Mercury re-enters Libra on Nov 2, entering combustion as it catches up with the Sun and Mars. Things begin to heat up, figuratively speaking. Although the southern hemisphere may experience this quite literally. The Sun moves into Scorpio on Nov 16, and out of its debilitation. This is a welcome return to more trust in the process, in our leaders, in ourselves. We will need this trust as the statue quo is challenged in the coming weeks. November is a complex month in many ways. While there may be lots of pushing against restraints and restrictions, unexpected changes create an unnerving environment. This is due to Mars and Mercury's square to Saturn and opposition to Uranus. The square between Saturn and Uranus builds throughout November and December, reaching a climax by the end of December. We're also heading into the next eclipses, which means there is more of a sense that something needs to change, and NOW! Eclipses distort our perception of time, which means we must question whether making moves now is actually that urgent. There is a partial lunar eclipse in Taurus on Nov 19, opening up a period of uncertainty, a period which culminates in a total solar eclipse in Scorpio, on Dec 4. I will write more about the solar eclipse next month, but this is an important new beginning at the end of the year. Before that, Jupiter leaves its sign of debilitation, on Nov 20, for once and for all. This means things take a turn for the better. And while we are not out of the woods as yet, we are out of the hole Jupiter has fallen into - at long last! Join me on Thursday Nov 4 at 6pm UTC (please note new time and day) for a look at the month of November - and to celebrate Diwali, the festival of lights, on the 'darkest night'. Here is your exclusive link: Meeting ID: 872 0730 8923 Passcode: 704254 Venus in Sagittarius Oct 30 - Dec 8 + Dec 30 - Feb 27 Venus enters Sagittarius on two occasions between now and the end of the year. It first enters the sign as it moves through the sensitive degrees between Scorpio and Sagittarius, the juncture known as gaṇḍānta, meaning 'end of a joint' or 'end of a knot'. This is a tricky juncture in terms of Venus-related things, including the economy, safety, comforts and diplomacy. Venus represents how happy we feel, how content and how willing we are to compromise. This does not bode well for international relations or the economy. This is especially the case because of Jupiter's weak position at the end of Capricorn. Venus is now transiting Jupiter's sign; a sign that is usually full of hope and optimism. Jupiter's transit in Capricorn leaves little room for such feelings. The whole month of November is challenging in terms of the economy, as Jupiter makes it to edge, while Venus moves into the Virgo 9th division, a further indication of weakness. Venus will retrograde and return to Sagittarius by Dec 30, due to its retrograde from Dec 19 to Jan 29, 2022. This winter poses a challenge to the economy. And when finances are challenged, along with basic needs (Taurus), there is a general sense unease (Libra). Venus usually brings about a sense of balance and harmony. Yet the next few months show a possible lack as we reevaluate what is truly important to us. Venus is about the nice things in life. Sagittarius is all about the meaningful things in life. Venus in Sagittarius looks for a 'higher expression, something more purposeful. Yet because there may be a lack of both the practical and meaningful, we must dig even deeper to find something even more precious. Thankfully, Jupiter will have moved into Aquarius by the time Venus makes it back into Sagittarius. This shows other possibilities, along with the need for a lot of adjustments. This is likely the case after a festive period where many question what is important, once the things we thought were important are not obviously present. With Venus stationing retrograde conjunct Pluto as the beginning of Capricorn, we must appreciate things that are not so obvious, or those things and people we cannot see at this time of year. The economy is going through some major adjustments in the coming months, I imagine. Actually, I cannot imagine the kinds of changes these transits suggest! If we are mindful of this need for adjustment and sobriety up ahead, we can plan for it; we can mitigate any negative repercussions. Venus will move over the degree it will move back to in the New Year by mid-November. At this point, we may see some more obvious expressions of what this Venus retrograde points to; that is, a need to reevaluate the things we value, and how what we values adds to meaning and purpose. And when the things we value are challenged, we can value them all the more. Mercury in Libra Nov 2 - Dec 4 Mercury moves into Venus' domain in November, and into a strong aspect from Saturn. This means, you guessed it, a sense of restriction continues to be the theme. Saturn's aspect to the Sun, Mars and Mercury in Libra, while Venus transits Jupiter's sign Sagittarius, is a challenge unless we can restrain ourselves. The exact conjunction of Mercury and