Sidereal Transits Venus enters Scorpio Dec 11 Sun conjunct Ketu Dec 11 Mercury conjunct Ketu Dec 14 New Moon & Total Solar Eclipse in Scorpio (Jyeṣṭhā) Dec 14 Sun enters Sagittarius Dec 15 Mercury conjunct Sun Dec 19 Jupiter conjunct Saturn Dec 21 Solstice Dec 21 Mars enters Aries Dec 24 Full Moon in Gemini (Ārdrā) Dec 30 Pluto enters Capricorn Dec 30 Venus conjunct Ketu Dec 31 Mercury in Scorpio Nov 28 - Dec 17 Mercury moves into Scorpio on Nov 28, joining the Sun and south node of the Moon. Mercury in Scorpio is about to reveal some secrets, it seems. Mercury conjuncts Ketu in Scorpio on Dec 14, during a total solar eclipse in the sign. Revelations are well overdue. Mercury then conjuncts the Sun on Dec 19, marking a key transition through the end of the year, with new insights into the things that scare us, as well as the darker parts of our mind. Mercury in Scorpio is a little lost in the muddy waters and deep emotions of Scorpio, not fully articulate enough to be able to express the kinds of depth of emotion that is possible. Keeping our sense of humour may help, as Mercury rules the 8th and 11th signs from here, expanding on, the themes of death and uncertainty. Our minds can get a little fixated. When we add the emotional churning of the eclipse, our mind and emotions can get a little off kilter. But there is another side to Mercury's transit in Scorpio, one that can afford us a way to communicate from the depths of our being, to be able to convey what it is that scares us, and to talk about these things, to make them less scary. It's good to talk, as they say! And they also say that 'we're only as sick as our secrets'. Perhaps this is a good time of year to speak our minds - and our hearts. Venus in Scorpio Dec 11 - Jan 3, 2021 Venus joins the Sun, Mercury and the eclipse in Scorpio by mid-month, further emphasizing the changes that are due with regards the hidden aspects of life. These include the virus, of course, and Venus' involvement brings money matters and diplomacy into the negotiations. Venus conjoins Ketu in Scorpio on Dec 31, as the modern ruler of the sign, Pluto, moves into Capricorn, where Jupiter and Saturn come together by exact degree this month. This is therefore a pivotal point. Gatherings of planets in any sign brings added emphasis to a certain area of our lives, whatever area Scorpio represents for you personally. Generally, Scorpio represents shared resources, unexpected change, as well as a resistance to change, fear, sex and death - you know, all the fun stuff! One can only imagine the levels of fear over shared spaces during the holidays, but also of appreciating others, especially the more vulnerable, or remembering those we have lost. And while there are always enjoyments to be had whenever Venus is involved, because it is in Mars' sign and Mars aspects it over the holidays, we are likely to feel challenged and challenge others as well. Whereas Venus in Libra is diplomatic, Venus in Scorpio feels everything so deeply that it sometimes shows a need to try to control everything, in order to feel more secure. But it also shows us the flip side of romantic love, the betrayals and jealousy, the possessiveness and obsessions. And yet, Venus in Scorpio asks us to love, anyway. To love ourselves even when we feel these feelings, and to love others who may be feeling them. New Moon in Scorpio (Jyeṣṭhā) Total Solar Eclipse Dec 14 Okay, so this eclipse is a game changer, as any eclipse is, I guess. However, this one has an added punch with the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction taking place at the same time. The Sun conjuncts the south node, Ketu on Dec 11, while Mercury is exactly conjunct Ketu on the eclipse day itself. Venus is also within the sign. All of this emphasis on Scorpio shows a need to dig deep and overcome our fears, think of the worst-case scenario so we can prepare the mind and find strength. This is the 'big reset', or the start of one, at least. Solar eclipses are times of new beginnings, anyway, of insights into the dynamics that have hitherto remained concealed from view. Having a solar eclipse in Scorpio exposes even more secrets. We will likely be feeling more vulnerable as things come out, but this is a new start, with a new perspective guiding us. Jupiter's conjunction with Saturn is a more realistic approach overall. Look to the sign Scorpio and what it rules in your birth chart to see where things are being revealed for you, or if you have any planets close to 28 degrees of Scorpio or Taurus. You should already have some awareness of this, of course, as