On Valentine's Day we celebrate romantic love. Venus is the planet which represents romantic love, and its position in the horoscope - along with the 7th house and its ruling planet - show how we go about finding, and keeping, a lover.
If Venus is placed in ‘fiery’ Aries, Leo or Sagittarius, the relationship needs are more dynamic and passionate. Those chocolates and flowers will go down very well for someone with Venus in any of these signs on Valentine's Day. Venus in the ‘watery’ Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces, brings an emotional expression and a need for a safe, nurturing space in a relationship. Venus in the ‘airy’ Gemini, Libra or Aquarius, brings ideas and ideals about love, and how these should be expressed. Venus in the ‘earthy’ Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, brings more practical concerns in matters of the heart. You are likely to experience a pragmatic affair and a relationship that gives you a solid foundation, and a great support for romantic love.
Certain elements work well together. The emotional depth and need for safety with Venus in a water sign, finds a home in the safe, practical environment with a partner with an earth sign Venus. A fiery Venus would be very happy to hear the words, 'I love you' from an air sign partner. The water sign Venus may be happy to hear them too; however, if you do not feel it, then it is not helpful.
Earth and water combine well, as do fire and air.
All of the signs have all of the elements contained within their building blocks. For this reason we can work with what we are dealt with in any relationship. However, if your partner has Venus in Gemini - and you have Venus in Scorpio - nothing of the words that are said will help you feel your partner's love. You may also feel loved, but the words that are spoken - or the poetry that is written for you - are not a substitute for a depth of feeling and passion of Venus in Scorpio.
Venus is only one piece of the puzzle when looking at the synergy between two individuals. Everything must be taken into account. But as Venus represents who we are attracted to - and how we attract someone into our lives - it's a pretty big piece!
12th House
Another big piece is the 12th house. Venus is exalted in Pisces, the natural 12th house of the zodiac. The 12th house in the horoscope is the area of life that deals with loss. So how does this have anything to do with relationships? The 12th house is studied to see if you have the ability to give.
The key to fulfilling relationships is actually to fill your relationships up, to just keep giving. The simple and glaringly obvious fact is that when someone stops giving, it is the beginning of the end of the relationship. And your ability to give matches your fulfillment in the relationship. If you cannot give, then you cannot be fulfilled.
You have to empty yourself into the relationship so that you can, in return, receive from your partner. When you give of yourself, you create a void - a space which can be filled with more of what you are giving to - and because a relationship is not a static experience, you must continually give for it to be continually replenished. When the giving stops, the getting also stops. And this is the beginning of the end of the relationship.
The giving I am referring to here is not merely the presentation of a box of chocolates, but a total surrender of oneself as an individual, represented by the 12th house of the zodiac.
The 12th house reflection in the horoscope represents long term relationships. To calculate this, we examine the reflection of the 12 house and its position in the horoscope, to see the partner one has the opportunity to give to. This is referred to in Vedic astrology as the arudha, meaning 'that which arises'. It shows the actual physical body of the individuals we are to meet in relationships. The planets placed in this position - the sign itself and the signs ruling planet, and any planets influencing these - must be examined to determine the individual we are going to meet to allow us to give. There are many things to examine to come to an conclusion in any given horoscope, and your horoscope can be read from this position to examine your current partner. This verifies the fact that we each have something of ourselves to meet in another, reflected back to you us in our relationships. We still have our own relationship patterns which are ours and ours alone, but we also work various issues out with various partners, alongside our own patterns of relating.
The sign of the zodiac in which this reflection of the 12th house lies, will show the kind of relationship one experiences initially in life. The first serious partner is examined from this sign. It may be a fire, water, air or earth-dominant sign. This gives clues into the relationship dynamics and the subsequent relationship dynamics. The end of this relationship is seen from the 8th house (the house of death) from this position and each subsequent relationship can be studied using this analysis.
What you will begin to see is that each subsequent relationship moves through each of the different elements. So, if you began your first relationship with an earth sign, and dealt with more practical concerns during that relationship, the subsequent relationship would be influenced by a fire sign. This brings a more dramatic and passionate need once the practical aspects of a relationship have been experienced for some time. This is, of course, assuming there is an end to the initial relationship, which may not be the case. The next relationship that is experienced in this example would be a water sign and the needs here are of an emotional longing, compared to the previous passions of a fire sign. After a water sign has been experienced, the next relationship is influenced by an air sign and the resulting need to express love in a more intellectual and abstract way once the emotional relationship has focused on emotional matters. Remember that each sign has all of the elements contained within them so we have a bit of all of these aspects to experience in all relationships. However, the dominance of a particular element shows a predominance of that aspect.
The first relationship - the position of the arudha of the 12th house - remains a key element in respect to all of your relationships throughout life. Your horoscope at the time of your birth has an impact on your life, and yet the planets have continued to move and change their patterns ever since. Both the analysis of the initial relationship, and the subsequent relationships, are required to gain a holistic perspective with respect to each subsequent relationship experienced.
