The Sun moved into sidereal Taurus on May 14, joining Mercury which has been retrograde here since May 10. Venus moves in on Jun 18, by which time Mercury will have left its shadow phase, moving beyond the point it began to retrograde. There’s a lot of attention on the sign Taurus in May/June, a very necessary counterbalance to Scorpio.
Taurus transits promote the 'good life'. But what is a good life, exactly? Well, it's many things to many people, but it all starts with the basics. It all starts with Taurus.
Taurus represents food, family and finances (think, the 3 f's), the things in life that give us stability and safety. The natural 1st sign of the zodiac represents initiation, the birth; the 2nd, the care we are given and give to others. The 1st is like planting a seed; the 2nd, watering and caring for it. The 1st rises on the horizon; the 2nd, below the horizon, as if dug into the Earth. It roots us to the planet, to Mother Earth, to a family, a community, a support structure.
Without the basics, life is hard. Opposite Taurus is Scorpio, where our most challenging lessons arrive. This is where we fear the worst; and sometimes, where the worst happens. This is where we experienced the total lunar eclipse on May15/16, the last one in Scorpio for some years. There’s another Full Moon in Scorpio on Jun 14, fueling more fears. Whether it’s wars or viruses, the planets’ transit in Taurus help to balance out Scorpio themes. Yet we don’t want to avoid Scorpio, as doing so would only make the darkness something more sinister.
At the Scorpio stage, we go beyond the basics to feel our vulnerability, knowing that one day it will all be gone. We prepare for this mentally by 'going there' in our imagination. Yet if we do that too much; if we neglect the basics by doing so, we end up 'worse for wear'.
We must explore the depths of our being, to feel all our feelings, including the bitter disappointments, the anger, the sadness. If we never felt any negative emotions, how on earth could we cope when something devastating does happen? Yet we must also satisfy the Taurus impulse, or we cannot cope with even the smallest problems.
Sometimes, we create needless problems in our heads. By doing so, we are less equipped to deal with a catastrophe when it does come along. We weaken our defences by overdoing it. Instead of fortifying our defences by administering a small amount of the threat, we pile on more stress that weakens us. We are unable to deal with any stressors if we subject our minds to more than is necessary.
Planets transiting Taurus is an antidote to Scorpio. It’s more of a ‘a walk in a park'; often, quite literally. It's a time to appreciate the simple pleasures, to ‘stop and smell the roses’. These pleasures may seem trivial to someone plunging the depths of Scorpio, but they are anything but. The senses brings us back into the moment, back to what is real. And there is nothing trivial about being fed, clothed and cared for. Take any of those away and you will know this to be true.
Yet the problem isn't that we are deprived the basics, although famines show just that for many; no, the problem many times is that we have our basic needs met and then look for something else to fret about.
We create more problems by trying to put our worry to good use. Mars, the ruler of Scorpio, doesn't know when to quit. Mars needs something to chew over (Mars also rules the 6th sign Aries from Scorpio). So, give yourself something to chew over, absolutely, but keep it in perspective. Personally, I get around this by dealing with other people's problems. No surprise then that a lot of astrologers have Scorpio prominent!
But let's get back to the basics. Let's get back to the Sun in Taurus. Let's get back to Mother Earth, holding us in her embrace.
If we don't feel supported by others, we can support ourselves. We can feed ourselves proper nutrition; one of the significations of Taurus. I'm always amazed at how many people don't have this basic need met and attribute their existential threat to a myriad of other factors.
Many times, this is due to the Moon in Scorpio, where someone is denied the ‘milk of human kindness’, maybe even their mother’s breast. They can give themselves what they may have lacked. They can nourish themselves with more positive thoughts, without denying very real threats.
Often, it is the 'malefics' aspecting the 2nd house, Taurus, Venus or the Moon, that show the denial of basic nutrition. There may be some deficiency (Saturn) or some excess that leads to problems (Rahu). If you're doing anything to excess, you're unlikely to get everything you need. Modern diets are many times nutritionally depleted, despite the many calories consumed, a ‘Rahu-type diet’ of sugar and additives, you might say.
Venus makes life bearable, if it’s hard, and more enjoyable if it's already quite good. Venus transits Taurus from Jun 18 to Jul 13, a time to be appreciated of whatever basics that support your wellbeing.
If you feel you are lacking, look to where you are blessed, the resources you do have, the food on your table, and feel the appreciation. There's always something to feel appreciative of. Get out into nature and feel the support of the ground behind your feet. Whether homeless or a multi-billionaire, we are all held by the Earth. The universe is conspiring to keep you here for a reason. Go find that reason - once you have filled your belly!
We're all in this together. We're all connected to each other. Taurus represents this communion, more than anything. Yes, we may have our own tribes, our families and communities, but we are also part of a global community.
This is why gathering together and 'breaking bread' is such a profound experience; why a dinner party is one of the most nourishing things we can do, for ourselves and for others.
Next time you are with a gathering of people, acknowledge the simple pleasures that allow you to connect. Then, 'go to the dark side' if you must; think of the worst-case scenario; imagine that one day all of this will be gone. Because, yet, one day, all of us - all of this - will be gone. Even Mother Earth will one day be done, as in roughly 4.5 billion years our Milky Way will smash into the rapidly approaching Andromeda Galaxy!
But knowing this, knowing one day all this will be over, makes the experience all the sweeter - now.
But don't dwell on these things if you are without the basics. People who don't have them don't. They have more immediate worries such as feeding hungry mouths.