Ketu has already moved over this degree in recent weeks. With Mars about to move into Aries once again, crossing the sensitive juncture between it and Pisces, as well as this eclipse itself placed between Scorpio and Sagittarius, we are at the end of something, another indication of a turning point, it seems. The fact that this is occuring while Jupiter conjuncts Saturn, suggests that this reflects a massive shift in our awareness and how we proceed from here. As with any solar eclipse, the energy lines up as the Sun and Moon come together, while the nodes overshadow events. But just as with any light of awareness and shadow that is cast, there is a possibility of seeing into all of the layers and dimensions of a situation, and to make good use of the insights. Everything lines up. The best way to deal with the shadow of the nodes is to reclaim the parts of our being we reject, our own shadow. Although it would be easy to protect this onto others, others who may seem to embody it more obviously, in doing so we lose an opportunity to gain deeper insights into what is blocking our own evolution, and remove these with the help of the south node of the Moon, Ketu. Ketu represents the past, allowing us to see into the dynamics that have brought us to where we find ourselves now. The most obvious example I can think of is new insights into the virus, but many other insights and secrets are up for grabs. The eclipse occurs in the lunar mansion, Jyeṣṭhā, meaning 'elder'. While this lunar mansion shows secret knowledge and skills in manipulation and control, there are always higher vibrations available alongside the baser instincts. These include the ability to steady our mind and emotions during times of change, and to overcome adversity with the tools at our disposal - to control the one and only thing we can, that is, our own feelings. Of course, the nodes do suggest the possibility of 'lower', instinctive reactions to perceived threats, which may be expressed in lashing out, a certain vindictiveness that can be evident in the sign. As Mahalia Jackson is quoted as saying, “If you dig one ditch you better dig two cause the trap you set just may be for you”. And she would know, with the Moon passing overing the Scorpio/Sagittarius divide on the day she was born, where this eclipse occurs. While Jyeṣṭhā and the sign Scorpio means someone who is superior, or at least feels that way, the possibility of someone who feels like an elder being overlooked and becoming bitter is also pronounced. This is especially the case as Ketu removes and hides things, making someone feel invisible, or wishing to, perhaps. Feelings of rejection are never far from the service with Ketu, either we reject or we are rejected. Jyeṣṭhā is ruled by Indra, the chief of the gods, who was always losing his power and regaining it through any means necessary. Here's another saying that fits the sign well, especially when expressing its baser instincts: 'Revenge is a dish best served cold'! While feelings of possessiveness and jealousy may arise, as we try to control outcomes, we can learn to love even these parts of ourselves, and accept where these feelings are coming from - that is, from somewhere altogether more vulnerable. This is possible once Venus moves over this eclipse through December and into the New Year, as we learn to love the darker side of our nature. By doing so, we can become whole again. For eclipse timings at your locale, click here: Click on the video below for a sign-by-sign analysis of this eclipse. Sun in Sagittarius Dec 15 - Jan 13 The Sun is eclipsed by the Moon, as the mind obscures reality for a time, crossing over the sensitive juncture between Scorpio and Sagittarius, the gap between our worst fears and highest hopes, the 'no hope, no fear' gap in the zodiac. By slipping into this gap, we can find stillness. This period requires an adjustment, of course, as we move beyond the fears into something more hopeful. The Sun in Sagittarius usually brings with it more joy and festivities, and meaning, into our lives. And while festivities may be curtailed due to the sign's ruler, Jupiter being conjunct Saturn this year, that doesn't mean we cannot make use of the time; finding more meaning and hope where there was previously only fear. Sagittarius brings out the more buoyant and upbeat, lighting our way forward, and upward. The Sun shines a light on the sign which saw the beginnings of the virus last December, at least the beginning of it in our awareness, anyway. This may prove to be enlightening in relation to the virus in the coming