Mercury stations direct on Jun 3, leading to a forward momentum around everyday plans. Yet Saturn’s retrograde at the beginning of Aquarius by Jun 4 shows we have some things to redo. Saturn's station signals its return to Capricorn in July, by which time we must get back to the drawing board to re-draught certain long term plans. Venus conjoins Uranus in Aries on Jun 11, before meeting with the shadow of Rahu by Jun 15. We must keep an open mind about what we’re presented with, especially due to the ongoing Mars-Jupiter-Neptune configuration in Pisces. There are likely some surprising turn of events, some of which are most welcome. The Sun enters Gemini on Jun 15, after an intense full Moon at the very end of Scorpio, on Jun 14. We've had our fair share of Scorpio-related themes, including yet another virus coming to prominence. We could do with a little time out. For that, we can count on Venus in Taurus from Jun 18. Venus leaves the surprises behind for a more stable time in Taurus. Yes, Rahu still aspects, but Venus is now home and eager to nest – even if Rahu has made a mess! The economy and supply issues can begin to repair at this stage, I imagine. But there are likely more complications involved. On Jun 26, Mars moves into Aries, its home sign. This places Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn all in their own signs. This is a powerful time. Yet, we must ask: Powerful for what? Mars in Aries must deal with two very unpredictable guests: Uranus and Rahu. Not that Mars is prone to put its feet up in Aries. And anyway, it cannot, with Saturn looking on. Aries is getting a lot of attention from Mars, Saturn, Uranus and Rahu, so our energy may be all over the place. With all 'malefics' impacting the sign, we must be kind to this area of our lives. This includes being kind to our mistakes. Neptune stations retrograde on Jun 28, at 1 degree of Pisces. It returns to Aquarius for one last time later in September, before returning to Pisces next year. For now, we must put down whatever we’ve been using to tune out and think about some pressing issues that were not dealt with in Aquarius in recent years. Mercury stations Direct Jun 3 Mercury's direct stations are a time of heightened anticipation. The air is thick with potential and excitment for what's to come. You are likely having a sense of some details being worked out and moving forward at last, after a few weeks of retreat and review. Yet Mercury takes its time in changing direction, requiring patience as you let go of how you think should be. As Mercury stations, Saturn aspects from the beginning of Aquarius, where it is now also stationing - retrograde. So, we must be extra patient. Saturn and Mercury stay in this square configuration for longer due to both of their stations. It may be hard to tell if you are more excited or more fearful of what is happening. We must keep an open mind and a level head as Mercury slows to an apparent halt at the first degree of Taurus. And we must be willing to take a step back with Saturn's station at the first degree of Aquarius, so we can gauge how things we do now pan out in the long run. Saturn stations Retrograde Jun 4 Saturn stations every year around this time, so it's not unusual. We usually spend much of the middle of every year, every year, looking at our long term plans, how our lives are progressing. We take a step back to evaluate objectives. We must slow down as we do so, to take the most appropriate route. Saturn's stations are a time to slow down. June is likely to feel as if things are grinding to a halt in many ways, in relation to our long term objectives. Saturn's retrograde at the first degree of Aquarius means it takes it back to Capricorn, back to themes we would prefer to forget and move on from. There's still more work to do, and work to rework, with respect to recent themes. There are many choices we could make in theory, yet Saturn is often experienced as having only one choice left, after all other options have been removed. Saturn is a process of cancellation, of reduction. By doing so, we figure out where to go next. The whole process of Saturn's retrograde is like a birthing process, taking almost 9 months for it to move past the point it returns to, before moving out of this zone. The forming of a life in the womb of what could be re-invents us every year. Through this process of maturation, we learn how much we can take on, and how much we must let go of. It's not an easy process, of course. Sometimes, we take on too much. Saturn burdens us, because we must learn when to say ''enough is enough''. Saturn's retrograde intensifies this whole process. It asks us to look at what we've been doing and whether we should rethink our strategy. It asks us to draw healthier boundaries, after having committed too much time and energy to ... whatever. This play outs in different ways for each rising and/or Moon sign. Here are a few questions and possibilities for each sign for the next few months' review: Aries: Is your work worth it? Are you getting paid enough for what you do? Do your ambitions need to be recalibrated? Taurus: Is your work meaningful? Could you be doing something more purposeful? Is there something you need to redo? Are you getting the recognition you deserve? Gemini: Do your beliefs need a revamp? Do unexpected changes open your mind? Are you open to new possibilities? Cancer: Do you need to have a conversation with your partner about your financial situation? Do you need to draw a line under something to move on - together or apart? Leo: Is there some issue with your partner you must deal with, no matter how uncomfortable? Are you taking it out on your partner? Should you deal with your demons first? Virgo: Are you dealing with some conflict with your children, students or followers? Is there a new way you could approach the problem? Can you think 'outside the box' on this one? Libra: Is there a new way you could approach your children and/or followers? Is there some creative expression you could do with looking back over, so you can find better ways of expressing yourself? Scorpio: