Neptune stations direct in Aquarius on Dec 1. This marks a turning point, from Aquarius to Pisces. Neptune does not move out of Aquarius until next year, so this is a subtle hint. Neptune in Pisces offers a more idealistic vision, and more hope, but also more fantasy and escapism. Mars enters Scorpio on Dec 4, just after the new Moon and a total solar eclipse on the same day. 2021 has a sting in its tail, it seems. Yet this offers more possibilities of overcoming challenges, revealing things that were hidden, and things we felt we could not articulate. The eclipse brings its revelations. Yes, it may dredge things up from some places we would prefer remain hidden, but we are better off knowing the facts if we are to overcome the issues. The Mars-Ketu combination in Scorpio brings another wave of the virus, and mutant strains, and potentially attacks of other kinds, including bombings, shootings, and cyber attacks, leading to outages. It may also show someone in power being taken out. Yet there will be plenty of strength to deal with the issues. Venus enters Capricorn on Dec 7, joining Pluto for their first conjunction on Dec 11. Venus and Pluto will remain together for a long time as Venus will station within a degree, at 2 degrees of Capricorn, on Dec 19. Venus will then conjunct Pluto in retrograde motion on Dec 25. Venus-Pluto combinations bring up all kinds of power struggles and issues with wealth and values. Christmas gatherings with families should be interesting! We're all going to be asking ourselves what we truly value. Many people will not be able to see loved ones or get what they want. When we cannot have something, we value it more. Mercury enters Sagittarius on Dec 10. Mercury swiftly moves through Sagittarius, entering Capricorn by Dec 29, as we make plans for the New Year. We must keep our plans loose, as there is a storm brewing by year's end. The Sun enters Sagittarius on Dec 15, as Mars meets with Ketu by exact degree. This is a red flag period of the month, along with Mars' transit to the eclipse degree by Dec 30-31. This is the sting in the tail. It will be more important how we react to and antidote the sting. Neptune stations Direct Dec 1 Neptune's station at 26 degrees of Aquarius points to its eventual exist from the sign in Apr 2022. Although this is a turnaround, it is a subtle shift which will not be felt fully for some years into its Piscean deep dive. Neptune returns to Aquarius next year, from Sep 12. It will then return to Pisces on Feb 18, 2023, transiting here until Apr 15, 2036. It will briefly return to Pisces from Dec 2, 2036, before returning to Aries on Feb 4, 2037. Why write about these long term transits at all? Well, Neptune is going to play a big role in the coming years in Pisces, as it conjuncts Saturn by mid-decade, on Feb 20, 2026, to be precise. Although Saturn and Neptune only conjunct by exact degree on one occasion, they will transit the same sign from Mar 2025 until Jun 2027. Before then, Jupiter meets with Neptune; at the last degree of Aquarius on Apr 12, 2022, before they both move into Pisces and remain together until Neptune returns to Aquarius in September of next year. First, Jupiter. Then, Saturn. This probably means inflation, followed by deflation. It probably means dissolving boundaries, before building new ones. It may mean catastrophic flooding that requires new dams to be put in place. It may mean we lose a sense of what is real, before we build our brave new world. It may mean we tune out for a while, either through substances, dreams, reverie, virtual worlds, spiritualism, whatever escape we can find, before coming back down to earth (or to water, for some) to build something new. Jupiter comes through with an idea, and and ideal. Saturn builds it. It may not be what you wanted in your dreams, but it is what is possible at this time. Look to the last 4 signs, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces by house position in your own chart, to get a sense of what and where you are dreaming big, and where you are likely to be rebuilding later. Because these are the 'universal signs', it means we as a society and humanity will be dreaming big and building back better once the current dream has been brought down or reimagined. This may literally be the case when flooding devastates certain areas. New Moon in Scorpio (Jyeṣṭhā) Dec 4 - Total Solar Eclipse Scorpio and Ketu brings things up from the depths, from the past, so we can deal with the issues. The issue is, we can often stay so fixated on the issues that we lose all perspective. Scorpio is all about preparing the mind and body for the worst. Yet in doing so, we can subject the mind and body to too much 'doom and gloom' and feel worse for wear. If we can see that Scorpio is about strength, not weakness, we can channel the energy of this New Moon and total eclipse of the Sun, so we can overcome the issues - not make them worse. The problem with Scorpio is that we can spend too much time catastrophizing, weakening our reserves in the process. While the initial