Sidereal Transits Mercury stations retrograde Oct 31 Jupiter re-enters Sagittarius Nov 4 Mercury re-enters Libra Nov 7 Mars enters Libra Nov 10 Mercury combustion Nov 6 - 17 Full Moon in Aries (Bharaṇī) Nov 12 Sun enters Scorpio Nov 16 Mercury stations direct Nov 20 Venus enters Sagittarius Nov 21 Venus conjunct Jupiter Nov 24 Mars opposite Uranus Nov 24 New Moon in Scorpio (Anurādhā) Nov 26 Neptune stations direct Nov 27 Mercury Retrograde Oct 31 - Nov 20 Mercury retrograde periods are a time to review and reflect more, but as our modern lives push us to being more productive, it can just as easily happen that our minds are overworked, reviewing previous input, dealing with everyday tasks, while trying to plan the future. A better strategy would be to slow down, listen more and enjoy this 'time out of time'. Mercury's retrogrades in water signs such as Scorpio are more challenging because emotions get involved, and Scorpio's emotions are not that clear - even to ourselves, as we deal with our insecurities and vulnerabilities in various ways that are not always rational. This retrograde is further complicated by Mars and Saturn's aspects, as well as Jupiter's changing signs, moving into the conjunction with the planets in Sagittarius. This is even further complicated and stressed by the bigger changes happening in the background due to Saturn's conjunction with Pluto which is getting closer into the end of the year. Mercury stations on Nov 19, but it won't clear the point at which is began to retrograde until December, and it won't actually all work out clearly until January, when Mercury meets the Sun for the lunar eclipse on January 10, finally bringing the changes in the New Year. Jupiter in Sagittarius Nov 4, 2019 - Mar 29, 2020 & Jul 1 - Nov 20, 2020 One of the bigger changes in November is Jupiter's entry into Sagittarius. This brings us further than we got back in March this year. But we may expand too quickly as Jupiter speeds through Sagittarius. In an era of ‘fake news’ and ‘hyper-normalization’, who or what can we trust? Jupiter now transits its own sign and guides us intuitively. Jupiter remains in Sagittarius until the end of Mar 2020, grasping for an inner knowing as it speeds through the sign. As it does so, it joins the southern eclipse point, Ketu by early January, before it meets with Pluto. It will be with Pluto for much of 2020 - from March until November - as they move back and over the end of Sagittarius and beginning of Capricorn. This will likely be expressed in more changes in the economy, laws and ethics in 2020. This creates a need to dig deep, beyond ideological fervour and radicalism, to see the truth beneath the surface, a truth we all share, regardless of our individual beliefs and backgrounds. Unlike Sagittarius, Capricorn is all about objectivity and universality. While Jupiter in Sagittarius promotes an ideological passion that can spark fighting for one's beliefs, sometimes even wars, Capricorn represents a shared truth, as something we can no longer disagree on based on objective observations. Jupiter's initial entry into Sagittarius is precarious and shows a lot of confusion and lack of unity. Brexit may finally begin at this time, although other transits suggest further delays and a transitional period, as Jupiter finally leaves its shadow phase (the point at which it began to backtrack in March of this year) by the second week of November. Things are going to move ahead, one way or another, but as Jupiter is moving very fast through the sign it is likely we will see hasty new policies and laws put in place that must be reworked and redrafted later on - many times. When there is a lack of attention to such policies, we will likely see some policies being dropped subsequently. Jupiter's conjunctions with Pluto guarantees we are kept in the dark somewhat. Be mindful of what you are deciding upon at this time, especially in relation to the sign Sagittarius. Generally, Sagittarius and Jupiter represent laws, beliefs, growth and order. Think of it this way: if you would like to grow some part of your life, there needs to be a coherence and organizing quality to instigate the expansion. This may mean having to get your thoughts in order with the help of Jupiter from November. Jupiter's subsequent conjunction with the south node, Pluto and Saturn in 2020 ensures we are constantly redrafting and rethinking our big ideas. But before any of that, Jupiter moves through a section of the zodiac known as gandanta from Nov 1 - 8. This section of the zodiac produces a sense of things drowning. This could also literally be the case for some, while others may feel this figuratively, i.e. a sense of losing control. The transition from Scorpio to Sagittarius is all about developing faith in something beyond our personal control. Not an easy thing to do for most of us. The first week of November is full of uncertainty over a lack of any order, and fears about the economy, as well as growth and hope for the future in general. Thankfully, Jupiter is strong once it clears the first degree of Sagittarius and despite all the changes that must now take place at least we are all more in tune with what needs to change in November. Mars in Libra Nov 10 - Dec 25 Mars joins Mercury in the sign of compromise and diplomacy from the second week of November and is ill-suited to handling either. While October saw some ability to compromise, with Mercury, Venus and the Sun in Libra, November sees Mars upset any balance obtained through impatience and frustration, upsetting any diplomacy or fair play. Mars and Libra are not good bed fellows but you could make them work for you if you are aware of the potential pitfalls. One pitfall is having a desire that you don't ask what the other wants or gets out of it. In other words, if you are willing to negotiate to get what you want, you can get more by compromising. Mars comes into exact opposition to Uranus by Nov 25, as the north node, Rahu apsects from Gemini and the lunar mansion that causes storms, Ardra. This may play out in more extreme weather events, of course, but it may just as easily play out in technological hiccups and blackouts. Technological issues are never far from our awareness in November, anyway, as Mercury stations opposite Uranus and is joined by Mars. Full Moon in Aries Nov 12 The Moon reaches the opposite degree of a debilitated Sun at 13.34 UT on Nov 12, at the very end of Bharaṇī lunar mansion. This sign is productive and yet also disciplined, as anything created requires restraint. Its lord is Yama, often referred to as the 'Lord of death' but for those who practice yoga you