Uranus Stations Retrograde Aug. 3 Uranus is the planet of surprise and upheaval, said to rule the sign Aquarius in modern Western astrology. Although Vedic astrology does not ascribe rulership to the ‘outer planets’, there are very valid reasons why modern astrologers would give Aquarius to Uranus. Aquarius is co-ruled by Rahu, the north node according to Vedic astrologers, and is likened to Uranus in many ways. Uranus and the north node both represent shocks and upheavals. Uranus begins its retrograde phase in Mars’ sign in August, bringing us back to the shocking issues of the past year, charging the atmosphere. Added to that, Saturn is retrograde in Mars’ other sign, Scorpio, creating a stressful time for renegotiation, especially as Mars itself transits its weakest sign through the end of August. Saturn represents form and structure, while Uranus represents the need to break free from constriction. Having Mars weakly placed for most of August, we lack the courage to break free from what we know is falling apart. Expect the unexpected with Uranus, as always. And, as usual, the position of Rahu in Leo (another fire sign), will play a bit part in how Vedic astrologers interpret these unusual events. Unlike Uranus, Rahu is always retrograde, although it is sometimes seen to station when the true node position is calculated. This is the situation in August, as Rahu stops moving at the very edge of Leo, before it moves into Cancer by September 9 (true nodes). This is sensitive juncture, known as gandanta, and one which will no doubt bring with it many surprises in August and beyond, as the nodes hem in all of the planets on one side from September. Full Moon in Capricorn Partial Lunar Eclipse Aug. 7 The Moon reaches its fullest in Saturn’s sign Capricorn, opposite the Sun in Cancer. The full Moon can be likened to end of the exhale, with our attention moving outward into the world. Saturn's influence on this full Moon and partial eclipse requires a loving detachment while we interact. As the Moon moves into the mouth of the eclipse, it lines up opposite Mars, with an influence from both Saturn and Jupiter. Mars’ weakness in Cancer instills a sense of frustration, while Saturn and Jupiter bring a more balanced approach. Observe your breathing during the eclipse. Watch as you inhale and expand naturally (Jupiter), noticing the still point at the end of the inhalation. Then observe as you exhale naturally (Saturn), observing the still point at the end of the exhalation. Notice the quality of the fullness at the end of the inhalation, and the quality of the emptiness at the end of the exhalation. Do you feel 'spacey' or 'floaty' at the fullness of the inhale? Do you feel contained and solid at the end of the exhale? Changes are afoot this month, which can feel uncertain as things shift around us. Find your true self witnessing these inevitable changes; a quiet and motionless observer of the never-ending ebb and flow of life. Mercury Retrograde in Leo Aug. 13 – Sept. 5 Mercury is in complete combustion by August 27, and as such is considered to be a ‘new Mercury’. After this, the picture starts to come into focus, but slowly. As Mercury stations retrograde, it is less of a ‘new’ Mercury, and more of a period to rewind and review. It's time to step back and work out all that has gone before. Ordinarily, Mercury does not pose too much of a problem when doing so. Yes, the usual precautions must be observed, e. g. making sure you take your time in communicating and while travelling, double checking everything in relation to everyday matters. This Mercury retrograde, however, has a lot of malefic force to it. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, as long as you can use it to your advantage, and make the appropriate adjustments. But overall, we must deal with this retrograde in challenging circumstances. Be mindful of this if travelling during this period. Saturn aspects from Mars’ sign Scorpio, while Mars itself is creeping up on Mercury from Cancer, bringing all of its frustrations with it, as it enters Leo by the end of August. Rahu is at the very edge of Leo and its transit with Mercury only serves to exaggerate and confuse the issues. The exact conjunction of Mars and Mercury is on September 4/5, when they both move over the solar eclipse degree. Mercury stations at this degree on September 5. Are you ready to have this area of your life twist and turn in ways you never would have imagined? We may find ourselves ‘bent out of shape’ during Mercury’s retrograde in Leo, and at a loss with the guiding planets, Venus and Jupiter in Mercury's signs, but as long as we remain flexible (a challenge for the fixed sign Leo), the exercise will serve to undo much of our limited, preconceived ideas about how our life should progress by the time Mercury begins to move forward in September. Keep an open mind throughout. Sun in Leo Aug. 16 – Sept. 15 Once the Sun enters Leo, it crosses the north node of the Moon, Rahu. And once the Moon reaches Leo on August 21, we have a full solar eclipse due to Rahu’s proximity. The full solar eclipse is intense for many reasons: Saturn aspects the eclipsed Sun from its stationary position in Scorpio. Mars is debilitated in Cancer and moving into Leo as it conjoins Rahu, which is stationary (true node), as it crosses from Leo to Cancer. Mars and Mercury transit to this degree by the beginning of September. Mercury stations at the eclipse degree, just as Mars joins it. Ketu, the ruler of the lunar sign Magha, where Mars transits the eclipse degree, is itself moving signs, from Aquarius to Capricorn, exchanging signs with Saturn in Scorpio. Phew! One could easily put only a negative spin on all of this, of course. The presence of Mars in Leo, later in August and into September is likely to push issues out into the open in an abrupt manner, but this is only relevant for certain people, in certain circumstances. However, we all have to readjust to the changes on some level. In a general sense, the Sun in