Jupiter & Pluto re-enter Sagittarius June 30 Let's go back. Back to make sense of things, to figure it all out. Let's take a minute, shall we? Or perhaps a few months! Jupiter is the planet of order and clarity, expressed more internally as it retrogrades. It's more obvious expressions in the world around us are changes in laws and policies which keep a sense of order. It's retrograde in the sign of laws suggest many changes indeed. Pluto, on the other hand, is the planet of disorder and confusion, expressed in the need to change, or to hold on even when we know we need to change. If only we were able to let go of the old ways of being, we would free up so much energy up in the process. Think about how much energy you spend on your past, on who you used to be, or how it used to be. As scary as it is, if we can let go of the ways things were, the way we were, the better off we will be, and the more energy we will have for our new lives, waiting for us on the other side. The story that's been told by Jupiter and Pluto returning to a sign they have already left is that the butterfly, only half exposed, emerging from the chrysalis, must be put back for now, so we can pretend everything is as it was. We are not ready for the inevitable changes, apparently. This is a process, of course. We will need more time to ready ourselves for the bigger changes to come. I cannot even imagine what those changes are, but I do know these transits suggest the kinds of changes that will be with us forever more - or at least until the next time Pluto comes around to Capricorn to meet with Jupiter again - in 2269! Right now, the old ways must die. It will help to ask a few questions at this point: What are you holding onto? What old ways of being are you clinging to? What needs to be relinquished, or at the very least, needs to be changed so that it is no longer how you once did it? Look to the signs Sagittarius through Pisces to see where in your life you are experiencing the biggest changes. Jupiter represents growth, while Pluto represents decay, all held within the container of Saturn. The fact that they are both on the edge of two signs suggest a tricky transition in July, as growth of one thing (the virus) temporarily hampers optimism and financial growth. Jupiter joins Ketu, the south node, in Sagittarius, where we saw the start of the viral outbreak, but at least it is a very wide orb for Jupiter's transit in Sagittarius, and Jupiter is strong in its own sign. Once Jupiter breaks away from Pluto a little, and moves further into its own sign Sagittarius, we can access a more hopeful outlook. Yes, Jupiter will return to Saturn's sign by November, but it begins to break away from Pluto's dissolution in December, as will Saturn, bringing the much needed structural changes that will help us to feel more grounded in something real. Right now, things seem unreal and perplexing. While we could take the view that Jupiter's conjunction with Pluto shows growth (Jupiter) in deaths (Pluto), we could also turn this around: Pluto's conjunction with Jupiter shows the decay of further viral growth. I may be sugar-coating that one! We've seen both already of course. No matter how many deaths there have been, there could have been many, many more, and, although the economy and people's lives had to suffer in other ways for this, many lives have been saved. There are no easy answers here and taking the nodes' transits into account, there won't be a substantial let up in the fear levels until the end of September, once Ketu moves out of Sagittarius and the dreadful lunar mansion, Mūla, the domain of the goddess of death (and you thought Scorpio had a bad name!). In honour of Jupiter's retrograde, I think I will refer back to what I wrote about the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction last year, in the feature article of the Timeline Astrology magazine, 'The Truth is Out There': ''We are ... likely to see advice from all kinds of sources that are not always on point, or even well-intentioned. Pluto’s influence on Jupiter will darken its qualities, leading to a lack of clarity due to previous bad decisions. It’s as if our choices have come home to roost, while future decisions will be impacted through forcing the issues.'' I went on to conclude, ''A further breakdown of order can open up the possibility of deeper insights, of course, as we peer through the cracks that has formed in the fabric of society, but we must be on guard that we are not responding through fear when making any decisions and take a moment to connect with ourselves, in stillness.'' The return of both Jupiter and Pluto to the sign the pandemic began is cause for concern, of course, but it's also the sign of faith, of law and order, which suggests we are about to get back to the drawing board, back into the boardroom, onto the pulpit, back onto the concourse, and the terminal, and the trading floor, all the while Pluto, the 'lord of the underworld' travels with us, making sure we are just fearful enough so that we are not going overboard in any of our activities. We are likely to see this play out economically, more than anything, but because Jupiter is transiting with Pluto we are likely to feel that whatever we do or think, no matter how high we aim or how much we dare hope, we must acknowledge the hidden realms, our subconscious fears. Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius (Pūrvāṣāḍhā) July 5 This is a special full Moon in the Hindu calendar, known as Guru Purnima, a full Moon in Sagittarius to honour our teachers. The fact that this is also a partial lunar eclipse suggests we can also gain insights into them, into the blocks that have been evident; the most obvious being the lack of clarity coming from those who are in positions to offer advice. Jupiter's weakness in Capricorn and its conjunction with Pluto has been expressed in a lack of clear guidance. This full Moon and eclipse will at least make us aware of the issues, and perhaps also give us deeper insights into the dynamics involved. Full Moon are a more extraverted time of the month, usually. This month, however, as with any eclipse, it is worth spending more time in contemplation, if possible, to draw out as many parallels as possible, as the Sun, Moon, Earth and lunar nodes all line up. Finally, the eclipse window closes after this partial lunar eclipse, closing a particularly tumultuous period in our lives, and a time when things felt particularly fated and out of control. Slowing down on the day of the full Moon offers us an opportunity to cast our minds back, and deeper within, aided by Jupiter and Pluto's retrograde transits alongside the eclipsed Moon in Sagittarius. Sagittarius and Jupiter represent an inner intelligence, opposite to Gemini's influence of the intellect. If we can expand our horizons in our inner world during this full Moon, we can find more balance between the two. Sagittarius is usually a freedom loving sign, so we may have to forgive much of the restrictions placed on our ability to roam around outside at this time, and venture within on a voyage of discovery. For timings of the eclipse for your locale, click here Mercury stations Direct July 12 Mars is in direct aspect to Mercury as it slows down to station direct in Gemini. Mars will return into aspect by the end of the month. This creates a signature transit for July: Mars + Mars = mental tension. Mercury is an enemy to Mars. Mars wants to do something, and yesterday, not talk about it, so Mars' aspect to Mercury can challenge us to remain calm as it pushes an agenda. But what's to be done? Mercury is not moving anywhere quickly through mid-month, as it slows its transit, in preparation for its slow turnaround. This will create a sense of anticipation which needs a healthy outlet when Mars' aspect is plugged in. If you've got something to work on, and can work things out, then do so. It will keep the pesky buzz of Mars around your head at bay. Mercury's signs, Gemini and Virgo, would do well to be mindful of the possible irritations cropping up in July as Mars is not the easiest planet for them to manage. As it impacts their ruling planet, Mercury they could see mental tensions spill out more obviously in physical ones, while we are all there with them mentally. Despite the tensions, there is at least a sense that things are moving forward in July, and we will be thankful for that. It's just some things will feel like they are pushed and cajoled into action, skipping over the finer details. Make sure to double and triple check these details through the middle of the month in particular. Sun enters Cancer July 16 The Sun opposes Jupiter on July 14 and Pluto on July 15, just before it moves into Cancer. While the Jupiter opposition is an optimistic and exuberant formation in the zodiac, Pluto's inclusion is the theme of 2020; that of our worst fears being triggered. Once the Sun moves into Cancer, there is a sense of relief from the impact of, not only Pluto, but also the nodes. Yes, the Sun is now in opposition to Saturn, but at least Saturn is strong and more in control, and more obvious and easier to deal with than Pluto. The Sun in Cancer is about finding more of a work-life balance, and taking a well-earned break, either from work or from beating ourselves up. Cancer is the natural 4th house of the zodiac, the place we go to find peace and comfort. Depending on what area of your chart this is, it will show where you like to find peace. The Sun's transit here will light this area of your life up. Saturn is opposite, exact on the new Moon on July 20, and this is one to watch, of course. This opposition usually brings with it some tensions, between governments and the public, between our strengths and weaknesses, our confidence and our fears. Nothing new there, you might say, but this period highlights a more extreme contrast. As the Sun-Saturn opposition replaces the more exuberant Sun-Jupiter opposition by mid-month, it may feel like a burst bubble in many ways, but this highlights all the more the need to take the break I'm referring to at this point. The Sun-Saturn opposition is not a time to scatter energy, it's a time to focus it and simplify our lives. Take a break now, because in August things start to kick into high gear, releasing enormous amounts of energy in the process. New Moon in Cancer (Puṣya) July 20 The Moon joins the Sun in Cancer, opposite Saturn for the new Moon. This is low point, energetically, as the light of the Sun is darkened by Saturn during the dark Moon phase. Best to conserve energy and take that break I've been referring to. The Sun-Saturn opposition is bound to create tensions around the world, but in our own lives is may show up as a contrast between home and work life, private life and public life - what we have to do versus what we want to do. But this also suggests a turning point, a climactic point which, whether internalized or externalized, is bound to create a new direction in life. The new Moon is always a new start, anyway, so use this one to find that balance and