Mars occurs at the same time Saturn aspects them both by exact degree, on Nov 10. Mark this date in your calendar as one to be mindful of the potential pitfalls. This shows the ongoing complexity of new ways which are trying to be birthed, along with the old ways that will not let go. Lashing out in frustration at the imposition will not help. This requires a more sober approach. The Moon joins Saturn by exact degree on the same day. Yeah, mark your calendar on that day! As I always say, everything is good for something. This is probably the best time to focus all your energy and will power, as Mars is at a powerful section of Libra, the Capricorn 9th division. This shows an underlying strength. Saturn has also left the Aries 9th division of the sign Capricorn and is in a more stable position in the Taurus division. And while this is a good thing personally, globally, I can see the potential for some backlash against governments and systems which seek to restrain populations. Mercury in Libra is ordinarily a good time for negotiation. But its conjunction with Mars, square to Saturn and opposition to Uranus, would challenge even the most diplomatic of us. Count to ten. No, count to 100. New Moon in Libra (Svātī) Nov 4 - Diwali The dark Moon, the darkest of the year, in many ways, is exactly opposed Uranus in Aries. This contrasts the sign of individualism and freedom (Aries) with the sign of compromise and negotiation (Libra). This occurs while Saturn in Capricorn begins to move back into a square to Uranus, highlighting some crucial themes for the year during this important new Moon. These themes include the wish to be free vs the needs of the many. This new Moon adds a theme of being willing to compromise. Yet, it's all a bit of a tricky balance to maintain. By the next new Moon, a total solar eclipse in Scorpio on Dec 4, all the planets join the nodes or are on one side of them again. This means, we are heading into a period of a lot of uncertainty, and even more change. In the context of a pandemic, and many other challenges humanity faces at this time, change is most certainly welcome. It's just not certain. Nothing is when the lunar nodes are involved more with planets. This new Moon is like the 'dark night of the soul', a time before we awake to a new reality, after having been through the wars. It's always darkest before the dawn. And this is one of the darkest and uncertain new Moon's I've seen in many a year of looking at the planets. And yet, it is only through the darkness that we can find our true light, our spiritual essence. If life were all a bed of roses, why would we ever look beyond? If we were immortal and had everything we ever wanted, we would grow tired of that, too. Most of us find our spiritual nature through losses. The losses that are on the horizon point to gains in other ways we may not be able to see as yet. But it is there. Hiding in plain sight. Close your eyes for the dark Moon, and find that all you every need is within you, in the apparent darkness. Jupiter in Aquarius Nov 20 - Apr 13, 2022 Jupiter finally makes it out of Capricorn by the end of the month, and although we are not out of the woods yet, we are a looking forward and thinking about our problems differently. As Jupiter moves into Aquarius and planets move into Scorpio, we experience these two signs in a powerful way. Yet the power contained in these signs is not always obvious. Many times, it expresses itself as an apparent weakness, a challenge. But the challenge itself is where we develop the strength (Mars), the commitment and ingenuity (Saturn and Rahu) to make changes. The changes may not come easily with either sign, as they are both fixed, yet they are also the signs of change (Scorpio) and innovation (Aquarius). We may resist the change as must as well allow it, but we must acknowledge the need for resistance. We even call movements which challenge how things are 'the resistance'. As Jung said, ''what you resist not only persists, but will grow in size''. Jupiter in Aquarius at least points to the growth of innovations which take us to next year's more hopeful indications as it enters its own sign, Pisces. For now, Jupiter in Aquarius offers other possibilities that we cannot see as yet. And because 'seeing is believing' is probably one of the apt phrases we could apply to Jupiter's transit in Aquarius, it at least suggest we can see something being developed now that offers us a light at the end of this particularly long tunnel. For more about Jupiter's transit in Aquarius, read an article I wrote with the help of a few patrons here: Freedom Seekers: Jupiter in Aquarius Sun in Scorpio Nov 16 - Dec 15 The Sun opposes Uranus on Nov 5, while in its sign of fall, the sign Libra. This occurs just after a powerful square to Saturn. This could express itself as a growing sense of unease which leads to a release of energy in all sorts of unpredictable and volatile ways. This could then lead to feelings of lack; lack of energy, of confidence, of trust. The Sun moves into a stronger position in Scorpio by mid-month. Until