weeks, too. The Sun is joined by Mercury soon after it enters the sign, and although there is a period mid-month where things seem very uncertain indeed, as planets move from Scorpio to Sagittarius, there is also more hope as the month concludes. The Sun's entry into Sagittarius heralds a new beginning in many ways. We will see Pluto finally leave Sagittarius after a 15 year-long transit which has obscured truth on so many levels. Perhaps this is a time where we can reinvigorate our sense of truth, to develop a new vision of how to move forward, although anything new we set our sights on must factor in the realism of Saturn conjunct Jupiter at this time. The 'big reset' is upon us, and just maybe we can clarify our vision of what is possible, and necessary. Mercury enters Sagittarius Dec 17 As Mercury joins the Sun in Sagittarius, Jupiter, the ruler of the sign, meets with Saturn by exact degree. This is the pivotal time of the year, and a major reset in all our lives. Mercury's superior conjunction is itself a more regular pivotal point, a time to gain insights into the dynamics involved, the ideas we hold being held under great scrutiny. By doing so, we can see if they are indeed the right ones, and true, as Mercury's strength represents our ability to discriminate between fact and fiction. Just don't expect truth to be something forthcoming from the outset or outside of you. It's more of an inside job when Mercury conjuncts the Sun. More revelations are possible at this time, as the practicality of Mercury bridges our deepest fears and highest hopes. Once again, Jupiter's grand conjunction with Saturn is the realism we must all acknowledge, and the limitations of what is possible, no matter how much we may try to convince ourselves otherwise. Jupiter conjunct Saturn Dec 21 - Solstice 2020 ends with a special astronomical event: the closest 'great conjunction' of Jupiter and Saturn in 397 years! The above image is from the Night Sky App which is a great tool to see the planets if you don't have a telescope, or like me and you don't like the cold nights! As you can see from the screenshot I took for Dec 21 in the afternoon (UT), Saturn is almost completely obscured by Jupiter, almost an occultation. An occultation won't actually happen for thousands of years, although this one's pretty close. Jupiter and Saturn will seem as if they are dancing very close together indeed, the closest they've been since 1623. You may be able to catch a glimpse of the conjunction on the southwestern horizon if you are on the Northern Hemisphere, or the western horizon in the Southern Hemisphere. They will set within a couple of hours after sunset, before disappearing from our Night skies in the coming days, due to their proximity to the Sun, i.e. combustion. Another great time to see them will be when they are joined by the Moon on Dec 16-17, just a couple of days after a total solar eclipse. Wow, there is indeed a lot going on astrologically in December! What does a Jupiter occultation of Saturn, with both in combustion, signify? A whole lotta change, I figure! Conjunctions are called 'planetary wars' in Indian astrology, as both planets vie for space. Saturn wins this time around, by most accounts - in it's own sign, during the Saturnine time of year, while Jupiter itself is weaken in Capricorn. There is a fight for what is right and true, most likely expressed in debates about the best way to move forward, in all spheres of life. Everytime Jupiter and Saturn come together, there is a reset in the world, in the socio-economic and political spheres, which have a knock-on effect on everything else. On the day of the conjunction, Jupiter and Saturn will be separated by a mere 0.1 degrees, and may appear as a single bright 'star'. Some astrologers opine that the 'Star of Bethlehem' was actually a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. My personal belief is that it is the brightest star in the east, Sirius, which aligns with the three bright stars in Orion's Belt. This happens every year, as the Sun dips to its lowest for the winter Solstice, appearing to 'stand still' for three days, before ascending once again on Christmas Day. This makes more sense from an astrological point of view. A more nuanced astrological explanation is found in Zeitgeist: The Movie. If you haven't seen it, it's worth a watch (link below). Skip to about 20 minutes in to see the astrological explanation for Christmas. Whatever your personal beliefs, this Jupiter-Saturn conjunction is important, however you look at it. Its occurrence on the Solstice only adds to its