impulse to prepare the mind may be admirable, if you do it too much, you end up feeling fearful. You actually weaken your mind and immune system, a signification of the natural 8th sign of the zodiac. Thankfully, Mars is coming to the rescue, as ruler of Scorpio, and one of our defense mechanisms. The Moon is debilitated in Scorpio, i.e. weak, but it can show a fearful mind. This weak Moon, then, obscures the Sun, which can lead to all kinds of feelings that are dreadful, fearful, catastrophic, mistrustful, obsessive and paranoid. And while all the above are quite possible for this New Moon and eclipse, we can also channel the energy for its best use; that is, to overcome all of the above. And let's face it, we don't overcome things by avoiding them. But neither do we overcome them by being overly attached to them. The eclipse takes place in Jyeṣṭhā, a lunar mansion that is all about overcoming problems. Yes, we can get fixated and obsessed, as if possessed by a demon, but we can also use the energy to build stronger resolve to be done with it. Resistance is not futile. It is an absolutely necessary part of the big changes that are on the horizon, in my humble Scorpio opinion! And just as viruses evolve to survive, so do we. This new Moon and eclipse is a major reset. And although it may not be that clear in the beginning what is happening, or why, when Mars is done with it by the New Year we should be feeling more energy to finally get over it. Click here for timings for your location: Mars in Scorpio Dec 4 - Jan 16, 2022 Mars moves into Scorpio just after the eclipse. Mars is right at home and strong for effect. This can be either a positive return to strength for some, or strength given to things some may prefer remained hidden. The virus is just one example of this. Overall, this will likely challenge, with explosive events and fear-inducing events taking place. Let's remember that Mars finds strength in Scorpio by digging deep within for a the vast amount of energy hidden in the depths. This is all a very fancy way of saying we must dig deep and find the strength within to overcome our fears. Mars joins forces with Ketu on Dec 14, before transiting the eclipse degree, Dec 30-31. When we add the actual eclipse in Scorpio on Dec 4, we can see the potential for December to be one thing after another. Don't lose hope. Don't give in to your fears. Or do, and then use the courage of Mars to overcome it. Use this time to prepare for the worst, knowing that the worst is unlikely. And anyway, what is the worst? Think about it! No, I really mean it! Think about what is the worst that can happen in relation to whatever you are worrying about. The worst may be that you die, shall we day? But maybe the worst is actually the best thing, from another perspective. Certainly, from a spiritual perspective. This is why those who have near death experiences alter the way they view things, and live fuller, happier lives. Now, whatever you are worrying about, recognize that you are doing it so you can be prepared for it. And then, think about all the things you worry about and ask yourself: Do they ever happen? And if they have happened, was it as bad as you had imagined? Not likely. And when you catastrophize, which is quite likely to happen during this eclipse, realize that you must do something with the build up of stress on your nervous system (ruled by Mars). Do something! Don't just sit on this transit. It will pound you down. Move, exercise, meditate, whatever. But whatever you do, don't over do it. It's a New Moon and a reboot. A reboot requires shutting things down for a while. Venus in Capricorn Dec 8 - 30 This is Venus' first visit to Capricorn, as it will return here in Feb 2022, when it has completed its retrograde transit back into Sagittarius. Venus and Capricorn are interesting bedfellows. Venus is like a young girl, although Indian astrology sees all the planets as masculine, and the signs as feminine. So, Venus is perhaps an effeminate male. Saturn like an old man. Actually, Saturn is a 'neuter' planet. It is non-binary. When you put them together, you get a sort of unusual mix of energies. It can show unusual tastes and sexual preferences, or just unusual experiences. You may see it in relationships with a bigger age gap, or in partners you would not ordinarily match up. Venus and Saturn are actually friendly to one another, but it is an unusual friendship. It's like a beautiful painting requiring a frame and a wall. Without Saturn's structure, we cannot display art. Yet Saturn can also show playing with forms, bending the rules of what is 'normal' or even acceptable. It's impish and perverse, the ''imp of the perverse''. The other thing about frames, about structures, is that is can sometimes restrict the work of art. It can sometimes be too imposing. This is another expression of Venus with Saturn, in Saturn's sign. It can be too restrained. We may feel too restrained. Social life, the economy, the nice things in life, family life, may all feel restrained this Christmas. And then, there's