Sidereal Transits Venus enters Cancer Aug 31 Full Moon in Aquarius (Śatabhiṣak) Sep 2 Venus opposes Saturn Sep 2 Mercury enters Virgo Sep 2 Mars stations Retrograde Sep 10 Sun opposes Neptune Sep 11 Jupiter stations Direct Sep 13 Sun enters Virgo Sep 16 New Moon in Virgo (Uttaraphalgunī) Sep 17 Lunar nodes enters Taurus/Scorpio (true node) Sep 19 Mercury enters Libra Sep 22 Equinox Sep 22 Lunar Nodes enter Taurus/Scorpio (mean node) Sep 24 Mercury opposes Mars Sep 24 Venus enters Leo Sep 27 Saturn stations Direct Sep 29 Venus in Cancer Aug 31 - Sep 27 Venus moves into an opposition to Saturn in Capricorn, creating a sense of a need to enjoy what makes us feel comfortable (Cancer), on the one hand, while dealing with what we would probably prefer not to (Capricorn), on the other. Venus is at least out of the recent opposition to Pluto, which tends to dredge things up for Venus, bringing things up in relationships and such. That's not necessarily a bad thing, if we have dealt with the issues. It's just that Venus is the most refined planet, representing our most refined traits, including good manners, respect and pleasantness. These can be hampered as Venus comes into contact with the malefics. All of those traits are about to be challenged as Venus moves into a strong aspect from Mars, Saturn and Rahu, while in Cancer. Rahu will move into Taurus by the end of September and take its side glance off of Cancer, but while Venus is transiting the sign there is a lot of side-glancing and side maneuvers going on! Ordinarly, Venus in Cancer is a safe and homely affair, with a need to enjoy some downtime, possibly a holiday. Well.... that just isn't the story of 2020, is it?! Venus and Cancer are under the pressure from all the malefics and we feel this as a challenge to the nicer things in life, as well as our sense of safety. Venus is not able to withstand such challenge, as our more refined traits are squeezed out of the equation. This may present in all kinds of ways, depending on the individual, but just because Venus is in a challenged position, doesn't mean we should throw all common decency out the the window! It may actually help you do the necessary, and not to have to consider others, or be so nice about it. If you have putting something off, because of not wishing to upset or worry about what others think, then maybe this is the time to just do it! But we also need to think about others, and the long term impact (Saturn) our impulsive desires (Mars) and greed (Rahu) will have on them. Full Moon in Aquarius (Śatabhiṣak) Sep 2 The full Moon occurs at 05.22 UT. This is the climatic point in the lunar month which began with the new Moon in Maghā, on Aug 19. This balances out the powerful needs of Leo and the lunar mansion, Maghā, with the need to more openly oppose the status quo, and those in power. Leaders and leadership qualities must be balanced with listening to the voice of the people. Governments listening to the scientific research is also a part of this dynamic, as it is one of the more scientific lunar mansions. The word Śatabhiṣak means '100 healers' or '100 demons', so there's that paradox to contend with, of course. When the Moon transits Śatabhiṣak, it's ordinarily a good day for healing. Śatabhiṣak displays apparently contradictory impulses; knowing the rules of the game, so we can break them. A scientist looking for a breakthrough in a lab must do the same. I imagine this will express itself more so through the ongoing search for a vaccine, needing to follow the rules, but also seeing some clearly breaking them. Śatabhiṣak is ruled by the god of the sea, representing the underworld, the darkness of the hidden realms and secrecy, as well as the cosmic realms and enlightenment. One of its symbols is an empty circle, representing the inclusion of all these apparent opposites. This seemingly contradictory full Moon is transiting alongside Neptune which adds to the nebulousness of the situation, the vague proclamations and unclear thoughts at this point. But this lack of clarity is bringing forth something more clear and concise, that is, Mercury is about to move into Virgo on the other side of the zodiac, into a place of great strength, to cognize and organize our thoughts. Mercury in Virgo Sep 2 - 22 Mercury entering its own sign means we have 5 planets in their own signs until mid-September, with the nodes moving towards their exaltation signs, Taurus and Scorpio, by the end of the month. There is a lot of strength available in September, although that doesn't mean it's a bed of roses! It's complicated by most of these planets stationing, either retrograde (Mars in Aries) or direct (Jupiter in Sagittarius and Saturn in Capricorn) throughout September. We will need all of our Mercurial strength to negotiate these shifts, which means having all of our wit and humour about us, and a rational mindset, so as not to fall into strong reactions and regretful actions. Mercury in Virgo is not only in its own sign, it is also seen as within its 'root strength' (mulatrikona) and exalted sign in Virgo, which means this is a great time of year to get organized and plan for the coming months. But as with the more turbulent transits going on in the background, I imagine it's like planning a picnic with one eye on the ominous looking dark clouds on the horizon! September is a balanced year in many respects, as we have more emphasis on Virgo, and then there's the Equinox, on Sep 22. This is a time of year to find balance; between our work and leisure time, for example, but it also points to the need to find balance between being efficient and letting things drift for a while. If you're spending all of your time