Mercury moves on from Aries in June, entering Taurus by Jun 7. Before it's done with Aries, it conjoins Uranus at the threshold between both signs, in the 'sharp' lunar mansion Kṛttikā. We can use this bright spark conjunction to turn on a few light bulbs in our mind. There are likely some surprises as we begin to venture forward, but keep an open mind and you might be pleasantly surprised. Yet there may also be some potentially unnerving events around their exact conjunction by Jun 4. Whatever surprises are in store for you, this is an opportunity to use the frenetic energy to start something new. It's worth stating that this is Uranus’ last year in sidereal Aries. The next time Mercury makes its way back to Aries in May 2024, it will meet with Jupiter and Uranus as they both move into Taurus. I include this now because whatever happens now, and for the rest of this year as Jupiter retrogrades through the same degrees Mercury did, it will bring us towards those changes. Keep your eyes and ears open throughout for new opportunities. Another instigator for change, Rahu, is currently transiting alongside Jupiter, as it casts doubt on all the above, of course. Yet this instills an intense hunger for change, all the same. Globally, this means further development in wars (Aries), eventually leading to bigger economic changes (Taurus). Next year is likely to see a complete overhaul of the current economic system, after a crash that is likely by the end of this year. By the time Jupiter and Uranus make it to Taurus in the summer of 2024, bigger changes are likely due. Saturn’s continued aspect to all the planets in Aries is keeping things contained for now. If things do fall apart, there may be a rescue situation, although fear itself could add to the hesitation which could lead to further problems. Saturn represents the things we know we should do, but don't always get on board with right away. Saturn itself stations retrograde by Jun 17 in Aquarius, halting long term plans around the necessary innovations. Alterations are necessary at this point. Whatever changes Saturn is slowly bringing about in this area of your life, and on the global stage, they're likely to go through some setbacks or attempts at rewinding some things. This is a time to reassess your commitment to whatever that is. The A.I. advancements and discussions are likely a reconsideration on the world stage. There seems to be a lot of fear around A.I. technologies, as reflected in Saturn's transit in Aquarius. Venus moves into Cancer by the end of May and throughout June, catching up with Mars in a frustrated state as it moves towards its exact degree of debilitation. This latter part of Cancer can challenge us to shake off our comforts and attachments; to do what we must, despite how we feel. Yet we may ruin a perfectly lovely thing when overreacting to any sense of threat. Cool heads are needed as Mars and Venus move through the sensitive degrees between Cancer and Leo by the end of June. Venus subsequently moves back over this juncture twice more later in the summer and autumn due to its retrograde. Economic volatility is likely. Reconsider any big spends or relationship decisions. Any overindulgences or expensive and impulsive purchases may need at least a second thought. Join me on Sunday Jun 4 at 7pm BST for a discussion about the transits of June. Here's the link to join the zoom meeting: Meeting ID: 872 0279 9906 Passcode: 718851 Venus in Cancer May 30 - Jul 6 + Aug 7 - Oct 1 Venus in Cancer is an interesting pairing. It's a complicated relationship in many ways. There are plenty of things to enjoy and indulge, of course, it's just that the Moon's impulse to care mixed up with Venus, to negotiate, can sometimes get confused. In Vedic astrology, Venus is said to 'block' Cancer. It's the 11th house ruler, and, counting from Venus to the Moon using the weekday order, it's 6 signs away. This complex plays out more obviously in mothering vs romantic relationships. And you don't have to be a mother, or romantic, to have to deal with this complex. Co-dependent relationships and care for others that ends up feeling more like a parent child dynamic can be evident. To add to the complexity is Venus opposing Pluto, exact by Jun 5. Venus then catches up with Mars at the end of the sign, adding fuel to fiery passions. This adds power struggles, which may look like wishing to care for someone. Mars is not happy with Venus coming up from behind, draining its energy. It's already feeling spent having