total eclipse, the line up of the Sun, the Moon and its nodes with the earth, is an intense stimulation and a powerful time. The words 'intense' and 'powerful' can be interpreted individually. We are in the eye of the storm since the lunar eclipse of October 18/19th and before this eclipse on November 3rd. The Sun is eclipsed at 17 degrees of the sidereal sign Libra, a degree which has already seen Rahu (the north eclipse point) and Saturn wreak havoc as they transited this degree in August, September and October. During this solar eclipse Mercury is with Rahu and Saturn is exalted (almost by exact degree), leading to a more airy environment which can lead to disturbances. The lunar sign is Swati which is symbolized by a young shoot, blowing in the wind. Though these are destructive times, the new shoots which are developing now are leading to a new way forward. Mercury's subsequent transit to the eclipse degree later in November, and its conjunction with Rahu and Saturn, will keep our minds reeling. Thankfully Mercury will be moving forward by then and we can begin making sense of things now that the eclipse itself has uncovered what it has to uncover. However, the issues these eclipses have brought up for you will not be fully realized until next summer, when we experience the lunar and solar eclipses opposite to where they occur now, but on the same sign axis of Aries/Libra. Generally we can see the changes taking place are there to balance our own sense of self (Aries) and of our relationship to others (Libra). This has been a major theme in the last year with the eclipses in these signs and with Saturn leaning more heavily on the side of equality in Libra. Now that the Sun is in Libra and eclipsed we may see some things in relation to the ideals of equality we hold being brought out into the open to be dealt with. If you are feeling oppressed in any way in your own life, then this time is a powerful one to make your stand through stating your case. Mercury's presence in Libra and in retrograde motion ensures we are paying particular attention here but it may take some time to figure it all out and communicate it effectively. If you have any planets or your birthday (i.e. the Sun at this degree) around November 3rd then this is one to watch carefully in your own life, though we must all be aware of the areas of life we experience the signs Aries and Libra. Eclipses bring up that which has until now been hidden so that you may view and deal with whatever needs your attention. This solar eclipse day is a great time to meditate in order to tune into the changes taking place at this time in our lives, as body, mind and soul line up together, creating shadows to allow us to see into the depths of our being. In India the festival of lights, known as Diwali, is celebrated on this day of the dark Moon, while the Sun is at its weakest in Libra. Other cultures celebrate this 'dark' time of year such as Mexico's Dia de los Muertos, the 'day of the dead', or the celebration of Samhain in the Celtic calendar. Regardless of the calendar date celebrated, the new Moon itself is the dark night which occurs on November 3rd this year. India have elaborate celebrations for the nights following this new Moon also, so as to acknowledge the increasing light of the Moon and is seen as a powerful new beginning, and a new year in many ways. Happy new year! Saturn enters Vishakha Nov. 4th Saturn is exalted by exact degree (20 degrees of Libra) by November 4th, just after the solar eclipse in the lunar signs Swati. It will move into the subsequent lunar sign Vishakha on November 4th, where it will remain for the following year. Vishakha is the lunar sign which bridges the signs Libra and Scorpio. Its symbols are of an archway, decorated with leaves and a tree with many branches, as we branch out into new territory and the sign Scorpio by next year. This will take Saturn from 20 degrees of Libra into Scorpio by November of next year, marking a new territory which needs Saturn's steady influence. This next cycle of restructuring and remodeling in our lives takes place in the last 10 degrees of Libra and the first 3 degrees of Scorpio. Vishakha is represented by the Gods Indra and Agni; the God of thunderstorms and the God of fire. Its ruling planet is Jupiter which is itself stationing and preparing to move retrograde in the coming months. As it does so it has an influence on its own lunar sign, Vishakha, by aspect from Gemini, another air sign. With Saturn's steady influence and Jupiter's need to reassess, we can expect many areas of life to slow down in the coming months so that we can go deeper. Saturn, the planet of time and form, is moving from Rahu's lunar sign to Jupiter's. This transition from an ambitious Rahu influence to a more generous Jupiter influence, always brings a sense of reconnecting with an inner wisdom and depth of being. Here we feel more connected with one another. This is accentuated at this time by Jupiter's retrograde period and its influence on Libra and the lunar sign Vishakha, contained within. Jupiter Retrograde Nov. 7th 2013 - March 6th 2014 Jupiter and Mercury both station in air signs by the end of the first week of November. However, they are both moving in different directions, with Jupiter in retrograde motion, and Mercury in forward