trying to make your life more efficient, that's hardly an efficient use of your time! There is a lot to plan, but we can also fall prey to the downside of Virgo, that is, overdoing it, micro-managing our lives and becoming stressed when things don't go to plan. Plan, organize and rationalize all that you need to, by all means, the energy is there for that, but make sure you are leaving some room for manoeuvre and retreat, and tap into the opposite sign Pisces, to go with the flow a little, or a lot, more. Mars stations Retrograde Sep 10 I was once on a train journey where the train pulled into station on its way to my final destination, before reversing out of the same station on the way to its next destination. This meant that whoever was seated looking forward, were now seated with their backs to where they were going. As soon as the train did this, most people who had been seated facing forward, got up and moved seats in the carriage! I sat and watched, of course, as I was aware of an astrological phenomenon at the time; that is, retrograde! I cannot remember if it was Mars or another planet that was retrograde at the time, as this was a few years ago, but I think it was indeed Mars. Most of us do not like to feel like we are moving back, or being taken back, without being able to see where we are going. We may have to revisit our relationship to that in the coming weeks! Being pulled back into something, or over something we thought we were done with, may simply mean we can do it better the second and third time around, but we may wish to move on into something else, anything else, as long as we feel like we are moving forward. As I wrote about in the article, Mars Retrograde: Finding Strength Within, I have Mars retrograde in my birth chart, so I am perhaps more accustomed to this phenomenon. That does not mean I am immune to the trouble it can cause. I am, in fact, more impacted in many ways, as Mars re-triggers my own Mars in Aries. But at least I am more familiar with it and can manage it better. If you are unaware of the need to move back for a while, like those people in the train carriage, you are more likely to struggle and adjust your seat, to try and make it feel as if you are moving forward, when in actual fact you are going back over something. Whatever works for you is just fine. You must make it work for you. Otherwise, you may strongly react to events, thinking that you can be as proactive as usual. This is not to say you should not be proactive, of course, just that you must learn to react appropriately to situations, as they occur, leaving room for the unexpected. This is especially the case as Mars retrogrades alongside Uranus, creating even more surprises. With all the outer planets slow in transit in September, it may feel like we are in a vice grip, stuck between a rock and a hard place. Mars tightens this grip by Sep 10 and this can push some people into more action, or perhaps even more reactions, while some may feel it too much and feel the need to retreat, as if they are being pushed back against their will. Take your time with Mars, in September, and for the rest of the year, as it will not resume direct motion until Nov 14. It will return to the point it begins to move backwards this month, by Jan 4, 2021, so there is lots of time to redo things, to find the strength within to overcome something in your life. This is helped by Ketu, the south node's transit in Mars' other sign, Scorpio, dredging things up from the past to deal with them fully now. If there is something you feel the need to get over, for once and for all, then now would be a good time to get to work on that. It doesn't mean it's going to be easy, as being easy doesn't make the necessary changes. This Mars retrograde will challenge us all to make some changes in our lives. For some, it may be a slight adjustment, while for others, such as those with Aries, Scorpio or Pisces rising, it may mean a complete reinvention of themselves. For those in a Mars cycle, you may be feeling the need to react and change a lot more than others. For us all, we can work with the energy, as it builds and moves inward, to find the strength we need within. I'll write about Mars retrograde in Pisces next month, as that is a whole different kettle of fish! Jupiter stations Direct Sep 13 Jupiter's slow station in September, in a trine to Mars in Aries, means we are going to feel all fired up about what we believe to be right, and yet we're not given a full and free range of expression due to Mars' retrograde. Face mask, anyone?! At least Jupiter slowly moving forward brings a turnaround in our hope for the future - even while we are being forced to backtrack in many ways. Jupiter's station direct means we can begin to entertain more hopeful thoughts and ideas. And hope lives in the future, not in the past. The past is great for reminding ourselves of where we have come from, and for learning from our experiences, but hope is what pulls us forward. Without a hopeful future, we cannot live a joyous present. Jupiter moving forward again is more outwardly hopeful, daring to speak the words that have been held back during its retrograde. You may be able to express what you personally find hopeful and meaningful, and by doing so you will be tapping into the cosmos to help guide you forward. Yes, we have to move forward slowly in September, and we are also probably moving into further restrictions, in one way or another, as Jupiter meets with Pluto and Saturn in November and December, but at least we are more familiar with the territory this time round. We've been here before. We know what this means. Can you do something more meaningful with