to consider feelings, but must now consider and compromise more. Mars and Venus conjunct natally is an interesting mix of energies. If Mars is the accelerator and Saturn the break, Venus is your beloved distracting you from the passenger seat! If you're also trying to get where you want to get to as quickly as possible, their need for your attention and appreciation may be distracting. We've all got somewhere we want to be, but we cannot get there alone, especially with Venus involved. We must compromise. If we think we can do it alone, we'll soon find we are on our own. So what if we get to our destination on time, if there no one else around to enjoy it with? Best sit back a little on this Venus and Mars transit in Cancer and enjoy the ride. Enjoy the meandering for a while, as it won't be long before Mars is focused once it moves into Leo. Venus, on the other hand, will slow down as it moves into Leo, before stationing retrograde and returning to Cancer later in the summer. Venus' initial transit in Cancer will be revisited later this year, which means being open to lots more to reconsider; in our relationships, and finances. It enters its 'shadow phase' by Jun 19, moving past the point it will return to by Sep 3. It eventually leaves its retrograde zone by Oct 7. In this time, we will be reevaluating many things in our life, depending on what Taurus, Cancer, Leo, and Libra represent for us individually. Globally, we're going to see a lot of reassessment of the economy, and what governments around the world do about the volatility that is possible. Relations may also be strained as these changes take place. I'll write more about this important transit next month. Rahu (True Node) conjunct Jupiter (Truth) Jun 1 If you thought this story had gone away, think again. Actually, if you think it has, you're more likely to be duped when you're not looking! The 'true node' conjoins Jupiter by the Jun 1, with the after effects of this likely felt for a long time to come. The last time Rahu and Jupiter came together was in 2016, when decisions that were made back then still having a huge impact on how we live today. The potential for this conjunction to shake things up in Aries, in wars, and the economy, is high through the beginning of June. Rahu tends to bring shocks and surprises. This is furthered because of its counterpart, Uranus also being in Aries, with Mercury approaching it at the end of the sign. The exact conjunct of Mercury and Uranus occurs by Jun 5. This is very much in the shadow of the Rahu-Jupiter conjunction. Another observable trend that occurs when Jupiter and Rahu get together is the passing of many prominent figures. We've already seen the passing of Tina Turner, Barry Humphries, and Burt Bacharach, all Jupiterian in their own right. We're likely to see more pass in the summer. Jupiter is Jivatman, life itself. Rahu is anti-life, in a way. Rahu obscures the life that is Jupiter. The passing of those who buoyed us up in some way, either through their teachings, their music, or their comedy, is highly symbolic at this time. The fact that this combination occurs in the sign of war is another thing altogether. Expect the unexpected. And expect it to be explosive, both figuratively and literally. Full Moon in Scorpio (Jyeṣṭhā) Jun 4 We had a lovely exalted New Moon a couple of weeks prior to this Full Moon in Scorpio. If we used it wisely and looked after the basics, we can 'go there' for a Full Moon in Scorpio. We can think up the worst case-scenario to help prepare our minds for what may happen. The thing is, it very rarely happens the way it does in our darkest imaginings. And even if the worst was to happen, the fact that we spent so long worrying about it makes us less capable of dealing with it. This is more so indicated because of Mars' concurrent transit in Cancer, the Moon's sign. Although this is a major mitigating factor for a debilitated Moon and Mars, as if they were in their own signs post exchange, it is still a complex dynamic we must be mindful of overdoing. The strength of Moon in Scorpio, exchanging signs with Mars, is that we can deal with the emotional reactions and temper them to do the necessary. The Full Moon occurs in Jyeṣṭhā lunar mansion, which translates as 'eldest'. This refers to someone who has acquired skills and secret knowledge. As an elder, those with the sign prominent can sometimes feel overlooked and become bitter, although any bitterness can be used to propel one to even greater heights. This is