motion. Jupiter's influence on Mercury by being placed in its sign Gemini, and influencing the sign Libra in which Mercury sits, ensures we will continue to reassess our lives, but this time from a place of inner intelligence and with a need for inner growth. We have had enough information to reflect on and now comes a time where we need to go within to find the answers that are ready and waiting. You may wish to re-read a post I wrote in April of this year to revisit Jupiter in Gemini, so as to reacquaint yourself with its significance, as well as Mercury's retrograde in Gemini earlier this year. Many of the issues we were dealing with in the summer are now to be revived at this time: As Jupiter stations retrograde in Gemini it is powerful for effect and brings the issues to a more profound state of awareness in the world. All the indications of information and how we share this will be pronounced at this time and as Jupiter journeys backwards we will be able to review the information we subject our minds to and how we communicate this with one another. In relation to the hopes you hold and the benefit you are currently experiencing in the sign Gemini, it may be a good time to review these and rework or revisit something which may have been skimmed over in the past few months. Now would be a good time to delve deeper as things slow down this winter. You will need to look at the sign Gemini and where it sits in your own horoscope to decipher the area of life, but one way you may work this out is by asking yourself this: Where in your life have you experienced expansion since the summer of this year? Expansion may not always be a material experience, as Jupiter does not just expand things in our outer world. It brings expansion through a depth of understanding and awareness in our inner world also. For example, for those with the sign Sagittarius rising they will feel the benefit from others in their lives and they will come to a depth of understanding about their relationships and relationship styles. They already have benefited from some type of wise counsel but may seek a review during this retrograde phase. This is because Gemini represents the 7th house of relating for a Sagittarius individual. You may not be able to continue in the ways that you have been in relation to area of your life Gemini represents, as Jupiter is asking you to grow up and be wise about how you handle it. Below is a list of each of the rising signs and an example of how you may be benefiting from Jupiter's transit in sidereal Gemini. If you do not know your rising sign, you may wish to use this for your Moon sign. Failing that you may use your Sun sign, but be sure to use the sidereal zodiac calculation: Aries: Finding forgiveness through communication. Taurus: Developing self-worth through intimacy and friendships. Gemini: Improving your appearance through your work. Cancer: Letting go of bad habits and outworn beliefs. Leo: Sharing creative ideas with friends and associates. Virgo: Comfort through relating depth in your work. Libra: Developing courage and better habits through education. Scorpio: Benefiting from intimacy and other's resources. Sagittarius: Contentment in oneself, expressed in relating with others. Capricorn: Developing confidence by letting go of bad habits. Aquarius: Creatively evaluating your dreams for the future. Pisces: A connection to your inner self allows you to develop your status. Mercury Stations Direct Nov. 10th Mercury stations direct on November 10th and we can get a sense of how we can move forward in relation to the areas of life Libra, Gemini and Virgo represent for us on a very practical level. From a more philosophical approach we have more time to ponder our communication styles due to Jupiter's retrograde period having just begun in Gemini. Each time Mercury retrogrades it asks us to look at the areas of Gemini and Virgo and what they represent for us individually as well as collectively i.e. communication and everyday routines. It does so through a third sign usually and in this case it is the sign Libra. Misunderstandings abound while Mercury retrogrades in Libra, but with it leaves us with a review which enables us to better communicate with others. Now that Mercury is about to move forward, we must stay flexible as things turn around as it were. Mercury is known as the cosmic trickster for a very good reason. It represents the earth element and our very practical concerns. When it does this back and forth dance in relation to the earth and Sun we are asked to be open to the insights and subsequent changes which may be deemed necessary. The initial results of this may be confusing and frustrating, but they are also teaching us how to look more closely. A very real example of this may be when meeting with delays while traveling (travel being one of the things Mercury represents), and we may miss a connection or we are delayed for some reason. This extra time, which we had not bargained for, is time to contemplate our lives and can be seen as a gift from Mercury. Another appropriate example of this Mercury retrograde period in Libra would be a misunderstanding with someone who is dear and the resulting reflection on communication styles or the content of what we communicate. Stay open to changes without feeling the need to make