pivot in the direction you want to go. This new Moon occurs in the lunar mansion Puṣya, an auspicious lunar sign contained entirely within the sign Cancer. Puṣya means ‘flowering’ and ‘nurturing’ and is symbolized by a flower and a cow's udder. It is a caring and honest sign, with a sense of responsibility in speaking the truth. It is a benign sign and focused on doing the right thing, ruled by the priest to the gods, and a representation of the planet Jupiter. With the new Moon in Puṣya it's a month to connect with those we honoured during the previous full Moon on Guru Purnima, a time for teaching, healing, worship and prayers. A time to connect with our community, our home and family, our heart. Rahu/Ketu Transit Update Rahu and Ketu (mean nodes) move into the first pada or section of Gemini and Sagittarius by July 22. This offers a welcome shift in the nodes' positions moving forward. It marks the last section of the signs that have shown a complete upheaval due to the virus, but more than that, the fears that have arisen in relation to unseen threats. This is the nature of the nodes, at any rate. They are not visible. They represent more primal fears, rooted in a more primitive part of the brain, or brain stem. The nodes bring with them unconscious fears, or simply anything that is unconscious. If we cannot see it, if we are not aware of something, there is something to face at some point. Ignorance is bliss, maybe, but only until we have to deal with something we've been putting off! Rahu moves into the first section of Gemini, the Libra navamsha or '9th division', while Ketu moves into the first section of Sagittarius, the Aries navamsha. One thing you may notice is that Gemini and Libra are signs of the same element (air). This makes them more helpful to each other, as are Aries and Sagittarius (fire). So, the nodes are in a more helpful situation than they has been of late. Rahu has been transiting the Scorpio navamsha, its sign of debilitation, while Ketu has been in the Taurus navamsha. Rahu and Scorpio do not mix well because Rahu exaggerates the fears of Scorpio. Likewise, Ketu and Taurus do not mix well because Ketu removes the stability of Taurus. We've been left feeling uprooted and ungrounded, lost. This shift signals a slow transition of Rahu and Ketu into the opposite signs by September, as Rahu moves into Taurus and Ketu moves into Scorpio, the first part of these signs being the Virgo and Pisces divisions, further enhancing and helping the nodal positions. Rahu in Taurus brings more need for stability, while Ketu in Scorpio removes fears, or at least the willingness to 'go there' and deal with them. We may be able to see this more positive change on the horizon in July, but only if we are able to look further ahead to September. Mars enters Shadow Phase July 25 Mars transits the degree to which it will return by mid-November, 21 degrees of Pisces. This marks a point to which we will be returning at that point, which means whatever we are doing now, will be gone back over later. This means the end of July starts a process of change and redoing things over a longer period, until the end of the year. Mars in Pisces is like swimming out to sea, while being forced to stay within lines imposed on us by others, all the while dealing with some pretty challenging undercurrents which attempt to pull us back, as we attempt to venture forward. Mars will enter Aries by mid-August and we get more traction as we arrive onshore. And although there will be a need to go back and pick something we forgot on the way, this period marks the beginning of a few months where we can completely redo things, especially in relation to Mars in yoru chart, the signs Aries and Scorpio, as well as Pisces. At this time, all the planets will have either been retrograde or continue to do so, showing the need to reinvent our whole world and how we act within it. For those more impacted by Mars, Aries and Scorpio, either rising or Moon sign, there will be plenty of time to reassess actions taken over the next few months, as they more powerfully reinvent themselves in the process. Venus enters Gemini July 31
Venus leaves its own earthly realm of Taurus after it's long transit here and moves into the more excitable and interactive realm of Gemini for some fun and frolics. While Venus in Taurus was particularly strong and relatively unharmed by other things going on - partying in the midst of a pandemic, perhaps! - its transit in Gemini mixes it up with Rahu and the pandemic more directly. On the one hand, it is strong in a friendly environment in Gemini, but on the other, it's now getting involved with the nodes and opposing the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction, exact in August. The most obvious expression I can think of is a conflict between social distancing (Saturn continues to aspect Libra) and the need to connect with others (Venus in Gemini) and the risks that entails. Venus and Saturn are in conflicted aspect towards each other, in inimical elements; Saturn in the stoic and responsible Capricorn, Venus in the fun and flirtatious Gemini. As Venus moves beyond the nodes, we are taken beyond the fear and find new ways of doing things. Venus in Gemini promises more revelations and excitement as it comes into conjunction with Rahu on Aug 3 and the eclipse degree on Aug 8. Perhaps the revelations come from the interaction, the discussion, and a friendly, open debate, but it is just as likely to be expressed in controversy. OM TAT SAT Comments are closed.