Leo highlights governance, royalty, entertainment and speculation. For your own experience, you will need to look at the area highlighted in your own birth chart to see where you seek power, while giving or taking, as the case may be. The Sun’s presence in Leo will help with giving. However, as soon as the Sun enters the sign it moves over the north node on August 16. We need to be mindful of using our power to manipulate others, and ask ourselves if we are giving of ourselves without an agenda. Leaders around the world are no different. Lunar Nodes Change Signs (Mean Nodes) Aug. 18 The north node, Rahu moves into Cancer, exaggerating home security, which can create excessive emotions, or its opposite: suppression. The south node, Ketu has already created an eclipse in Capricorn, with its position for the next 18 months bringing with it a need to balance our emotional life with our responsibilities. Ketu’s influence will ensure we are focused on career plans. However, the focus may not what we would normally expect. Ketu requires giving something up, creating something more meaningful, instilling fear if we are holding on too tight to rigid forms that are giving way. As I wrote in my yearly forecast; ‘The south node’s entry into Capricorn continues Saturn’s influence, but instead of creating a need to look at humanities worsening crisis, [Aquarius] we are now asked to take responsibility for our own lives - and more importantly our inner lives. At the same time we may want to rule to the hills and forget about all our responsibilities’. The balance of these transits, the need to become whole, lies between taking responsibility for our actions, while expressing our true emotions. A tricky balance indeed! Any imbalance plays out in more obvious ways for those on either end of the scale: for those in Ketu or Rahu cycles, as well as those who have the nodes positioned in Caner/Capricorn from birth. Venus in Cancer Aug. 21 - Sept. 15 Venus moves into Cancer during the new Moon phase in August. Venus is in an emotive mood in Cancer, sentimental and caring. Gone are the adventures and choices available in Gemini. These are replaced in favour of nurturing relationships at home, in safe surroundings, with dependable people. Venus enters Cancer from one end, while Rahu, the north node enters Cancer from the other. The conjunction of these two occurs by September 14, but their movement towards each other teaches us an important lesson in restraint, but only after we have had our fill! Rahu exaggerates the emotions and emotional bonds, to the point where we can get lost in our feelings and longings. Venus brings with it a need for love and pleasure seeking that can lead to neediness and issues of co-dependency. Venus in Cancer can be witnessed when communities come together for each other's support, as they reminisce. On September 11, a date that is forever weighted with charged emotions, the Moon moves into Taurus as both exchange signs. This can express itself in 'practical sentimentality', as people gather to remember and reflect. New Moon in Leo Total Solar Eclipse August 21 The new Moon in Magha in Leo is symbolic of a throne of power. The Sun, and those in power, are temporarily eclipsed. This can bring up hidden agendas. It’s as if we can see through the brilliance of someone’s veneer, to gain more insights into the situation. Something is brought to light that has hitherto remained hidden. The American President, Donald Trump has his ascendant degree very close to this eclipse (within 2 degrees) and his natal Mars even closer (within one degree). Mars returns to his natal position shortly after this eclipse, forcing things out into the open by September, making this an important turning point for America, especially when the eclipse's path, and the America's current cycle, are taken into account. This new Moon/solar eclipse is a very potent day. It’s a day best spent in quiet contemplation and mediation, if possible. It is, at the very least, an opportune time to be still, as insights are up for grabs – in relation to the area of your life Leo represents, as well as any planets you may have at the early degrees of the sign. Those with planets or prominent positions in either Leo or Aquarius will feel things shift around more so, but we all feel a sense of things changing, which makes this period feel slippery and uncertain. For timing of this eclipse for your locale, click here Saturn Stations Direct Aug. 25 Saturn’s station drills down into the issues, with no interest in sparing our blushes. We need to find healthy outlets for any suppressed fear. Saturn's station grinds things to a halt by the end of August, and into September, as Mars comes into alignment with the eclipse degree. Aligning ourselves with the intensity of the end of this summer, may mean staying with uncomfortable feelings until they have passed. Once we can stay with these feelings, they pass much quicker anyway. We no longer suppress or blunt our feelings by avoidance, only for them to return even stronger later. Feel it. Be it. Transcend it. Slowly move on. Mars enters Leo Aug. 27
Mars crosses the sensitive juncture between water and fire by August 27 as it crosses the north node, Rahu. Mars and Rahu are not easy bed fellows, least of all when both are weakly placed at a sensitive juncture. Mars’ recent weakness now explodes into defiance, as fire, water and wind combine to release huge amounts of energy in destructive ways. This clears the air, ultimately. Hold your nerve, as Mars passes the eclipse degree by the first week of September. Saturn's influence on Mars, with Mars strongly influencing Saturn in Scorpio, creates a need to focus all of our strength and courage in moving beyond our self-imposed limitations in September. It may not play out as you imagined, but it’s playing out exactly as it’s meant to. And with your openness, and spirit of adventure, you can make the most of the new place you find yourself in by the time September unfolds. OM TAT SAT |