Pluto! Venus conjoins Pluto by exact degree on Dec 11, but because of its retrograde from Dec 19 (read below), it returns to meet with Pluto again on Dec 25, in retrograde motion. It will then meet with Pluto a third time, on Mar 3, 2022. But really, Venus is so close to Pluto all December that we can say it is conjunct throughout. You may have heard of the story of Persephone being kidnapped by Hades and brought down to the underworld. Hades is an earlier name for Pluto. Venus itself is stationing retrograde and moving from the 'evening star' to the 'morning star' in the coming weeks, i.e. combustion, burnt up. It does so while conjunct Pluto, the 'lord of the underworld'. The economy may crash and burn, as will congeniality, it seems! You can just imagine where we're going in the coming weeks. Venus related themes and specifics in each person's life will have to go down in flames, to be rebirthed next year. Generally, this means having to experience the darker themes around the lack of money, resources, relationships and good manners. It does not bode well for diplomacy in the coming weeks. We may be all a bit fearful of engaging with others, and the effects yet more lockdowns and the gloom is having on our mood, and how this impacts our relationships. It's probably going to get pretty dark. But if we can view this as a time to recalibrate our relationships, whether to people or things, we can re-emerge next year with a deeper sense of value. While we ''don't know what you got 'til it's gone'', if we know what is truly important, once the tangible things are taken away, we can appreciate them all the more when we are reunited. Mercury in Sagittarius Dec 10 - 29 Mercury moves over the juncture between Scorpio and Sagittarius on Dec 10, a volatile section of the zodiac that can show ill-timed communication and planning. Mercury is better positioned in Sagittarius, overall. At least, once it clears the early degrees of the sign. After thinking the worst in Scorpio, Mercury begins to hope for the best, as plans around travel and business open up for Christmas, although restrictions are an ongoing experience due to Saturn's continued influence on the planets. Jupiter transits Aquarius, while Mercury transits Sagittarius. This at least points to thinking about problems with more inspiration, as opposed to Scorpio's reactive and fearful style. Mercury is moving very swiftly through Sagittarius, reaching Capricorn by Dec 29. This means Mercury is due another backtrack through Capricorn in the New Year. For now, it's about planning ahead, maybe even getting ahead of ourselves. Mercury in Sagittarius is usually a time for more clarity and inspiration, more hope and optimism. Yet we still must deal with the Saturn issues that can dampen down these inspired thoughts. When we find balance between them, we can have an 'attentive optimism'. We can make the most of this transit to plan our lives more purposefully - even if we have to rethink these plans later on. Sun in Sagittarius Dec 16 - Jan 14 The Sun makes its annual trip to the 'root' sign, the beginning of Sagittarius and the Galactic center. In any other year, this would represent a need to go back to source, our origins from a cosmic sense, and a family of origin in another sense. It is that again, but this year is not like others, is it? And yet, there it is. A need to get to the root of something. That something is likely the origins of another entity, or non-entity, that has plagued us for the past two year, i.e., the virus. Ketu is associated with the lunar mansion, Mūla, literally, 'root'. As the Sun enters the sign, Mars meets with Ketu in Scorpio, the previous sign. This points to things being revealed. This could be something we want to know, but also things we prefer were kept hidden. There may be some space exploration, or inner space discoveries. The Sun in Sagittarius taps us into something beyond our fears. It brings a renewed sense of hope. Faith is probably a better word, as we have faith that there will be a dawn again, even in the darkest of nights. And while this is literally the case for those of us on the northern hemisphere, leading up to the new Moon in Sagittarius on Jan 2, 2022, there is also something else, something beyond. We just need to raise our heads above water for long enough to see it. Scorpio is a water sign, while Sagittarius is fiery. This means one is about feelings (Scorpio) and one about being inspired (Sagittarius). We can look within and find peace and solace there. And when it is darkest outside, there is no where else to find it. Yes, many try to find it in the bright, flashy things of Christmas, but it is not there either. Look within. There is a light that is always burning bright. Full Moon in Gemini (Mṛgaśīrṣā) Dec 19 With the Sun in the root sign, the Moon reaches the opposite in Gemini, the furthest from the root. This points to a need to engage with the world around us. This is Mṛgaśira, the 'deer head' of Gemini. The phrase 'curiosity killed the cat' applies to this lunar mansion. It's