To calculate the arudha of the 12th house (what is referred to commonly as the Upapada Lagna - UL) you must see what planet rules your 12th house. See where that planet is positioned in your horoscope. Count form your 12th house to the position of the planet in question, making sure to count inclusively. So, for example, if your 12th house is Taurus (ruled by Venus) and Venus is placed in Cancer, then counting from Taurus to Cancer gives a count of 3. Finally, you must count the same number of signs from where the planet in question is placed, in order to reach the reflection of the 12th house. In the example given, you would count 3 signs from Cancer to the sign Virgo. In this example the UL, or arudha of the 12th house, would be seen from Virgo. This would represent the first serious relationship for the individual, and would indicate the dynamics involved.
The only time this calculation does not work is if the count brings you to the opposite sign to the 12th house, or if the planet ruling the 12th house is actually placed in the 12th house. In either of these cases, you must count another 10 signs away from these positions in order to arrive at the reflection of the 12th.
Most Vedic astrology software will calculate this for you, and the arudha of the 12th will either be given the abbreviation UL or A12 in your Vedic horoscope. This position, and the sign and planets involved with this sign, all give an indication of your relationship dynamics, along with the initial experience of a long-term, and hopefully fulfilling, relationship.
Fast Love
One effective remedy used in Vedic astrology is to fast on a particular day for the relationship in question. If your 12th house arudha was placed in Virgo, then you would fast on Wednesday for your relationships, regardless of whether this was an initial or subsequent relationship. The initial position takes precedence in this case.
You may be experiencing your second, third or fourth relationship, but the initial position is taken into account for a fast.
The planet in this case is Mercury which rules Virgo and the day of the week is Wednesday (Mercredi). The days of the week from Sunday to Saturday are ruled by the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. Saturday is also taken into account forRahu, the north node of the Moon, and Tuesday for Ketu, the south node. However, their rulership in this calculation is more complicated and requires an astrologers interpretation. Luckily most resources will provide this information for you, already calculated by a computer software.
Fasting on a particular day of the week creates a void for your relationship to be filled. Once you observe a fast you leave space in your life, and for the partner. You also leave this space open for a partner to enter your life if you are single, or more of your current relationship to come into your experience, if it is a case that there is a distance created between the two of you.
There are other factors that are taken into account with respect to the continuation of a particular relationship. One of the key factors would be to look at the second house from where your 12th house arudha (UL) is placed. The second house is the area of sustenance, and if it is supported then the relationship will continue. This may or may not be a good thing, however. A challenging relationship that has good support may last a lifetime, even though both partners are unhappy in the relationship. A happy relationship without any support leads to a breakup.
Awareness of these influences, as well as the ability to fast, as you give to your partner, are effective ways of of maintaining long-term, fulfilling relationships.
If Venus is placed in ‘fiery’ Aries, Leo or Sagittarius, the relationship needs are more dynamic and passionate. Those chocolates and flowers will go down very well for someone with Venus in any of these signs on Valentine's Day. Venus in the ‘watery’ Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces, brings an emotional expression and a need for a safe, nurturing space in a relationship. Venus in the ‘airy’ Gemini, Libra or Aquarius, brings ideas and ideals about love, and how these should be expressed. Venus in the ‘earthy’ Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, brings more practical concerns in matters of the heart. You are likely to experience a pragmatic affair and a relationship that gives you a solid foundation, and a great support for romantic love.
Certain elements work well together. The emotional depth and need for safety with Venus in a water sign, finds a home in the safe, practical environment with a partner with an earth sign Venus. A fiery Venus would be very happy to hear the words, 'I love you' from an air sign partner. The water sign Venus may be happy to hear them too; however, if you do not feel it, then it is not helpful.
Earth and water combine well, as do fire and air.
All of the signs have all of the elements contained within their building blocks. For this reason we can work with what we are dealt with in any relationship. However, if your partner has Venus in Gemini - and you have Venus in Scorpio - nothing of the words that are said will help you feel your partner's love. You may also feel loved, but the words that are spoken - or the poetry that is written for you - are not a substitute for a depth of feeling and passion of Venus in Scorpio.
Venus is only one piece of the puzzle when looking at the synergy between two individuals. Everything must be taken into account. But as Venus represents who we are attracted to - and how we attract someone into our lives - it's a pretty big piece!
12th House
Another big piece is the 12th house. Venus is exalted in Pisces, the natural 12th house of the zodiac. The 12th house in the horoscope is the area of life that deals with loss. So how does this have anything to do with relationships? The 12th house is studied to see if you have the ability to give.
The key to fulfilling relationships is actually to fill your relationships up, to just keep giving. The simple and glaringly obvious fact is that when someone stops giving, it is the beginning of the end of the relationship. And your ability to give matches your fulfillment in the relationship. If you cannot give, then you cannot be fulfilled.
You have to empty yourself into the relationship so that you can, in return, receive from your partner. When you give of yourself, you create a void - a space which can be filled with more of what you are giving to - and because a relationship is not a static experience, you must continually give for it to be continually replenished. When the giving stops, the getting also stops. And this is the beginning of the end of the relationship.
The giving I am referring to here is not merely the presentation of a box of chocolates, but a total surrender of oneself as an individual, represented by the 12th house of the zodiac.