Is there something to communicate at home you have not? Might this be a good time to rethink how you express yourself? Have you spoken to your mother lately? Sagittarius: Is it time to think about what you say to yourself everyday? Is it time to think about what and who you value, and let everything else go? Capricorn: Is this a good time to think about what you value? Is this a good time to take one long, hard look at yourself and decide what must change for once and for all? Aquarius: Is there something you are still holding onto that is doing you no favors? Is it time to drop the extra baggage and move on with your life? Pisces: Is there something you must surrender to get what you want? Is it time to let of how you think it should be, so it can be all it can be? Full Moon in Scorpio (Jyeṣṭhā) Jun 14 Full Moon in Scorpio, take two! Here we go again; another Full Moon in Scorpio. It's another intense emotional period, following the total lunar eclipse in Scorpio last month. If you're not already jaded by the emotional intensity, here's where you may be. Emotions, as opposed to feelings, are interesting. Feelings are felt, in the moment. Emotions have a time-based component. Scorpio invariably brings up the past (Ketu), so we can prepare for an imagined future. You can see where the problem lies with this tactic. Scorpio gets us stuck in 'what if's'. In the extreme, Scorpio is catastrophizing. Or, we may overcompensate and put on a happy face, smiling through gritted teeth. We may pretend we're okay. If we don't wish to look at how we are feeling, we end up feeling worse. Yet if we overdo it and spend too long dwelling on what is unlikely to happen, we also feel bad. There's a thin line between preparing for the worst (Scorpio) and hoping for the best (Sagittarius), and that thin line is called gandanta in Indian astrology. Gandanta is like a 'no man's land' between these two signs, where we may feel a likkle bit lost for a time. When a Full Moon occurs here, we must be open to feeling raw and exposed, tossed around and helpless with how we feel, whatever emotions are coming up from the depths. It may be an event, a global or localized happening that stirs these feelings in you. The thing is, we are not at all helpless in what is the most meaningful expression of the Moon in Scorpio; that is, we do have control of what is most important: our reactions to what is happening. We may not be able to change events or circumstances (transits and dashas), but we can control our reactions. That is all the control Scorpio needs. It's quite a tragedy it's its own worst enemy, in that it doesn't know when to quit. We spend all our precious energy trying to control things we cannot. We're then left with little to be able to deal with what we can. This Full Moon in Scorpio, at the very last degree of the sign, is a time to quit whatever thoughts are not helpful to any particular situation. It's a time to rise above the reactive mind, from the instincts of the scorpion, to soar like an eagle. By soaring above life's problems, you don't dissociate from them, you get new perspectives on old issues. Rahu in Bharaṇī Jun 14, 2022 - Feb 21, 2023 Rahu transits Bharaṇī from mid-summer and for the rest of the year, a star sign that is ruled by Yama, the 'lord of death'. Yama could be called the 'god of discipline'. It's said to be the lunar mansion Rahu was born under. Interesting, for the most chaotic 'planet' to be in any way associated with discipline. But of course, that is what Rahu teaches ultimately. It teaches us that without discipline, we cannot be free. One possibility of Rahu's transit in Bharaṇī is to be able to discipline ourselves and the erratic energy of Rahu. But if we do not know what Rahu is, how can we discipline it? What are we trying to discipline? Is it greed? Yes. Is it disorder and chaos? Yet, absolutely. Everyone could do with less of those. But Rahu also rules something specific in each person's horoscope. It's good to know what exactly you could do with restraining, so you can find your freedom. This is the crucial point about this lunar mansion. It's all about making something happen by being disciplined. It's about producing something through 'bearing down' on it and making it happen, no matter what. Rahu is all or nothing about all of this, of course. This means we are likely to see many ups and downs with being able to focus on anything, on being able to produce something. We may swing wildly between hyper-focus and an inability to focus on anything. We may produce a great deal at one stage, and then nothing for weeks. A more balanced approach is to ... well, just do what you must and see what you can make happen. But don't be too hard on yourself if you don't get it all done, or if you are sporadic in doing anything. When Rahu is active, we ask much of ourselves - life asks much of us. Rahu leaves Krittika behind as it enters a new lunar mansion. Hopefully, it leaves some of the issues around increased resources and energy bills behind, although economic predictions are for more of an increase. At least Rahu removes the blocks to resources, even if it may also remove the block to yet further inflation! Sun in Gemini Jun 14 - Jul 15 Sun in Gemini transits are a time of year to have fun and interact more. It's when festivals of all kinds take place. Gemini is all about the engagement, the intercourse. The Sanskrit word for Gemini (M[a]ithuna) literally translates at sexual intercourse. Gemini is censored in modern astrology and seen as the twins. That leaves out a critical component of the sign, the interplay between the masculine and feminine. Gemini is the most dual of the signs, in a way. It represents the neutralizing of both our masculine and feminine nature. It brings them into balance. Yet it can also neutralize the passion. Mercury, the sign's ruler, represents the third gender. Yet you don't have to identify with a third gender to identify with Gemini, you just have to recognize that you have both masculine and feminine qualities within you. Whenever you find balance between any two extremes, it