- Readings
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- 30 Minute Reading
30 Minute Reading
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This reading answers any specific question(s) you may have, addressing key areas of concern, while offering remedial measures in order to achieve your full potential in relation to these concerns.
This reading offers further insights for those who may have questions which arise from a previous reading - with myself or another astrologer - along with offering analysis of planetary transits and cycles as they are experienced.
This reading is also for those who do not know their time of birth or are planning an event. A chart is drawn for the time at which you ask a question, or for when you are planning to hold your event, and all of the factors involved are conveyed to you in the reading.
Choose this reading if:
This reading is also for those who do not know their time of birth or are planning an event. A chart is drawn for the time at which you ask a question, or for when you are planning to hold your event, and all of the factors involved are conveyed to you in the reading.
Choose this reading if:
- you have a specific question
- you have had readings previously and need an update on current planetary trends or cycles in your birth chart
- you do not know your time of birth and would like to ask a question
- you are planning an event and/or a special occasion and would like to give it the best possible start
- you need help with understanding something in your life