then, the Sun throws up some challenges that we may feel ill-equipped to deal with. The difference between Libra and Scorpio will be particularly highlighted in November; that is, the need to look after ourselves after a period of making many compromises. Scorpio is less about compromise, and more about doing what must be done to overcome a sense of weakness. The Sun's entry into Scorpio is a welcome relief in more ways than one. First, the Sun is no longer debilitated. Second, it is no longer receiving a difficult aspect from Saturn. This is like a wet blanket until mid-month, a dampening down of our confidence and trust in what we are doing. Also, the Sun is moving away from Mars, revealing the planet in late November, i.e., the ending of its combustion. Mars moving out of combustion shows a lessening of combustible indications. The Sun's entry into Scorpio, and Mars' subsequent entry in December, shows a more internal strength which can also play out in volatility in the world around us. And while it shows the potential for much destruction in the coming weeks and months, the strength of the fiery planets can be used for doing good things too. Scorpio shows a need to look within for strength, not to others for validation. That's what Mars in Libra is all about. It looks to others to see if it can express itself, which is why Mars is ill-suited to the sign in November. But it can play nice to get what it wants. By December, all that changes, as we feel a surge of power come up from within. This probably also means surges of power within, as we overcome our fears in private. Mars is well up for the job in Scorpio, when the time for talk is over, and the time to take action is at hand. You got this. Mercury in Scorpio Nov 20 - Dec 10 Mercury moves signs the same day Jupiter does, conjoining Ketu in Scorpio. Mercury and Ketu come into exact conjunction on Nov 25. This occurs just before it joins the Sun by exact degree on Nov 29, its superior conjunction. Mercury in Scorpio is usually a good time for getting to the bottom of something. This year, Mercury's in Scorpio suggests this is even more so the case, as it conjoins Scorpio's ruler, Ketu. There is a need to dredge things up from the past, to investigate the current situation with a new perspective. This reflects losses at this time. Ketu takes away that which stands in the way of who-we-really-are. And because who-we-really-are is not a thing, a position, a - whatever, Ketu can only teach us this valuable lesson by taking something away from us. Now, Mercury represents our intellect. It shows a need to work things out, rationally. The problem is, Ketu is irrational. It is fully embodied, fully sensed without any need to rationalize what is felt. This suggest many of use will seek to express our deeper fears from a very instinctual, irrational place. The combination of Mercury and Ketu points to the transition from the material world and practical concerns to the spiritual realms beyond the senses. This transition is seen in the planetary cycles of Mercury and Ketu, as well as the gaps between the water and fire signs, the gaṇḍānta degrees. The gap between Scorpio and Sagittarius is highlighted as a particularly challenging gap, one which sees many of the planets transit in November and the following weeks, suggesting more losses and uncertainties. But also a getting to the bottom of the issues, including the virus and pandemic. The emphasis on Scorpio and Aquarius, and their rulers, Ketu and Rahu, are once again running the show in the background of our awareness, reminding us of something beyond what is more obviously happening around us. Once something has been felt, the skills and planning required to overcome the challenges presented can be put in place. Full Moon in Taurus (Kṛttikā) Nov 19 - Partial Lunar Eclipse The Moon is at its exact degree of exaltation, at 3 degrees of Taurus, as is reaches its fullest. If this were not an eclipse I would have thought it would be an intensely enjoyable full Moon. Yet, the eclipse reflect the complexities of Rahu, the one which can be all or nothing - many times both; one after the other. This can show a block to enjoyments, or perhaps an overindulgence which leads to feeling blocked. Around the world, supply issues continue to take hold. Some countries hoard, while others starve. It is Rahu which shows why we can have mountains of waste in certain areas and a lack in others. As Kishori points out in our podcasts about the ''illuminating dark lord'', it is never in-between. Rahu is always all or nothing. This full Moon and eclipse in Kṛttikā suggest more issues coming to a head with regards to supply chains, and power, possibly through disruption in power and resources - maybe even blackouts in certain countries; the one's that lose out to those with more resources. Rahu's imbalances in Taurus suggest things have got to become so imbalanced before they come back into some sort of equilibrium. The adjustment itself is not a polite please, but an uproar from humanity. As I wrote in the article, The Lunar Nodes in