any upcoming restrictions? If there were another lockdown down the line, can you now plan something that will inspire you through it? And can you find a way to expand your world if you cannot move around as freely as you'd like? As the saying goes, 'the only way out is in'. Go within, deep within, to find all the meaning you need in your life, before setting out on the journey ahead. Expand your mind and philosophy, to be able to see the bigger picture, outside of your own beliefs, to be able to keep an aerial view of the terrain ahead. Sun enters Virgo Sep 16 The Sun entering Mercury's sign in September is always a time of year to do some accountancy. This is quite literally the case for many, as taxes are due next month. This is certainly the case in terms of taking stock of our lives. This requires, not just a stocktake, but a clearing out of things that are no longer needed or useful. Virgo is the best sign at doing this, ridding ourselves of useless things, making useful things more useful; making things work better. Those with the sign prominent are skilled at improving things, including how things work. Virgo is all about making things work more efficiently. The Sun's transit alongside Mercury in the sign until Sep 22. The Sun's entire transit through Virgo until Oct 16 is a great time for all of the above, but as always this must be prefaced with the need to make bigger adjustments with the outer planets, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, stationing this month. This may look like many are trying to organize and plan their lives more this month, but other, more powerful forces must be adhered to and negotiated with, as well as our own bigger plans for the future. So, yes, by all means plan your life in September, but remember to leave room for the bigger picture, the reason your doing your day-to-day tasks in the first place. New Moon in Virgo (Uttaraphalgunī) Sep 17 The Moon joins the Sun's degree, at 0 degrees of sidereal Virgo, at 11.00am UT on Sep 17, during the Sun's transition between signs, in this transitional time of year, of seasons. This marks a new start and new season, in earnest, of harvest, in Virgo, the sign of gathering forth and taking stock of our lives. This new start begins in the auspicious lunar mansion Uttaraphalguni, a soft and gentle lunar sign that bridges Leo and Virgo, representing our need to share our gifts, our bounty, to distribute the power and wealth of Leo, to make it work for everyone. Virgo is the sign of service, of work that is done for one's own, and for others', betterment. With so many changes taking place at this time, we may find it more challenging to stay as balanced as we may wish, or as organized as we wish, as if we were balancing on one leg, while all around there are distractions that can topple us. The only way we can stay balanced in such a situation is to focus on a point, which means to focus on one thing at a time, on what you can improve in your life, doing what you can, with what you have at your disposal. Use this new Moon to plant seeds as you gather the harvest. By doing so, you can enjoy what you have achieved, with an eye on the bigger picture and long term plan. And think about others in your life that you are doing it for. They will keep you focused on the bigger picture, as you get down to the task at hand. Mercury enters Libra Sep 22 - Equinox Mercury enters Libra during the Equinox, and then comes into an opposition to Mars as soon as it does so, exact on Sep 24. This is the point to which Mercury will return, by Nov 4, due to its upcoming retrograde, from Oct 14. This means Mercury will transit Libra from Sep 22 until Nov 28, so the themes of Mercury in Libra are more prominent in our lives for some time to come. Mercury in Libra is about communicating an ideal, which is basically a state of balance. This may be the balance between two people, two countries, two, whatever, between two colours in art, or between carefully chosen words, between this or that. Mercury's retrograde here means we are about to review these things in a big way. We're about to lose balance and all sense of perspective, in a way, so we eventually gain it again. Mercury's initial transit into Libra is marred by Mars' opposition, fueling arguments, despite Mercury's need to see the other person's point of view, and to keep the peace. Mercury is usually more considered in Libra, hearing everybody out, but Mars is impatient and frustrated in retrograde motion in Aries. Be mindful of this exact opposition by Sep 24. Also, Saturn's strong aspect to Mercury in Libra is exact at the same time, as we continue to experience some form of social restriction or other. The need for restriction in travel may be one example, as will be the need to restrict what we communicate or how we do so. We will likely feel like lashing out in anger in our communications. Saturn's gaze can restrict in some positive, and not so positive, ways. This could be in the form of being able to focus on something important, or avoiding the issues, creating more problems. The gift of Mercury in Libra is to see the other person's point of view, or at least to be willing to enquire. Saturn can help us remain more objective in this process, more responsible, but let us not forget Mars' transit in Aries which is a completely different approach - that of doing whatever the hell we want! Patience will be needed as Mercury stations retrograde in October, sending us all into a major review of how we are relating to one another, and what we are communicating. Expect more setbacks, of course, some of which will begin to appear from the beginning of October. Whatever you have already planned