reflected in Scorpio's ruler, Mars. Jyeṣṭhā is ruled by Indra, the chief of the gods who likes to be in control. Its symbols are a talisman and umbrella, both symbolizing being initiated into secret knowledge and the protection it offers. Mercury's association with Jyeṣṭhā reflects the secret business dealings that are likely taking place during this Full Moon, especially when the Rahu-Jupiter conjunction takes place 6 signs away takes place - the 6th sign representing debts and enemies (hint, hint). Personally, when the Moon transits Jyeṣṭhā, it's a good day for overcoming weaknesses, surgery, and secret activities. It may not be the best Full Moon for auspicious activities, unless you see getting over something or overpowering someone as auspicious, I guess. It's a great time to overcome something you've been putting off, but be mindful of overdoing it, as Mars is still in Cancer until the end of June, where it's just not as effective or energetic. Mercury in Taurus Jun 7 - 24 Finally, Mercury moves on from a jam-packed Aries and into a more stable environment in Taurus. A friendly welcome is, well, welcome, for sure. Mercury is still under the shadows of Rahu in Aries and all the action taking place there, and we're probably going to need a bit of steadiness after the first few days of June. Mercury conjoins Uranus at the very end of Aries by Jun 5, as Rahu and Jupiter conjoin. While all of these transits can be exciting, too much stimulation creates imbalances. Mercury in Taurus is about using sensual enjoyment to ground ourselves in what is real. There are so many unreal situations occuring at this time, that Mercury's skip (Mercury's moving very fast in Taurus) through the sign can be an enjoyable experience, and stimulating in all the right ways. Meeting friends in natural surroundings is probably one of the more positive expressions of Mercury in Taurus. Sun in Gemini Jun 14 - Jul 15 The Sun's mid-month transition into Gemini is a time to enjoy others. Many do this by seeking out a festival or gathering. Many more, focus on their friends and neighbours, to enjoy a trip here and there. It all sounds lovely. You're waiting for a 'but', aren't you?! No, I think that despite other transits, the Sun is at least out of more challenging aspects with other planets, and has moved beyond the shadows of Rahu. Mercury joins the Sun by the end of the month and resets things in this part of our life. This means whatever area Gemini represents for you personally by house position, from your ascendant, and everything else (Moon, Sun, etc.), as well as travel, trade, communications in a general sense, will benefit from mid-June to mid-July. Sex is another big part of Gemini that is not always acknowledged. Often only Scorpio is considered for such hidden things. Yet Gemini is more the flirtatious and playful part of courtship, before it gets all twisted in Scorpio! Just kidding. Scorpios have Gemini in the 8th house, so it's all fun and games. Saturn Retrograde Jun 17 - Nov 4 Saturn's slow turnaround every year brings a need to slow down and pay attention to our long term plans; to consider how we are getting to where we need to be - not necessarily where we want to be, mind you. Saturn retrograde in Aquarius is about reconsidering where the new tech and advancements are taking us. It's return to Dhaniṣṭhā mansion by the autumn is also bringing back the theme of alliances, and will probably redraw some boundaries in countries around the world. Saturn has reached its limit as it stations. We have, too. Time to step back and consider how much you have; how much energy, time, will, etc. As Saturn stations and retrogrades in Śatabhiṣaj lunar mansion, we can keep an open mind about what or who we are committed to at this point. When we have cleared out all that is no longer meant for us, we can focus on what is, and place our commitment where it is beneficial to all concerned. Saturn's retrograde, including its 'shadow phase' takes up about 9 months of the year, every year. You can think of it as a human's gestation period, reflecting how we build our lives every year. We form and reform our lives all the time. This time, Saturn's retrograde in Aquarius is a time to make some internal adjustments to some heady changes happening in the 'technosphere'. There are a lot of changes happening, of course, but they are mostly probabilities in our own lives at this point. Return to what is real. What exists that you can confirm with touch, a key signification of Saturn. If you