significance. This is a turning point in human history, in our social-economic and political framework. And although this occurs every 20 years, just as it did in 2000, 1980, 1960 etc, this one is particularly impactful due to Jupiter and Saturn's proximity, and the fact that it is taking place on the Solstice. The winter Solstice is the 'Saturnian' time of year, reflected in the ancient Roman festival of Saturnalia, where normal rules did not apply - instead, allowing servants (Saturn ruled people) to have just as much fun and authority as everyone else. Now there's an interesting correlation that will probably be significant this December. As much as Saturn represents rules and structures, it represents a breaking of these, a rebelliousness, which was observed during the festivities of Saturnalia, and this has influenced our celebrations of Christmas. I cannot help but think this winter is going to be a little wild, as people get a little stir crazy locked up, with laws (Jupiter) dictating what we can and cannot do (Saturn), on the one hand, while on the other, we have Saturn's wild side grant the opportunity for escape. Perhaps the escape that is necessary at this time is an escape within, as it's said, 'the only way out is in'. Mars in Aries Dec 24, 2020 - Feb 21, 2021 Mars makes it back to dry land to gather some traction, and friction, in Aries. Just in time for a family gathering at Christmas! While on the one hand, this brings with it many strengths and movement in relation to health and healing, it challenges the status quo, as Mars returns to a square aspect to Saturn. The status quo also challenge our freedoms. This creates a tense situation for the holidays and the New Year, as people will want to move, but are held in lockdowns and quarantine. The theme of Saturn in Capricorn versus Mars with Uranus in Aries continues - that is, freedom versus responsibility, doing what we want versus doing what we must. This has played out in more obvious ways on the world stage, with more and more protests and gatherings highlighting the stark contrast between personal freedoms (Mars in Aries) and lockdowns (Saturn in Capricorn). This theme continues throughout 2021 to some degree or another, but January and February sees it reach a climax, as Saturn continues to transit Capricorn, in a square aspect to Mars and Uranus in Aries. The first couple of months of 2021 may trigger these issues in a more explosive way, due to Mars' involvement and strength. January is particularly explosive in that regard. More about that in next month's forecast... In December, we still have to make it to dry land, as Mars moves through the last degrees of Pisces and crosses over the sensitive juncture between it and Aries right before Christmas. This adds a sense of endings and new beginnings throughout the month. And if there were ever a year we would be happy to end, it's 2020! Use the rest of Mars' transit in Pisces to tie up some loose ends and say your final goodbyes to whatever has outworn its welcome. And plan for your next move in the New Year, as Mars picks up strength in Aries by Christmas, and Jupiter moves past Saturn. While this suggests we will be pushing something through rather impulsively, the more we can plan now, the more prepared we are by the New Year. Full Moon in Gemini (Ārdrā) Dec 30 The month and year ends with a full Moon in Gemini and the lunar mansion Ārdrā, meaning 'moist'. This lunar mansion is ruled by Rudra, the storm god, which suggests just that: storms. These may be emotional storms, of course. Ārdrā played a key role in 2020 and the pandemic, because of its association with Rahu and the pandemic, but more especially the 'infodemic'. This full Moon emotionally charges the sign up again, while Mercury transits opposite in Sagittarius, charging up personal beliefs. This suggests an extreme contrast between law and order and how we feel. Tears are often shed when the Moon transits Ārdrā, but there's more to it that having a good cry. This sign is all about overcoming adversity, of clearing the air. There is a strength in the sign, despite its initial impulse to wreak havoc. Storms of a more meteorological kind may also wreak havoc at the year's end, of course, so we must be mindful of that if travel is an option. More likely, tears are shed when travel is out of the question and people rage at being separated. This full Moon also sees Venus conjunct Ketu, which means all planets are either conjoined or on one side of the nodes, forming a Kala Sarpa Yoga, meaning 'serpent of time'. This offers up more volatility, into