Mars moves closer to its exaltation degree in October. It finally moves away from the south node, Ketu, a conjunction that brought up a lot of uncertainties and volatility. Mars breaks through a tricky nodal combination, known as Kala Amrita Yoga, when all visible planets are on either side of the nodes. Mars helps us to tackle issues with more certainty and courage. Mars is the ‘planet of war’, however, and its strong position lends itself to more destruction. This is emphasized due to Saturn’s current transit in the lunar sign Mula, which is ruled by the goddess of death and destruction, Niritti, as Saturn rules where Mars is placed until the end of the year. Mars moves into opposition to the previous solar eclipse degree in Cancer by the end of October, igniting this sensitized degree, creating even more potential for destruction, especially around water and fire, or a mix of both, as is the case in extreme weather events. While Mars is strong, the Sun enters Libra by October 17, its sign of weakness. Thankfully, this year Venus is retrograde in Libra from October 5 through November 16, making this year’s retreat into the darkness easier to deal with on the one hand - even enjoyable - but also complicating matters by intensifying and distorting our perceptions about what we value and love. New Moon in Virgo Oct. 9The new Moon in Virgo, and the lunar sign Hasta, is on October 9. This begins the festival of the nine nights of the goddess in India, known as Navaratri. This marks the beginning of a new direction, as Jupiter moves signs and Venus stations retrograde, bringing more inner growth and awareness; a healing and re-balancing to areas that have been hurt. Jupiter and Mercury are placed with Venus in Libra form October 6 to 11, bringing together all three benefic planets in the spirit of unity and compromise. This is a nice combination, while Mars gets us to face our limitations and move past these with courage. Jupiter enters Scorpio, on October 11, marking a big shift for the coming year. Jupiter has played a big role in how we have experienced changes in relation to equality issues, although this process has not been easy due to Saturn and Pluto's transit in Sagittarius. Unlike Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn’s transits give us insights into a bigger picture that are easier to define and acknowledge. Jupiter in Scorpio acknowledges our own role in power plays and internal struggles, while Saturn, with the help of Mars, continues to break apart old ways in preparation for a new approach. Another big shift in October is Venus retrograde in Libra. This reflects more focus on our values and relationships, including a re-balancing of these. We begin to wonder if it's all worth it. Are we doing what we truly value, and are we doing it with the people we should be doing it with? Are we all on the same page? Although these questions are important to ask, this is not necessarily the time to make any definite decisions. There are things to reconsider, but there are more insights available throughout the retrograde process before we make any decisions in due course. Full Moon in Aries Oct. 24October draws to a close with the full Moon in Aries on October 24, as the Moon joins Uranus from October 23, and is triggered by an exalted Mars on Mars' day, as it transits opposite the last solar eclipse degree in Cancer. The full Moon is opposite a combust Venus and then moves into an opposition to Jupiter in Scorpio, which is adding further fuel to Mars, so the last week of October is a 'hot spot', with the potential of creating more water-related destruction and anger issues coming to the surface. Scorpio begins to gather more attention, with Jupiter now in the sign, and Mercury moving into Scorpio on October 26 – where it will remain until New Year’s Day 2019. This is a long transit for Mercury in Scorpio, due to its retrograde transit from November 17 to December 6, as we go back over old hurts and wounds that can now begin to heal thanks to Jupiter. Jupiter brings the healing balm, and a deeper awareness of what's needed to move on. And sometimes, the only way to move on is to move in. October 2018 Sidereal TransitsVenus Retrograde in Libra Oct. 5 – Nov. 16
Mercury in Libra Oct. 6 – 25 New Moon in Virgo Oct. 9 Mercury opposes Uranus Oct. 10 Jupiter enters Scorpio Oct. 11 Mercury conjuncts Venus Oct. 15 Sun in Libra Oct. 17 - Nov. 16 Sun opposes Uranus Oct. 23 Venus in combustion Oct. 23 - 30 Full Moon in Aries Oct. 24 Mercury enters Scorpio Oct. 26 Mercury conjunct Jupiter Oct. 29 Venus opposes Uranus Oct. 31 Comments are closed.