cannot touch it, leave it. And yes, you can touch something with your mind, a truer reflection of Saturn's limits. Make it real for yourself in your head, or as real as it can be, so you can make it happen. To make something happen at this point, we must retrace our steps and see where we went wrong. By acknowledging our failures, we can do it right next time - once Saturn moves direct by the autumn. New Moon in Gemini (Mṛgaśirṣā) Jun 18 This New Moon has some nice indications. It's flanked either side by benefics, Mercury in Taurus and Venus in Cancer. All good. It's in a trine to Saturn, out of the shadows of Rahu, and in an auspicious and fun lunar mansion, Mṛgaśīrṣā. Okay, yes, there's the Mars ongoing transit in Cancer, as any Moon phase is tempered (pun intended) by Mars' more volatile transit. Still, there is a lot to enjoy with this new lunar month. As always, however, a New Moon is not the most energetic time of the month. It's a time to withdraw somewhat, and plant seeds in our hearts and minds. The New Moon occurs in Mṛgaśīrṣā lunar mansion, in the Gemini portion. Mṛgaśīrṣā means 'deer head', and, just like a deer, this sign is curious and likes to roam, innocently exploring new avenues of adventure. Mṛgaśīrṣā is very creative and intellectual. The soft nature of the deer reflects its innocence in searching out new adventures. The mind more influenced by Mṛgaśīrṣā is always on guard, just as a deer is hyper-vigilant to any sounds or movements. The deer is a very social creature and highly attuned. Mṛgaśīrṣā is ruled by the Moon god, Soma, further emphasizing its gentle nature. The Moon's transit through Mṛgaśīrṣā is a good day for travel, study, and healing. Many may enjoy it through some intoxicants, of course, another side to Soma, the 'nectar of the gods'. There are certainly some things to enjoy for the New Moon. Enjoy! Solstice Jun 21 The Solstice occurs on Jun 21 at 15:57 BST, whether the summer or winter Solstice for your location on the planet. Whichever it is, the Sun's change of direction (and tropical sign) is a time to take time to notice the subtle shift. But it's hard to notice it at such an extreme time in the year, the height of summer or winter. It's a peak experience, either way. The Sun has risen as high or as low as it gets. The higher you go, the lower you go. Best to keep things balanced so that you don't go to extremes. In Gemini, the extremes can be extremely enjoyable, but nonetheless, they can deplete energy. And that's what the Sun is all about, in the end. We need it. It fuels us. Fuel yourself for the new direction ahead. Mercury in Gemini Jun 24 - Jul 8 Mercury moves into its own sign by the end of the month. In Gemini, Mercury is dexterous and adventurous, capable, and engaged. Mercury is moving fast, quick on its feet, and quick with a smart remark. Mercury in Gemini is witting and funny, socially engaged; ready for a party! With no conflicting square aspects, and the shadows of Rahu over there somewhere, it brings more potential for socializing without so much fear. We can channel the strength of Mercury to travel, trade, and engage in more enjoyable ways at this time. And let's not downplay how important what some may call trivial is in our lives. Mercury helps our life run smoothly, in our everyday lives and dealings with others. When Mercury breaks down; when travel plans are disrupted; when computers crash and message are lost, it halts the smooth flow of life. Thankfully, Mercury in Gemini is in full swing! Mars in Leo Jun 30 - Aug 18 Mars is out of its sign of debilitation. Great. Yes, but it's important not to get carried away with this more explosive energy as it enters Leo, especially as it ingresses in the sign. Just a few days after its exact debilitation, it moves into a place of strength - and fire. That can be a deadly mix unless it is handled carefully. We're likely to see this as all kinds of explosive events and major weather disturbances. After a time of feeling under par, any return of energy is likely to be spent quick unless we are more restrained. Any sense of feeling less than in any way is likely to be overdone when we get some sense of power and purpose back. But don't worry about it because Mars is opposite Saturn! Mars-Saturn oppositions can be one of the more frustrating oppositions. But looking at the astrology of 2023, if Saturn were not where it was, I think we'd have seen much more devastation. Saturn in Aquarius strongly aspects (looks at) Aries, Leo, and Scorpio. So Mars is