symbol of a deer's head and its antlers symbolic of how the unrestrained mind can go off on all kinds of tangents, leading us down some circuitous routes. If we let it, the mind can lead us down some dark pathways, where the innocence of the deer gets caught in a snare. The full Moon phases are already a more social time of the month. But with Mṛgaśira, it further emphasizes the need to engage and interact. Mars and Rahu further provoke this full Moon in Gemini, with Mercury, it ruler, opposite in Sagittarius. This means a need for more balance, between our everyday interactions and something more meaningful; between the 'lower' and 'higher' mind; between listening to those wiser and working it out for ourselves. The problems begin when we think we can do one or the other exclusively, leading us either into corner we must find a way out of (Ārdrā), for a more hopeful opening and expansive viewpoint. Venus Retrograde Dec 19 - Jan 29, 2022 Venus retrograde is an opportunity to revaluate the things and people we hold dear. Yet Venus rules specific things for each of the signs. For Mars' signs, this is about relationships, more so. For Venus' signs, this is about their values and how these may be challenged. For Mercury's signs, this is about what inspires. For Jupiter's signs, it's about fighting for something valuable. For Saturn's signs, this is about the things that give life meaning and purpose. Venus conjoins Pluto as it stations retrograde. This places the planet of happiness, of trust, in the hands of the god of death. Do you trust him? Probably not! And yet, here we are folks. We must trust in the process of death and rebirth, of 'dying before dying', of life after death. There will be many things which feel like they are going through an intense process of decay in the coming weeks. These are made all the more intense because of Venus' station with Pluto. Power struggles are likely to ensue. You may find yourself being attracted to the 'dark side' for a time, for a crime that may seems worth committing. Just make sure you are sure of your own moral code and values, and do not get hoodwinked by anyone or anything that says otherwise. Venus will rejoin Pluto in March next year, as we revisit this theme in another context, and for a brief period. This time around, it may not feel so brief. It may actually feel drawn out. Venus retrograde is a time when we may be tempted to do something we would not ordinarily, in favour of the 'quiet life'. But with so much to reconsider, there may be too much to think about that we forgo the usual etiquette. Try not the burn any bridges, unless they are leading to trouble all parties concerned could do without. Venus' initial station is in Capricorn, a sign that is well able to consider others, even thought Pluto may heighten fears. Venus will return to Sagittarius by Dec 30, and retrograde until Jan 29, 2022. It's the last phase of the retrograde that we must be particularly mindful of being tempted into something we would not ordinarily do, especially after Venus meets with the Sun on Jan 9, 2022. That last few weeks can be the most tempting! But really, all of Venus retrograde can throw temptation in our path, to test our loyalties. We may question why we are doing anything, and if anything we do is appreciated, while retrograde. But we must also be on guard for reacting more dramatically than is necessary, especially with Pluto dragging the mood down into the underworld. The next few weeks are going to be dramatic enough, so we don't need to add to the drama! Mercury in Capricorn Dec 29 - Mar 6, 2022 Mercury stays a long time in Capricorn due to its retrograde from Jan 14, 2022. And while Mercury is friendly to the owner, Saturn, there is another, dark figure hanging out there that it would prefer not to do business with: Pluto. Mercury conjoins Pluto by exact degree on Dec 30, just as Mars transits the previous eclipse degree in Scorpio, at 18 degrees. This will likely trigger events leading up to Dec 30. Mars' day is on Dec 29, and a possible trigger. Add a Mercury-Pluto conjunction into the mix, and you have a recipe for a disaster that is not communicated or dealt with very effectively. And let's face it, when are they ever! Pluto taps into a primal fear, especially when triggered by the eclipse, so Mercury's usual rational approach is unlikely. This will likely result in ill-informed responses to disasters which then lead to further problems. Travel and business will be affected, as will everyday life. Mercury impacts us so much because it is all about the little things. And while we're told 'not to sweat the small stuff', that is exactly what we do. Oftentimes, we can handle the big things in life, something in us kicking in to keep us functioning. It's the small things, the everyday things that go wrong, that make us lose our sense of humour. Try to keep that by your side throughout December. It's all just a game. It may be dark, but still, it's all just a game. - As always, I wish you the very best of what the month has to offer. OM TAT SAT |