And once you have taken care of you and yours, you may even be able to help others who are without, whether that's the basics of food and shelter, or care for souls who may be lost in the dark.
Om Tat Sat
Taurus transits promote the 'good life'. But what is a good life, exactly? Well, it's many things to many people, but it all starts with the basics. It all starts with Taurus.
Taurus represents food, family and finances (think, the 3 f's), the things in life that give us stability and safety. The natural 1st sign of the zodiac represents initiation, the birth; the 2nd, the care we are given and give to others. The 1st is like planting a seed; the 2nd, watering and caring for it. The 1st rises on the horizon; the 2nd, below the horizon, as if dug into the Earth. It roots us to the planet, to Mother Earth, to a family, a community, a support structure.
Without the basics, life is hard. Opposite Taurus is Scorpio, where our most challenging lessons arrive. This is where we fear the worst; and sometimes, where the worst happens. This is where we experienced the total lunar eclipse on May15/16, the last one in Scorpio for some years. There’s another Full Moon in Scorpio on Jun 14, fueling more fears. Whether it’s wars or viruses, the planets’ transit in Taurus help to balance out Scorpio themes. Yet we don’t want to avoid Scorpio, as doing so would only make the darkness something more sinister.
At the Scorpio stage, we go beyond the basics to feel our vulnerability, knowing that one day it will all be gone. We prepare for this mentally by 'going there' in our imagination. Yet if we do that too much; if we neglect the basics by doing so, we end up 'worse for wear'.
We must explore the depths of our being, to feel all our feelings, including the bitter disappointments, the anger, the sadness. If we never felt any negative emotions, how on earth could we cope when something devastating does happen? Yet we must also satisfy the Taurus impulse, or we cannot cope with even the smallest problems.
Sometimes, we create needless problems in our heads. By doing so, we are less equipped to deal with a catastrophe when it does come along. We weaken our defences by overdoing it. Instead of fortifying our defences by administering a small amount of the threat, we pile on more stress that weakens us. We are unable to deal with any stressors if we subject our minds to more than is necessary.
Planets transiting Taurus is an antidote to Scorpio. It’s more of a ‘a walk in a park'; often, quite literally. It's a time to appreciate the simple pleasures, to ‘stop and smell the roses’. These pleasures may seem trivial to someone plunging the depths of Scorpio, but they are anything but. The senses brings us back into the moment, back to what is real. And there is nothing trivial about being fed, clothed and cared for. Take any of those away and you will know this to be true.
Yet the problem isn't that we are deprived the basics, although famines show just that for many; no, the problem many times is that we have our basic needs met and then look for something else to fret about.
We create more problems by trying to put our worry to good use. Mars, the ruler of Scorpio, doesn't know when to quit. Mars needs something to chew over (Mars also rules the 6th sign Aries from Scorpio). So, give yourself something to chew over, absolutely, but keep it in perspective. Personally, I get around this by dealing with other people's problems. No surprise then that a lot of astrologers have Scorpio prominent!
But let's get back to the basics. Let's get back to the Sun in Taurus. Let's get back to Mother Earth, holding us in her embrace.
If we don't feel supported by others, we can support ourselves. We can feed ourselves proper nutrition; one of the significations of Taurus. I'm always amazed at how many people don't have this basic need met and attribute their existential threat to a myriad of other factors.
Many times, this is due to the Moon in Scorpio, where someone is denied the ‘milk of human kindness’, maybe even their mother’s breast. They can give themselves what they may have lacked. They can nourish themselves with more positive thoughts, without denying very real threats.
Often, it is the 'malefics' aspecting the 2nd house, Taurus, Venus or the Moon, that show the denial of basic nutrition. There may be some deficiency (Saturn) or some excess that leads to problems (Rahu). If you're doing anything to excess, you're unlikely to get everything you need. Modern diets are many times nutritionally depleted, despite the many calories consumed, a ‘Rahu-type diet’ of sugar and additives, you might say.
Venus makes life bearable, if it’s hard, and more enjoyable if it's already quite good. Venus transits Taurus from Jun 18 to Jul 13, a time to be appreciated of whatever basics that support your wellbeing.
If you feel you are lacking, look to where you are blessed, the resources you do have, the food on your table, and feel the appreciation. There's always something to feel appreciative of. Get out into nature and feel the support of the ground behind your feet. Whether homeless or a multi-billionaire, we are all held by the Earth. The universe is conspiring to keep you here for a reason. Go find that reason - once you have filled your belly!
We're all in this together. We're all connected to each other. Taurus represents this communion, more than anything. Yes, we may have our own tribes, our families and communities, but we are also part of a global community.
This is why gathering together and 'breaking bread' is such a profound experience; why a dinner party is one of the most nourishing things we can do, for ourselves and for others.
Next time you are with a gathering of people, acknowledge the simple pleasures that allow you to connect. Then, 'go to the dark side' if you must; think of the worst-case scenario; imagine that one day all of this will be gone. Because, yet, one day, all of us - all of this - will be gone. Even Mother Earth will one day be done, as in roughly 4.5 billion years our Milky Way will smash into the rapidly approaching Andromeda Galaxy!
But knowing this, knowing one day all this will be over, makes the experience all the sweeter - now.
But don't dwell on these things if you are without the basics. People who don't have them don't. They have more immediate worries such as feeding hungry mouths.
And once you have taken care of you and yours, you may even be able to help others who are without, whether that's the basics of food and shelter, or care for souls who may be lost in the dark.
Om Tat Sat