hampered by Saturn. In mundane events, that brings mixed results. It brings restraint and containment. Yet it can also challenge. I guess we will never know how disturbing it could have been if it were not here. Personally, we may feel like our energy is not completely free to express itself. And that's not a bad thing if we would otherwise be reckless. We can channel these indications in more positive ways for ourselves. Mars-Saturn connections are best utilized by focusing to get stuff done. If you don't have something to work hard and focus on, you may get frustrated. Heck, you may get frustrated anyway, but at least you get a lot of work done! Mars and Saturn are known as 'cruel' planets for good reason: they don't allow us to kick back and rest. Problems begin if you sit and stew. People who have this opposition in their birth charts complain (Saturn) about not having enough energy for things they want to do (Mars). Yet they may spend as much energy on doing so, energy that would otherwise fuel their activities. We must be mindful of the opposite extreme: of overreacting to any sense of restriction and overdoing it, or doing something without due consideration. Apart from the Mars-Saturn opposition, exact in July, Mars in Leo is determined to get it done. You probably will be, too. Neptune Retrograde Jun 30 - Dec 6 Neptune slowly stations in Pisces by the last day of June. Nothing new here, as it retrogrades every year. Yet it hasn't done it where it is in our lifetime, as Neptune takes about 164 years to transit the entire zodiac. Although Neptune has barely made it into Pisces, it will not leave it again as it very slowly retraces its steps over the first 3 degrees of the sign. It does, however, change lunar mansions, moving back to Purva Bhadra by the end of July, before it returns to its current position in Uttara Bhadra by Mar 2024. Purva (former) and Uttara (latter) Bhadra (auspicious) are twin star signs that are symbolized by head and feet of a funeral cot, so don't misread the auspiciousness suggested. While there is indeed much auspiciousness, especially in the latter Bhadra within Pisces, the former Bhadra, which bridges Aquarius and Pisces, is more fierce and potentially destructive. Overall, it's more about the auspiciousness of self-realisation, usually brought about by loss. Purva Bhadra is also symbolized by two-faces. This can either be literal or more symbolic. Two faces are said to represent the difference between life and death, so it's a highly spiritualizing star sign. But it's also reflected in contrasted themes of worldly successes and spiritual indications. The two faces can show the need to engage with both, to fully manifest something from the ether (Purva Bhadra is associated with Jupiter) and bring it into actualization at the latter stages (Uttara Bhadra is associated with Saturn). Purva Bhadra's pada or 'step' into Pisces shows one of only two instances that a planet both rules the Sun sign and is associated with the lunar mansion. The other occurs opposite in the last 3 degrees and 20 minutes of Leo, where the Sun both rules the sign Leo and is associated with the lunar mansion Uttara Phalguni, the 'latter fruitful'. This makes the last pada, or step, in Purva Bhadra, which is actually the first step into Pisces, a particularly Jupitarian place. Confused? Good! That's what I was aiming for. Now you have a sense of Neptune in Pisces! Neptune blurs boundaries, in a sign that is already blurry on the details. Big themes of life and death, this and that, truth and falsity, all become more confusing as Neptune backtracks through Pisces - kind of like swimming backwards upside down. Yet there is nothing to worry about here, as many people don't even acknowledge Neptune's influence. Let me see if we can clarify what's happening. Whatever the sign Pisces is for you, you're likely just beginning to think more idealistically about this, as Neptune has just begun a 14-year transit in the sign. This means, you're likely keeping some dream alive, whether or not it is advisable. Neptune will station at the very first degree of Pisces in December, on the edge of two worlds. The world will be a very different place at that point, I imagine. The issue with Neptune is we may keep a dream alive that becomes a nightmare. The lesson here is to know what to leave in the dream world, and what to take forward into reality. Dream big. Write it down. Edit. - Wishing you the best of what the month has to offer. Om Tat Sat Comments are closed.