Taurus & Scorpio, ''While Rāhu in Kṛttikā intensifies the need for power, if someone has the power, someone else has to lose out. This lunar mansion is associated with the Sun, linking the Sun and Rāhu, reflecting the need for resources and recognition. Ketu’s transit through Anuradha, will bring a more sober and committed feel, but it may also lead some to neglecting their responsibilities. That is because Anurādhā is associated with Saturn, which represents the ability to do the right thing, even in the depths of our fears, while Ketu represents a need to run from our problems, at times. There is a possibility of rising above our fears and opening our hearts to the pain of others, to devote ourselves to a cause, not to avoid others or how we are feeling.'' Ketu removes the blocks of Rahu. Ketu will create a total solar eclipse in Scorpio, opposite Rahu in Taurus, by Dec 4. This beings a time when the greed and its impact will be made more obvious and must be addressed in some way. This will change more to these dynamics into the New Year, with more and more blocks to resources forcing issues. For timing the eclipse, click here: New Moon in Scorpio Dec 4 - Total Solar Eclipse I'm including the December eclipse in the November report because eclipses come in pairs. It gives the lunar eclipse in Taurus more context as well. I think this is an important eclipse. All eclipses are important, of course. When they conjunct certain planets in our birth charts, it shows big changes in relation to what those planets represent. If we have any important indications at or around 18 degrees of Scorpio, or opposite in Taurus, we are more assured of changes, although I'm not sure the word 'assured' is appropriate in the context of an eclipse! Eclipses reflect uncertain times of change, of things feeling more fated and out of control, Change is never certain, even when we know it must happen. If we can be on board with the changes, we can certainly adapt with more ease. The thing is, most of us are going to react to uncertainty by holding on. This is never more of an issue then when the eclipses take place in the fixed signs, Taurus and Scorpio. Scorpio is the sign of change and transformation. Yet it is also a fixed sign which doesn't change that easily. It's as much about resistance to change as it is about change. But I think this is an underestimated part of the process. Resistance to change seems to be as important a part of the change itself. To me, it reflects an inner process at work, an adaptation to external or internal changes taking place. In this context, resistance is a necessary preparatory stage. In the context of society and the world at large, a resistance is a necessary part in making changes to the entrenched ideas and ways of being. According to Wikipedia, ''A resistance movement is an organized effort by least portion of the civil population of a country to withstand the legally established government or an occupying power and to disrupt civil order and stability.'' Hmm. Sounds to me like this is as much part of the changes which must occur in society. While it may seem like a resistance movement is about resisting change, it is actually about creating more change, in a way that benefits more. This eclipse is a powerful one because of Mars' involvement subsequently. Mars enters Scorpio on the day of the eclipse and will transit the eclipse degree by Dec 30. This points to bigger changes by the end of 2021. Secrets from the past are likely to be forced out into the open, whether we like it or not. Mars' powerful position in Scorpio, conjunct the equally powerful, yet not as obvious, Ketu, suggests the changes that are happening now are not just an inside job. It will probably change things in more obvious ways, too. Mars heightens the sense that things must be done about the deep internal changes taking place at this time - like, yesterday! Eclipses generally give us a sense of things feeling more fated, more tense and urgent, as if we must make a decision about something, and NOW! But it only feels that way. It isn't necessarily the case that we must do anything. And actually, it's probably best to put off doing anything for the first week of December, as you work it all out, in private. Once you've done that, you can then make the external adjustments by the end of December. The most obvious expression of this eclipse and Mars' subsequent transit will be the issues around the virus; mutations, development of treatments and protocols etc. This may lead to yet another wave of the virus, but it will also push things out into the open to help us understand the dynamics and what needs to be done. I will write more about this important eclipse next month, but just wanted to give you a head's up. The lunar eclipse on Nov 19 will open up more possibility for change, but also more vulnerability and uncertainty as we head into the total solar eclipse in Scorpio. Steady as she goes. For timing the eclipse, click here: - As always, I wish you the very best of what the month has to offer. OM TAT SAT Comments are closed.