must go through a major review, including how you socially distance yourself. More on Mercury retrograde next month, including Uranus' retrograde opposite Mercury, exact as it stations, which should bring more and more surprises. Lunar Nodes enter Taurus/Scorpio Sep 24 The nodes are moving in September, into their exalted signs. If you use the 'true' node calculations, they will have moved by Sep 19. Either way, by Sep 24, the nodes have moved into Taurus and Scorpio. I wrote an article about this transit here. The nodes moving into more stable (fixed) signs can bring about more stability, on the one hand, and yet a need to change deeply rooted and fixed things, on the other, creating some instability. As is the case with the nodes, they bring with them many paradoxes. There will be an equal sense of both stability and instability in the world, I imagine, as deeply rooted and seamingly unchangeable things are, well ... changed. But it is precisely because we feel the instability that we wish to gain more, and this will also be a major theme of the nodes in Taurus and Scorpio for the next 18 and a half months, until Apr 2022. Historic events of the nodes' transits in these signs have borne that out. Major wars and illnesses have begun and ended while they transited these signs. Scorpio is the natural 8th house of chronic problems, problems we may tackle or ignore while Ketu transits the sign, while Taurus is all about the need for safety and stability, which Rahu exaggerates and disrupts in equal measure. Rahu transiting Taurus will search for peace, safety and stability, at any cost, often creating problems for others, so we can feel better ourselves. And we can include our family and community in 'ourselves', as Taurus is very much about peoples banding together in times of challenge and change while Ketu transits Scorpio. Venus enters Leo Sep 27 If you thought the summer was over, think again! Here comes an Indian summer, in some respects. Venus has one last hurrah in Leo to experience, one last blow out before it moves into its debilitation sign, Virgo, by Oct 23. Venus in Leo is high drama and fully expressive, without the restrictions of Saturn in opposition, or Mars' agenda to contend with. Venus in Leo is passionate and, let's face it, a bit of a show off! But there is lots to show off in the sign, of course. Lots of drama and fun times to share. Without any of the malefic or 'cruel' planets strongly impacting Venus in Leo, this is the ideal time to enjoy what Venus has to offer, especially as it moves through Purvaphalguni, from Oct 9. Venus in this creative, sensual and seductive lunar mansion in the heart of Leo is all fired up and ready to hit the town. While these desires are in stark contrast to a pandemic, to Saturn in Capricorn, it doesn't mean they are not important, as life without some pleasure and fun is unbearable. But it does mean that whatever we are enjoying must be done so responsibly, as Saturn in Capricorn is not going anywhere anytime soon. Saturn stations Direct Sep 29
Saturn's station by the end of the month will be felt throughout September and in October, as Saturn is a slow planet anyway, the slowest planet that we can see, at any rate. Saturn moving forward shows there is more work to do, but at least we are more clear about what that is. With Jupiter having stationed direct already, Saturn now asks us to work at what we have decided to the true, to be meaningful. Saturn in Capricorn is strong in transit, while its station is even stronger. And that's not necessarily a good or bad thing, but it's not an easy thing either way. It's certainly the best thing for us, whether we like it or not. It's like the medicine we had to take when we were children. We may not have liked the taste, but we benefited from taking it, or at least so our parents told us! Saturn is like that stern parent who has our benefit in mind, even though it didn't seem that way at the time. When we add Mars' retrograde, in a square to Saturn's station, this medicine is particularly bitter! Saturn actually represents the astringent taste, which is required in small does to stay healthy. If we get too much of it, however, we can cramp up, as it's very drying. Everyone's tolerance of astringency is different, of course. Emotionally it may be helpful in getting over something and getting on with something else, but Saturn is not a warm and fuzzy parent. Neither is it a parent who will let you do whatever you want. The gift of Saturn is the ability to move on, which is what the planet is about to start doing anyway. But it will take its time in doing so, as it will not move beyond the point at which it began to retrograde by the New Year, just as Mars moves beyond the point it began to retrograde. So it will not be until the New Year before we get a sense of things moving into new territory, before we can move on. Saturn will move forward over an area it has already covered, which will be familiar to us by now, at least. You know how it is when we are going somewhere we haven't been before on our travels, when the time it takes to get there seems to drag on as we try to find our destination? Well, we've been here before. Now that Saturn is about to move back over the same terrain, the time will surely seem to pass more quickly. In other words, if there is a lockdown coming in winter, or any kind of restrictions, we know what it's like, and what we need to do, maybe even do it better this time round; we are more able to face it. Time will pass quicker when we know what's involved and how long it is likely to take. The journey of Saturn is not as uncertain the second time around. OM TAT SAT Comments are closed.