any changes while it is still in retrograde motion, until the middle of November. Any kind of reactive state only adds more confusion into the mix. Allow events to unfold as they will and stay open minded and prepared for a turn about once it has ceased its retrograde motion by November 10th. Mercury's subsequent conjunction with both Rahu and Saturn in November will require use to keep things as light as possible, as these conjunctions can bring many fears into the mind. Anything you can do in November to lighten the mood of those around you will also be a good way of counterbalancing these more sombre transits. One of the more sombre transits is our light, the Sun, being in its place of debilitation for the past few weeks. We have been feeling less than vital as a result. However, all that is about to change. Sun in Scorpio Nov. 16th - Dec. 15th The Sun leaves its sign of debilitation on November 16th and enters a more powerful position in Mars' sign Scorpio. The King (Sun) and his army (Mars) work well together in the sign Scorpio, as we delve into the darkness of winter and of our beings, in order to confront our fears and wrestle with our demons. Our greatest fear is death of course, but not just a physical death. We go through a dying process throughout our lives, as things change and we transform in the process. It is in the sign Scorpio that we must address this process and oftentimes we may try and control or influence this in some way. Scorpio can be seen to be a 'passive aggressive' sign for this reason. Mars creates a need to control and Scorpio itself is Mars' feminine, water-dominant sign. Mars is placed in the Sun's sign Leo as the Sun enters Mars' domain on November 16th. This sets up a powerful interplay between the two. The Sun is our star holding everything in place, generously shedding its light and giving us life. The command from such a place of connection is given to Mars which represents our actions. The action which is taken from a perspective of source is one which is beneficial for our connection to source/spirit/The Supreme Soul. The Sun is weak while it moves signs initially and more so because of its recent transit through its sign of debilitation. Those with Leo as their rising sign should take their time during the middle of the month and preserve energy until the end of November. This applies to us all of course, as the Sun represents our vitality. With such a strong connection with Mars until November 26th, we can tap into a Universal and personal power after the 16th and for those 10 days. This is a good time to tackle your own fears on your own, without having to use anyone else in the process. Everyone has there own thing going on and we can all feel connected beyond our human frailties. Exalted Full Moon in Taurus Nov. 17th The Moon reaches its fullest at 1 degree of the sign Taurus on November 17th at 15.16 UTC/GMT. The Moon is almost at its highest degree of exaltation at 3 degrees while the Sun is feeling somewhat dimmed in its own light, having just moved signs. The Moon, on the other hand, is very strong and this may mean our connection to source is through a sense of connection to others via community and shared resources around this full Moon phase. Our individual connection to source develops as the Sun grows in strength in the coming days, along with a powerful influence from Mars. This full Moon occurs in the lunar sign Krittika which is itself ruled by the Sun, setting up a powerful interaction beyond the full Moon phase itself. We must always find the balance between our sense of connection to Self (Sun) and our connection to others (Moon) when we experience a full Moon, and this is no less relevant at this time of the year, or at this time in history. Mars in Virgo Nov. 26th - Feb. 4th 2014
Mars enters Mercury's earth-dominant and feminine sign by the end of November and we have to get bogged down in how we run our lives. This is in relation to the area of your life you experience Virgo of course, but in general health issues are a key factor worldwide. We may as well make peace with this energy as Mars spends most of the time in Virgo over the next 8 months. This is due to its retrograde motion which sees it enter Libra briefly next February and then backs up into Virgo in March, before finally leaving Virgo in July of next year. Virgo represents the intestines in the body. It shows our bodies ability to extract nutrients for assimilation and dispel toxins. Virgo is all about arriving at the best possible way of doing something, in whatever area this sign represents for you in your own life. Any influence from Mars on our overall health, may mean we have to dispel more toxins in this time period, as we address global health concerns. Mars energy is youthful and impulsive and this does not fit so well with the calculated sign Virgo, though this shows we can implement a better course of action if deemed necessary. Mars represents the ability to do what needs to be done, not pandering to how we feel in the moment. We may be somewhat frustrated at times during Mars' transit to Virgo, especially as it moves backwards in the sign next year. However, we can use this transit to apply our will and create better routines for ourselves, as we get on with sorting through the details of our lives. OM TAT SAT |