the New Year. Once the Moon wanes into the New Year, we will see this particular combination take shape more so, which means this shape shifting combination is about to move things around in our lives. While this initially feels as if it's more subtle and underfoot, uncertain, these subtle changes point to outer changes in the New Year that are as necessary as they are uncertain. By the new Moon in Sagittarius on Jan 13, we're on the brink of moving on the changes these transits suggest, as the Sun and Moon move into Capricorn, where all the action is happening. For now, and for this full Moon, we can channel our mental and emotional storms into an energy that overcomes negative thinking, as we look to another year with an attentive optimism. Pluto in Capricorn Dec 30, 2020 - Jan 15, 2040 If you thought 2020 was all about change, say hello to 2021! For all the change that occured in 2020, 2021 begins a period of implementing more changes. Pluto's ingress, and return to Capricorn after an initial visit earlier this year, shows that the real changes are just about to take hold, as certain other things loosen their grip. We may as well get used to it and work with the new possibilities, instead of looking back and wishing it were as it always was - nothing ever is. If we try to hold onto some notion that things can return to the way they were, we're going to create problems for ourselves. Pluto is all about change. Pluto in Capricorn changes the way we work, and therefore, the way we live. The last time Pluto transited here was between Jan 1, 1773 and Jan 17, 1792 - a time of great change on the planet, a period of revolutions, and the Industrial Revolution. According to the WEF, we have begun a 4th Industrial Revolution. Pluto's ingress into Capricorn is just the beginning of bigger changes that will take hold in the years that follow. Pluto will take two decades to impact the structures of our lives in Capricorn, fuelling growth in some areas, while dismantling others. Pluto always points to hidden energy, but it also points to personal changes, such as someone changing who they are and releasing some form that is holding them back. The energy that is released once we remove, or simply let go of, something from the past can free us up to grow something new, to be someone new. That is why Pluto is given to Scorpio in modern astrology: it's all about changing something into something else. It's a scary process for a part of us to die, of course, but if we can see it as a necessary freeing up of energy to create something new, the process is much easier. Easier said than done, I know, especially because Pluto is now entering Saturn's sign Capricorn, and an area of life we seek reassurance and to maintain the status quo. The only assurance available from Pluto is that change is inevitable. If we can get on board with what has to change in our own lives, by looking at the house position for Capricorn in our birth charts, we can begin the process willingly. This makes it so much easier. And if you're not convinced, simply look to the sign Sagittarius by house position in your chart and see how this area of your life has transformed since 2005. It may have been a slow process of change, and mostly carried out subconsciously, but there it is anyway. Midway through Pluto's transit in Capricorn, by the end of this decade, the nodes will have moved into Gemini and Sagittarius, Rahu in Sagittarius and Ketu in Gemini, while the end of Pluto in Capricorn in 2040 will see this reverse, ie. Rahu in Gemini and Ketu in Sagittarius - just as they have been in 2020. Both of these periods, the end of this decade and the end of the following one, will challenge the world to make even bigger changes, and are key periods throughout this whole 20 year transit. By the time Pluto halfway through the sign in 2030, Jupiter and Saturn will oppose each other, and when it is finally done with Capricorn, in 2040, Jupiter and Saturn will come into a conjunction once again for the next Great Conjunction. For now, Pluto's entry into Capricorn during a Great Conjunction is the beginning of these changes and aptly titled 'The Great Reset'. By the time Pluto's done with the sign, we will no longer recognize the world around us, or how we live and work. This is about to change forever more. Pluto's ingress into Capricorn is the beginning of that change. - Keep an eye out for the 2021 timelines and the 2021 edition of Timeline Astrology magazine, which I'll be sharing with you all very soon. Wishing you all the very best of what the month has to offer. OM TAT SAT |