opens up a possibility of seeing both sides. Yet we know the pitfalls of doing so. Gemini knows this all too well. If you take on board too much information, you never let the mind settle on any one thing, whether it's opinions, or whatever. Gemini is one of the more mentally stimulating signs. It's an air sign, ruled by a planet that likes to move back and forth a lot (retrograde). The Sun's entry into Gemini brings it into a neutral space, a sort of liminal space between worlds, in a way. Much like travel, one of the key significations of Gemini, there's a sort of liminal space of not being at home, and yet not having arrived at our final destination. Gemini represents places of play, art, media, especially social media, travel, adventure, business and trade. All of these are highlighted during the Sun's transit, as well as the area of your life you experience the sign. Whatever area that is for you, it's probably a place where you like to have some fun and interact. This would be a good time to do just that. Venus in Taurus Jun 18 - Jul 13 Ah, welcome home Venus! Venus enters its own sign for some R & R. And it couldn't come at a better time. With recent events and transits reflecting the many challenges, when Venus comes to save the day, we may be too jaded to fully appreciate it. Thankfully, Venus in Taurus has plenty to offer we can appreciate. Venus in Taurus is a time to 'stop and smell the roses'. It's a time when we can come to our senses and enjoy sensual pleasure, relationships and the arts. It's usually an enjoyable time. This year is no exception, although the enjoyment itself may feel more poignant. Whatever area of your life Taurus represents, this is a great time to enjoy this. Whether it's a person or a thing you do, Venus in Taurus can make you feel good around that person or that thing. Read an article I wrote about Planets in Taurus. Solstice Jun 21 The Solstice occurs on Jun 21 at 10.13 BST (UT +1). This is the longest day of the year at the northern hemisphere and the shortest day at the southern. It's a peak period, any which way. This also represents a change in direction; not a change of sidereal sign (Sun moves into Tropical Cancer), but a change in direction from north to south or vice versa, depending on your location. Whether it's a peak experience of the summer or winter, there's a need to take some time to ride the crest, to hold still while we transition through the change of our luminary. As Saturn stations at this time also, it's probably a good idea to slow down. As the Sun changes direction, it is opposite the galactic centre in Sagittarius, where the recent photo of a black hole was taken. In a way, this is the furthest we can journey away from our center, before we journey back to our core. When changing direction, we have an opportunity to re-orientate ourselves around a center that holds. Mars in Aries Jun 26 - Aug 10 Now that Mars moves into its own sign, we have nearly all the visible planets in their own signs, right at home. This bodes well for being more productive and determined in whatever we are doing, as Venus in Taurus and Saturn in Aquarius are willing to stick to it, while Mars in Aries is willing to just do it. Jupiter in Pisces sees all the many possibilities in whatever we are doing. There are a lot of strengths to make the most of in the coming weeks as a result. Now, before we get ahead of ourselves (pardon the pun), let's visit some of the potential pitfalls of Mars in Aries. Mars is strong, yes, but it's also meeting with Uranus and Rahu - at the exact same degree - by Aug 1. This does not bode well for peace on earth. I have some ideas about how this might play out, none of which point to a walk in the park! Mars in Aries alone is liable to trigger explosive events around the world. Mars con Uranus et Rahu is likely to be so explosive, so hot and erratic, a wildfire to beat all wildfires, that I cannot even imagine the destruction the planet's about to face this summer. And yet, there is so much we can personally do with this transit, so much we can overcome, that it would probably be a good idea to get on board now, as soon as Mars enters the sign. The potential here is to clear a road block, to overcome a weakness or something we have been grappling with, to find strength in our own capabilities. Yes, we may make mistakes we later regret. But really, is there any mistakes from a bigger perspective? By taking actions now, we learn what to do next. If it doesn't work, try something else. Don't beat yourself up. That would be a waste of an energy that is best directed into positive actions. And get in touch with your shadow self, the very things you appear to fear, which are, in fact, the very things you want. As the saying goes, 'Everything you want lies beyond your fears'. There is much to fear here, but there is so much to gain in overcoming our fears. You got this! New Moon in Gemini (Ārdrā) Jun 29 The New Moon draws us inward once again. This time, it asks us to reset our intentions in Gemini and Ārdrā lunar mansion, a star sign symbolized by a teardrop, and rains, bringing clarity and purpose. Yet there must be tears before clarity arrives. There must at least be a storm of some kind, before a return to stillness. The New Moon day is always more erratic, a little 'spacey'. It's ruled by Rahu. And Rahu is also associated with this lunar mansion, which means we are due a major emotional blow out, before we can reset and move on. One of the myths around this lunar mansion is of not having a name. We cry when we don't have a sense of who we are. Rahu channels this into wishing to 'be somebody', to acheive something worldly. You may find yourself looking for a purpose, a new title, a new position or new direction in life, during the new lunar month. Take some time for this New Moon to renovate your life, blowing out the cobwebs and re-setting your intentions. Have a good clear out if that helps. 'Out with the old and in with the new' is your motto for the New Moon and coming month. - As always, I wish you the very best of what the month has to offer. Om Tat Sat |