The 12th house reflection in the horoscope represents long term relationships. To calculate this, we examine the reflection of the 12 house and its position in the horoscope, to see the partner one has the opportunity to give to. This is referred to in Vedic astrology as the arudha, meaning 'that which arises'. It shows the actual physical body of the individuals we are to meet in relationships. The planets placed in this position - the sign itself and the signs ruling planet, and any planets influencing these - must be examined to determine the individual we are going to meet to allow us to give. There are many things to examine to come to an conclusion in any given horoscope, and your horoscope can be read from this position to examine your current partner. This verifies the fact that we each have something of ourselves to meet in another, reflected back to you us in our relationships. We still have our own relationship patterns which are ours and ours alone, but we also work various issues out with various partners, alongside our own patterns of relating.
The sign of the zodiac in which this reflection of the 12th house lies, will show the kind of relationship one experiences initially in life. The first serious partner is examined from this sign. It may be a fire, water, air or earth-dominant sign. This gives clues into the relationship dynamics and the subsequent relationship dynamics. The end of this relationship is seen from the 8th house (the house of death) from this position and each subsequent relationship can be studied using this analysis.
What you will begin to see is that each subsequent relationship moves through each of the different elements. So, if you began your first relationship with an earth sign, and dealt with more practical concerns during that relationship, the subsequent relationship would be influenced by a fire sign. This brings a more dramatic and passionate need once the practical aspects of a relationship have been experienced for some time. This is, of course, assuming there is an end to the initial relationship, which may not be the case. The next relationship that is experienced in this example would be a water sign and the needs here are of an emotional longing, compared to the previous passions of a fire sign. After a water sign has been experienced, the next relationship is influenced by an air sign and the resulting need to express love in a more intellectual and abstract way once the emotional relationship has focused on emotional matters. Remember that each sign has all of the elements contained within them so we have a bit of all of these aspects to experience in all relationships. However, the dominance of a particular element shows a predominance of that aspect.
The first relationship - the position of the arudha of the 12th house - remains a key element in respect to all of your relationships throughout life. Your horoscope at the time of your birth has an impact on your life, and yet the planets have continued to move and change their patterns ever since. Both the analysis of the initial relationship, and the subsequent relationships, are required to gain a holistic perspective with respect to each subsequent relationship experienced.
To calculate the arudha of the 12th house (what is referred to commonly as the Upapada Lagna - UL) you must see what planet rules your 12th house. See where that planet is positioned in your horoscope. Count form your 12th house to the position of the planet in question, making sure to count inclusively. So, for example, if your 12th house is Taurus (ruled by Venus) and Venus is placed in Cancer, then counting from Taurus to Cancer gives a count of 3. Finally, you must count the same number of signs from where the planet in question is placed, in order to reach the reflection of the 12th house. In the example given, you would count 3 signs from Cancer to the sign Virgo. In this example the UL, or arudha of the 12th house, would be seen from Virgo. This would represent the first serious relationship for the individual, and would indicate the dynamics involved.
The only time this calculation does not work is if the count brings you to the opposite sign to the 12th house, or if the planet ruling the 12th house is actually placed in the 12th house. In either of these cases, you must count another 10 signs away from these positions in order to arrive at the reflection of the 12th.
Most Vedic astrology software will calculate this for you, and the arudha of the 12th will either be given the abbreviation UL or A12 in your Vedic horoscope. This position, and the sign and planets involved with this sign, all give an indication of your relationship dynamics, along with the initial experience of a long-term, and hopefully fulfilling, relationship.
Fast Love
One effective remedy used in Vedic astrology is to fast on a particular day for the relationship in question. If your 12th house arudha was placed in Virgo, then you would fast on Wednesday for your relationships, regardless of whether this was an initial or subsequent relationship. The initial position takes precedence in this case.
You may be experiencing your second, third or fourth relationship, but the initial position is taken into account for a fast.
The planet in this case is Mercury which rules Virgo and the day of the week is Wednesday (Mercredi). The days of the week from Sunday to Saturday are ruled by the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. Saturday is also taken into account forRahu, the north node of the Moon, and Tuesday for Ketu, the south node. However, their rulership in this calculation is more complicated and requires an astrologers interpretation. Luckily most resources will provide this information for you, already calculated by a computer software.
Fasting on a particular day of the week creates a void for your relationship to be filled. Once you observe a fast you leave space in your life, and for the partner. You also leave this space open for a partner to enter your life if you are single, or more of your current relationship to come into your experience, if it is a case that there is a distance created between the two of you.
There are other factors that are taken into account with respect to the continuation of a particular relationship. One of the key factors would be to look at the second house from where your 12th house arudha (UL) is placed. The second house is the area of sustenance, and if it is supported then the relationship will continue. This may or may not be a good thing, however. A challenging relationship that has good support may last a lifetime, even though both partners are unhappy in the relationship. A happy relationship without any support leads to a breakup.
Awareness of these influences, as well as the ability to fast, as you give to your partner, are effective ways of of maintaining long-term, fulfilling relationships.