will recognize the word as the yamas, or personal observations and disciplines of this spiritual practice. The Moon in Aries is opposite Mars as it settles into Libra, highlighting a stark contrast between a sign of selfish needs and individuality (Aries) and a sign of compromise and equality (Libra). Sometimes, we need to upset the balance to find our way back into harmony. This full Moon is a culmination within this lunar month which began on the new Moon in the compromising Libra. While Bharani is a very sexual and desirous sign, it's placed in the self-orientated sign Aries, balancing selfish concerns within the negotiations. Sun enters Scorpio Nov. 16 The Sun leaves its sign of debilitation and compromise as it finds strength in the depths of Scorpio. At this time of year we turn inward more and find something within to light our way through the darkness. Scorpio is like the end of the affair, the end of harmony as we deal with being vulnerable. We could remain open and devoted, but we could just as easily feel like the relationship is getting too messy and would rather take back some power. Sometimes, we do this by trying to control others and outcomes, while dwelling on things that are 'darker' in nature. This could be anything from big themes of life and death, or joint resources and a fear of a lack of control on what others are doing with theirs. The Sun's transit in Scorpio is hemmed in between Saturn on the one side and Mars on the other. This will feel like our energy is drained from trying to keep our balance (Mars in Libra) and dealing with the bigger picture (Saturn in Sagittarius). The Sun represents our leaders and governments, which will be feeling the strain, while our own sense of leadership will be tested with Sun in Scorpio. Mercury stations Direct Nov 19 Mercury re-enters Libra by Nov 7, backtracking through the last degrees of the sign to renegotiate. Its direct station and opposition to Uranus in Aries will feel exciting by the middle of the month, but also unnerving as things turn a corner and a heightened sense of anticipation hangs in the air. By this stage, Mars will be in Libra also and adding its urgency and opposition to Uranus in Aries which may feel like we have taken one step too far towards compromise, with a subsequent review yielding further turnabouts. Mercury will re-enter Scorpio on Dec 5, and then leave the shadow phase a couple of days later, as Saturn and Pluto edge closer together for some big shake ups around the world. Mercury's station in November will feel like the build up to these changes are starting in earnest, a build up to huge global changes that we must integrate over the coming weeks, months and years. Venus in Sagittarius Nov 21 - Dec 15 Venus enters gandanta on Nov 20, after spending most of the month in Scorpio, edging towards the end of the sign as it prepares to move in Sagittarius. And as Mercury is stationing at this time, it will feel like a bump in the road, especially in relationships and finances. Venus joins Jupiter at 3 degrees of Sagittarius on Nov 23/24, bringing two different impulses uncomfortably close; one that wants pleasure and one that wants more meaning. There's an obvious way to express both of these; we can finding meaning in pleasurable encounters. Venus in Sagittarius is more idealistic, wishing to do something more meaningful with one's time. It's conjunctions with planets gathered in Sagittarius creates a need to simply our lives, rather than overindulging our senses. Venus' conjunction with the south node (Ketu), Saturn and Pluto occurs in December, in anticipation of Christmas, or 'Cashmas' as a friend likes to call it, and may be a period many tighten their purse strings in anticipation of the big spend. As mentioned in previous posts, Sagittarius is usually more optimistic and buoyant than it is right now, due to Pluto, Saturn and the south node's transit here. Venus's transit here only adds to a sense of realism not suited to the sign of hope. New Moon in Scorpio Nov 26 The Moon reaches the Sun's 'degree (9 Scorpio) at 15.05 UT on Nov 26, just as Mars passes Uranus, triggering explosive events and exciting changes, as we draw our energy inwards for a re-calibration. The new Moon is placed in Anuradha which is a 'soft' lunar mansion in the heart of Scorpio, showing the possibility to dig deep and open our hearts to others in transitions in their life. But the pressure of having Saturn and Mars hemming in the Moon will feel stressful as we deal with our own insecurities. The next new Moon begins a long period of big changes; a solar eclipse in Sagittarius on Dec 26 which kicks off a year that promises to create some of the biggest changes most of humanity has not seen before. Take a breath. Dig deep. And get ready for what needs to change in your life. And don't worry, the changes that must happen are in yours and everyone's best interest. It's just that it won't seem like that from the outset. By the time we get to Capricorn, as planets begin to file into the sign in the New Year, we will simply get on with it. Neptune stations direct Nov 27
While the changes around the other transits I have written about will probably grab most of our attention, there is another strong aspect underpinning proceedings in November. Saturn returns to 21 degrees of Sagittarius, while Neptune is slowing moving back through 21 degrees of Aquarius, stationing direct on Nov 27. Therefore, Saturn is strongly aspecting Neptune all month. Saturn represents structure and form, basically the reality of any given situation, while Neptune is a dream state, a sense of idealism which can border on fantasy. So, with Saturn (reality) bearing down on Neptune (fantasy) again in November, and for the last time before Saturn moves into Capricorn in the lead up to their conjunction in Pisces in 2026, we will likely see this play out in ways such as facing the reality of an unreal situation. Generally, this is in relation to humanitarian concerns around the world, but you can look at what Aquarius represents in your horoscope. Saturn and Rahu both rule the sign and, although Saturn wants to bring you back down to earth, Rahu blurs boundaries further. For someone with Leo rising or Moon sign, for example, this is about getting real about relationships, while for someone with Aquarius rising or Moon sign, this is a very personal observation of who-they-really-are versus a fantastical notion of who they would like to be. This is not a bad thing, of course, but a very necessary step towards reaching a realistic conclusion that produces solid results. It's time to make that dream a reality. OM TAT SAT |